⌜ forty two ⌟

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mom,❞ taeyong let out a groan, puckering his lips at how his mother just took the plates from his hands. ❝i can do it on my own!

just go back to bed and let me do the work.❞ his own mother then scolded him, guiding her son back to his unoccupied bed.

the way she treated him like a disable made the male sulk. ❝the doctor told me that i can move from time to time.

but that doesn't mean he advised you to.❞ opening the bathroom door, the mother continued to grumble as she went on to wash their dishes after a bountiful lunch they had.

i'm still breathing, wouldn't that matter more❞ taeyong was cut off from his point when his mother's stern voice was heard.

and it was a warning for her son to stop pushing the idea of him roaming around just because he was told he'll be fine to do so. he might still be stable now, but he is still a patient that needs strict maintenance. ❝don't be stubborn, lee taeyong.

calling his full name got him real good, making him zip his mouth and sulk like a kid. being bored out of his mind, he then stared up to the ceiling before laying his back down gently. the hospital is putting him to boredom, the food is tasteless, and doing the same cycle over and over again. well, it's no different from waking up, eat, go to school, go home, go to bed. but hearing johnny's dad jokes and seeing jaehyun always makes his day. and then there's yuta, someone who won't stop sending him random messages in the middle of classes.

speaking of messages,❞ he took his phone and let out a soft whine. ❝neither of them gave me one, they must be busy.


throwing his phone back on to the table, the said male jolted from the bed. ❝mom?

has jaehyun not called you yet?❞ she then came out with plates in her hand and even washed up the tray that belonged to the hospital. 

looking clueless, taeyong tilted his head to the side. ❝why would he?❞ usually, he would call from time to time but maybe he just got a little bit busy today and he completely understands that.

he said he would come to look after you today.❞ the mother arranged the glasses and utensils they owned and they had borrowed from the hospital.

he'll come late today, he still has classes and not to mention, practices

sorry, was i taking too long?

both the mother and taeyong then snapped their heads towards the door that was swung opened, and showed a panting jaehyun while holding on to his dear bag. while the mother was unfazed by his arrival, the son had his jaw dropped at the sight of him being there. he could have sworn that he still had classes right now.

dear, we were just talking about you.❞ the mother said with a laugh, helping the student by taking his bag and putting it down on to the sofa.

being on the bed, taeyong pointed a finger at him like he was some ghost. ❝why are you here!?

clicking her tongue, the mother went to give him a light smack on his head. ❝you're acting as if you don't want to see him when you literally just keep on sprouting his name and saying how much you craved his presence.

being exposed like that, taeyong looked away with his face all flushed, while jaehyun can't help but laugh at it. he then walked over to the patient's direction and went to kiss the sore spot on his head where his mother had playfully hit it. ❝it's okay, wifey, i'm already here, ready to watch over your bubu.

pushing him a bit away, taeyong can't dare to face him anymore after being exposed by his own mother. ❝d-don't you have classes, though?

yeah, i do.❞ jaehyun told him, not finding the need to lie about it. ❝but principal moon gave me a pass after knowing that i'm coming here to watch over you.

that made the older male raise a brow. ❝your principal.. knows me?

humming, jaehyun tapped his finger on his chin as he pretended to ponder on to that question. ❝as someone who cheered for me very loudly during that basketball match, yes.

being reminded of that memory made taeyong let out a groan and bury his blushing face down on to the palm of his hands. ❝oh, god, don't make me remember it.

why not? he was grateful for your bold move. if it weren't for you shouting for hubby bean right by the bleachers then our team wouldn't have won.❞ jaehyun continued to tease him.

groaning in annoyance, taeyong lightly pushed the laughing guy away from him. ❝shut up!

however, he did admit that you went overboard with the chant and also having the whole cheer club behind your back.❞ seems like he had no plans on making him forget that very moment he had overdone himself.

jung jaehyun!❞ taeyong got hold of the younger's wrist and despite of his flushed expression, he still managed to give the taller male a glare.

but that only urged jaehyun to tease him more. ❝what is it, jung taeyong?

while they were having a moment of their own, the mother witnessed every second of that scene and can't contain the squeal she had made when she saw the smirk on jaehyun's face and how much of a blushing mess her son has become. these two can't really determine privacy and being in public, huh? they were in their own world that she doubted they can remember her being present there. 

but that smile soon disappeared as she was reminded of something that caused her to feel bad.

shrugging that thought away, she laid her eyes on the two that are now being playful towards each other and having those genuine bright smiles on their faces. ❝well, i guess i should get going then? i don't want to third wheel my whole time being here.

taking his attention from the younger, taeyong gave his mother a pout. ❝mom, you're already leaving?

we already agreed to this,❞ the woman went to tie her hair up before getting her bag and walking up to her son. ❝if jaehyun comes to see you, i have to go and accompany his mother. it can get lonely without having anyone, alright?

the male didn't say anything and expressed his whine with a pout. he didn't mean to be selfish and want his mother to stay a little bit longer, but he was just upset that she had to go.

she can only chuckle at how childish her own son can get. not wanting to deal with it, the mother settled a soft peck on top of his forehead and used a heartbreaking statement that made her almost breakdown right at that moment.

and plus, you need to be with jaehyun more.

taeyong didn't think too much about that as he only thought that she was teasing him again. ❝mom, you know i don't have to choose as to who i should be with more.

she only gave him a smile before booping their noses and finally excusing herself to leave. but as she was walking midway, her tracks were stopped when jaehyun had decided to speak. ❝mrs. lee, let me walk you out of the room.

it took her seconds before gathering the courage to put up a smile. ❝yeah, i would love that.

as if the two were hiding something, taeyong had his brows knitted as he just watched at how the strange the two were. well, maybe he can manage to put jaehyun to say it to him later if they'll be alone. heaving out a sigh, the patient gently got himself to lay down once again and take deep breaths in as he became tired all of a sudden, and he didn't know if it was his deteriorating health, or was it because he pushed his limits a while ago.

he's just tired.

upon opening the door for the mother, jaehyun gave taeyong one last look and had a small smile on his face as he saw him laying down on his bed and taking a nap. he, then, gently closed the door and faced the male's mother whose back is now facing at him. jaehyun expected for her to walk away, and was about to let her be, but he then remembered something that he needed to remind her of.

mrs. lee?❞ he called out, his voice echoing the silent hallways, that also put a stop to the woman's tracks. ❝i don't know if you already have an idea about this, but every saturdays, mom usually would go out shopping.

taeyong's mother had her lips curved up to a smile, still having her back facing the college student. ❝yeah, you told me about that.

rubbing his nape, jaehyun let out a sheepish chuckle. ❝really? oh, then, let me tell you this— she loves to buy dresses.

humming in response, the woman added another fact. ❝and every third of the month, she would go to an orphanage and see if she could be of help, she would also prefer to have someone tag along with her.

that would be me..❞ jaehyun said. ❝but can i ask a favor from you?

you know, even if you don't tell me that, i would gladly be with her.❞ months living with her, taeyong's mother had grown fond of jaehyun's already. they are like partners in crime at this point, your typical mom-bestfriends in the neighborhood.

then, if she's not in the mood, her comfort food is always tuna ice cream and a baguette.❞ that was weird for him to say, but it is what it is.

the mother can't help but giggle at that fact, also knowing that one. ❝yep, i witnessed that first hand when it was

my grandfather's death anniversary.❞ the male silently said out, cutting her off. he felt a lump on his throat but held his emotions in as he didn't want to go back inside taeyong's room, crying.

she's been holding on so strong, huh?❞ the woman commented, lowering her head as she now had her lips curved down.

she's the strongest woman i have come across with, basically the person i look up to.❞ jaehyun said with a genuine smile on his face, truly grateful for being blessed with a mother like that. ❝mrs. lee

taken aback by it, jaehyun almost stumbled back with taeyong's mother marched towards him and gave him a punch on the chest first thing. shortly after, he could see those tears streaming down from her eyes. the male couldn't bear to say anything and just had his lips pressed to a thin line, accepting the light punches from her as he stood there, hearing her sobs. ❝j-jaehyun, you don't h-have to do this, p-please.

it hurt him, badly, he can imagine his own mother acting up like that— but what can he do? all he could hope for is that he isn't making the wrong decision. all he can wish for is the best for them.

looks like that short nap took a long while, making taeyong stir from his sleep as he heard the door click open. slowly and carefully sitting up from his bed, the patient heaved out a yawn while rubbing his eyes, waiting for his sight to adjust. upon a few minutes passing by, he finally showed a smile at the younger male who got inside, noticing his shirt being crumpled up. that made him tilt his head to the side, asking him what happened to his shirt and what took him long outside.

jaehyun was gently shaking his head before going over to him and giving him a short peck on his forehead. ❝how's your sleep?

it was fine, i dreamt about being in a park with you❞ taeyong had his brows knitted as he cupped the male's face. ❝have you been crying?

he must have noticed his eyes still being red. denying it, jaehyun held the older's hand and brought it down to his lap, wanting to change the subject. ❝so, what was your dream about?

it went like this,❞ taeyong was quick to shrug the topic off, thinking that the younger might be uncomfortable talking about it. ❝we went out on a picnic at a park. it made me wonder why you were wearing spectacles when you have a healthy eyesight, but that might be your kind of fashion. it was also strange because you were so careful being with me, asking for my approval every single time, when you're usually carefree and would risk anything no matter what it takes.

jaehyun just listened to him, looking straight to the older's eyes that filled with hope. his lips curved up subconsciously without even hearing the latter's story. just simply being with him makes jaehyun feel butterflies inside his stomach.

but i didn't mind it because all that's important to me is being with you, you by my side.❞ however, it did bother taeyong a little bit that the person in his dream was completely different from this guy right here, sitting right across him. ❝oh, and you know what?

that's when the younger snapped out from his pile of thoughts. ❝what is it?

fumbling with his fingers, taeyong puffed his cheeks as he was now too embarrassed to say it out loud. then again, it's just jaehyun, they will eventually have this future, right? yeah, hopefully (if chogi gods lets them). ❝those triplets that our mothers usually teases us about..

jaehyun raised a brow in amusement, ❝yeah, what about them?

they were also in my dream,❞ taeyong finally had said it, feeling his cheeks being a blushing mess. ❝we were playing with them at the park, and we looked like a happy family.

it's funny how the first thing the younger saw in his bucket list is "make jaehyun happy", little did he know, just by being here with him, it's enough to make jaehyun feel like the day will never end.

but maybe, they'll have to continue their story in another life. in that way, he can make that dream happen.


lifting his head up from the device he is holding, jaehyun showed a scowl at the actor who got inside the hospital with a bouquet in hand. it made the corner of his lips twitch, seeing this guy just irked him and he doesn't know if it's the fact that he once had feelings for taeyong, or because he has feelings for him. either way, it's just caused by jealousy. ❝i told you one flower, what made you think to get a whole bouquet?

you're the one to talk,❞ the japanese eyed the student and scoffed at what he is holding. ❝you bought a whole pot with you!

with face getting flushed, jaehyun looked away with his cheeks puckered. he doesn't know what kind of defense he is going to have for this, but he does know he had to change the topic before yuta makes fun of him more.

well, at least we're sure that johnny won't overdo this.❞ jaehyun said, heaving out a sigh.

it made yuta laugh. why? well, the situation itself is funny enough. both he and the biker was told to buy flowers for taeyong as it was part of his bucket list that jaehyun wanted to accomplish, but the two of them ended up exaggerating it. ❝mine is a bouquet, there's nothing to be embarrassed about it.

yeah, but you bought the most expensive one. i bet you bought that at an extravagant flower shop.❞ the younger told him with his eyes rolled.

shrugging, the japanese admitted it. ❝i actually, i bought it at the moon's. surprisingly, they gave me a discount since i'm a celebrity.

moon's?❞ with widened eyes, jaehyun jolted his head towards the actor's direction. ❝moon taeil?

hm, i guess?❞ yuta wasn't so sure but that probably was the name written on the name tag. ❝damn, i should work there someday. sicheng loves flowers.

meanwhile, jaehyun was still surprised to get that information. ❝i can't believe it, principal moon owns a flower

why are you two just standing there?

hearing the familiar voice that the biker owned, the two were cut off from their conversation and turned to see what the giant had in store for them. to their surprised the kind of flower he bought with him is what they didn't expect.

you brought a whole rack with you!?

and that's not all, he tagged along a platform trolley to easily carry the rack of taeyong's flowers around.

their surprised expressions made johnny let out a scoff. ❝i mean, you did say we should get him a garden.

i said by flowers! not a whole ass bouquet and a rack filled with plants!❞ jaehyun complained.

but the two stared at him with a look on their faces. ❝you literally are holding a pot.

to finally defend himself, jaehyun proudly showed his gift for his wifey. ❝it's a cactus, a small, harmless cactus!

it's not going to be harmless if taeyong gets pricked on it.❞ johnny commented, not minding the stares he got from people getting in and out of the hospital, knowing very well that he is getting attention from the flower rack he brought with him.

he's not stupid.❞ jaehyun then stated.

while the biker shrugged, yuta can't help but bury his face down on the palm of his hands, shaking his head in disbelief. ❝i understand why jaehyun and i are making an effort to impress taeyong, but dude, that's at another level.

yeah, yuta likes taeyong and is just wanting to get above me, which will never happen, ever, and i simply just want what's the best for my man.❞ jaehyun said as he supported the japanese's claim.

exactly,❞ but yuta didn't forget to give the younger male a look when he said that. ❝it's not like you have feelings for taeyong to even make an effort like this.

nodding his head, jaehyun raised a brow. ❝right, do you?

wouldn't you guys want to know?❞ johnny whistled, starting to walk ahead as he dragged the trolley with him. ❝anyways, we have to go because i know jaehyun left taeyong alone inside his room.

this answer was quite intriguing and the way he changed the topic made them find it strange, but they shrugged it off nonetheless and followed the taller figure from behind. although, just a correction, jaehyun didn't leave the love of his life alone, he asked one of the nurses to watch out for him in the meantime as he wait for both the actor and biker around the lobby.

and now that they were walking side by side together, they were getting the unnecessary stares coming from the people that would pass by them. they can't blame it on them, they did look like they were selling the plants they were bringing along with them. it was such a funny sight and even them, themselves, couldn't help but chuckle on their faces. upon reaching to their desired floor, and jaehyun did the honors in opening the door for the two, and also for them to surprise the busy male.

busy with his crayons. ❝jaehyun, look! the nurse gave me an all-peach coloring book and i

taeyong widened his eyes at the sight because not only was he seeing his friends, but he was also caught in a surprise upon seeing the flowers they brought. it shocked him more after seeing that the biker brought a rack inside the building. how on earth did he even get that inside here?

i thought you guys are.. busy?❞ taeyong softly asked, holding on to the coloring book he had in his hand while he pointed a finger at the three by the door.

what do you mean?❞ yuta pushed jaehyun to the side and got inside as he removed his mask to show his healing smile. ❝we always have time for you!

you can just whisper our names out and we'll immediately appear right in front of you.❞ johnny said, taking the whole doorway with the platform trolley he had brought along with him, also forcing jaehyun squeeze to the door frame.

being squished by both his friends, taeyong felt his insides go warm with their presence around but something caught his eye that made him let out an adorable gasp. ❝what are those?

flowers,❞ yuta said, offering his bouquet.

for you.❞ and there's johnny showing of his rack that's on top of the platform trolley.

sure, they were eye catching, but taeyong's attention was on jaehyun who gently placed the pot of cactus down on the table. ❝hey, you bought me cactus?

jaehyun blinked his eyes in a clueless manner as he didn't know he can get the male to give him a glance since both of his friends are there and not to mention, his plain old cactus can't overshadow the actor's lovely bouquet, and the biker's flower rack made out of effort. but here he is, making taeyong give him those puppy eyes, showing how much he appreciated it. that made the younger smile as he approached him, settling a soft and short kiss on top of his lips.

and looks like yuta and johnny were left out, third-wheeling the two. it felt like they were disturbing a moment they shouldn't be present at.

w-we have our own boyfriend, right?❞ the japanese wanted to make sure, reminding himself of it.

yeah, sure, he was already taken by a feisty kitten, but being around with these two— johnny can't help but feel so single. ❝y-yep, we do.

going back to jaehyun and taeyong, the older held the male's hand and caressed it softly, still processing inside his head as to what was going on. ❝why did johnny and yuta bring flowers for me?

you wanted to go out to the garden,❞ jaehyun said, bringing his hand up to his hair and stroked the soft strands. ❝but i can't get you out of here without the doctor permitting me to do it, so might as well bring the garden to you.

with his mouth agape, taeyong remembered the bucket list he made. ❝but

you wanted the most beautiful flower you can see, i know.❞ with a chuckle, jaehyun stared at his eyes with pure admiration. ❝but how about the most beautiful flower i have ever seen?

since they were talking about flowers, taeyong's eyes went to the gifts that his friends brought for him. maybe the younger's favorite is one of them? he won't mind having the latter pick for him. ❝which one is it?

here,❞ should have expected for someone like jaehyun, he cupped the older's face and booped their nose with a giggle. ❝you're the most beautiful flower for me.

and if you zoom the cameras on the two, they were faking a gag and their faces were badly distorted by the bold statement jaehyun made.

sicheng would have left me if i said that.❞ and yuta wished he was just exaggerating it.

johnny made a disgusted noise before saying, ❝ten would possibly roast me for that.

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