Cold Night Of Correla

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On the night of November 4, 1938, 4 years after the annexation.  In the capital Correla, the Isavian are all too familiar with the cold of winter.  In the middle of the cold night, the roar of the engines of armored vehicles entering the city of the 5th Tetorrial Guard Regiment could be heard.  The Cyanite blue flags on the vehicles were painted carelessly but were still clearly visible from a distance.

The sound of armored vehicles disturbed the quiet night of the capital. A girl in her twenties was in the middle window, but the building was old and dull. She silently watched the soldiers coming out of the chariot.  She knows, it's been four years since the annexation. This beautiful, lovely capital here was once a battlefield, once a massacre, she hates them.

She hates these soldiers, they massacred the people she loved, they did disgusting things for resources, for land. She hated them, the Cyaniten. Her father was also killed by them because he had to serve as a soldier. Leaving behind her and her mother, she also just graduated from Correla Economics University.  But it was difficult to find work in the post-war period. This war has taken so much from her.

"It's late, Janes Silva. Should you go to bed early too?".  Her mother still cared for her very much at this age and rarely called her by her full name, but nonetheless she climbed into the bed next to the small coal-fired stove to lie down.  The sound of fire roaring in the dead of night accompanied her to sleep.  She rested after a busy day in the capital, she closed her eyes and relaxed.

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