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((A/N: --words-- is Goku's nightmare and they're also in italics! Just wanted to let you all know!!))

~~Goku's POV~~

Spring break had ended and I was back at my parent's house. When I came home they instantly noticed my bite mark and gave me a huge grin. I could tell that they were pleased that I had finally found a mate that would treat me properly. I also told them that Turles agreed to wait until after I graduated to get married, which put some relief on my parent's shoulders. My mom and dad hugged me tightly and then my mom wandered off to the kitchen while my father pulled me up to my room to talk with me. Once we were in my room, he closed the door and sat me down on my bed.

"So son. You're finally bonded to someone. How does it feel?" He asked.

"It's something I didn't ever think would happen, daddy. It's really exciting." I replied, smiling a little.

"I'm glad you chose such a fine young man son." My father hugged me tightly and then placed a hand on my shoulder. "Now there' something you and I need to discuss."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Well, you may not be aware of it yet, but you're one of the Saiyans that can go into heat, which means you are capable of getting pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your heat. I just want to make sure that you don't end up getting pregnant before you graduate high school. A Saiyan baby is a lot of work and you aren't ready for that. I just want you to promise me that when you go into heat, you won't have unprotected sex." My father's face was beat red as he was telling me all of this and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Don't worry papa. I promise not to have unprotected sex while I'm in heat, if I ever go into heat." I nodded and he just smiled.

"Your mom and I do want grandchildren but at the same time we want you to focus on education, then once that's done you can have all the children you want. Alright, son?" My father asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Papa, please! I understand. No babies until I graduate." I replied, starting to feel slightly embarrassed.

"Good boy. Now why don't you take a nap and I'll come get you when dinner is ready." He said as he got up and headed for the door. I nodded and laid back against my pillow. I gave my dad one final smile before he shut my door. Once he was gone, I sighed to myself. I wasn't sure when I was going to go into heat, but I just hoped that it wasn't any time soon. During spring break, Turles and I had actually tried condoms and neither one of us liked them. I laughed to myself and glanced out my window. I'd see him at school tomorrow. I couldn't help but miss him already, even though I had only been at my parents' house for maybe an hour. I placed a hand over my bite mark and smiled to myself. My dad had told me to take a nap. I must have looked insanely tired, so I decided that it'd be a good idea to listen to my father and get a nap in before I ate. I flipped over onto my side and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I had drifted into a deep sleep.

--I heard him laughing couldn't be... I knew that I was having a dream, but it wasn't like any dream I had before. That familiar laughter could only belong to one person. Everything was dark around me and when I tried to sit up, I found that I couldn't move. My arms and legs were bound tightly, and it felt like I was on a bed. When I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I must be blindfolded. This couldn't be a dream... I suddenly heard footsteps coming toward me, and I heard that laugh again, which caused me to tense up. It can't be him...he...he's dead...I suddenly felt someone grip the blindfold that was around my face and when it was removed, I let out a blood curdling scream.

"BROLY!" I was staring him dead in the face. He had that same evil smirk and that same anger in his eyes.

"Hello sweet cheeks." He grinned and climbed over me.

"H-how...!? You're dead! My family killed you!" I was shaking badly and trying extremely hard to get free.

"Oh please. I'm not dead. Oh what's this?" He asked as he placed a hand over my bite mark. It began to burn slightly, causing me to yelp.

"Don't touch that!" I screamed.

"So Kakarot. You've finally bonded with someone. Care to tell me who it is?" He asked, leaning closer to my face.

"N-No! I'll never tell you!" I growled slightly, but he didn't seem to hear it.

"If you won't tell me willingly then I'll just force you to tell me." He growled as he tore my clothing to shreds.

"NO! Get off me!" I cried which earned me a slap right across the face. He then took his own clothes off and leaned down, hovering just over my bite mark.

"Oh Kakarot. How I miss you're screams and cries for help. Someday I'll have you again and I'll get those old cries back." He grinned and licked over the mark, causing it to burn again.

"Stop it! Please!" I begged as I shook harder.

"You're in for your worst nightmare yet, Kakarot. Do you have any idea how badly it hurts when someone other than your mate bites over the mark? It hurts like hell. Causing the body to begin fighting itself while it tries to figure out if that's your real mate or not. Let's try it, shall we?" Before I could even speak, he latched onto the mark and sunk his fangs in deeply. I let out an ear popping scream as my neck began to burn. God...this is the worst nightmare ever...

"BROLY! STOP IT!!!" I screamed. He suddenly pulled back and gave me a wicked grin, my blood dripping from his fangs.

"I told you it would hurt, Kakarot." He suddenly slammed into me without warning and I screamed again. For a nightmare, this felt all too real but it just had to be a nightmare. I knew for sure that Broly was dead. As he continued to thrust, the pain from my mark got even worse. He growled loudly and thrusted even harder, causing another scream to escape from my mouth. He latched onto my neck again and suddenly came inside me, hot liquid filling me up, and my mark burning like hell. I just screamed and screamed, my eyes filling with tears. I could hear someone in the distance calling my name, but I couldn't respond. I just kept screaming and crying, begging for someone to help me until I was suddenly snapped out of my nightmare.—

"KAKAROT!!" A voice screamed as I felt myself being shaken awake. My eyes shot open and I bolted forward, slamming directly into my father. I felt his strong arms lock around me and I just bawled into his chest, shaking like crazy. "Easy son...calm down..." He tried to soothe me, but it had no effect.

"D-daddy...?" I managed to choke out.

"It's alright, Kakarot... I'm here and you're safe..." He ran his fingers through my hair and rocked me carefully. I slowly began to calm down and managed to look up at him, my eyes filled with tears. "Tell me what happened, Kakarot..."

"Oh daddy...I had the worst nightmare ever..." I whimpered. I suddenly remembered my mark and threw my hand up to touch it. It still felt the same. I couldn't feel any new holes and I couldn't smell any blood, which made me sigh with relief.

"Tell me about it, Kakarot..." He said quietly.

"O-okay..." I nodded and then slowly proceeded to tell him everything that had happened in the nightmare. I told him about Broly and everything that he had done to me in the nightmare, which only caused my father to grip me tighter and once I finished, I looked down in shame and he just sighed.

"Kakarot...I can't believe you really had a nightmare that the point where you even felt pain. Your mother and I could hear you screaming from all the way down stairs..." He whispered, hugging me close.

"Daddy...are you sure Broly is really dead...?" I asked him.

"Positive son...we finished him off to where there wasn't a trace left of him." My father said reassuringly.

"Is it true that if someone else bites your mark...your body becomes confused and is unable to tell which is your mate and which isn't?" I asked quietly.

"That is very true. Especially if the other person climaxes inside of you while biting you. It is extremely difficult for the body to tell who your true mate is and who isn't. Eventually it does get fixed, but it takes at least a year for the body to know the truth again. It once happened to me and your mother. But as you can see, he and I are together still. You have to have patients with your mate and you have to be willing to help them through it. Like I said, all it takes is time." My father ruffled my hair and gave me a soft smile.

"I just hope that never all felt so real..." I looked down and sniffled softly.

"Don't worry about it son. It was just a nightmare. Nothing like that is ever going to happen to you. I promise I'll do everything in my power to prevent it. You should tell Turles about your nightmare though. I'm sure he could feel your distress through the bond. After dinner give him a call and ask him to come over. He can even stay the night if you think that will help." He smiled and stood up, heading towards my door.

"Thanks daddy...You've been a big help..." I looked over and gave him small smile. He returned my smile and then left my room. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I directed my attention straight to my mark. It didn't feel any different but I wanted to see it to really believe it. To my relief, it was still there and it looked as if it hadn't been touched. I traced it slowly and smiled a bit. In a little over a year, Turles and I will be officially married and he'll be my one and only. However, I still couldn't shake this feeling that Broly was somehow still out there somewhere, just waiting for revenge. I shook off the thought and rushed downstairs to eat dinner. My mom and brother hugged me tightly and asked me if I was alright. Once I was able to assure them that I was fine, all four of us sat down at the table and began to eat. As we ate, I couldn't help but think to myself, something about that dream just didn't feel right...

((And chapter ten is done! I know I kind of left it on a cliff hanger! Is Broly still somehow alive? Guess we won't find out for awhile! Hope you enjoyed this chapter though!))

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