⌜ eleven ⌟

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ain't that great? he finally made his ex jealous.

although, jaehyun might not know if he truly was jealous or making fun of him just to see his reaction but either way, he didn't know what to feel. happy? because he finally had done it. sad? because his ex-boyfriend is probably just playing with him when he's out there making an effort in getting him back. mayhaps guilty? because he's using someone so innocent in this situation of his.

his thoughts then poof-ed away the moment he heard knocking from the door. still laid flat down on his bed with eyes staring up at the plain ceiling, ❝come in!❞ he said.

the door was opened the moment he gave permission but he still had his eyes up on the ceiling, not bothering to see who it was. he was back in being drowned by his thoughts that he couldn't almost recognize as to whom the voice owned to.

dinner is ready.

thinking that it was just his mother coming up to his room to remind him. ❝mom, i told you, i'm—❞ jaehyun propped his elbows down on his bed and peeked his head to see who it was, taken by surprise as soon as he saw that small figure standing there by his door. ❝taeyong?

the said male let out a nervous chuckle, placing a hand on his nape and rubbed it. ❝mrs. jung told me to call you.

the room brought to many memories. by memories, taeyong meant that only night where he had to help this drunk male only to get vomited at. up to this day, he still won't let that slide.

flopping his body back down, jaehyun started to shake his head. ❝i'm not hungry.

that's strange, he's normally not like this. it somehow made the older worried seeing that frown on the male's lips and also how the room is all so gloomy because of his mood. ❝but mrs. jung made an effort to make a meal for you.

he just received a shrug from the guy that's down the bed. taeyong then heaved a sigh, approaching him. he didn't want to care too much but he just can't help it. jaehyun looked like something was bothering him and since he's already there then might as well listen to his problems.

jaehyun then flinched when he felt a weight on the space right next to him and as he turned to the side, it was just taeyong sitting down and getting himself comfortable.

what's the matter?❞ that was what he asked.

now, jaehyun badly wanted to tell him everything. all his worried, troubles, and what he was confused about, he wanted to tell him all those. in hopes of being comforted also. but seems like seeing taeyong and having him right here next to him was already enough. he had no idea why but he felt warm and as if his problems have been lifted up already by just having him right there.

of course, taeyong didn't know that. he wasn't even looking at the younger and just stared out of space. he thought the male was ignoring him or giving him the silent treatment. could it possibly be his fault as to why he's like that? if it was then he shouldn't have let him in then. ❝is this because of your ex-boyfriend?


assuming that it might take a while to get him to speak, taeyong leaned to his back and plopped down the bed with a bounce. he then chuckled before staying quiet, laying there as he had his hands on his tummy and eyes fixed on the ceiling.

not knowing that jaehyun was already looking at him.

you must really love him, huh?❞ if he wasn't going to speak then might as well annoy him to get a word out of his mouth. ❝you must really want him back this much.

actually, jaehyun is actually already this near to getting back with him. his ex did admit that he got jealous seeing him being with someone else. he had an opportunity to finally get him back, it was that easy. well, supposedly that easy, but something was stopping him somehow.

something or someone.

jaehyun then felt his breathing hitch when the smaller figure beside him started to shift his position and was now turned to the side, facing him. taeyong then caught the younger male staring at him with wide eyes and he just giggled his way out of the awkward tension. ❝how does it feel?

clearing his throat, ❝feel what?❞ jaehyun had finally got to speak and it widened the older's smile.

of being in love.❞ he trailed off from his sentence as a lot of romantic scenarios popped up inside his head, making him internally squeal at how love can probably be the most sweetest and amazing thing in the world. ❝you already know mine even though it's quite inaccurate since i really haven't tried falling. what about you?

love,❞ breaking eye contact with him, the younger darted his eyes back at his plain ceiling. the lights weren't even on and it somehow perfected the mood they were having. with a lot of things to say about this subject they are talking about, it made jaehyun let out a low laugh. ❝hurts.

that somehow scared taeyong. he placed a hand on his chest and still continued to stare at the brokenhearted male, well at least that's what he thinks he is. ❝does it really?

yeah, i guess.❞ honestly, jaehyun is just like him. he doesn't know what love truly is. as long as he just feels his heart beating fast for this person and having the need of being with him then he can already conclude that he's in love. ten may not be his first relationship but it's the most he had put an effort to. ❝but love can be beautiful too.

it probably just depends on the perfect time and moment you fall in love.

this feels nice, having to hear someone talk about this. taeyong didn't expect to have this talk with jaehyun though, he looks like he really doesn't care about love but hey, don't judge a book by its cover. ❝it's nice hearing this coming from a friend.

a friend?

never in his life had he felt his heart clench at that word. he didn't know if it's the word itself of the person that called him that. either of the reasons, jaehyun shrugged the thoughts off as he didn't want to get to that side.

so, i'm your friend now?❞ it made him snort. all just because they are talking about love and now they are friends?

furrowing his brows at the younger male who's stifling a laugh, taeyong knew not to start an argument if he really did want to be in good terms with this person. ❝we may have not started properly but it's never too late, right?

but he still held the grudge on that one time he vomited on him.

alright then, friends.❞ jaehyun decided to give in, turning to his side and smiling softly at the sight of the smaller male pouting at him. his eyes focused on the other's lips, he unconsciously licked his own dry ones. it was till the next minute that he snapped back to his senses. ❝what about your other friends?

taeyong first waited till jaehyun was done shifting his position to face him before he could answer his question. ❝well, one is obsessed with his motorbike.❞ he laughed at the thought of johnny bringing out brad on a date. ❝and the other is out of limits.

a brow was raised at the last statement. ❝out of limits?

yuta.❞ the name made jaehyun turn his hands to fists but taeyong was too immersed in explaining to even notice that. ❝he has a lot of fans, it would be risky for his career if he falls in love. although, i would be more than happy if he finds someone he deserves.

he talks as if he couldn't see how that japanese actor is too protective over him, how he cares as to who he is with, and how he even made an effort to visit him at five in the morning. him being dense just made jaehyun hold himself back from rolling his eyes. ❝what about you?


nodding his head, the taller male was looking straight to his eyes. ❝why haven't you tried falling in love?

because he might die doing so.

taeyong just laughed at him, not planning to actually tell him what truly was going on. ❝that's because there's no guy that caught my attention yet.

could his standards be that hard to reach? jaehyun thought deeply about it before shaking his head aggressively, mentally scolding himself for even thinking trying to mold himself to be his ideal type.

since the smaller male was joking around, might as well play his game too. ❝jung jaehyun.❞ he coughed, obviously suggesting himself. ❝i heard he's a great guy.❞ he coughed once more.

playfully nudging him, an adorable laugh was heard from taeyong that made the younger admire while it lasted. ❝i also heard he's busy getting back with his ex.

before getting a grip on himself once he said that. right, his main purpose for now is to get back with his ex-boyfriend and he's almost done doing that. a little more push and the two of them would possibly get back together. but that's strange, a small part of him didn't want that to happen. there's nothing wrong with his ex-boyfriend though, but why does it feel like he had lost the will to get back?

he then changed the subject before his head would hurt in thinking too much. a smirk was shown on his face as he just realized something, ❝does that also mean you haven't been in a relationship before?

the way how he looked away made jaehyun chuckle, that was the answer he got.

then, have you been to dates?

trying not to look amateur in this segment, taeyong nodded his head and looked so determined to answer. ❝a couple of dates.

jaehyun kept a smile on but he was disappointed knowing that he has gone to dates already. ❝let me guess, with friends?

right, he already had went out with friends. mostly were with yuta and they actually are not pleasant as what he would always expect it to be. they'd be running away from cameras all the time and it's a fifty-fifty situation with taeyong. fortunately for him, he always survives their secret dates. then there's johnny, who always arrives at the place an hour early because he had brad with him while taeyong had to suffer walking. but surely johnny isn't that harsh, he would sometimes pick taeyong up back at their old apartment and walk to where they wanted to spend time with.

thinking about it is just sad. he's going to be graduating soon then would be finding a job, he still haven't tried being in a romantic date before. some in his batch are already in a relationship, some having kids, some are already at a point in getting married. meanwhile, here he is. it's now making him upset. ❝next question!

he had made a lot of adorable facial expressions while he was busy thinking and he didn't catch jaehyun just simply staring at him with a wide smile. how can someone be so cute but at the same time so scary? ❝how about first kiss?

taeyong paused for a moment upon being attacked with that question. he knew it wasn't just kisses from his mother, he always gets that. he also gets some from his friends but they were limited to foreheads and cheeks. as someone as clingy like yuta, he also limits it on the cheeks. and speaking of his first kiss, their first meeting came flashing inside his head. god, he was already trying to forget about it. ❝n-next!

you haven't— don't tell me.❞ jaehyun now started to get all cocky. ❝taeyong, i'm your first kiss?

i don't want to talk about it!❞ burying his flustered face down to the palm of his hands, the older male was shaking his head frantically.

during that time, he really had no idea what he was thinking about. he was tired from all the running and he's just glad he didn't collapse when he did pulled him in for a kiss.

you just gave your first kiss to a stranger.❞ a chuckle came out from jaehyun's mouth, having fun in teasing him. ❝you're pretty lucky it's me.

well, he is pretty, that's that, period.

how am i lucky just because it's—❞ taeyong shrieked when the taller male took him aback by suddenly hovering over him. his hands and knees were placed on his side, trapping him, and a grin was plastered in his face. not to mention how he was leaning close as each second passes by, making the male under him cover his mouth and shut his eyes tight. ❝j-jaehyun?

licking his lips, the said male went near to his ears just to whisper with his voice getting deeper than before. ❝i also hope you don't mind me being your second.

no, this isn't going to end well. taeyong has to push him away before he starts to feel things he shouldn't feel. his emotions shouldn't be scattered everywhere, it should be intact. his heart shouldn't be beating this fast, he needs to calm down.

deep breaths.

jung jaehyun, i have been calling you thousands of times already! aren't you going to come down and eat— oh.

the male's mother then barged inside the room after growing impatient waiting for him by the dining area. she even asked taeyong to call him but looks like he isn't also coming down. and then she had to meet this sight? she should have expected it already, the moment she let taeyong up.

seems like you're eating something else for dinner.


the night went on with jaehyun's mother teasing them while they were having dinner. taeyong didn't want to join but it would be rude of him to reject the offer. to make it more awkward for him, his mother is also there joining them and giving her that knowing look as she listen to the other woman talking about how sweet they were in bed.

heck, they weren't even doing anything.

jaehyun is just a tease, that's all.

morning came and nothing really changed, the two got even closer than before but taeyong would always distance himself whenever the mothers would go and tease the life out of him. jaehyun looked unbothered by it, he would even go along with them and also twist some words about their so-called relationship that never failed to make their mothers scream like dying whales.

you know, triplets doesn't sound bad.

and now, they were on their way to jaehyun's university and the teasing still went one. taeyong would like help from the driver but all the man can do was chuckle at how adorable and flustered he would be by the young sir's words.

i even know a position for it.❞ jaehyun said with his brows wiggling up and down.

heaving out the most stressful sigh he could make, burying his heated up face down to the palm of his hands. ❝shut up, jaehyun.

as someone whom you gave your first kiss to,❞ he even made an effort to label himself that. ❝no.

taeyong groaned in annoyance and started to sink down on to his seat, earning a laugh coming from the taller male and even from the man that's driving. what did he ever do to receive this kind of treatment? as far as he could remember, all he did were good deeds.

sir, we are already here.

the mention of arriving then caught jaehyun off guard, not noticing the time. maybe he had too much fun playing and teasing taeyong that he didn't even realize. shrugging, he can always see him tomorrow since he would be coming home late because of practices.

taking his bag, a smirk was shown on his face. of course, he won't leave without pestering him once more. ❝bye, wifey.

taeyong could remember hating that pet since the first day, but now it seems like it's doing wonders to him.

hearing him whine in annoyance made jaehyun coo. anyways, he turned to the driver and gave him a smile. ❝take him to his school safely.

that was the last thing the annoying guy had said before getting out of the car, not leaving anything inside. taeyong now got to finally breathe properly and sit down with full comfort. the silence was getting to him and it honestly missed the noise coming from the younger, but he won't admit to that.

just as the car was about to start moving away, taeyong's eyes stared at a familiar short male outside laughing with a friend. or, at least that's what he think he is with. ❝wait, hyung.

the driver widened his eyes when the male got out of the car all of a sudden without the young sir telling him to.

taeyong actually felt bad seeing how brokenhearted jaehyun was last night, that frown on his face really doesn't suit him. he actually just felt bad for the younger who's doing his all just to get back to his ex, he wanted to help.

what are friends for, right?


in the middle of talking with a freshman, jaehyun furrowed his brows at the familiar voice and that pet name. while he was confused, the freshman beside him was laughing and nudging the older playfully.

he then faced to see who it was but only to be surprised when a pair of hands cupped his face and lips— well, a centimeter away.

afraid that the two of them might fall, jaehyun had his hands on the smaller's waist and the scene they were making caught everyone's attention. even a specific someone who's now frowning as he stared at them.

it looked like they were kissing but there was a thumb blocking the small gap between them from everyone's sight.

but still, it surprised jaehyun. ❝what are you doing?

taeyong smiled. ❝i'm helping you.❞ he then moved away just to tiptoe and lean towards his ear. ❝he's looking.

that didn't even cross to jaehyun's mind, making him scan his eyes as to who the older was referring to. and then he found him in the crowd, his gaze boring holes at them and hands clutching on to the books he's holding.

giggling, taeyong pulled away and acted like he was fixing the his boyfriend's uniform. all the taller did was look at him in awe, also in confusion because he actually stopped asking him to act like this. taking a step back, he waved a hand at him before skipping his way back towards the car.

behave, alright hubby?

jaehyun didn't get to answer him as he already got inside the car and it started to zoom away. every student's eyes were still on them— on him and once he turned his head towards his ex's direction, he was gone.

the freshman beside him got all excited seeing how it affected so much on his ex that it actually looked like they'd get back any minute from now. ❝dude, did you see that—

fuck,❞ placing hand on his chest, jaehyun started to feel his heartbeat that's racing. ❝this is not good.

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