Chapter 9

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[Feel free to point out any mistakes, I'm WWWWAAAAY too tired to go through this whole chapter and find all the mistakes. Proofreading. Ugh.]

*One Moon Later*

Cougarpaw padded into camp boastfully, dragging a large, snow white rabbit behind him. Clawflank looked proud enough for his apprentice. He deposited the creature on to the fresh-kill-pile. Darkpaw, Lightpaw, Silverpaw, and Tigerpaw greeted the tan tom.

"Dang, you caught that?" Darkpaw inquired, looking at the rabbit.

"Yep! All by myself," Cougarpaw boasted, puffing out his chest.

"Of course he caught that!" Tigerpaw exclaimed, then lowered his voice. "We all know Cougarpaw is the best hunter..."

"Wait, did you just admit that Cougarpaw is the best hunter?" Silverpaw snorted.

"No I didn't!" Tigerpaw argued, his ears flattening. They all burst into laughter, except for Tigerpaw of course.

It had been a moon since Cypressfog had died - no, Cougarpaw hated comparing the past moon like that. Even if he hadn't really known Cypressfog, he still missed her. It had been a moon since Clawflank had talked with Cougarpaw, and he had made friends with Lightpaw, Darkpaw, Tigerpaw, and had apologized to Silverpaw and was now friends with her as well. They had been helping Cougarpaw through this past moon, which meant a lot to him.

But something else had been going on. Every cat in the Clan had noticed Greenstar's sudden depression. Wildjay, the deputy, had been thankfully taking action of what had needed to be done. Greenstar had been mainly staying in his den, hardly coming out. Never going to gatherings, and never allowing anyone to see him. Though, no cat knew why Greenstar was so depressed. Cats had recently asked when Wildjay would appoint the new deputy, but he refused.

Another thing; although, it was probably only noticed by Cougarpaw. Anyway, something else had been going on with Appleheart's behavior. He hadn't really ever been joining patrols unless forced, and seemed to have a lack of really wanting to do anything for ThunderClan. He just didn't care anymore, which was very odd.

Now, Cougarpaw watched as Shadowpaw padded over to Appleheart, and they talked quietly. No other cats happened to notice except for the tan apprentice, and he grew very suspicious. Anything going on with Appleheart and Shadowpaw means trouble.

Appleheart suddenly nodded at Shadowpaw and broke away from the black apprentice, exiting camp. Cougarpaw attempted to follow but was called by Lightpaw, Silverpaw, Darkpaw, and Tigerpaw to share the rabbit with them. He reluctantly agreed and padded over, digging into the rabbit, not realizing how hungry he'd been.

Surprisingly, he heard Greenstar call a Clan meeting. Cougarpaw raised his head and watched intently.

"I have gathered you all here today to simply thank Wildjay for his hard work. He has done everything I haven't been doing. He has been taking everyone to gatherings. He has put up with my behavior. I... I know how great of a leader he will be." Greenstar looked over his Clan for a moment before stepping back. The large brown tom whispered something to Wildjay, although the apprentice couldn't hear it. Cougarpaw watched Darkpaw and Silverpaw exchange glances. Words spread through the Clan like a wildfire after Greenstar entered his den.

"What does he mean?"

"He must be going crazy!"

"No leader would say that except when they're going to die."

"Wait... Greenstar is going to kill himself!"

The Clan turned into chaos, cats yowling in panic. Eagleshadow, Stormbrew, and Jackalfrost attempted to run into Greenstar's den. Wildjay stopped the warriors, calling Twilightshock over to help him. Cougarpaw narrowed his eyes and pushed his way between the panic-stricken cats. I must talk to Greenstar, even if he doesn't want me to. He managed to make it through and reached the ThunderClan deputy.

"Wildjay, I must see Greenstar at once," Cougarpaw demanded.

The gray tom shook his head. "Greenstar told me to keep every cat out of his den. Sorry, Cougarpaw."

"No! Please! Can't you... Just go ask him or something?" Cougarpaw asked. Wildjay sighed and turned around, entering Greenstar's den. Cougarpaw heard murmuring and watched Wildjay exit.

"He agreed to see you," Wildjay muttered, beckoning the apprentice to enter the den. Cougarpaw dipped his head to Wildjay and entered. It smelled pretty terrible, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. Memories of his kit-hood flooded his mind, like the time he and Silverkit had played hide-and-go-seek and had seen Greenstar for one of the first times.

He was startled when Greenstar called his name. Cougarpaw noticed the silhouette of the large brown tom. The leader shook his bedraggled pelt and sat down, his green eyes flashing. The tan apprentice sat down as well, taking a deep breath.

"Greenstar, what's wrong? I know you're depressed, everyone does, but I want to help! I just need answers," Cougarpaw began.

"Cougarpaw, you're only eight moons old. You won't be able to understand what's going on in my life," the ThunderClan leader replied in a gruff voice.

"Everyone says that, but I've been through a lot too!" Cougarpaw exclaimed.

"Maybe. But other cats have suffered too. Even more than you could ever imagine." There was a deep look of grief and regret in Greenstar's eyes, but Cougarpaw wouldn't give in.

"But Greenstar... We need a strong leader for ThunderClan. You have to be strong! You can't be like this. Cats are worried for you and it makes ThunderClan vulnera-"

"You can't tell me what I can and cannot be," Greenstar snapped.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have become ThunderClan's leader if you're going to mope around all day!" Cougarpaw snarled. He instantly regretted his words. Greenstar was the leader of ThunderClan, and should be treated with respect.

No. Greenstar is ill and we can't have a weak leader.

Greenstar didn't reply to the apprentice. His gaze shifted to the bottom of the den. "You're right," he whispered. "What have I become?"

Suddenly, Cougarpaw heard outraged yowls outside. Greenstar stayed where he was but Cougarpaw darted out of the den.

There stood Appleheart. He was holding a wide stick of fire in his jaws. He dropped the stick to the ground and fire immediately began to spread. Fearful yet angry yowls could be heard from some of the cats that had grown up with Appleheart.

"Cats of ThunderClan!" Appleheart yowled. "I have decided this terrible Clan is no longer my home. We have a weak leader and mouse-brained cats in this Clan! I would rather be a rogue than put up with any of you anymore. So, this is my farewell to this Clan. Oh, by the way, I hope you enjoy my other little treat!" The ginger tom let out a sinister laugh. Cougarpaw watched in horror as a large badger stumbled up from behind the treacherous tom, snarling.

That's what Appleheart and Shadowpaw were talking about! It must've been!

The black-and-white creature swiped at Appleheart, but the tom dodged the blow. The badger must've taken more of an interest to the other Clan cats, because it stomped inside, growling menacingly. Cats avoided the fire and leaped at the badger, attempting to protect their Clan

How in StarClan's name did Appleheart lead a badger here?

Cougarpaw watched Appleheart smirk and Wildjay snarled at the ginger tom. "Appleheart! You are now exiled from ThunderClan! If any of our warriors even see you, they have permission to kill you!" Appleheart said nothing as he turned around, fleeing into the forest. "Coward," Cougarpaw muttered under his breath, but he had more important things to take care of.

He noticed the fire nearing the leader's den. He ran inside of the leader's den quickly, yowling to Greenstar. "Greenstar! Appleheart just set the camp on fire and led a badger into the camp! We must leave before the fire spreads to your den!"

"No, you leave. I'll stay," Greenstar refused. They both now noticed the flames lapping at the entrance of the den.

We're trapped!

"Dear StarClan!" Cougarpaw exclaimed, although Greenstar looked unconcerned. I can't die... I don't want to join StarClan yet!

Ashpaw's POV

Ashpaw leaped at the badger, her claws piercing its skin. She watched Shadowpaw heroically leap as well, snarling and scratching the creature. Ashpaw yelped as she was thrown off, and she tumbled in the dirt. The gray she-cat stood up and shook the dirt out of her fur, ready to leap again. But something caught her eyes.

She stood straight again and looked toward her leader's den. She saw the fire covering up the exit of the den, and noticed movement. It took her a second to realize it was Greenstar and her annoying den-mate Cougarpaw who were stuck behind the fire. She hardly had time to leap out of he way to avoid being crushed by Woodfur, who was thrown off of the badger.

"Eagleshadow!" Ashpaw yowled to the closest cat as Woodfur ran off. She ran to the brown tom, eyes wide in terror. "Eagleshadow, Cougarpaw and Greenstar are in trouble! Look!" Ashpaw pointed with her tail toward Greenstar's den, and it took Eagleshadow a moment to spot the two cats.

"Dear StarClan..." The tom muttered. They dodged the badger and the gray apprentice followed Eagleshadow. He called Wildjay, Blazefur, Amberfern, and Stormbrew for help. He quickly explained to them the situation and the deputy's eyes grew wide. The six cats raced toward the den and Ashpaw suddenly felt a pang of guilt for Cougarpaw, but she pushed it to the back of her mind.

Cougarpaw's POV

Cougarpaw ushered his leader away from the fire and to the back of the den. His heart raced. Would they die? They were lucky the bottom of Greenstar's den was stone and not grass. Smoke entered he den and the tan apprentice coughed.

"Do not be scared, young one," Greenstar rasped to Cougarpaw. But Cougarpaw couldn't exactly agree with that.

"Well, of course I'm scared! I'm actually terrified! I'm afraid of dying..." Cougarpaw meowed. Unlike you...

"You don't get to control your destiny," Greenstar hissed. "StarClan does the job for you."

"Well maybe I want to do it myself!" Cougarpaw snapped back. He sighed and decided to keep his jaws shut. Cougarpaw was relieved when he heard voices outside of the den. They'd be saved!

Ashpaw's POV

The cats raced to the fire. "So how do we get them out?" Stormbrew inquired.

"I'm not sure," Wildjay replied.

"We should scrape the top of the den until we can enter!" Amberfern exclaimed, her eyes lighting up from her "grand" idea.

"Don't be mouse-brained," Eagleshadow hissed. "Our claws would never be sharp enough for that! Besides; even if it did work, it would take too long and the den would cave in on them and crush them."

"Yeah? And how do you know it won't work?" Amberfern snapped.

"Do you want your Clanmates to die?" Blazefur snarled, joining in.

"Never!" Amberfern retorted.

"Guys, can you just shut up?" Stormbrew meowed, but it didn't do anything except cause them to grow louder and argue more.

"Dear StarClan! Just shut your jaws!" Wildjay yowled, stopping their arguing. "Stop acting like bickering kits! If you say you don't want Greenstar and Cougarpaw to die, then you need to make up your mind and hurry up!" The warriors exchanged glances and Wildjay sighed. "You cats are impossible..."

Stormbrew backed away when she realized how much of the fire was spreading. "Greenstar! Cougarpaw!" Stormbrew called into the fire-covered den. "Are you guys still okay?"

"Yeah!" Cougarpaw called after a second. "But you might want to hurry! The smoke is getting worse in here!" The tan tom coughed and Ashpaw jumped back from the fire.

"What will we do?" Stormbrew meowed, looking back in the den.

"Let's just leave, then," Amberfern meowed quickly. "It's useless. The fire is too high for any cat to jump through! Really, let's just leave them before our own tails catch on fire."

Blazefur snarled and opened his jaws to speak, but Wildjay spoke first. "Amberfern! Is that any way to act like a ThunderClan warrior?" He hissed. Ashpaw looked back and noticed the badger being driven out of the camp.

"Go with the others if you aren't going to help," Wildjay growled to Amberfern.



Amberfern's ears pinned back to her head, and without a word she turned around and padded to the camp. Wildjay turned back to the den.

"There's nothing we can do." Ashpaw coughed, cringing at the rising smoke.

"We have to go..." Eagleshadow meowed, looking at his paws.

"But Cougarpaw–" Blazefur stopped, eyes widening. Wildjay took a step back. "Look, it's true. If we stay here any longer we're going to burn to death. Maybe Amberfern was right–"

"No!" Amberfern raced back, stopping at Wildjay's heels. "We can't just leave. Wildjay, you were right. We must save them."

"There's no way to save them–we must leave! I'm still deputy, and I know if I don't make it the Clan will be chaos," Wildjay countered.

"No. I'm doing this, whether you like it or not." Ashpaw watched the she-cat in fear. What would she do?

Suddenly, Amberfern took a step in front of the cave, narrowing her eyes. She unsheathed her claws and got ready, as if she were going to leap.

"Amberfern..." Blazefur came up, resting his tail on her shoulder. "You don't have to do this..."

"To make it up? I sure do. And he's your son, Blazefur. Our leader is in there. If no one else is going to do it, then I will."

Blazefur's eyes looked hurt. Ashpaw could see it–he loved his son, but he had wanted to save him. He also probably didn't want Amberfern doing this, as Ashpaw guessed the two had been close, since they probably hadn't been that far in age.

Eagleshadow said nothing and Stormbrew looked cautious as she leaped into the den. Ashpaw could hear the yowls of the warrior, who's pelt blazed in the flames.

She managed to shield Cougarpaw and came out with him, dropping him on the ground. She suddenly collapsed onto the ground, twitching and yowling in pain. Only the crackles of the flames could be heard.

Cougarpaw's POV

Cougarpaw felt like the luckiest cat in the world.

Amberfern had just saved his tail. He looked back inside the den, and noticed Greenstar... Now his own leader couldn't be saved!

No.. He thought. All of this. All about talking to him. And for nothing? He's not coming? He won't be saved? This can't be happening! We must save him!

His attention turned toward his savior, Amberfern, and Eagleshadow and Wildjay were putting the fire out with their bare paws.

That must really hurt...

Amberfern's eyes snapped back open, and she coughed up smoke. Her eyes shone up at Wildjay, who looked just as much hurt as anyone still in the camp.

"Ashpaw, Cougarpaw, go!" Wildjay hissed.

"But Wildjay–" Cougarpaw began.

"No! I said leave!" The gray tom hissed.

Ashpaw dipped her head but Cougarpaw was more reluctant to follow. As they ran off to the exit of camp Cougarpaw hung back to listen.

"I'm sorry I-I have to leave you s-so soon..." Amberfern murmured, eyes closing, her breath coming out as hoarse. "B-But I feel like I possibly did the right thing. M-Maybe this time I did. I couldn't save Greenstar, b-but I saved an apprentice who might even grow up to become a great l-leader someday."

Is this what it means to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? He thought.

Cougarpaw caught one last meow from the amber she-cat, and he looked back to watch the scene.

Her eyes blinked up to the deputy, the fire growing larger and larger with each heartbeat. "He's saved," she murmured. "And now I may rest in peace."

Cougarpaw couldn't listen anymore, and he turned tail and ran as fast as he could out of camp. Two, or maybe even more, great cats had just died today. Especially when they never even deserved it.

Cougarpaw shook his head in both anger and confusion. Why Greenstar? Why did StarClan have to take him? It didn't make sense! None of it did!

He reached the top of the ravine and was about to dash into the forest before he noticed a gray pelt out of the corner of his eye. He twisted his head to the side to look, and there stood Ashpaw, balancing on a not-so-sturdy tree trunk that had probably fallen. It was laying across the top of the gorge, and Ashpaw was standing right on it, frozen as she stared down into the camp.

Cougarpaw quickly ran to the side of the tree trunk. "Ashpaw!" He called, but she acted as if she hadn't heard him. And maybe she hadn't. "Ashpaw!"

He noticed the cats below running out of camp, and he looked back at Amberfern's dead body that was being lapped up by the orange -red flames.


Cougarpaw nearly jumped out of his fur and whipped around, facing the one and only Appleheart. He let out a maniacal laugh, green eyes narrowing and a smirk plastered across his jaws.

"Cougarpaw. Come with me. We can rule the forest–take over the Clans. Be the most powerful things the Clans have ever seen!" The tan apprentice could see a madness in him, like he had no one else before. This cat was truly crazy, and Cougarpaw really wouldn't want to be spending his last days by the cat who killed both his leader and Clanmate.

"Never!" The apprentice spat, fur fluffing up twice his size. "I'd never go with a cat this evil–especially the likes of you!"

Applefur was enraged and he grabbed Cougarpaw's scruff, sinking his claws deep into them. The tan tom's green eyes opened wide and he let out a yowl of pain, blood trickling down his neck and falling to the ground. The ginger tom let go of him and threw him into the tree branch.

"You should've chosen to come with me," Appleheart hissed, before smashing one of the sides of the tree branch, and watching both apprentices fall to the ravine. With one last look, he turned tail and ran–just like the coward he was.

Cougarpaw felt like there was a rock in his stomach. The wind whooshed past him and at the last second before he hit the ground, he unsheathed his claws and grappled onto a rock sticking out of the side of the ravine. He could see the flames growing closer and in fear, he scrambled up to the best of his abilities, raking his claws against the hard rock and hoisting himself up.

"Ashpaw?" He called, but the flames were too loud for his voice to be heard over them. He peeked over the edge and noticed Ashpaw on the ground, though breathing, her leg was twisted at an awkward angle.

Is... Is her leg broken? His eyes widened. I'm lucky, because that should be me down there.

He could see the gray smoke rising into the sky, and he let out another cough. Honestly, this didn't feel much different from just a few minutes ago, when he'd been trapped in that den with... Greenstar.

He heard yowls and looked down. There was Blazefur and Eagleshadow, coming to their rescue!

"Blazefur!" He yowled at the top of his lungs. "I'm over here!"

Blazefur managed to catch that and looked over at his son. "Cougarpaw!" He replied, running to him. He nodded to Eagleshadow, who picked up Ashpaw in his jaws by her scruff.

Cougarpaw could hardly feel the pain of Appleheart's bite, or the fire about to eat him up as his father was coming to save him.

"Just jump down!" His father commanded. "I'll catch you."

Cougarpaw didn't know. Couldn't he just come up here and save him? Well, mousebrain, you'll have to jump down either way, a voice told him in his head.

Blazefur and Eagleshadow looked up at him expectantly. Just... Take your time. Steady heartbeat. Just leap to him. What's the worst that could happ–

"Just jump already!" Eagleshadow hissed, and Blazefur snorted.

Cougarpaw did as the warrior said. He leaped down and when he thought he was going to his the ground, Blazefur leaped up and caught him in his scruff. He let out a breath he hadn't even known he'd been holding. He muttered a "thank you..." but got no reply, so he guessed his father hadn't heard them.

They turned tail and ran out of the camp. Cougarpaw looked over at Ashpaw, who seemed to be unconscious, and he flattened his ears. Had it been his fault? Maybe if he had gone with Appleheart, she wouldn't probably hate him even more than she did.

But it's her fault she was on the tree branch! He hissed inside his head. She was eavesdropping on Amberfern and everyone! If she hadn't done that, then she wouldn't have broken or dislocated he leg!

He sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes. When he opened them again they were running through the familiar forest, which luckily hadn't caught on fire.

They reached a make-shift camp, and his father set him on the ground. He looked around, cats filing around, Blackwing and Dewpelt(Dewpaw? Anyone care to do some research in the past chapters and tell me? XD) healing some burned cats, or others with nasty wounds from the badger.

Cougarpaw stood up, and even though his muscles screamed in pain, he refused to just lay there. He had to help, in some way or another.

He limped over to where Silverpaw, Lightpaw, Tigerpaw, and Darkpaw sat. Darkpaw's eyes caught him first, and she ran over to help him. Lightpaw did the same, and in a bit of embarrassment and anger he went faster and sat down.

"Are you okay?" Silverpaw asked him, blue eyes wide.

"I'm okay..." The tan apprentice huffed. "A bit burned, and bitten, that's all."

Silverpaw narrowed her eyes and Tigerpaw peeked over her shoulder. She looked through his fur and noticed the bite that Appleheart had given him.

"That's not a badger bite," she examined. "Who bit you?"

"Was it Appleheart?" Tigerpaw quickly said, eyes widening in fear as he looked around, as though the ginger tom would leap out of the foliage and come grab him and drag him away himself.

"No, it was when Amberfern saved me from the den," he lied. He didn't want to scare them about how dangerous Appleheart was, even if he was a coward, and make it seem like he was going to be around every corner.

"Oh. And Amberfern! Greenstar! Where are they?" Lightpaw asked, padding up and sitting by Silverpaw.

Cougarpaw had actually just managed to forget about them for a while, but now he was reminded of them. He looked at his paws and hung his head low. Darkpaw's eyes widened. "Th...they're dead?" She asked in a murmur.

He looked up at his four friends as they gazed at him expectantly. He opened his jaws to reply until a call filled the forest. "Everyone! Gather beneath my call!" Wildjay yowled.

He quickly scrambled away and sat beside Blazefur, and Icehaze flanked him on his other side. All eyes followed Wildjay's movements, and he sat down on a tree branch. Even he looked like he was grieving inside, but Cougarpaw knew he probably couldn't show it, as he was going to be ThunderClan's new leader.

"Everyone," the gray tom began. "I have bad news to bring you." Murmurs swept through camp, but Cougarpaw already knew.

"Greenstar and Amberfern are dead."

Yowls erupted into the forest from his Clanmates, and he flattened his ears.

"No! Greenstar is dead?"

"He can't be!"

"How do we know for sure?"

"This can't be happening!"

"Quiet!" Wildjay yowled, and the make-shift camp fell silent.

"We will sit vigil for them when we return to our camp, though I do not know when that will be." He paused. "And even through this hardship, we will welcome new warriors into ThunderClan." The Clan grew a bit excited and Cougarpaw turned his head toward Shadowpaw, Tigerpaw, and Darkpaw. His eyes floated to Ashpaw, who was awake, but realized she wasn't getting her warrior name.

She has to heal, he thought. Oh dear StarClan, she's going to literally kill me.

"Shadowpaw, Darkpaw, and Tigerpaw, step up." The black tom, Shadowpaw, puffed out his chest fur in pride, almost as if he deserved it.

Cougarpaw held back a hiss of anger. He still hadn't forgotten what he'd done to Fawnfur, and especially how he had probably planned with Appleheart about setting the camp on fire and leading the badger in.

"Shadowpaw, Darkpaw, and Tigerpaw, you all fought exceptionally well against the badger. Ashpaw, even though you aren't getting your warrior name right now, after you heal it will he granted to you. Shadowpaw, Darkpaw, and Tigerpaw, it is time for you to receive your warrior names. Shadowpaw, step up."

He paused, jumping down from the tree branch and landing on the ground in front of the black tom. "I, Wildjay, deputy of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.

Shadowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Shadowpaw nodded. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shadowpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Shadowwhisker. StarClan honors your courage and initiative, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Wildjay rested his broad muzzle on the newly-made warrior's head, and Shadowwhisker licked his leader–no, deputy's head in respect.

"Darkpaw, step forward. I, Wildjay, deputy of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.

Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Darkpaw didn't hesitate. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Darkpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Darkcloud. StarClan honors your independence and patience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." He rested his muzzle on her head, and she licked his shoulder, disappearing back into the crowd of cats.

Cougarpaw could simply see Tigerpaw shaking in excitement. "Tigerpaw, step up." The black-striped tom did as he was told. "I, Wildjay, deputy of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.

Tigerpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Tigerpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Tigerflame. StarClan honors your warmth and energy, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Again, Wildjay rested his muzzle on his head, and Tigerflame licked his shoulder in respect.

He went and stood beside Shadowwhisker and Darkcloud. "Shadowwhisker! Tigerflame! Darkcloud!" The Clan cheered countless times before it soon died down and warriors went back to their duties.

Cougarpaw sighed, a bit jealous he hadn't gained his warrior name. Then he realized Tigerpa–Tigerflame and Darkcloud would no longer be in the apprentices' den. Cougarpaw, Lightpaw, and Silverpaw went to go congratulate the three warriors. Although, Cougarpaw only congratulated Tigerflame and Darkcloud; he felt no excitement toward telling Shadowwhisker.

He turned around and headed toward the nests cluttered in the side of camp. He was suddenly stopped by Ashpaw, who called his name in a hiss. He turned his head to her, narrowing his eyes. "Yes?" He asked her.

"You..." She hissed in annoyance. "Just look what you did! Now I can't become a warrior until I'm fully healed!"

Cougarpaw's ears flattened. "Ashpaw, I'm sorry, but I didn't do anything–"

"It doesn't matter anymore," he hissed. "All you are is a disgrace to the warrior code!" Cougarpaw didn't reply as he let out a quiet sigh, padding to his nest and slipping inside of it. He was tired, almost lonely perhaps, and he laid there for what seemed like hours before he was able to fall asleep.


When he awoke warriors were gathering around Wildjay. He lifted his head and eavesdropped, wondering what they were taking about.

"We can't go to RiverClan, as we'd have to cross the river," he heard Wildjay saying to the senior warriors. "And we can't go to WindClan, because it's too far. We'd never make it, especially Zephyrbreeze and Bubbleflame, who are already pregnant."

"ShadowClan?" Eagleshadow spat. "And Sharkstar? I'd rather go to SkyClan then have to take shelter in that horrible Clan!"

"We have no other choice," Clawflank countered, nodding to Twilightshock.

"Then we must go to ShadowClan," Wildjay meowed grimly. "Because we need food, water, and shelter. Who knows? Bubbleflame could have her kits any minute now."

Cougarpaw slipped out of his nest and stood up, stretching. Wildjay looked around, then leaped onto the tree branch. "Everyone! Gather beneath my call!" Cats began to wake up and sleepily make their way under the tree, and Cougarpaw sat near the back.

ShadowClan? With Sharkstar? He shook his head. Dang, I was really hoping to go somewhere else.

When all cats gathered, the deputy began. "We are going to have to take shelter in ShadowClan." Cats began to look angry almost immediately. I mean, I understand Sharkstar isn't great, but why does almost everyone here hate ShadowClan?

"We can't go to RiverClan, as we'd have to cross the river, and WindClan is too far," Wildjay continued. "And it's already decided that we are going to travel to ShadowClan."

"Will they take us in?" Stripebelly asked.

"I hope," Wildjay meowed, but was cut off by Swanspiral.

"Will you pick a deputy soon? It's after moonhigh."

Murmurs of agreement swept through the camp.

"What? No!" Wildjay exclaimed, bewildered. "Even if Greenstar is dead, I'm going to name my deputy at home. Not in the forest."

Swanspiral looked content. Wildjay nodded. "Now, we are leaving. Gather everything you need. If the medicine cats need help, make sure to help them. If the queens need help, help them. Elders? Help them."

Warriors nodded and went off to help whoever they needed. Cougarpaw was called by Dewpelt(paw?) to help carry some red berries.

Dewpelt immediately turned to him, narrowing his eyes. "Cougarpaw, I need you to be extra careful with these. I can't carry these because there are delicate herbs I must carry, but these are the most dangerous."

Cougarpaw looked at the red berries. Why were they so dangerous?

"But why must I be careful?"

"Only carry them by the stem. These are called deathberries. Even if you swallow one, you will die soon after." He dipped his head and left Cougarpaw with that horrible thought, as he slowly picked up the deathberries. He almost ran into Shadowwhisker, who widened his green eyes at Cougarpaw.

Shadowwhisker snorted. "Deathberries, eh? I see you got the lowest of the low job." He raised his muzzle and stalked away from him, padding beside Wildjay.

Is he just trying to already become deputy?

Cougarpaw shook his head. He didn't know, and he didn't care. After everyone was pretty much ready, ThunderClan set out. He examined the forest, noticing the tweeting of birds. But there weren't as many as usual. Not at all.

The fire had scared them away, the tan tabby apprentice thought grimly. Prey will be scarce once we return.

He sighed and continued on, making sure to be careful yet firm with the deathberries, so he didn't either drop them or swallow them. "These are called deathberries. Even if you swallow one, you'll die soon after." Now let me return to my job of carrying some comfrey or dock, so you might die and I'll be just fine! Because StarClan forbid I get hurt at all, even if I know how to treat myself! He spoke about Dewpelt sarcastically in his head.

They soon reached the Thunderpath, and Wildjay looked back. He led them by the side and the ground dipped down into a leaky tunnel, and Cougarpaw flicked his ear. Can ShadowClan cats get through here as well?

Of course they can, mousebrain! It leads to the other side!

He shook his head in annoyance, padding through the dark tunnel. Although it wasn't very long, the gross water and smells were horrible, but he managed to push past it and just try and smell the deathberries–although they hardly smelled.

They finally made it on to ShadowClan territory, which felt even worse than the tunnel. Mud and wet moss squelched beneath his paws, and he squinted his eyes. This felt horrible, and he tried to flick it off of his paws, but with every step it grew more.

Dang, this sucks.

They continued on, and Cougarpaw looked around. ShadowClan territory was a lot different from ThunderClan territory. Sure, it had a forest, but even then, it was more of a marsh with all the mud underpaw. Mods grew around nearly every corner, and the territory was pretty dark anyway.

He could hear Wildjay and Shadowwhisker talking.

"We're nearly to the camp," Wildjay meowed. "Do you think they'll let us in? I'm not sure if it this such a great idea."

"Trust in yourself, Wildjay. I'm sure they'll let us in."

He is trying to act all nice and supportive to become deputy! I knew it!

He made sure not to drop the deathberries as they neared the camp. Until suddenly, yowls were heard around the ThunderClan cats, and cats leaped out of the bushes and onto their opponents.


A/N: This is definitely the longest chapter I have EVER made, out of ANY of my books. I do hope you like it; I made it so long just for you guys (not really, but for the sake and detail of the chapter I did)!

I really hope you liked it. It took me three months to do this. I mean, the first two I hardly did any work, maybe the first 28 pages, and the rest I did today. So I just finished about 47 pages today. Damn.

Record for me!

Anyway, what do you think?

Who's your favorite character?

I'd love to know! This chapter is pretty long, and if you don't like long chapters, my apologies.

Anyway, please vote and comment your thoughts, and may StarClan light you path!

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