Too Real

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~~Goku's POV~~

This nightmare was all too real. Once again I felt the same pain I had felt in the previous one, but it really felt like it was happening. The pain of being beaten and raped was too real. I almost began to wonder if this was still a dream. That's how real it felt to me. The only thing that kept me believing it was a dream was the fact that Broly was there in his actual body and not possessing some else's body. The thing that scared me the most though was that look in his eyes. That look to cause nothing but pain and misery. He had the drive to break me beyond repair and unfortunately in the nightmare, he was succeeding. The last thing I heard before I bolted awake was him telling me: 'I'm coming for you Kakarot.'

I bolted awake, my eyes still shut tightly. I was screaming like a mad man. I was thrashing around in bed and ended up falling out and onto the floor. I screamed once again and soon felt a pair of strong hands grip my arms lightly. I could hear a voice calling for me, but I refused to quit screaming and thrashing. I even tried kicking at who was holding me, but they sat down on my legs to keep me still.

"KAKAROT! WAKE UP!" The voice screamed. My eyes suddenly snapped open and I saw Turles staring at me, his eyes wide with fear. I suddenly threw my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. I felt him rubbing my back soothingly, which helped me calm down a little bit. He then lifted me up off the floor and put me back on the bed, crawling in beside me.

"I...I'm sorry..." I sniffled softly, snuggling against his chest.

"It's okay, baby...don't be afraid anymore... I've got you..." He replied softly, keeping me in a protective embrace. I tried to mutter something else, but I ended up falling back asleep rather quickly. I'd just have to tell him about the nightmare in the morning.

~~The Next Morning~~

I woke up slowly when the sunlight hit my eyes. I groaned and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep, but I unfortunately failed. I sighed softly and sat myself up, rubbing my eyes. Once I was able to look around the room, I noticed that Turles wasn't beside me. I instantly began to panic. I jumped out of bed, spinning around the room. I began to worry that I had scared him off with my fit that I had last night. I began to cry again as I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. I skidded to a stop and sighed with relief when I found him in the kitchen making breakfast. I sniffled and sank to my knees. The sudden sound made him turn around an d I heard him gasp loudly.

"Kakarot!? Are you alright?" He asked, rushing to my side. I looked up at him with big, scared eyes and he just wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Turles...I...I thought you left me..." I sniffled.

"What? Why would you think that, Kaka?" He asked, taking my face in his hands.

"B-because...I'm such a mess... Last night was terrible... You're probably getting tired of me waking you up in the middle of the night with my screaming...and I just..." I got cut off when he pressed his lips to mine softly. I kissed back slowly and we stayed like that for a minute before he pulled away and touched our foreheads together.

"Kakarot...Honey I'm never leaving you. I'm going to stay by your side and help you get through all these painful events. After we eat, you and I are going to sit on the couch and I want you tell me about the nightmare you had last night. Alright?" He gave me a serious look and I just nodded slowly. He smiled and helped me to a chair before going back to cooking breakfast for the two of us.

After we ate, Turles pulled me to the couch and sat down, tugging me onto his lap. I was going to have to tell him about that nightmare. He needed to know how real they were getting and he needed to know what was said to me at the very end of the dream. I looked into his eyes and he just nodded, waiting patiently for me to tell him everything. I took a deep breath and slowly began to tell him about the nightmare. I told him about how it started of like all the other nightmares. I explained how the pain was increasing all the time and how it felt less and less like a dream each time I had the nightmare. As I talked, he just sat there and listened to me, making sure to take in every word that I said. Knowing that he was listening to me gave me some relief, but I had a feeling the nightmares wouldn't go away any time soon.

"The very last thing he said before I woke up screaming was, 'I'm coming for you, Kakarot.'" I say quietly, looking down at my hands.

"It seems that something may be getting ready to happen, Kaka. I need you to be on guard at all time. Even around me. If he's really still out there, then he must be on his way to get you, which is something that I just cannot allow to happen." He said quietly, hugging me tighter.

"That's easy for you to say...But what if I don't realize it in time. Fuck what if he takes over your body!? I won't be able to hurt you because it is still you!" I exclaimed, starting to shake a little.

"Kakarot, I don't care. If he takes my body, you need to fight back. Don't worry about hurting me. Think about your life and how it will be on the line if you don't fight back. I know you don't want to hurt me, but you may not have a choice. If you could even hurt my body enough to just drive him out of it, then that's what you'll have to do." He growled softly. I could tell that he was serious but if that really happened, I was sure I wouldn't have the balls to do it. I's Turles's body. I looked up at him and he gave me a serious look.

"Oh Turles...If I do have to hurt your body...I just hope you'll forgive me later on..." I say quietly.

"Kakarot. You should already know that I would forgive you right away. You would only be defending yourself and it's perfectly alright. The best part is that since my body is weaker than his was, you'll probably have a fighting chance. And if you do manage to get away from him, your only job is to run. Remember that. If my body gets taken over and you somehow manage to get away from it. Your only job is to run and not look back. Do you understand?" He explained, placing a hand on my cheek.

"You have to promise me something before I completely agree to that." I say softly.

"And what might that be, my love?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I want you to promise me that if any of these events happen, once you break away from him, you'll come after me and prove to me that you defeated him. I want to know that you'll chase me as yourself." I say in a stern tone.

"Kakarot." He took my hand in his and then continued speaking, "I promise to chase you until the very end of time. And I also promise that it will be me in my body and not Broly. Remember, I gaze at you with passion and desire. He would stare at you with nothing but anger and hatred. You know the difference in the way we look at you. Also remember this. I love you. He doesn't." He replied, placing his lips on my forehead. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was right. I'd be able to tell the difference in the way they look at me. Turles has the look of passion and Broly...he has the look of anger. I knew for sure that if that fateful day ever came, I'd be ready for it. I'd fight through it until the end, just so I could be with Turles and Turles only. The reason for that...I love him with all my heart.

((Hey hey! Here's chapter 14! Sorry it took so long! I've been having some low motivation but I managed to get some stuff done! Let me know what you think of this chapter! Looks like things may start taking a turn soon! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Peace out!)) 

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