Chapter 2

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---Allyson's Pov---

I awoke and i rubbed my head. I was aware that i have been stabbed, but honestly, my head hurt worse of all. "Ow, my head! W-Wait! W-Where's L-Laurence?!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder so i looked towards the owner. She had jet black hair, tan skin, and hazel brown eyes. "W-Who are y-you?! P-Please dont hurt me!"

Her lips formed a smile as she chuckled. "Of course im not going to hurt you Ally! What nonsense is that!" I stare at her confused. "Y-You know w-who i am?!"

She nodded. "My name is Aphmau. I understand you are suffering memory loss but i am your sis- never mind. Anyway do you happen to know what happened? You had healing magicks before but you were never able to completely heal them." I look down at my hands.

"I have h-healing m-m-magicks?" She nods. "Im just glad your ok Ally. I want you to know that i will forever help you through anything."

I smile, and few tears slip out of my eyes. "T-Thank you. W-Wait! Hows L-Laurence?!" She laughs. "Good. You saved him Ally."

She smiles and climbs down the ladder. I lay with my head facing up as i sigh. "T-This is a lot to t-take in..."

I hear talking down stairs so i try to be as quiet as i can so i can hear. "....She's not going to make it..." A few tears drop from my eyes as Aphmau climbs back up.

"Hey, um Ally? There is someone at the wall asking to see you." I nod, wiping the tears. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Can y-you help me w-walk?" She runs over and lets me lean onto her shoulder. We get out of the bed area and i look around to see a lot of unfamiliar faces.

I see someone with blond hair and ice blue eyes, i see someone with dark blue hair and same color eyes, i also see someone with pink hair and pink eyes. Everyone gasps when they see me as if they all somewhat know me. I keep beating myself up about not being able to remember anything. We get to the gate as a guard welcomes Aphmau as Apple. I shake it off and continue to walk when i see a female with blond hair with black tips. Her hair is in a pony tail that flows behind her, and she also has wolf ears popping out of her hair as well as a wolf tail that she wags when she sees me. She has a sword the color of ice that she holds to the side.

"A-Ally?! W-What happened to you?!" I shake my head as a sudden wave of dizziness hits me like a brick wall.

"J-JASMINE?!" Then suddenly, i am on the ground and everything is black.

---Laurence's Pov---

I pull out my huge emerald sword as i see Ally suddenly go unconscious. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I grit my teeth as the woman growls.


"She.... she isnt waking up!" I sit down next to Aphmau trying to make her calm down. "Come on! Please Ally!"

We see Ally's eyes flutter open slowly as i notice her breathing is starting to slow. She coughs as she attempts to sit up. "W-What h-happened guys? L-Last thing i r-remember was.... in..... O-OH NO!" She sits up coughing some more as she starts hyperventilating.

"Ally you have to breathe! What is wrong?!" She coughs some more and looks up at me, her eye ice blue as she hugs me. "L-LAURENCE!!"

"Ally whats wrong?!" She lets go of me as her head tilts and tears fall out of her eyes. "I..I remember..."

I smile and i hug her as she winces and coughs. "O-Oh im sorry! I forgot about your wounds." She shakes her head.

"J-Jasmine, what a-are you doing h-here?" She steps forward. "Scaleswind is looking everywhere for you." Ally frowns.

"Th-Theres no way! Why d-did you come h-here to make a j-joke?!" She shakes her head. "Its not a joke." I hear Ally sigh.

"I-I know..." She coughs as i see her lay back. "My chest r-r-really hurts. I-Im going to d-die arent i?" I shake my head.

"N-No! Dont think like that!" She nods. "Why? Its true! I have h-hurt so many people, i really d-deserve to die... Oh Irene..." A few tears slip from her eyes.

"Stop Allyson! You arent a bad person! Its not your fault!" "L-Laurence! It is m-my fault. I let m-my feelings g-get in the way. I-Im sorry e-everyone.."

Now Aphmau starts sobbing. "I-Its not your fault! Stop saying that! I am not going to let you die just like that!" She turns towards Aphmau.

"I-Its okay Aph-Aphmau. I heard wh-what you said." I hear stepping and look up to see Gene walking towards us.

"Guys i need all of you to step back." We all stare at him as we follow. He puts his hand onto her and she heals up. Emmalyn gasps. "G-Guys this still isn't like what Ally did to Laurence! There is still a scar here...." Aphmau tries to observe it but is pulled into a hug by Ally.

"Y-You didnt kill me while i was evil. You risked g-getting killed for me." Aphmau laughs. "Did you expect me to kill you?! Your funny!"

"Would you like to meet everyone in the village? You didnt get a chance to fifteen years ago so.." Ally turns towards Zoey. "F-Fifteen years?! W-WHAT?!"

"A-Ally please breathe." "I-I j-just..." She calms her breathing as she stands. "A-Alright."

After The Tour

---Ally's Pov---

"Here is Emmalyn's house. She didnt want to just not come back because she has been here sense the beginning." I laugh as Zoey gives the tour.

"U-Um Ally may i ask you a question?" We stop walking and turn around as we see Emmalyn standing in front of her house.

I walk back as Zoey and Aphmau follow. "This is a nice place Emmalyn!" She laughs. "I built it myself so it has everything i like!" I chuckle as she shows us 3 to her book room.

"Um, okay. So Ally? I was there when you healed Laurence and i have never seen such amazing magicks!" I blush and smile.

"Your right Emmalyn. Ally used amazing magicks that im not even sure she had before. Like i know she had healing magicks but when she healed Aphmau she still felt a little pain and she had a scar. Laurence felt no pain and there was no evidence that he even got stabbed." I look over at Aphmau who followed Zoey's speech with her own.

"Ally do you remember the relic you absorbed? That might be the ca-" Emmalyn cuts her off and jumps up.

"W-WHAT?! YOU ABSORBED A RELIC?!" I nod. "Zane was trying to grab the relic but instead it appeared right in front of me and it did something. Im not good with this kind of stuff."

She shakes her head. "EVERYONE LEAVE NOW! I HAVE TO TALK TO THIS AMAZING WOMAN!" I stare at her wide eyed. Aphmau and Zoey stand up looking the same as me.

"This is going to be a long day after all...."

Hey guys! Jasmine, the character introduced was an OC my friend wanted me to add. She will become a main character like the others soon enough but anyway that's it!
-Ally <3

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