Chapter 3

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" Coulson, Fury, have you convinced our resident mad scientist? " a platinum blonde Caucasian man in his late fifties approached them on the hallway. His blue irises in eyes were hiding behind the clear transparent lens of his glasses. The old man was a wearing a suit as the African-American man and his brunette partner.

" Yes, sir, " Fury nodded.

" I'll assign the three of you to Area 51 in Nevada. It's a classified US Air Force Base, " the SHIELD Director informed and handed the envelope marked as confidential.

" Director Keller, it's allegedly labelled as..." Coulson hesistantly paused.

" Coulson, you might be mentioning 'aliens'. We are avoiding public scrutiny and ridicule at all costs, " Keller seriously spoke. " Our mad scientist is one of them, but never mention where he had originated. By the way, where the hell is he? "

" He's doing his advanced technological research and development with our other scientists at the lab, " Fury answered and looked on the window seeing the pink Kree scientist in a long white coat placing an unearthly glowing gem into the new equipment he was testing.

The three men watched the equipment function, but sooner it started to spark and explode. The scientists and laboratory technicians instantly rushed into safety away from the affected area. Clouds of smoke and mist scattered within the lab. Doctor Mar-Vell loudly coughed and panted as his whole body was covered with smoke and ashes. His hair was disheveled which he looked like the late Albert Einstein in appearance.

" Owww, F@C《! " he angrily cursed and  then coughed.

" Doctor Mar-Vell, what on Earth have you done?! " Keller asked him worryingly.

" You know what's the problem, Mister Keller?! " Mar-Vell grumblingly spoke and brushed off the dirt. " The Pamite won't work in your so-called new machine! It's a damned primitive for Hala's sakes! Is that what you called ' State-of-the-Art'?! "

" What's a Pamite? "

The irate Kree scientist rolled his eyes to his disgust and furiously thought, " These Earth children have no any idea what a damned Pamite is?! What kind of morons are they?! " He sighed and managed to smile, inhibiting his tormenting impatience. " Director Keller, I know humans have a very limited knowledge about the most important mineral in the cosmos which can generate energy effectively to any weaponry, vehicle, and equipment. "

" Where can we find this mineral, doctor? " Keller queried.

" Of course, this is found on my homeworld, Planet Hala. "

" This freakingly weird glowing rock can cause too much trouble, Doc, " Fury intently grinned and remarked. " It can nuke anytime if not being handled. "

" You have coal, petroleum, and other substances on your planet which they can be essential sources of energy, Mister Fury, " Mar-Vell harshly replied. " Unless, you Earth children need to improve your resources. You really depend on your primitive ones. That's why your technological civilization never evolves! Your capitalist brothers doesn't care about your scientific and technological enhancement! They're nothing, but money! "

The SHIELD scientists and lab technicians indignantly shot a glare at the mad pink Kree. The others murmured like they were saying to each other, " What a prick he is. Is that what you called a colleague? " Coulson turned to Fury and sighed exasperatedly. Keller gave the mad scientist a deadpan stare. For them, Doctor Mar-Vell was a high functioning and intelligent space alien sociopath who spent his life on Earth in science, trash talking, and vices.

" Alright, " the SHIELD Director broke his silence and looked at the laboratory staff. " We'll send the maintenance team to clean and fix this up. " Then, he turned to the Kree scientist and said, " As for you, Doctor. You'll be joining Fury and Coulson for now. You'll return to your lab duties once this is investigation is solved. They need an experienced scientist and war veteran like you. "

" Gentlemen, I told you I am nothing, but a f@(k¡ng..." Mar-Vell heatly paused.

"...Liability? " Fury abruptly interrupted and continued the thought. " Remember, Doc. No lab work, no cigar and some bottles of wine,  if you don't get involved with field work. "

The mad Kree scientist angrily mumbled in his mother tongue and exasperatedly sighed. He relented and pouted, " Fine, you Earth children want my repetitive Kree-Skrull war stories to come alive. So be it, like I have no choice! "

" Well then, expect a flight tomorrow morning. Get prepared, " Keller nonchalantly smiled.

(Edwards Air Force Base, California: 4:00 PM PST)

Carol entered her superior's officer as Colonel Walter Lawson turned his attention. She saluted at him in greeting. He nodded back in response.

" At ease, Danvers, " he said and asked. " Any developments for this case? "

" Sir, I have been in the other bases within California, " Carol answered and handed him of her findings. " Henderson and I have found injured people within the area and a few were dead. The assailants remained unknown. "

Lawson seemed to be unnerved and cocked his eyebrows and read the reports from the US Air Force major. Beale Air Force Base,  Los Angeles Air Force Base , March Air Reserve Base, Travis Air Force Base, and Vandenberg Air Force Base were affected from the intrusion. He heavily sighed and looked at the ceiling. The elderly Air Force officer frowned and crossed his fingers, thinking the situation could be very dreadful.

" Sir? "  Carol called his attention.

" We have to tighten our security within those bases, Danvers," the Air Force Colonel sternly spoke. " We will be having an emergency situation once those unknown infiltrators have come to take siege on another base. "

" I am willing to be part of the security, Colonel," she musingly convinced.

" No, Danvers, I'm assigning you to Area 51. "

Carol curiously tilted her head and crossed her arms. She wondered why she would be assigned to that place. She had already known that base has been classified to the public aside from test planes operations.

" Sir, are you going to let me fly test planes? " she asked.

" No, our personnel found a crashed unidentifying flying object a month ago. I assign you to get there and identify if this is related to the case, " Lawson answered.

" So, missing people and shape-shifters? " Carol surmised. " Do you think they're correlated, sir? "

" That's why I need you to have a look and investigate further, Danvers. Make sure you can obtain information and keep it under wraps, understood? "

" Yes, sir, " she saluted.

(Area 51, Nevada: 9:00 AM)

Entering the compound facility and secret base, Major Carol Danvers arrived with some US Air Force personnel. They spotted a crashed space alien fleet on the ground. There were scientists and other military personnel involved on site. Just then, she saw three business suited men coming to the area: a middle aged African-American, a brunette Caucasian, and a long blonde haired set on a pony tail and bearded one wearing eyeglasses. They were talking to another military personnel as she noticed them.

" Who are these three stoogies? What the heck are they doing in my classified mission? Don't tell me they're going to disclose this UFO crash in public, " she heatedly thought and glared, approaching them. " Excuse me, gentlemen. I'm afraid you're prohibited to enter a classified base. This is a strictly US Air Force investigation case. "

" Miss, this is also a SHIELD Case, " a brunette man politely said. " My partner and this field scientist have also come to investigate for this potential threat in order to prevent public fear and scrutiny. "

" Investigate?! " Carol hautingly laughed and taunted. " Really? Are you boys should be hunting for HYDRA Agents elsewhere? Why the hell are you interested with this alien crash? "

" You think we are the three meddling blind mice here, eh?! " the blonde bearded Kree scientist shot a glare to her and retorted. " We don't think so. This is SHIELD's business, little girl! Stay away from trouble or you'll get into trouble! "

" So, this old gruff man is a sassy one, " she thought and crossed her arms. " I'm sorry to say this, sirs. You're still prohibited here. "

" Miss, why not we make a teamwork here, " the African-American man suggested. " We can enter that spaceship and take a look at it. Then, we don't care what will you be putting it on paper. Understood? "

Carol looked at the three men and frowned in contemplation. For her, she wouldn't allow anyone to enter a classified point of interest since this is part of the US Air Force rules. Somehow, she was being compelled to let them in and relentedly sighing.

" Fine, you guys come and join me for now, " she angrily stressed and pointed her right index finger at them. " But make sure, you don't disclose to public in what you see inside that alien spacecraft. Understand?! "

" Miss, why the hell you have so much trust issues with SHIELD? " Coulson asked.

" You guys are supposed to fight against HYDRA, not having a joint mission with us! "

Doctor Mar-Vell snickered and maniacally laughed at the lady US Air Force personnel. Carol cocked her eyebrows and crossed her arms, defiantly glaring at him.

" Gentlemen, what the hell's wrong with this bearded blonde psychopath wearing a business suit? " she asked.

" He's not just any psychopath, miss, " Fury seriously replied and introduced him to her. " He's our resident engineer and astrophysicist from outer space. This is Doctor Mar-Vell. "

" So, you, SHIELD Agents, are permitting some alien mad scientists to work with you, " Carol sarcastically smirked. " Great, you have let our planet in jeopardy for a possible alien invasion! "

" Little girl, aren't you supposed to play with your dolls?! " Mar-Vell tauntingly asked her.

" I'm not just any little girl, Doc. My name's Major Carol Susan Jane Danvers from the US Air Force. You and your friends can go with me to investigate the spaceship just once, " she nonchalantly spoke.

" Fine, we'll go with you. "

As the four people entered the spacecraft, the interior was too wide and large in capacity. The unearthly metallic walls was very dark. Doctor Mar-Vell illuminated his right hand in radiant bright yellow which he served as the group's flashlight to break the darkness. The entire place seemed to be very silently eerie for anyone who would come. Danger could be lingering around.

" I didn't know your mad scientist can do a light show, " Carol remarked.

" Obviously, I'm a superpowered mad scientist from outer space, " Mar-Vell deadpanned. " You don't have to tell me twice, little girl. "

" Really, " she snickered,  turned to Fury and Coulson, and asked. " How did you find out this case which I am handling? "

" Originally, this is SHIELD's case, Major Danvers, " the African-American operative answered. " One of our agents had reported of an unidentified crashed object. We suspect there's an extraterrestrial activity. "

" What extraterrestrial activity? "

" Alien abductions, not just on your turf, " the brunette man simply responded. " We have been investigating missing civilian people and shapeshifters for the past month. Does it ring you a bell? "

" I guess your cases are similar to mine in the Air Forces bases. "

" So, then. I believe you deserve to here a bedtime story from me, little girl? " Mar-Vell mused.

" What bedtime story, Doc? "

" The Kree-Skrull war. "

" Regale me, then. "

The blonde pink Kree scientist fixed his glasses and cleared his throat. Carol crossed her arms and anticipated for the old man to speak. Fury and Coulson had understood what the mad scientist would repetitively tell.

" A very long time ago, a group of green skinned beings from Andromeda Galaxy had come across the intergalatic universe to expand and share their scientific and technological advancement and knowledge. They had reached my home galaxy and landed on my planet, meeting my people and the plant race. The Skrulls shared their knowledge and practices and deviced a test to see which race was worthy to be an ally. So, they sent the Cotati and my fellow Kree onto the living side of your moon. The two races spent their efforts for the test, until the Cotati race was found to be more superior than my fellow people. The Kree slaughtered the plant beings and stole the Skrull ship and weaponry. From there, the Skrulls and the Kree became long term mortal enemies. They spent fighting for such damned and senseless motive. "

Out of respect, Fury and Coulson nodded and understood. On the other hand, Carol was yawning and becoming unamused to what the old Kree scientist had told.

" Hey, are you even listen.." he paused and saw the US Air Force major running away from the group. He furiously yelled at her,  " Hey, come back here! Dammit! Merde! "

" Doc, I didn't know you could curse in French? " Coulson commented and remained confused.

" I have spent learning your other language in France for six months before you guys found me! " Mar-Vell sternly spoke and continued his ramblings in French. " Cette petite fille sera maudite! Elle est une charge d'ennuis comme je l'ai senti plus tôt! Maintenant, quelle est la prochaine étape? On verra son corps sans vie gisant dans une mare de sang?! (That little girl will be damned! She's a load of trouble as I have sensed earlier! Now, what's next? We'll see her lifeless body lying in a pool of blood?!) "

Fury understood the mad Kree scientist's rant in French and loudly laughed, " You know, Doc. She's got potential! "

" What potential?! She's a freaking nuisance, Mister Fury! Après cette mission, j'ai fini de garder les enfants de la Terre! J'ai besoin de vacances en France ou de m'envoyer en Antarctique, définitivement! (After this mission, I'm done babysitting Earth children! I need a vacation in France or send me to Antarctica, permanently!) "

" Before you think of that, we'd better go after her. "

Mar-Vell heavily sighed and relented, " Droit! (Right!) "

Leaving the three men behind, Carol wandered around and went the farthest. The dead eerie silence was still lingering around the place. Suddenly, she heard some unearthly noises from a distance. They sounded like a moving machinery or apparatus and followed by an unknown language.

" Odd, I have never heard anything like it! I'd better uncover it myself before those three stoogies will find me, " she thought and continued walking.

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