10 - Departure

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Three weeks after the Darkseid invasion, things had finally settled down and everyone had returned to their normal routine. For Alexandra Smith, that meant drinking at least three cups of coffee in a day while working on cases with her fellow CSIs. Although if one good thing had emerged out of this invasion, it was the fact that the crime rate had significantly reduced.

Most small-time criminals hadn't stepped out or done what they usually did. Alex theorised it was because of the invasion. They must have been affected too.

Oh well, it didn't really matter to her. But she was glad that there was little to no crime to deal with. Even as Supernova, this period was the first time since she had adopted the moniker, that she got to stop patrol early and actually get a good amount of sleep.

Alex was humming to herself as she typed away on her computer at the Crime Lab. The other two CSIs were working on their own, with Jake working on some breaking and entering case while the senior CSI (in the sense that she had been there for much longer than them) Jackie Abernathy was filing a report of her own. Together, this trio handled all the cases that trickled down the halls of their precinct.

"Done," Alex mumbled as she finally finished typing up her part of the evidence catalogue from a few of last weeks' cases. Thank god for her IQ. It really helped when it came to quickly finishing work. Then her phone buzzed, signalling the arrival of a text message. She plucked it off her desk and opened it.

'You busy right now?' Of fucking course, it was Hal. The stupid idiot had taken it on himself to text her at the most random times of the day to annoy her. She was beginning to regret sharing her number with him, but she was used to it by now.

ALEX: I just got done with a report. And I'm gonna take a break. Then I've to get back to work. So, yes, I'm busy

HAL: Are you busy right now then?

ALEX: No, I'm not. And why are you asking anyway?

HAL: Come outside.

ALEX: Hal Jordan, if you're outside....

HAL: It's important. I swear. Just hear me out pleaseee

ALEX: Somehow, I don't wanna believe you.

But Alex was already getting up from her desk, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. Why was she always listening to him? It was weird. She shook her head slightly before grabbing her wallet from her desk.

"I'm taking my break now, guys," She announced, looking at her fellow CSIs. "I'll be back in half an hour."

"Wait, you're already done with your report?" Jake looked at her, clear surprise in his eyes. "Do you mind doing some of mine too?"

"Do it yourself," Jackie declared from her desk, not even bothering to look up at him.

"Right, sorry," Jake mumbled. Alex smiled to herself. Jackie easily was the more commanding out of all three of them and she and Jake listened to her all the time. She was another one of the people Alex really looked up to, besides Diana. Plus she really owed her for mentoring her from the time she had joined the precinct.

Alex waved at Jake, who returned it with a tiny wave of his own. She turned around and walked out of the crime lab, entering the bullpen where all the detectives' desks were situated. She smiled at a couple of them, greeting them shortly before telling them that she was on her lunch break now.

Waving at Ruth on the front desk, she stepped out into the New York air, which was decidedly not fresh. Cars drove past on the streets and people were walking on the sidewalk, some looking up at the precinct with curious eyes. Alex found that a lot of people tended to do that for some reason.

"Where exactly is this idiot?" She mumbled as she scanned the crowd on the streets, unable to locate Hal. She looked around once more till she spotted him, leaning against the big tree near the corner of the road, hands in his pocket. He was dressed casually, wearing a white t-shirt with a brown leather jacket and blue jeans. (And no, Alex was not checking him out)

She took a deep breath, releasing it as she walked towards him, muttering a quick 'excuse me' towards a woman she almost bumped into. She sidestepped around a couple on the sidewalk as she neared the tree.

"Hal!" Alex called out, her voice a little loud. "Over here."

Alex raised her hand as Hal's attention fell on her, beckoning him to come over. His face brightened and his lips curled up into that same annoying smile she was beginning to like.

"Hey," Hal greeted, grinning at her. "I'm glad you came. Can we talk?"

"What exactly are we talking about again?" Alex looked at him questioningly, unable to discern what he wanted to say. Strange.

"Not here," Hal replied. "Is there someplace where we could go?"

"Well, there's a coffee shop about a block from here that I go to for my break," She told him, pushing a strand of her hair behind her fingertips. "We can go there if you'd like."

"Perfect!" Hal said, a little too quickly. "Lead the way, Lexie."

"Please don't call me that," Alex mumbled under her breath. Hal merely chuckled, playfully shoving her shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him before she started to walk in the direction of the coffee shop, with him following behind. They walked in silence, making no noise except for moments of random conversation as Alex watched Hal take in the sites of the city, which weren't much, so to speak.

"Have you actually seen the city before?" Alex asked curiously. "Because I thought you had."

"I've flown over it if that counts," Hal answered, shrugging. "And also the time when I basically saved you so..."

"That doesn't count," She jabbed her finger at him, a threatening expression on her face. "You were interfering, when I had things handled. Need I remind you of the invasion? When I saved your butt twice?"

"And I'm thankful for that. But I saved your life before so that doesn't count," Hal countered. "Besides, I think we saved each other quite a lot, so there."

"Whatever," Alex said, rolling her eyes. Silence fell upon them once more, but it wasn't awkward. It was calm, quiet and strangely peaceful. After a minute or two of walking, they finally arrived at the coffee shop. Alex took the lead, walking inside first. Because of the amount of times she frequented this place, most of the baristas as well as the manager of this place knew her.

"Hey Alex, your usual?" Laura asked. She was one of the baristas Alex had gotten to know well over the past few months. Then Laura noticed Hal standing behind her and her eyes widened a little. "And for your friend?"

"Just a cappuccino," Hal said with a smile.

"Alright, got it," Laura said. "There's an empty table near the back if you're staying."

"Oh thanks," Alex smiled at the girl before she motioned for Hal to follow her. The shop was a little crowded, but then again, she was used to it. Once seeing the empty table, she sat down on one of the chairs with Hal sitting across from her.

"How did she know you?" Hal asked with a curious look. "And why was she so surprised to see me?"

"I usually come here alone since this is my break," Alex replied, leaning forward a little. "I guess she's never really seen me bring another person, let alone a guy so she must have been curious. Anyway, that's not really the matter. What's the important thing you wanted to tell me?"

Hal's face turned rather serious, although a hint of his smile still remained. "I'm leaving."

"Leaving? What do you mean? Is it something to do with the lantern stuff?" She mouthed the last part, not wanting anyone in their vicinity to listen in on their conversation.

He nodded. In a low voice, he added, "I've got a mission. A long one and I might be gone for a while."

"And how long is a while?"

"A month or two, give or take."

So a long time then; even if there were moments when two months could pass by in a flash. But Alex was confused and she voiced this confusion out loud.

"Why exactly are you telling me this?" She asked.

"Because you know, in case I don't reply to your messages and so you don't worry," Hal replied. "I won't be able to see them for a bit."

Alex raised her eyebrows. "And you couldn't tell me this over the phone?"

"No," Hal said, shaking his head. "I had to see you for this. Didn't wanna leave without seeing you."

Suddenly, Alex felt her cheeks grow warm and her heart pick up its pace. Even if they were just friends, something about his statement made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like it could mean something more. "I'm flattered that you wanted to see me. But why? I don't get it."

Hal opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the arrival of their order. Laura placed their coffee mugs on the table, smiled at both Alex and Hal before quickly leaving. Taking this time, Alex quickly took a sip of her white chocolate mocha.

"So, what were you saying?" She asked. "Why exactly did you come here?"

"I came to give you something," Hal replied. He reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a small box. At Alex's surprised look, he added, "Don't worry, it's definitely not what you think."

He pushed the box towards her. "Happy Birthday, Lexie."

"My birthday's not for a while, but thanks, I guess. Did you get this because you might not be there?" Alex bit her lip, unable to keep herself from smiling. Hal Jordan, for all his arrogance, his annoying and dumb self, was actually a pretty nice guy. Few guys had ever given her - no, scratch that. No one had ever given her a birthday gift months in advance. Not even her uncle.

She opened the box and almost snorted. It was earrings and that too with a symbol she was very familiar with. It was the same star that was emblazoned on her suit. Someone must have copied the design and made these really nice earrings out of it. "These are the same symbol as my - Supernova's suit."

"I'd thought you'd like it. You do like it, right?" Hal asked, anticipating hopefully a positive answer. "It isn't too much?"

"No, no, definitely not," Alex said, fully smiling now. "These are really pretty and I do like them, Hal."

'Fuck, how am I supposed to not like him now,' Alex thought to herself, noting the relieved smile on his face and how good she immediately felt when seeing it. "When are you supposed to leave?"

"Now, actually," Hal answered with a sheepish look. "I wanted to see you once before I left. And I also wanted to ask you a favour."

"What is it? And don't ask me to do something creepy like hiding a body. I don't think I'm at that stage of friendship with you. Yet."

"Funny you should say that," Hal said, grinning. At Alex's unamused look, he added, "I was kidding, I promise. Besides, I'm not gonna ask a lot of you, because I know there's a high chance you'll say no."

"Are you gonna ask me or not?" Alex looked at him, a tiny glare on her face. She was not a patient person when it came to Hal. And the question was, could anyone be patient around him?

Hal motioned for her to come closer and she did. He leaned forward, whispering his favour in her ear. Alex scoffed a little before smiling. "That's not a favor, Hal Jordan. But I accept it. Don't pull it back now."

"Definitely not," Hal replied, his classic smirk back on his face. "That won't happen."

"I'll believe you, just this once," Alex spoke, a highly amused look on her face. "Don't disappoint me, Hal."

"Oh, when have I ever done that, Lexie?" Hal asked with a smirk, his voice dangerously low (and inexplicably hot, though Alex would never admit that).

This was going to be fun.

Alex hummed a random tune under her breath. The impromptu meeting with Hal had left her in an exceptionally good mood. She walked into the precinct, a smile on her face. She grinned at one of the newer detectives who acknowledged her with a nod of his head. As she passed the front desk, she heard Ruth call out her name.

"Hey Alex, there's someone waiting on line two for you," Ruth said as the blonde neared the desk. Handing Alex the receiver of the phone, she added, "She said she's your mom? Don't know if that's true, but maybe you should speak to the person. She's still waiting."

"My mom?" Alex suddenly froze, a rush of memories going through her mind. Memories of her childhood that she had intensely hated; memories she thought she had long since forgotten. But that wasn't the case. She offered a smile to Ruth before putting the receiver to her ear. "Hello?"

She sucked in a breath, waiting in anticipation.

"Alexandra, is that you?"

She instantly recognized the voice. In the sixteen years since she had not seen her parents, Alex had thought she had forgotten what they sounded like, but that was also not true. A part of her mind remembered and so the memories returned.

"Hello mom, it's been a long time, hasn't it?"


Matthew Gray Gubler as Jake Harper

Karla Souza as Jacqueline 'Jackie' Abernathy

(^^ these two play the CSIs that work alongside Alex and you'll see them appear in some of the later chapters as well)

Writing this chapter really made me wish that Hal Jordan were real. Honestly, he and Alex are going to be the death of me. Both of them constantly flirt but then refuse to admit that they might actually have feelings for each other. I really love writing their dynamic and the scene in this chapter might be one of my favorite NovaLantern scenes to date (althought that might change later on).

And yes, you'll get to know a lot about Alex from the next chapter, especially why her uncle had to raise her and why she doesn't like her parents at all.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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