⌜ eight ⌟

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fluttering her eyes slowly, the mother had her brows furrowed and nose scrunched seeing her son being awake at this ungodly hour. ❝where are you going?

school, mom.❞ taeyong took his phone by the nightstand and gave his mother a peck on her forehead. he ran a hand on her long strands of hair and lulled her back to sleep.

don't you think it's too early?❞ she said with a yawn. the woman also remembered her son waking up and getting ready at the same hour yesterday, making her wonder why he would do that.

well,❞ a smile made its way to the son's face as he watched her dozing off to sleep. ❝i'm avoiding hell himself.❞ as if hell itself is a person.

already drifting off to sleep, the mother didn't get to ask more questions and started snoring back in her sleep. taeyong watched her with a smile on his face before bringing the duvet up to cover his mother's body and to keep her warm.

huffing, he gripped on to his bag strap tightly before going out of the room silently. he closed the door quietly and took careful steps towards the back door. no one was still awake at this hour and if there was, it's probably just security guards. this is why he had to hurry his way out using the back gates before jaehyun is going to request the guards to lock it again.

i managed to escape yesterday,❞ he mumbled, tiptoeing to the back gates that aren't locked. ❝i can also get out today without getting caught.

he kept on grumbling while getting out of the jung's property and when he finally took a step out, he almost screamed when he saw a figure leaning by the pillar. this person had his arms crossed and brows raised at him.

are you sure about that?

groaning in annoyance, taeyong brought his hand up and clutched his chest. he really was already this near to screeching in this ungodly hour because of how this person just keeps on appearing out of no where. ❝why are you awake at this hour, jaehyun?

oh, he had no idea how much effort this guy had put to just to see him. he panicked seeing that he woke up five minutes after his alarm kept on ringing. jaehyun had to quickly get himself ready, force himself to go under cold water, and shiver his way out of his room. he didn't want to bother anyone but he knew he also had to wake his driver up. lucky for him, the man is a morning person that he caught him drinking coffee at the backyard.

yawning, jaehyun grabbed hold of the shorter's hand and dragged him towards his car that's just a walk away. ❝let's go.

taeyong then stood still on his place, halting the younger from his tracks, and made an attempt to pull his arm back. ❝i'm going on my own.

clicking his tongue, a scowl was visible on the guy's face. can't this male just be grateful that he's giving him a ride? it was five for god's sake, not to mention how cold the atmosphere is yet he's not wearing any thick clothing except for his uniform. ❝you are coming with me.

i said—

a yelp was heard coming from the shorter male when he was being harshly pulled away from the younger who also was taken aback by the action. raising his eyes up, jaehyun had a brow raised with an expression that can't be drawn after seeing who came to pay a visit.

and as for someone who had eyes everywhere, it was bold of him to come out to the public. ❝well, if it isn't nakamoto yuta.

honestly, if it weren't just for him taking taeyong away while they were in the middle of arguing as to why the older should go with him and just accept his offer on taking him to school then jaehyun would have started to get a pen and paper just to ask for an autograph knowing how much his ex-boyfriend adored this actor.

but no, he was pissed at to how he came in to the picture when he was already this close to bringing taeyong to his car.

hiding the male behind him, taeyong was surprised to see the actor going out when he's not supposed to. but nonetheless, he had his hand clutching on to the jacket he was wearing while having himself stay hidden behind him.

yuta actually came to see the older male and ask how he has been doing so far. he didn't know that he'd be out this early though, he was just about to send him a message about being outside of the back part of the house. but then, he saw this guy starting to pull taeyong with force. he couldn't just sit there and watch. he went outside the van meddled with them, ignoring his manager's calls.

the actor's eyes then glared at the guy who looked like he was harassing his bestfriend from afar. ❝taeyong, do you want me to beat this bastard up?

the smaller male hiding then had his eyes widened, shaking his head aggressively the next second. yuta already had countless of rumors going around, he can't bear to add up with that. ❝i-it's fine, he's the family's son.❞ and as much as he hated to say this, he knew he had to prevent the actor from doing something reckless. ❝he is j-just offering me a ride.

smirking, jaehyun crossed his arms and gave the actor a look as if he had won something.

the japanese then scoffed at his attitude, not liking him one bit and neither was he going to fake a smile just because his friend's mother is working under their family. ❝no, i'll be taking you to school.

excuse me,❞ jaehyun took a step close to them with his teeth gritted. ❝but i offered a ride first.

and why does that matter? yuta smirked, not knowing he was already getting into the guy's nerves. ❝i'm not allowing taeyong to be with you.

letting out an annoyed groan, jaehyun did a hasty move to grab hold of the actor's collar and pulled him close with those threatening eyes of his. ❝i don't remember you giving a fan this much privilege.

not losing, ❝and i don't remember you being someone in taeyong's life.❞ the japanese actor spat back.

getting annoyed at how the two looked like they were going to punch each other any minute from now, the person they have been fight for then squished himself in between them and pushed each other to the side with both of his hands settling on their chests. taeyong stopped them from moving close to each other and gave them a warning look. ❝it's early to fight, stop it you two.

well, if johnny was just here with his brad and let him ride that motorbike of his then this wouldn't have happened.

it's alright.❞ taeyong turned around and faced the actor who still was glaring at the student who now looked unbothered when just minutes ago they were shooting lazer with their gazes. ❝he always gives me a ride to school, i'll just go with him.

yuta then got worried, he just really doesn't trust that guy. ❝but—

yuta,❞ approaching close to the japanese actor, the older raised his hand up and cupped the male's face. he then squished it with a chuckle. as much as he wanted to be with the actor and catch things up with him, also ask for a spoiler in his new movie, he knew more that to risk his friend's career. ❝i'm going to be fine.


peeking his head to the side, a giggle was heard from taeyong. ❝see? your manager is calling.

yuta can't help but grumble a curse word in his language as he could feel himself losing in front of this student that's now smirking at him. ❝fine, but call me the moment you get to school. and also,❞ since he couldn't take the older with him then might as well do something that can hopefully flutter his heart. that is, giving his jacket to him. ❝keep yourself warm.

that gesture then irked jaehyun, having his brow twitch at it. he then can't help himself but pull taeyong towards him and quickly remove the jacket that's been given to him. taking the actor by surprise, the guy threw his jacket back to him. ❝he doesn't need that.

and so, he took the coat he was wearing and forced the older male to wear it instead.

that really irritated yuta. ❝you—

"nakamoto!" turning around, it was his manager pointing a finger at his watch saying that people are going to pass by this area soon.

having nothing to do in this situation, the actor wore his jacket and swiftly went to the older male just to surprise him with a peck on his forehead. ❝take care.

that went by so fast that jaehyun didn't even get to push the japanese away because he already went running towards the van who had his impatient manager waiting. the younger turned to the male beside him and rolled his eyes at how flustered he looked while touching his forehead where yuta had kissed him.

being bothered by it so bad, jaehyun lifted his hand up and lightly slapped that specific spot to snap the older back to his senses. ❝come on.

taeyong could only give him a glare but followed behind nonetheless. the two of them then finally got inside the car and was seated silently. the driver can only smile at the awkward tension they had as he started to maneuver the vehicle on the way to jaehyun's university.

as much as taeyong wanted to shout at the younger for slapping his forehead, he still was feeling strange at how yuta kissed him there. it's not like he doesn't usually do it in the past but somehow, it felt different now. heaving out a sigh, he tried to calm his heartbeat down by closing his eyes and placing a hand on his chest.

one thing also, he felt warm wearing jaehyun's coat.

the ride was quiet. taeyong was more on focusing in composing himself and jaehyun would just simply give subtle stares once in a while. the driver had to witness it all until it had to came to a stop because they have already reached to the younger's university.

sir, we are already here.❞ he had announced, seeing that jaehyun was busy looking at taeyong who's eyes are in awe at the university they stopped by.

shaking his head, jaehyun took his bag from the front seat and went out without noticing his phone slipping out from his pocket and falling down on his seat. it was when he got out of the car that taeyong noticed it. the driver was about to start the engine and finally go to the next destination which is taeyong's school.

wait.❞ but stopped when the male told him to.

curiously turning his head around, a smile formed on the driver's face when he saw the male rushing out of the car while bringing the phone that was left there. he didn't mind waiting, as long as he'd get to see this drama.

taeyong was panting as he ran towards the taller male that's now making his way to the school gates, needing to catch up to him before he gets himself inside. ❝jae

but just when he could already reach him and poke his back, he had an unlucky minute to have his feet tangled up and stumbling forward. fortunately for him, jaehyun turned around the moment he heard his voice and had quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist. taeyong breathed heavily when he met a chest and as he looked up, jaehyun was staring down at him with those eyes of his widening.

he could have sworn he saw how he admired him but taeyong didn't want to assume. but then, the both of them had no plans of pulling away as they somewhat already found comfort in each other's arms.

not until someone had to ruin it. ❝excuse me?❞ someone said with a cough.

snapping back from his pile of thoughts about how beautiful this man can get, jaehyun turned to see who it was and felt his breathing hitch the moment he found out. ❝ten?

and there again, taeyong felt himself being used just to get this guy's ex-boyfriend get jealous.


am i mad? very. am i pissed? very. am i annoyed?❞ slamming his tray down the table, the younger male sat in front of jaehyun as he gave him a bored expression while he just let the older continue his rant. ❝obviously!

starting eating his fries, mark raised a brow in confusion as to why the older was in bad mood when something great actually happened to him this morning. yeah, he was forced to arrive school early and he couldn't believe he actually witnessed it. ❝aren't you happy that you got him jealous?

happy? does this look happy to you?❞ jaehyun snapped at him, pointing s finger at his face who definitely wasn't near to smiling. ❝who on earth kisses their friend's forehead?

mark snorted, finding it funny. ❝uh, everyone?

i don't kiss your forehead, simba.❞ he then told the younger, eating his meal in frustration. ❝well then, who blushes when their friend kisses their forehead?

trying to remember some, a name immediately popped inside the freshman's head, ❝donghyuck, i guess.

that's different! you two have something going on—❞ jaehyun gasped, looking like he found something suspicious with his eyed squinted. ❝unless, there really is something going on.

mark then stuffed fries to the guy's mouth to stop him from speaking. ❝i honestly don't know what you are on about,❞ he told him. ❝but you should be glad that he was jealous.


that then made mark laugh. what could have been filling his mind that he suddenly forgot about his purpose in making his ex-boyfriend jealous? ❝ten hyung, you idiot.

oh.❞ that was all jaehyun could say, taking a bottle of water and drinking it as he almost choked in how mark just shoved the fries on his already full mouth.

look, there he is right now!❞ mark said, making sure to whisper it as his friend's ex was making his way to the table right next to them. ❝call him.

coughing as he was still drinking his water, jaehyun gave the younger a look while smacking his chest. ❝c-call who?

that guy you're with to make him jealous.

right, that's really his purpose. taking his phone out from his pocket, scenes from this morning then flashed inside his head and then remembered how that japanese actor came to them and just snatched taeyong away from him. clicking his tongue, he slammed his phone down the table that made mark and also those who were close to their table flinch. the freshman could have sworn his phone broke with how much force he put to slam his phone down the table.

let's not disturb him.❞ jaehyun grumbled, going back to eating his meal and not minding the pair of eyes coming from his eyes that's just seated at the table right next to theirs.

gulping down at how frightened he is at the older's actions, mark nodded his head and knew not to annoy him if he's not in the mood. ❝o-okay.

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