⌜ four ⌟

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maybe it wasn't such a bad day for him after all.

sitting right there with his smirk still plastered on his face, jaehyun raised his brows up in a teasing way at the male sitting right across him together with his, what he could guess, mother down the sofa.

meanwhile, taeyong also can't take his eyes off the guy. not because he was drop dead gorgeous that he was drooling, definitely not that, but it's because of he couldn't forget the very night he puked on him despite of helping his heavy ass up.

and while the two were having a tension of their own, the two mothers were happily conversing about they met. especially jaehyun's mother, she was glad that they could finally meet. she didn't expect though to see a son that's looking like he's the same age as her big boy. speaking of her big boy, she turned her head to the side to check up on him but then had her brows furrowed in a confused way after seeing the boy of hers having his mouth move as if he was talking.

which he was. if their mothers are talking in their own world, jaehyun and taeyong were too.

but in a silent way.

"bold of you to appear right in front of me." the smirking male mouthed as he still had his arms crossed.

taeyong scoffed, not believing that he actually understood what he just said. underestimating the other's capacity to analyze, he made sure to make hand movements as he also mouthed back. "bold of you to vomit at me after i helped you."

jaehyun wanted to laugh at how he was looking stupid with those hand signs he was making, but a frown made its was to his lips when he found his statement quite strange. "vomit? i did not—"

"you did you ungrateful brat!" holding himself back to point an accusing finger at the guy as he remembered they were still in the living room with their mothers.

rolling his eyes, jaehyun also mouthed back. "well, you kissed me and what happened? you broke my relationship with someone!"

the older male gasped even though he already knows about this. "i did that because i was in big trouble!"

"then it's also the same case with you." jaehyun had his tongue poking inside his cheek while taking a pause from silently quarreling with him.

"how is it—"

"you told me i vomited at you despite of you helping." by now, neither of them were aware that they were getting too obvious with their supposed to be silent argument that are now turning to whispers being intensified. "i helped you from whatever trouble you were going through and what did i get? a broken relationship!"

"excuse me, sir, but i had no idea that you have a boyfriend."

"this shows that you don't just and go and kiss strangers around, miss."


jaehyun shrugged, flopping back down to his seat as he noticed himself almost standing up just to prove his point. "just wanting for you to know your position."

it took taeyong a while to understand what he mouthed— or whispered. "my position?"

as if he had something to be proud of, the guy had that wide grin on his face. "a bottom."

"how is miss equal to bottom, you sexi—"

so,❞ it was jaehyun's mother that cut the two off from pouncing at each other judging by their glares. she clasped her hands real loud that caused for the two males to look at her with their eyes widened like saucers. a sweet smile was what she gave to them. ❝i bet both of you are great friends?

does it look like they are?

with a loud huff, the older male leaned back with his eyes squinting at the guy that was also doing the same thing to him. they weren't mouthing any words, neither were they having an intense whispering battle, but their eyes says it all. it was just then when taeyong felt his thigh being lightly slapped by the woman beside him, his mother.

you didn't tell me you're friends with him.❞ she commented, making sure to quietly say that as not to offend the other side.

friends?❞ that word almost made him puke in a bucket. ❝i don't even consider us being acquaintances.

his mother opened her mouth and was about to say something like how they argued a while ago like they have known each other for so long, but jaehyun's mother had cut her off from doing so and it was the same thing she did a minute ago when she cut both taeyong and her own son from quarreling.

she clasped her hands real loud once again to get the two's attention. ❝as i was saying,❞ the woman then passed the two of them her signature smile and her dimples showing. ❝taeyong, right?

gulping, finding her smile quite intimidating, taeyong slowly nodded his head. ❝t-that's right..❞ he then nudged his mother, asking for the woman's surname. she then quickly came to the rescue and whispered it on his ear. ❝mrs. jung!

a chuckle was heard from her, finding him adorable. ❝you must be wondering why you're here with your mom right now.❞ she said, still having that smile on. ❝we actually don't allow letting our staffs bring along a family member with them here, let alone allow them to sleep here.

honestly speaking, taeyong wasn't intrigued by that at all. what he was wondering the most is an unanswered question as to why he had to be brought to a place where this stranger had to be. he actually thought they would never, ever, meet. he even bet on it with yuta, guess he lost now. and if ever that celebrity bestfriend of his finds out about this, that japanese would probably rub it in his face at how he's always right for the rest of his life.

but he had to keep a polite smile and answer her in the most nicest way. ❝is it because she begged you to let me stay?

that question earned a smack by the arm coming from his mother, only hissing at how it hurt.

the woman laughed at him, ❝no, dear, she didn't need to beg at all.❞ she told taeyong, looking at him straight to his eyes which the male found uncomfortable and had to divert his attention to somewhere else. ❝actually, your mom saved me!

if he was drinking water right now or even eating, he could have possibly choked to death. ❝s-she did?

nodding her head enthusiastically, she held back another laugh as he noticed how neither of these two males heard what they were talking about a while ago because they were arguing on their own. ❝it was when you were still a baby, she held you carefully like this.❞ the woman even demonstrated it, making jaehyun bury his head down to the palm of his hand in embarrassment. ❝it's a stupid reason but i was heartbroken that time.

taeyong turned to his mother and raised a brow. she just shrugged in return.

i planned to kill myself!❞ she shouted, making the two that are sitting across them flinch from how she suddenly raise her voice. not to mention how she had her arms raised and fingers spreading like she had claws, looking like she was scaring them.

taking his mother's hand down on and placing it on to her lap, jaehyun gave her a warming smile that told her not to overreact. ❝mom, don't overdo it.

i'm sorry.❞ she uttered with a pout, but chuckled afterwards. ❝i'm just so happy that i finally got to meet the person that saved me from jumping off a building.

taeyong widened his eyes, not helping himself but to also shout. ❝you planned to jump off a building!?

all just because of a heartbreak?

yeah..❞ she nervously chuckled, rubbing her nape as she felt embarrassed. ❝anyways, your mother was there and she saved me from doing it. she even stayed for a while and comforted me.❞ she then continued her story with now the two males listening to her. ❝after that, i never got to see her. i then made a promise that i'm going to repay back the heroic action she had done for me.

turning to his mother right beside him, taeyong couldn't hold back the urge to smile at how she clapped her hand and looking like an innocent kid being proud of what she, herself, had done.

and now that i have found her,❞ the woman stretched her arms wide, almost hitting her son's face. ❝here you are!

taeyong didn't know this could be interesting. a genuine smile curved to his lips, taking a small bow at her. ❝thank you very much.

no,❞ and it was at this time, he didn't find her smile threatening anymore. she actually is beautiful, now letting him know where the son got it from. ❝thank you.

the smile on taeyong's face then soon disappeared when he diverted his eyes at the guy right beside her, raising a brow at him as if he was asking him if he wanted a fight. clicking his tongue, taeyong had his fists clenched and jaehyun saw it clearly, making him smile at how cute it looked.

taeyong, don't be afraid to roam around, hm?❞ the woman then said, already telling this to his mother a while ago. ❝you two should feel at home here. it's the least i can do.

when she said that, the kitchen was the first in taeyong's list. ❝thank you, mrs. jung.

the woman was then shaking her head, motioning her hand to make taeyong sit back down again. ❝anyways, i didn't get to ask a while ago.

all their attention now went to her, waiting patiently as to what she was about to say.

you and jaehyun look like good buddies, do you two know each other?❞ she questioned.

it was also the same question at what taeyong's mother would also want to ask.

wanting to deny that, ❝we're actually—❞ but he didn't get to finish his sentence when that guy had to beat him to it.

mom, how can you forget?❞ bringing his hand up to his hair, jaehyun brushed along his locks in the most attractive way as if he was seducing taeyong who's now scrunching his nose in disgust at his attempt. ❝remember that person i told you about?

taeyong widened his eyes with cold sweat forming on his forehead. did jaehyun tell her about kissing him and ruining a couple? god, he might probably lose his chance of staying there.

look, he's standing right now. he's probably going carry him out harshly and kick him out of the house. that's probably it. look at that sly smile he had, taeyong just wants to wipe it from his face.

jaehyun's mother then covered her mouth, remembering it. ❝wait, he's..

this is it, he finally had lost his only chance in living a comfortable life. and now, he's going to live in the streets alone, no food, no money, and not having his mother right him. that's going to be a sad life he'll be living and—

taeyong almost let out yelp when he was being pulled up from the sofa and when he blinked his eyes, his arms were being thrown over the taller's shoulders while feeling the other's hands gripping him by his waist. that wasn't his focus though, it was that smile on his face that caught his attention.

and also caused for his cheeks to heat up.

mom, meet my boyfriend.❞ jaehyun then introduced, still not breaking eye contact with the now confused male.

wait, boyfriend?

not a stranger who kissed him out of no where?

tilting his head to the side, jaehyun looked like he was waiting for an answer. ❝right, wifey?

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