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   Every tribe met at the Griffin Mountain Island. Red, White, Blue, and Brown met peacefully.
   Reef flicked her tail, admiring the new creation that the Glacian Queen had brought to present to the tribes. These were something- Beautiful shining enchanted feathers that laid in the middle of the four queens.
   Reef suspected the Wyvern Queen. She didn't look fit for a Queen. She even avoided contact with every dragon she saw. Soon enough, Queen Reef realized it was all the Wyverns that avoided eye contact.
   Except one.
   She came from behind the "false" Queen, running around with her odd little peacock tail and said a hi or hello to almost everyone.

   This was the day that she could finally be a true princess. She was four years old, and never seen the other tribes, but today was that day. They were stunning. They had scales. Not fur or feather, scales.
   Phoenix let out a giggle, seeing a couple dragonets her age. Three stood out to her though, the other heirs.
   A pale blue one with silvery freckles and icy spikes stared from behind his mother at the emerald colored dragonet with four wings and a moon crest birthmark on her left shoulder, who stood behind the dark green dragon. Two older orange and red dragons stood by a big strong yellowish dragoness, giggling and looking back at a certain dragon in the crowd.
   Then there were the queens. The light pink Queen stood in front of the other three with five white feathers. Behind her was her tribe, the Glacian Dragons all sparkly and icy. Around to the left of them there were blue, green, and grey dragons who stood long behind the dark green dragoness, the queen of the Double-Winged Serpents. Oh, was she decorated beautifully. She had two dragonets by her; a green one and a light blue one. As Phoenix trotted by, there was the faint smell of seaweed and dead fish. Gross.
   She continued circling around the queens, coming to the advisor of her Queen who came to take place of her mother because of the rule that Wyverns made- they had to keep their queens secret.
   Then the queen who sat in front of two giggling dragonesses behind her. She was a burnt yellow color, but had orange and red scales along her spine and arms. Then the most unique thing was that she had dark blue horns and spikes. Odd for a FireTalon. They contrasted beautifully with her fire red eyes though in her opinion.
   "Phoenix." The advisor said. "Come back over here." She turned around for a slight second, and the Double-Winged Serpent Queen gave her a suspicious look.
   She listened, going back to stand by her "mother" for the day.

   "Aunty, can I please go?" Scorch asked with a smile tugging on her tail. She shushed him in response though her face was light and happy. They were just about to begin, and the Serpent princess watched closely as the Glacian Dragon Queen raised up the five feathers with her long studied magic. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She looked so strange- like nothing he had ever seen. She looked like a mermaid dragon hybrid- but this dragon wasn't red or dead on a platter.
   "Here we bring together the four tribes of Oceqias to gift each of your Queen's with a certain special ability." The Ice ruler announced.
   Scorch was mainly ignoring the Queens, he had no interest in a treasure he would never own. He was more interested in the weird fishy mer dragon close behind the Double-Winged Serpent Queen. He knew what she was one of those dragons but he had never seen one of them up close. The other dragons were interesting too, but this one especially, she had a crescent mark and the others seemed incredibly boring compared to that. "Pleeeaaaeesseee?!" He whispered really really quietly to his Aunt she sight leaning down to whisper back.
   "Be quiet okay? You know your mother would freak if y-"
   "Okay thanks!!!!" He said before she could finish running around the crowd trying to find the best way to talk to the weird dragon.

Anemone stared at the new treasure. She couldn't use her magic on them, she would get in trouble. She then watched as the silvery pale pink dragon continued speaking.
"These enchanted artifacts are the Five Feathers. Each of them contain a special power." She held up a black feather that faded to white with silvery dots on it. "This is the Feather of Murder. It allows the holder to be able to kill their opponent immediately. Then we have the Feather of Lightning." Queen Tundra continued.
She noticed an orange dragonet running toward her. She turned around to face him, tilting her head.
"The Feather of Fortune..."
Anemone took a couple steps away from her mother, ruffling her wings and folding them back up again. "Hello..?" She greeted softly.
He seemed shocked and gave a smile.
"Feather of Immortality..."
The orange dragonet just stared at her. It was getting weird and she didn't know why he wouldnt talk.
"Um... shouldn't you be with your mother?" Anemone asked.
"And last of all, the Phoenix Feather." Queen Tundra finished. "It has all the abilities of the Five Feathers combined. The holder will have good fortune, the ability to kill enemies, fast reflexes and speed, and, immortality to almost anything." The ice queen gave a little look at Anemone's mother. "And it will be gifted to the Double-Winged Serpents."
That's what I want. Anemone grinned, turning back around. The Feather was of course red, orange, and yellow. It also had a copper circle around it and the chains were copper as well. It was Obvious that her mother was going to make Anemone enchant it.
I want to get that. It will be mine.


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