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((Warning! This chapter does have yaoi in it and violence! But here it is! Chapter Three, Kidnapped!))

~~Goku's POV~~

I arrived at Broly's car within about five minutes and got in. He was already there waiting for me. He was clearly still angry about what happened this morning, and I just knew that this wasn't going to be good. Once I was seated, he locked the doors and glared at me, causing me to cower in my seat. He started the car and began driving, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I just sat there, shocked. I had to glance through the back window before I even registered that he was taking me away from the school.

" can't just take me from school like that!" I exclaimed, trying to open the door or unroll the window. A large hand came down on the back of my head, causing me to squeal in pain. "Broly...!"

"Shut the hell up! Let's just say, you aren't going home for quite a while." He growled, picking up speed.

"You can't do that!" I was crying by now, holding the back of my head.

"I already am. You don't have a choice either. Don't forget, I'm far stronger than you are and there's nothing you can do about it either." He replied. After that, I just quit talking. I sat there in my seat, shaking really badly. I wasn't sure what was going to happen or how long I'd be stuck here with him. I'd have to get help somehow, but I wasn't sure how yet.

After about twenty minutes of driving, we stopped at Broly's house. It was hidden behind several trees, and it couldn't be seen from the road. I had been here several times before, but now I knew I wasn't going to be able to leave. Not until he decided to release me. He pulled me out of the car and rushed me inside, keeping an unbreakable grasp on me. All I could do was shake in his arms, which was what he wanted. Once we were inside, he put ki locks on the door and took me upstairs where he then bound me to the bed with ki rings around my writs, ankles, and neck. He tore my clothes off with ease and left me on the bed, naked. He gave me an evil glare and leaned over me, his face only inches from mine.

"Now don't try to escape. These rings will burn you if they touch your skin. I don't want you in too much pain before I have my fun with you." He grinned and got off of me, leaving the room. Once he was gone, I just started bawling and I couldn't stop. I didn't know when I'd see my family again, or my friends, or even Turles...Turles...I thought to myself, I wonder how he is...maybe he could save me...just maybe... I carefully shook my head. There was no way for me to even contact him. I remembered telling him about Broly and everything that had been happening to me ever since I started dating him. I hadn't told my parents or my brother who I was dating though. They'd be so mad once they found out. They knew of Broly and knew how mean he could be so maybe they'd be able to figure it out. Either that, or if I could somehow get out of these rings and reach my phone, which I kept in a hidden compartment of my back pack, I could text Turles and tell him to go to my family and tell them where I was. That would probably take some time though. I was already really weak from Broly hitting the back of my head on the way here. I'd have to wait until I got my strength back, if I ever got it back that is. After about ten minutes, Broly came back into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His tail was flicking behind him, he was clearly still mad at me.

"Broly...please...let me go home..." I begged, even though it wouldn't do much good.

"I cannot do that, Kakarot. You are mine. Even if I have no interest in bonding with you, you're still mine." He growled and dropped his towel, revealing his huge erection that my eyes grow wide. Not this again...

"But...Broly! Please don't hurt me!" I started crying again and began to struggle against the rings, only to cry out in pain when my wrist touched one. He wasn't joking when he said these burned.

"Shut up and quit squirming." He got over me and released my ankles from the bands, only so he could make me wrap my legs around his waist. "All I can tell you is that this is going to hurt you, probably even break you. When I'm done with you, you won't want to have sex with anyone else. You won't even want anyone else touching you after I'm done. You'll be THAT scared." He growled and clawed my chest, causing me to scream in pain. God, he enjoyed seeing me in pain like this. Without even warning me, he slammed himself into my entrance, causing me to bleed and scream. He laughed wildly and began thrusting roughly, pulling at my sensitive tail, making me cry out even more. The more I cried, the harder he thrusted, only making me cry more. I just wanted this day to be over with already. I wanted to go home to my mom, dad and brother, but I knew I'd probably never see them again. Broly continued to thrust and I could feel myself getting close to blacking out from the pain. The last thing I felt before I blacked out was him coming inside me and then everything went dark.

~~Back at School, Third Person POV~~

The day was finally over at school and Raditz paced around madly, waiting for his little brother to show up so that they could head home. He saw a lavender haired Saiyan walking out of the building, his purple tail wrapped tightly around his waist. It was Goku's friend, Trunks. Raditz quickly stopped Trunks and asked him if he had seen Kakarot anywhere.

"I haven't seen him since our Science class. He was talking with that new guy, Turles. But when Goku walked into the room, I noticed that he had a huge bruise on his left cheek. It looked like he got nailed pretty hard. After class, he headed for the parking lot, and then I never saw him after that. I'm worried though." Trunks told Raditz everything he knew before Raditz let him go. This could only mean one thing...Kakarot had been kidnapped... Without even thinking, Raditz bolted into the air and quickly took off toward his house. He had to tell their parents that Kakarot had been taken and that they had to hurry and find him before something bad happened to him. Raditz knew his brother well. He knew that his brother was a very good fighter, so it had to be someone even more powerful than he was. Oh Kakarot...I hope that you're safe...he thought to himself as he flew the rest of the way home.

Once he landed, he bolted inside and looked around for his parents. He found their mother, Toma, in the kitchen cooking dinner. When he asked about their father, he found out that he was at work and wouldn't be home for another hour. This wasn't good. He needed to tell them both at the same time. He quickly rushed to the phone and called his father, who surprisingly answered. Raditz demanded that his father come home right away. He had an emergency. Bardock was about to argue, but he heard the worry in his son's voice and agreed without another word. After all that, he sat down on the couch and crossed his arms, trying to figure out what could have possibly happened to his little brother. He sat there for about fifteen minutes before Bardock came busting through the door. Raditz asked both him and Toma to sit down on the couch, they did without an argument.

"Raditz, where's your brother?" Bardock asked, looking around for Goku.

"That's why I needed you to come home father. Something has happened, and I don't know what exactly." Raditz replied, looking both of his parents in the eye.

"What do you mean, son? Where is Kakarot?" Toma asked, starting to get really worried.

" has been kidnapped..." Raditz replied to them. They both just stared at him in complete shock. They stayed like that for about five minutes before Bardock could speak again.

"What do you mean Kakarot's been kidnapped?!" He roared, grabbing Raditz by the shoulders tightly.

"That's just what I mean! I stood outside for at least twenty minutes waiting for him. I caught Trunks and asked him if he had seen Kakarot. He said he hadn't seen him since their Science class! He also said that when Kakarot walked into class, he had a huge bruise on his left cheek, like someone nailed him really hard! After that, Trunks said he saw him head for the parking lot and that was it!" Raditz explained. Toma's eyes grew wide with fear before he started bawling.

"Oh my poor baby! I can't believe this has happened to him!" Bardock rushed over to Toma and hugged him tightly, trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry honey...we will find him. I'll send a message to the school telling them that Kakarot is gone and we don't know where. I'll have him send over any students that may have an idea of who Kakarot might be with and then maybe we can find him." Bardock kissed Toma's head and rushed upstairs.

"Don't worry mom...We will find him...I promise." Raditz said, hugging Toma tightly.

"I hope so, dear...I really hope so..." Toma replied, clinging to Raditz for dear life. Bardock had sent the message to the school, giving them his address so that any students could come straight to him and tell them whatever they know about Kakarot. With that, the search for Kakarot began.

~~One Month Later~~

Raditz and his family slowly began to give up hope of finding Goku. Not one student was able to tell them anything about where their son might be. This caused major stress for the family. Poor Toma had stopped eating because he was so worried about his son. Bardock was given time off work in order to find his son. His boss was even generous enough to continue paying him while he was looking for Kakarot. As the family all sat together on the couch, a knock came at their front door. Bardock got up slowly and walked over to the door. He opened it slowly and saw a young man standing there. He had hair very similar to his and Kakarot's, black eyes, and greyish skin.

"Yes? What can we do for you?" Bardock asked. His voice was hoarse from crying.

"You're Kakarot's father, yes?" He asked, and Bardock nodded. "My name is Turles. I'm your son's science partner. I think I may have some useful information on him."

"R-really?! Please, Turles come in..." Bardock stepped aside and allowed Turles to come in. He did and followed Bardock to the couch. He sat down beside Raditz and looked at the family.

"Kakarot told me something in class the day he disappeared. He told me how he had gotten a bruise on his left cheek and then he proceeded to tell me some other things that I think you'll want to know." Turles paused, the family was looking at him with their eyes wide with concern. "Kakarot told me that the bruise came from someone named Broly. He said that he and Broly were in a relationship and he told me some other things as well. First off he told me that I'd probably see him with cuts and bruises and things like that, but he told me not to tell anyone. He looked really terrified as he was telling me all of this but the thing he said after that even scared me a little and I had just met him." Turles paused again, trying to find the right way to word what he was going to say next.

"What was it, Turles...?" Bardock asked, his voice filling with fear.

"He told me...that if Broly found out that he told anyone what was happening...he'd probably be killed..." After that the whole room grew silent. Bardock, Toma, and Raditz all stared at Turles with their eyes wide with fear.

"W-we have to find Broly's house...and fast..." Toma managed to choke out. Then, almost as if it was a coincidence, Turles phone went off. He glanced down at it and almost dropped the phone in surprise.

"What is it, Turles...?" Bardock asked, glancing over at him.

"You guys aren't going to believe's from Kakarot..." Turles whispered. The family gasped loudly and begged for Turles to read the message. He agreed and opened the message. "This will probably help a says, "A house, covered by a bunch of trees that can't be seen from the road...please hurry"... and that's it...." Turles looked up at the family and grinned. Somehow, he wasn't sure how, but somehow Kakarot managed to send him a message giving him a way to try and find him. "We have a rescue to do. He told me that Broly is very strong so we will have to be very careful."

"Let's call for a little bit of back up and get going then. Turles...thank you for being so helpful..." Bardock smiled for the first time in a month before all four of them rushed out of the house. They gathered some of their friends and told them all what they were looking for before they all took off into the air. They all knew they had to hurry if they were going to find Kakarot in time.

~~Goku's POV, Back at Broly's House~~

I grinned to myself after I had sent that message. My bag was accidentally kicked closer to me when Broly left to take a shower a couple minutes ago. I was in a bunch of pain with what I've been through the past couple months, but I somehow managed to find enough strength to use my tail to type a message to Turles. My wrists and ankles were still bound tightly to the bed with ki rings, but Broly never did tie my tail down, which was a big mistake on his part. I heard the shower turn off. I had to move quickly so that Broly wouldn't know what I had done. Unfortunately I didn't move quick enough. Broly was suddenly there by the bed. He saw my phone wrapped up in my tail. He growled loudly and snatched my phone, smashing it to pieces. After that, he was on top of me again, beating me senseless and screaming at me. I coughed up blood and then heard a sickening snap. I screamed loudly as pain shot down the left side of my body. He had broken my arm. The pain was so intense, that all I could to was scream and cry. All that got me was more punched and scratches. I just had to hope that my family and Turles would find this place soon...before it was too late...

((End of Chapter Three! Let me know what you think! I know, poor Goku! But he will be rescued soon!)) 

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