14. Engimatic Duel

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After embracing them tightly, Ira took a step back and uttered, "Wow, I can't believe I'm finally home. I've missed all of you so much."

Four years, that's a long time. Ira stood amidst the familiar and enchanting scenery, a place where she had spent her entire childhood practicing and playing. Every corner held memories she cherished dearly.

Her gaze shifted to Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait, their expressions still reflecting the hurt they must have felt. She empathized with them; she knew she would have felt the same way if her best friends had kept secrets from her. But now, she was determined to make things right. Back then, the lies were necessary, but it was time to reveal the truth.

However, her immediate concern was Aashi. Ira fervently hoped that Tara hadn't harmed her in any way.

Arin chimed in, "Oh, our little girl has grown up into such a beautiful young woman."

Eir smiled and added, "Indeed, we're thrilled to see you again after such a long time. We've missed you dearly."

With tears still welling in her eyes, Raya exclaimed, "Why didn't you visit us even once in these past four years? It just hasn't been the same without you. But look at you now, you're so stunning."

Hearing these heartfelt words, Ira giggled and glanced around at her familiar and enchanting surroundings. She realized how much she had missed her friends and the warmth of her home.

Her attention turned to Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait, and she asked, "Are you all doing okay?"

They were still in a state of disbelief, unable to reconcile the fact that Ira looked nothing like their friend Aashi. She had transformed into someone entirely different, someone so beautiful.

Avi, feeling a mix of emotions, blurted out, "Was Aashi never real? Was everything between us just a facade?"

Meeting Avi's gaze after such a long time, Ira smiled and replied, "Our friendship was always genuine. Nothing was ever fake, other than my identity."

Avi felt a rush of conflicting emotions, sensing a hint of betrayal from Ira. Everything they had shared together felt so real, yet now it seemed like an illusion.

Arsh finally responded, "We're doing alright," in answer to Ira's earlier question.

Advait and Vani stood in stunned silence as they gazed at, their longtime friends. The realization that they might not be human left them bewildered, struggling to come to terms with this baffling revelation.

Ira nodded, then turned to Arin, Eir, and Raya, and asked, "How is she? Is she doing okay?"

Eir responded, "I checked on her a while ago, and she seemed fine."

Finally, Ira turned her attention to Riaan and Aesha and inquired, "Where are Aashi's parents?"

Riaan responded, "They're still unconscious inside the spacecraft."

Turning to Arin, Ira said, "Please call the doctor from the mansion to come here."

Arin, Eir, and Raya exchanged sheepish smiles and said, "Before you left, I know you said to make arrangements to have the island heavily guarded at all times, including medical services. Unfortunately, the doctor we trusted had to leave for a day due to an emergency, and we didn't feel comfortable with any other doctor."

Ira smiled knowingly and said, "That's alright, don't worry."

She gazed at the spaceship, and a soft white light emitted from her hands, getting inside the spacecraft. The light returned, carrying Aashi's parents, who appeared as if they were peacefully sleeping within its sparkling glow.

Ira gently placed her hands on their foreheads, where remnants of blood still lingered from their unfortunate fall in the treacherous caves. Despite the initial first aid, traces of blood remained as a reminder of their ordeal. As her hands made contact, a radiant glow emanated from Ira's touch. Within seconds, the blood on their foreheads and head injuries vanished, leaving no evidence of their previous wounds.

Turning her attention to their hands, marked with cuts and scratches from the unforgiving cave rocks, Ira extended her healing powers. Her hand hovered above their skin, emitting a gentle brilliance. As her fingertips made contact with their wounds, the cuts and scratches dissolved into nothingness, as if they had never existed.

Ira then directed her gaze towards Eir. With a nod of confirmation, Eir summoned his wand and skillfully wielded it once more. In a matter of moments, a glass bottle filled with a vibrant blue liquid materialized in his hands.

Taking the bottle from Eir, Ira delicately opened it and poured a few drops of the mysterious liquid into the mouths of Aashi's parents, who lay unconscious.

Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait stood there, their minds awash with disbelief and astonishment. Witnessing Ira's extraordinary abilities had shattered the confines of their imagination and propelled them into a new reality. The concept of magic had been confined to the realms of myth and fiction, but now, before their very eyes, it had become an undeniable truth.

Vani finally asks getting anxious," What are you guys?"

Before anyone could respond, they heard the sound of the gate opening in front of them.

A lady emerged, bowing to everyone before addressing Ira, "Welcome home, Miss Ira." She then turned to Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait, saying, "Welcome to Slyrio."

Her name was Alice, and she had a voice reminiscent of a machine. Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait looked at her with confusion.

To them she looked like any normal person but her voice seemed off.

Aesha, noticing their perplexed expressions, explained, "Her name is Alice. She is an automaton, you can say a robot. She is the head of house maids here, she also manages security. Don't worry, she isn't dangerous."

Ira turned to Alice and asked, "What happened?"

Then adds," And it's nice to see you ,Alice, again after so long."

Alice responded, "She has awakened and is exhibiting dangerous behavior."

Upon hearing this, Ira instructed Alice, "Take Aashi's parents to a room near hers."

Riaan, Aesha, Arin, Eir, and Raya looked at Ira, who said, "Let's go inside."

The six of them hurried indoors, leaving Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait bewildered. However, the four of them decided to follow.

As they stepped inside, their eyes were drawn to the mesmerizing sight before them: a vast glass mansion, a marvel of architectural grandeur, with masked guards strategically positioned throughout the opulent space. The mansion itself seemed capable of housing an entire army, its transparent walls casting a surreal purple hue as they reflected the enchanting night sky above.

The surrounding ambiance was nothing short of magical. The moon's gentle radiance caressed a sprawling garden, bursting with an array of vibrant, otherworldly flowers that appeared to revel in the lunar glow. A magnificent fountain graced the front of the mansion, its centerpiece a stunning sculpture of a graceful mermaid holding a pot from which water elegantly cascaded.

The guards, mysterious and formidable, wore attire reminiscent of a fantasy world, clad in sleek black garments adorned with gleaming golden armor and helmets concealing their identities. Despite the fantastical appearance, they were armed with a stylish looking gun, combining the allure of ancient times, a sword.

But something caught their attention-a figure in the sky with a black aura surrounding her. She appeared almost lifeless, her eyes pitch black. Her body bore numerous wounds and bruises, even on her face. Upon closer inspection, Avi, Arsh, Vani, and Advait recognized her as Aashi. They were puzzled.

Ira found herself as bewildered as the others. The Aashi she once knew seemed like a distant memory. Aashi had been immobile for the past four years, paralyzed and unable to move. Yet, here she was, soaring through the air, her body bearing cuts and bruises, they were the results of self harm.

In an instant, the truth struck Ira like a bolt of lightning. Tara's warning about being unable to protect Aashi finally made sense. Aashi was now intertwined with Mavro, and Ira realized that she was powerless to shield her. The scene unfolding before her eyes was hauntingly familiar, echoing an event that had transpired four years ago.

Suddenly, Aashi locked eyes with them, a malicious smile on her face and descended near them. They were horrified by her appearance.

Avi was about to say something when Aashi focused on Vani, gripping her hands and ascending into the air. Just before she could release Vani, Ira swiftly flew close to Aashi, managing to catch Vani's hand and prevent her from falling and getting hurt.

Ira brought Vani back to the others, asking, "Are you okay?"

Vani nodded, still shaken by the ordeal.

Avi, Arsh, and Advait approached Vani, examining her to ensure she was unharmed. Finding no injuries, Advait embraced her while they all observed Aashi, still hovering in the air.

Ira turned to Riaan, Aesha, Arin, Eir, and Raya, instructing them, "Stay with them here and protect them. No one shall harm Aashi, no matter what."

With those words, Ira flew towards Aashi's ,pleading, "This isn't you, Aashi. Snap out of it, please."

Aashi moved closer to Ira and released a dark energy ball, striking her and causing injury. Undeterred, Ira persisted in her attempts to reach Aashi. Aashi unleashed another energy ball, but Ira managed to evade each one.

The confrontation continued, with Aashi launching attacks and Ira deftly avoiding them.

She managed to dodge all attacks, except one and that sent her falling towards the ground.

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