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(Year 2023: Paris, France: 4:45 PM)

A young blonde boy with a pair of emerald eyes came home to his family's apartment with a red backpack on his back. He was wearing a dark navy blue shirt with a golden yellow lightning design on it and a pair of khaki pants and red sneakers. He kept knocking on the door and waited for everyone to respond.

" Ma, Bonjour? " the boy curiously called anyone's attention. "
Je suis à la maison! (I'm home!) "

He kept knocking on the door, however there was an extreme dead silence. The boy curiously tilted his head and knocked for the third time. Suddenly, the door creaked and opened by itself. He looked apprehensive and took a deep breath, entering the flat. Walking around the flat, the boy kept looking for his mother in every room. Still, she wasn't there.

" I wonder where she is right now, " he deeply thought and brought down his red backpack on the table. " Or even, Pa, oh well. "

The child sat down on the couch, noticed some magazines and newspapers about the Avengers fighting such evil threats. He closely looked at them and pick one news article fighting against Ultron. He was intently moving the pages, finding the article, and reading it.

" Ma could have been part of the Avengers and still fighting along with them as Captain Marvel, " he thought and kept reading. " With that, the bad guys are toast! "

The boy continued reading. Without his knowledge, his mother was standing behind the couch. She was a woman with an average height and athletic frame. Her long curly marigold locks was set in a ponytail touching her back. She was wearing a turtle necked red long sleeved shirt with a dark blue trimming from her neck to shoulder and a golden yellow star of Hala. Under her tops, she was wearing a pair of dark pants and fuzzy white slippers. The mother surprisingly held her son's shoulders. The boy slowly moved his head around, got startled, and instantly jumped from his seat like a shrieked cat.

" Ma, Sacré Bleu! " he exclaimed in shock.

Mrs. Carol Susan Jane Danvers-Montmartre loudly laughed at her son as her antics made him too surprised. The boy curiously titled his head and tried to understand what she was doing earlier. Then, he slowly smiled and joined with her laughter. Carol sat beside him on the couch and gently held his shoulder.

" Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, haven't you gotten used to my surprising tactics before? " she evilly smirked and gently rubbed her son's back.

" Ma, you almost got me a heart attack! " Amnon reasoned and asked. " Where were you when I kept searching? "

" I was in the bathroom at that time and left the door open for you to come in, " Carol replied. " This time, I've found you reading that newspaper. Aren't you supposed to do your homework and study in your room? "

Amnon heard his mother's question, nervously grinned and chuckled. Then, he responded her in French like a spookingly funny and awkward English-speaking Japanese cop from a classic sentai series, " Aujourd'hui c'est vendredi à Paris, France! (Today is Friday in Paris, France!) "

" Qu'est-ce que vous insinuez, monsieur Montmartre? (What are you implying, Mr. Montmartre?) " she queried and cocked her eyebrows in doubt, crossing her arms.

" Eh bien, je suis censé regarder des anime, jouer à des jeux vidéo et lire des mangas tous les week-ends, n'est-ce pas? (Well, I'm supposed to watch anime, play video games, and read manga every weekend, right?) " Amnon said and gave his mother a convincing grin.

" Les devoirs et les corvées d'abord, avant vos affaires. Rappelez-vous, votre père et moi ne cessons de vous le dire. (Homework and chores first, before your stuff. Remember, your father and I keep telling you that.) " she sternly reminded.

" Right...I'm supposed to watch an episode of Hacksaw Man tomorrow, " he sighed to his dismay in English and changed his topic. " Anyways, Pa will be coming home later, I guess? "

" He's still teaching at the university in his last physics class for his shift. Just help us preparing dinner, okay? "

" Sure, " he nodded.

" By the way, I still don't get why you kids enjoy seeing bloody fights against bad guys and dealing with demons to get powers, " Carol interjected. " I watched an episode of Hacksaw Man with you. Your favorite hero Kenji just instantly killed and sliced off a bad guy's head during that fight. "

" Ma, it's because he's a demon hunter along with his friends. They're meant to track down demons and kill them, just like you and the other Avengers did before. "

" That depends if what kind of threat I was dealing before, " Carol replied and changed the topic. " Look, I left the Avengers when you were in the womb and until you got out of me. Your father and I raised you for a decade. "

" I guess, I should be thankful for you in taking care of me, " Amnon smiled sincerely and commented. " It could be cooler if you remain a mom and an Avenger! "

" I can't serve two masters, my dear boy, " Carol deadpanned and sighed.

" Oh, right...."

" Speaking of some episodes in Hacksaw Man, when I watched those demon hunters seeking demons, it reminded me of those my US Air Force days and initiative as Captain Marvel, " she said.

Amnon curiously tilted his head and asked, " Ma, what do you mean? "

" Those demons remind me of those evil Kree and Skrulls who kept fighting each other for several years. They wanted to colonize this planet. I have heard some missing people who got abducted and died. "

" Woah..." Amnon muttered in shock.

" Wanna hear a story? " Carol asked.

" Sure..."

" Okay, this is gonna be a very long story. I am sure you will like it. "

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