COTE x MAGIC: The weakest, but also the strongest

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POV: Kiyotaka

Have you all ever heard of the concepts of magic? The one that could define to the logic of the society and so on?

Yes. I am talking about it right now.

Magic tends to serve humans on a quality of life basis, creating conveniences for humans to work on a regular basis, could be schoolwork, or during work in general.

The world contains seven elements: Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice, Earth, Light, and Dark.

Light is the most common element due to the interactions of humans towards the energy of the Sun. So it is usually the weakest element in the chart.

Water, Fire, and Earth are quite uncommon, but they are not rare. As long as people try, they could get one of those elements as a secondary element. Mediocre strength and could be handled with ease.

Ice, Lightning, and Dark are very rare. These elements are not the type that everyone could use. It is usually used in the army as weaponry, in order to preserve peace and freedom for the Japanese people in the current society.

However, one misuse and everything will fall apart. You will get to test what will be your element since childbirth, and I happened to have only Light element.

However, I managed to pass certain supplementary lessons, so I was allowed to enter this school by that man, who started everything.

Unfortunately, three years ago, a broadcast announced that there was a Disaster-class spell had been cast, somewhere in the wilderness of the United States that shocked the world.

It has a shape of a sword, full of white, reassembling the Light element.

Reports state that the Sword has a mix of Light, Lightning, and Water.

Lightning and Water are a combination that could create an electromagnetic field that could electrify who steps on the water surface so that not everyone could go near the sword.

Moreover, the case had been dismissed due to a lack of evidence to trace the identity of the caster.

See what I am implying?

People can use some of their elements to create certain reactions. For example, some people use Lightning and Fire to create a huge explosion that will destroy anything, scaling with that person's magic power.

That usually could use in war, in order to bring peace within society, to serve the society.

With that being said, I am currently on the bus, wondering about what should I do to enjoy my future school life.

Should I rule the school? Or should I be silent to enjoy a normal school life?

*time skip to introductions

I am currently in my classroom: 1-D. Sitting in the corner of the class. I have made my decision of what should I do in this school now. That man told me this school is special compared to other public schools.

So I would like things to be interesting.

As all students are currently inside the classroom, one boy, in particular, starts to speak.

"Everyone, may I ask you all for a moment?" Said the boy. "Since everyone is here, I would like all of us to introduce ourselves, in order to know each other better."

"Sounds good, since I don't know anyone's name yet." A girl replied to the boy's request.

"Alright, then I will start." The boy then starts to introduce himself. "My name is Hirata Yousuke, but you guys can call me Yousuke. I used to play soccer during junior high, and my desired element is Earth. Nice to meet everyone."

The boy named Hirata then bow to everyone in the class.

"Oh, my turn my turn." Said a girl with beige short hair that I saw on the bus. "My name is Kushida Kikyou. None of my previous classmates made it to this school, so I would like to be EVERYONE's friend. My desired element is Fire. So everyone, if you guys have any scheduled events or hanging out, feel free to ask me to join. Nice to meet everyone."

The girl named Kushida then bow to everyone in the class, while I could see some of the boys in our class starting to have hallucinations with the girl already.

As the introduction goes on, it will be my turn for introduction soon. Should I crack a joke for a sense of humor? Or should I speak naturally?

Moments later...

"Then, it's your turn," Hirata said as he turns to me.

'Alright. It's time to do this.' I thought as I stand up on my desk.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Etou... I don't have any special talents or anything, but my desired element is Water. Nice to meet you all." I introduced myself blandly while lying about my element. I already mastered my elements during my supplementary lessons a long time ago.

The class could not help but stare at he silently, and I could hear a few hands clapping out of pity.

'I failed.' I thought as I proceed to sit down, while the person next to me laughed at me for my pathetic introduction.

"Let us all get along, Ayanokouji-kun." Hirata cheered me up.

As the class continues...


"Huh? Why should we introduce ourselves? What are we, Kids?" Said a red hair student while putting his foot on the desk, while unleashing some of his Fire element aura.

"I don't force you to introduce ourselves, but it will be better for us to get along in class," Hirata replied.

"Let me out of this." Said the boy.

"Everyone get in your seats, the homeroom is about to begin." A voice can be heard from the door, revealing to be a lady happens to be around her 30s, giving the impression of discipline.

"I will be your homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae. I mostly teach Japanese History and Magic Formation courses." The teacher introduced herself with a calm, mature demeanor. "In this school, you will not change class, so we will be together in our next 3 years. Please take one of the manuals and pass it to the back seats."

*a whole explanation about the S-system later.

"Moreover, the magic prediction of the student will be tested through this magic crystal that is on the podium. This will display what element that you will be the most capable of, and the result will not change no matter what you do." Sensei states about the Magic part of the school. "Once it's decided, you all will be placed by the school's Element Towers. What these towers do is you are allowed to challenge other students for a duel, or a tournament that will be announced once every two months. What these events offer to you will be private points, and the higher you place within your ranks, the higher the reward you will get."

"Now, let's get everyone in the class to have their element test through this magic crystal." Sensei continued. "Starting with the first table near the classroom's door."

As the student reaches out the crystal, Sensei gives her instructions.

"You proceed to transfer your energy to the crystal using your hand and inner force, and the result will depend on the type of energy you give in.

Following her instructions, the crystal glows with white color, resulting in the student's element being Light.

"Nooooo!! Why does it have to be Light??" The student was hopeless while expecting himself to have a better element.

"Next please," Sensei speaks with a monotone voice, signaling Hirata to go next.

"Alright. Here I go..." Hirata murmured.

As Hirata puts his hand onto the crystal, the light emerges from the crystal with a brownish light.

"Congratulation, Hirata Yousuke. Your element is Earth, off to a good start." Sensei told him.

Hirata has his joy expression, while the girls look at him with heart in their eyes.

As the test went by, some of the students got their desired element, while most did not.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. You are the last student to test your element. Put your hand on the crystal and use your inner force." Sensei speaks as she looks at me with a curious expression.

I decided to use a small amount of my energy for a transfer, resulting in a small mix of colors, but at the end of the day,

It is a Light element.

I already expected this. So I only need to do one more thing.

"HAHAHA!!" A student named Ike laughed at me. "Look at this loser who got Light element, and he wanted to have Water. HAHAHA!!"

To be honest, I don't really mind his boasting, but I guess I need to threaten him for being stupid.

As my bangs cover my eyes, the weather turned cloudy, unable to see the sunlight.

"W-wait... what is happening to the weather??" Asked Ike who is looking out the window.

The weather is supposed to be sunny, with not too many clouds.

Thunders begin to strike down throughout the school campus, resulting in them in panic.

As a result, a white sword, from the sky, strikes down the class podium.

This will traumatize the whole school because such events in the past happen again in their school.

However, this is more of an enhanced version of the previous.

Instead of normal lightning, which was supposed to be purple, this one has black and red outline lightning particles.

The whole classroom was shattered into pieces. Classmates got panicked and moved to the back seats.

Except me.

I walk up to the podium, right next to the Light-element sword that emerged from the sky.

I could sense the scared look in their eyes looking at me.

"Once again, I will introduce myself," I said as I open up my eyes. They were supposed to be gold, but they had turned blue because I activate my Horrific-class spell: "Eye of Frost."

"The name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Calamity-level Element Master.

It's a pleasure to meet you."


Yes. This is the end of the first one-shot of this book, so I just wanted to write this out of the blue, since ideas kept on bothering me once in a while.

So yeah, there's the result.

This one will have unstable updates since most of them will be random ideas that happened in my head.

If you guys have any suggestions, please comment on what kind of one-shot, what-ifs, reactions would you like to read, I will try my best to write it as much as I could.

Credits to origindistortion for the idea of the spell "Eyes of Frost." His fanfic has a good concept of magic, so I recommend y'all try it out.

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