Waking Up

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~~Third Person POV Continued~~

After about two hours, Goku's friends and family were allowed into the room to see him. Toma could hardly look at his son and how broken he was. He sobbed on Bardock's shoulder and kept his face hidden. Trunks and Vegeta just clung to each other, along with Nappa and Raditz. As for Turles, he took a chair right beside Goku's bed and leaned against the arm rest while the rest of the family carefully seated themselves around the room.

Turles just stared at the broken Saiyan that was lying beside him, causing him to sigh softly. He studied Goku's injuries, there was a cast on his left arm, stitches along his neck and stomach, which were soon going to be wrapped up with gauze, his face was all black and blue with bruises, and most of his body was scratched up or bitten, all except for a spot on each side of him, right between his neck and shoulders. The place where you mark your mate, and bind yourself to them forever. That was the only spot left untouched. Seeing all the physical damage made Turles wonder just how much mental damage Goku had gotten. He just knew that the slightly smaller Saiyan would be really skittish, but something deep inside him was telling him that he had to protect Goku. Something that he had felt earlier while they were waiting to be allowed into the room. Turles quickly shook it off and went back to focusing on Goku. He had a feeling that Goku would be waking up fairly soon.

Within the next two hours, Goku began to stir slightly in his sleep, causing Turles to glance over at him. Everyone else in the room had fallen asleep while waiting for Goku to wake up. Suddenly, the injured Saiyan began to whimper quietly, causing Turles to lean in closer. He could see tears falling from Goku's eyes, which made his heart ache. About two minutes later, Goku let out an ear popping scream and started thrashing around in his bed.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" His screams caused Bardock to bolt awake and rush over to his side. Bardock grabbed onto Goku's shoulders tightly and carefully began shaking him.

"Kakarot! Wake up! You're safe now! You're just having a nightmare!" Bardock exclaimed as he pinned Goku down to the bed, only causing him to struggle more.

"DON'T HURT ME! PLEASE!" Goku's screams were full of fear and tears started to pour from his tightly closed eyes.

"KAKAROT!!" Bardock roared, hugging Goku tightly to his chest. After about ten minutes of thrashing and screaming, Goku was back down to light whimpers.

"D-daddy...?" Goku whispered softly, as his eyes finally started to open.

"That's right buddy...We're here...all of us. Me, your mom, and brother, as well as Trunks, Vegeta and even Turles. We're all here..." Bardock carefully stroked his son's hair and motioned for Toma to come closer to him.

~~Goku's POV~~

I stared up at my father, my eyes soaked from tears. As my mother came into view, I only cried more as he leaned down to carefully hug me. I couldn't respond to the hug because I was in so much pain, but feeling my mom's embrace again finally made me feel safe. I was just lying there shaking violently as my brother and his mate came in to view. I could tell Raditz had been crying, which is something he didn't do often, and Nappa just nodded at me. After those two, Trunks and Vegeta came into view. They both had relieved smiles on their faces once they saw me awake. The last person who came into my view was Turles. I slowly began to feel unsure about everyone, including my parents. I wasn't sure how long Broly had me trapped, but now I just felt the need to fear everyone, even my mom and dad.

"Kakarot...I think it's time we get you home...you need to rest in your own bed for a while and you aren't going to be able to attend school until you heal a little." My father carefully helped me sit up. I flinched at his touch and looked down at my lap, my tail slowly wrapping around my waist. I was relieved that I still had it.

"I...don't even think I can walk dad..." I whispered softly.

"Do not worry my son. I'll carry you. You probably can't fly either." My father replied. Before I could even protest, I found the IV's being taken from my arm, which caused me to shake even more because I'm terrified of needles. Once it was gone, I was suddenly lifted into my dad's arms. I squealed softly and squirmed a bit, but my father just ignored it. We all left the hospital quickly, mom staying behind only for a minute to play the bill before running after us. Once we were all outside, we went flying into the air. I clung to my father for dear life, afraid of being dropped because I knew I didn't the strength to stop myself. I peeked over my father's shoulder, only to catch a glimpse of Turles, who was flying fairly far behind this. He caught me looking at him, and threw me a light smile. I felt a bit of blush creep to my cheeks and quickly hid my face him my dad's neck like I used to when I was little.

Once we made it home, my friends said goodbye to me and took off, leaving me there with my mom , dad and brother. I once again began to shake in my dad's arms. This time he noticed and rushed me inside, going straight to my room. He closed the door behind us and carefully sat me on the bed. I watched him closely as he went to my dresser and dug out a pair of my sweatpants before returning back to me. I knew he was going to have to help me get dressed, which was totally embarrassing, mostly because I didn't want him to see from the waist down. That's where most of my scars were going to be from Broly clawing my hips every single time he...well yeah...

"Kakarot...I know you probably don't want me to help you change but I've got too. The doctor said you were going to need help for at least three weeks so your mom, brother and I are all going to take turns helping you." He explained as he slowly pulled me to a standing position. That was even worse that Raditz was going to help me out some days. I sighed to myself, knowing it could be worse. Slowly I tugged down the pants that the hospital had given me, only to hear a sharp gasp from my dad once he saw all of the claw marks. He didn't say anything though. He just helped me get the sweatpants on and then helped me sit back down.

"Thanks daddy...sorry you...had to see that..." I whispered softly, turning my head to stare at the wall.

"It's going to be alright, Kakarot. I'm going to go and get some stuff to wrap up your stomach and throat so that you don't hurt the stitches in your sleep. I'll be right back." He left me there on my bed and I just covered my eyes with my good hand. If they all had to help me get dressed...then that means that they're going to have to help me take a bath too, which was even more embarrassing. I sighed to myself and remembered that I'd have to tell them about my phone and how Broly smashed it to bits, but that was the last thing on my mind.

A few minutes later, my father returned and sat down on my bed beside me. He turned me to where I was sitting on the bed with my legs crossed and he then proceeded to put some medicine on my stitches before he wrapped them up. We were silent throughout the whole process which made it kind of awkward. I found myself flinching from his touches every now and then, which caused him to sigh quietly. I figured he knew just how broken I was and that it'd take me awhile before I could trust anyone again. Once he was done covering my stitches, he put the medical stuff on my bedside table and turned towards me to where he was sitting in the same position as me.

"I think that...you and I do need to have a slight chat, Kakarot." He said softly, glancing into my eyes.

"About what...?" I asked cautiously, not really wanting to know where this was going.

"I just want to know...why didn't you tell your mother and me about this relationship?" He asked as he took my hand softly.

"Daddy...I...I couldn't... He said that if I told anyone about what was going on, he'd kill me and all of you and I didn't want that to happen..." I felt tears start to come from my eyes as I remembered those horrible words that I so badly wanted to forget.

"Now, now, calm down...Don't get all upset. I know that you were scared to tell us...but that doesn't explain why you decided to trust Turles that day..." My father wiped away my tears and stroked my cheek carefully.

"Turles... I...I don't know what made me tell him about it...We were just sitting in class talking and it just...all spilled out..." I admitted, feeling slightly ashamed that I was able to tell someone I had just met about Broly but I couldn't find the balls to tell my own parents.

"Something about him must have made you trust him, Kakarot. Granted I'm a little upset that you didn't come to me or your mother and tell us. I am glad you told somebody. I get the feeling that if you hadn't told him about Broly that day...you may not be here with us right now. And I'm just really relieved to have you home again." My father had tears falling down his cheeks, which was a sight for me because my father never ever cries. I suddenly threw my arms around my dad's neck, and hugged him tightly, ignoring the pain coming from my body.

"I'm so sorry, dad!" I cried, nuzzling into his neck. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and he carefully pulled me into his lap. He ran is fingers through my hair and settled back against my headboard. My dad and I hadn't been this close since I was little, but the feeling was nice. I don't remember what all happened after that. All I remember is crying against my dad's chest and then suddenly falling asleep in a warm and safe embrace that I had missed very much. One thought still remained in my mind as I fell asleep, and that thought was, I wonder if I'll ever find true happiness...someone who will hold me when I'm scared or upset just like my father does...I just want to know if I'll ever find love...and if I'll ever be able to trust anyone again...

((Chapter Five is done! I hope you guys like it! I decided that Goku need a little bit of father son bonding time, so that's why I had him fall asleep in his dad's warm, protective embrace! Like I said, I hope you guys like it! I'll update again soon. Maybe later today :D)) 

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