Chapter 1

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Izuku and Jaune were on their break watching the news as they watch how Japan heroes are struggling with the reveal of All For One may be alive.

"Is that even possible that he is alive..I thought Assmight killed him" Jaune asked as Izuku growled at that thought  of All For One being alive and well

"Maybe the fucker did survive." Izuku said angrily at the thought of All For Jaune sensed tension between the anger as he tried to change the subject

"So how are the girls any chance I am going to be an uncle again with you having Eri and Alas." Jaune asked smirking as Izuku blushed deep red

"They are fine but how are Coco and Velvet. Last I heard they should be home last night bet that was interesting especially with Coco volunteer to show her new clothes that she got from the fashion show." Izuku said smirking with as Jaune blushed deeped red but before he could speak an announcement went off

" Will the pro heroes Guardian and Outcast Knight come to the office please thank you." Yor said though she sound displeased

"Is it me or is Auntie Yor made." Jaune said as he grabbed his bag while Izuku grabbed his jacket and put it on

"Beats me. We haven't done any mission or anything that could be dangerous yet." Izuku said as Jaune nodded as both boys walked to the office of Izuku Step Mother Yor who is the leader of the International Pro Heroes as Izuku felt uneasy as Jaune notice this as both were in the elevator going to see Yor as they exit the elevator and head to her office Izuku felt something

"Izuku are you alright." Jaune asked worried for his oldest friend and brother in arm as Izuku nodded shacklingly

"Yeah... it just uneasy feeling." Izuku said as Jaune immediately raised an eyebrow as Izuku being to sniff as his eye widen and anger began to consume him as Jaune looked worried

"Is it them?" Jaune asked with worry and anger as Izuku nodded just as the door opened as Yor was glaring at Nezu, Glynda, Ozpin, Aizawa, Inko, and All Might with few students Izumi, Momo, Pyrrha, and Weiss  as Inko notice Izuku

"MY BABY!!!" Inko said as she tried to rush to him only for Yor pulled out her gun and point it at Inko

"DON'T EVEN TRY TOUCHING MY BABY!!! YOU KNOW YOUR RIGHTS NOW KEEP IT TO YOURSELF" Yor said angrily as Inko was terrified as Yor turned to her son and nephew

"We have a situation and we are discussing so wait outside for few minute to discuss the mission and responsibilities." Yor said as Izuku and Jaune nodded as they walked out only for, Izumi, Momo, Weiss, Pyrrha to follow them as they approach them


Izuku and Jaune were glaring at the girls who looked away from their brother/crush

"Hello Izuku/ Onii-chan we missed you for so long." Izumi and Momo said while Momo blushing seeing Izuku

"Hello Jaune it being a long time." Weiss and Pyrrha said blushing seeing their crush after so long

"Well I hope we would have waited longer." Izuku said angrily as Momo and Izumi lokked away

"Actually I prefer if we never saw them again." Jaune said glaring at Weiss and Pyrrha who looked away with shame

"Zuzu..Jaune." Two girl voice said as Jaune and Izuku turned to see Rias and Coco approaching as Rias hugged Izuku while Coco tackled Jaune for a hug and kiss making two certain girl jealous

"Who the fuck is this bitch." Pyrrha and Weiss said angrily

"Izu who these." Momo asked in shocked as Rias and coco glared at them

"My name is Rias I am a student in Unity academy and one of Izuku girlfriend." Rias said breaking momo heart

"What." Momo said shocked

"I am Coco Adel Fashion model and one of Jaune girlfriend." Coco said smirking breaking Pyrrha heart making Weiss eye widen in shock

"W-what." Weiss said in shocked and disbelief that Jaune was taken as her heart was crushed

"Yep." Coco said smirking as Rias smirked at Izumi and Momo

"You stay away from Jaune/Izuku." Pyrrha and Momo said angrily as Coco and Rias smiled innocently and nuzzled into Jaune and Izuku arms as the girls looked heartbroken

As Aizawa exit out

"Problem chid it's good..." Aizawa was cut of from a glare from izuku and his friends as All might came out and tried to hug izuku

"My son..." all might got kicked right in the face by Izuku who smirked

"I am not your son Yagi." Izuku said angrily

"Izuku please we want your forgiveness." Momo

"Same as well Jaune." Pyrrha said as both glared at them

"You betrayed and bullied us for what being late boomer. I am glad I finally had the courage to tell my family. How are my stupid cousin." Jaune asked

"They miss you Jaune both yang and Ruby cry for their only male cousin to return home." Weiss said

"Yeah well I don't miss them." Jaune said glaring

"With with you guys did to us. How can we trust you." Izuku said as he glared at Izumi

"Onii-chan pls forgive me... Please!" Izumi cried

"Don't call him that! You're nothing but trash! We should have been together since birth!" Izuku yelled back as he slapped her across the cheek as Izuku yelled back as he slapped her across the cheek

All Might went over to Izumi and hugged her while patting her head and whispered something into her ear which made her smile a little before she wiped the tears off her eyes.

Izuku activated black flames as All Might buff up as he saw his former son as he saw Izuku using Black flame. Izuku then launch a barrage of fireballs at All Might who easily dodged each one of them, until Izuku launched a massive fireball at him and unleashed an aura blast on Izuku making him unable to move or use any powers as his body was now burning hot like lava as All Might scream in pain "NOOOOOOOOO!!" He fell down onto the ground crying out loud.

Aizawa ran towards Izuku as everyone else just watched shocked. When they realized how strong Izuku is now and how much stronger than him he became. They all felt sad for Izuku seeing this. Izuku punch him so hard with cosmic icepower that it send Aizawa flying through the air landing outside of the school building. Everyone gasped watching Aizawa fly away and fall unconscious.

Everyone were shocked hearing what happened and stood there frozen when Izuku turned around and faced them with a smirk on his lips.

"I will destroy you all!! And take back what you stole from me." Izuku said looking straight forward with rage filled eyes as he raised his hand and summoned his katana "Kazekage no Shuriken" .

"This time you won't be able to escape." Izuku said as he took aim at the students and fired several shurikens at them. The students dodge and jump out of the way avoiding getting hit.

Momo and Weiss charged at Izuku with Katana as Izuku clashed his katana with theirs

Weiss used her sword to block Kazakages blade from hitting hers while Momo blocked Izuku sword with her own

The two swords clash sending shockwaves throughout the whole area causing dust to rise and swirl about them.

Both Izuku and Weiss were pushing themselves to get more energy and strength as they continued fighting each other with great speed and skill

Izuku and Momo swords clashed again as Izuku kicked her in the face knocking her aside and slashing at momos chest cutting off some of her skin revealing red blood dripping down

Izuku moved his attention to Weiss who was dodging Izuku attacks and counter attacking him with a powerful kick that sent him flying back smashing into the wall breaking part of it and falling on the floor unconscious.

Izuku then focused his anger on Izumi who was trying to run away from him as he chased after her with great speed catching up to her and swinging his katana aiming for her neck as she jumped backwards avoiding his attack.

Izumi then punched Izuku square in the stomach making him double over and cough up some blood. She swung another blow aimed for Izukus' face but Izuku grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to himself before kicking her in the gut making her stumble backward coughing up more blood.

Izume took advantage and slashed at Izuku's legs leaving deep cuts along his thighs as Izuku roared and charged at Izumi with his katana ready to slice her apart as Izuku kicked her out knocking her out

"Babe enough." Rias said holding Izuku arm as they kissed as Jaune glared at Pyrrha

"So little Nikos has grown up."Jaune said as he aimed his sword at her

"I will show you i have change." Pyrrha said as she charged forward clashing her blade with Jaune's who easily blocked hers as he parried with her as both charged each other. "You have changed Jaune but not that much!" She shouted as she swung her sword while Jaune countered by aiming a kick at her midsection, which hit her as Jaune punch her with fire across the face as she skidded as Jaune rushed clashing blade with Pyrrha who blocks it with her shield while he knocks it aside with his own sword before swinging his blade at her head, which hits her in the side of the neck causing blood to flow from the wound. The impact sent her stumbling backwards

"I am no longer the same boy you once bullied." Jaune said as he charged with a punch as Pyrrha blocked his punch only to be kneeled on by him as he punched her in the stomach as she clutches her stomach and coughs up blood as he delivers another punch to her stomach. "But I haven't forgotten how you treated me when we were younger." He says as he delivers a third punch that sends her flying through the air landing in front of the arena as she coughed up more blood as she lies there coughing up blood

"Pyrrha is hurt." Weiss said as she rushes to her side as Izumi rushes forward helping her get back on her feet

"She is fine." Izumi said. "It was just a light wound."

"How could you hurt her." Momo said as she looked down at Jaune.

"No one hurts my friends and gets away with it." Jaune said turning to face the crowd. "And no one hurt my family!"

Izuku looked at them "We hate you guys so much that we don't trust you. The only person in Japan we trust is Winter."

"Glad to hear that you still care for me Izuku." Winter said walking in through the door behind them. She looks around before noticing Pyrrha lying unconscious on the ground.

"Did the idiot mess with you guys." Winter asked Izuku and Jaune.

"Not exactly they started." Izuku answered pointing to Izumi Pyrrha and Momo before noticing Jaune

"Hello Jaune its good to see you ."Winter said as Jaune blushed at her words as Izuku quickly knocks out Izumi Momo and Weiss before they can say something stupid

"Heh... I'm glad to be here Winter." He smiled at her.

"You're not fooling anyone, Winter thought. You are very happy to see me. And why shouldn't you? After all, it's been years since you last saw me. It must be nice to have someone who knows what you've been up to. Someone who cares enough about you to worry when you go missing from your home. But then again, maybe you should stop hiding things from people like me."

Jaune nodded "Yeah... Yeah... I how is it been being a pro hero"

"Well... Its great but there isn't anything more I can do except save lives and protect people. That's why I need your help to become stronger so I can fight against evil and protect everyone. I hope you guys are returning back/" Jaune said

"All for one has return perhaps it is time for us to come to Japan." Jaune said as Winter smiled and nods

"Well as long as we can kick the traitor ass. I am fine with it." Izuku said

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