⌜ thirty nine ⌟

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crouching down right next to the glass door leading or the operating room where the surgery is still ongoing, jaehyun waited for hours and hours with little to no sleep until someone finally came out of that room, making him lift his head up to see who it was. ❝t-ten?

the said male that's drinking water was put to a halt at the groggy voice calling him out, widening his eyes soon as he got to see the guy's state. ❝jesus, jaehyun, why are you still waiting there?❞ he expected for him to go home already.

i-is taeyong alright!? he's g-going to be fine, right? tell me that he is okay, that the surgery was a success, that i'm going to see his smile again, that❞ he didn't get to finish everything he wanted to be reassured off when the thai went to help him up.

heaving out a sigh, ten fixed taller's hair and even gave him the half full bottle of water he had, noticing how dry his lips were and how worn out he already was. even ten could see that he was already at his limit, yet, he can't seem to admit how exhausted he is. ❝jaehyun, how about you go home and rest? i'll handle everything here.

do i look like i'm giving up on him already?❞ the taller lowered his head and forced his drowsy eyes open.

with a small smile, ten brought his hand up to his face and made the male look at him. ❝no, but taeyong would definitely not want to see you like this.

that statement gave jaehyun a slight hope, a teeny bit of it. ❝so, does that mean he's alright? he's going to be fine, tell me he is!

jae,❞ ten remained smiling even when he had a different feeling inside that he didn't want for the younger to know. ❝what would you answer if i ask you that, are you okay?

no, he is not. he is panicking, his thoughts were scrambled up, he was needing sleep but couldn't, he felt his body giving up on him, and he couldn't think straight. but telling him that would only worsen the situation, that's why he had to set it aside and hold on. ❝i'm fine, yuta and johnny talked me out of this.

he could that it was a half lie, but ten showed had his lips curving up with his answer. ❝where are they?

stepping aside, the thai could then see his boyfriend and the japanese actor sitting by the bench, having their eyes closed, loud snores coming out from their mouths, arms being tangled to one another, and sleeping there shamelessly with people passing by giving them odd glances.

and for some reason, ten was feeling second hand embarrassment at how they were snuggling to one another like to kids cuddling. a cute sight, but they were in public. ❝those two are useless, seriously.

as much as jaehyun would like to laugh at what he said, he still can't help but be worried for a certain someone's state. ❝ten

"taeyong! where's my son?"

that, that's how jaehyun had the urge to act. he wanted to shout, to vent his anger somewhere, to blame someone, to force himself to see this person, and to cry endlessly at how he wasn't able to protect him. he knew he shouldn't have lashed out on him, but what's done is done, and the only thing he can do is to fix it.

the question is, does he have enough time to fix everything?

it's probably too late for all he knows.

jaehyun!❞ the woman finally saw a familiar figure, passing by the two sleeping buddies on the bench, and went to have her hands clutching to the male's shirt. she obviously looked worse than him, having bloodshot red eyes from crying. ❝h-he didn't come back h-home, and he told me that he would, but he d-didn't. please, tell me, what happened to my son, and where is he? i'm worried that

mrs. lee?❞ ten then cuts her off. disrespectful, he knows, but pushing jaehyun to say something isn't going to work. he's as panicked as her even if his face doesn't show it. although, the thai male could understand very well as to why she's like that. what kind of mother would not worry about their children? ❝i'm ten, taeyong's friend, and also the one handling the surgery alongside with other doctors.

surgery?❞ okay, maybe that wasn't the perfect way to relay the news to her, the thai made a mistake there. ❝why, what happened!? why would he go through surgery!? he said h-he's fine, and he'll be back home soon. but i waited, patiently, he didn't arrive. i got worried and came here all by myself just to know that something happened to my son!?

ten glanced up at the taller for a short while before reassuring the mother with his endearing smile. ❝he's going to wake up soon, mrs. lee, you don't have to worry.

why can't you tell me what happened to him?❞ her voice softened, or either strained from shouting about her son's whereabouts. ❝is it that severe?

that caused for the thai male to freeze from his place, his sudden pause being noticeable by the jung. even if he did regain himself with a smile, his silence was still being in question. ❝i'm not in the place to tell you about it, mrs. lee, but i can assure you that your son is alright. he's one strong person.

just was she was about to open her mouth and ask more questions, a doctor came out of the glass pane door while holding a clipboard with the patient's information in it. the doctor's presence caught the three's attention, and left the other two sleeping boys unbothered. ❝relatives of lee taeyong?

as if it's in his instinct, jaehyun took a step forward and was willingly to have a talk with the doctor, but his hand was being grabbed by ten and is holding him back from raising his hand. turning to the side, he caught the shorter male shaking his head, telling him that he isn't the one that gets to know what the doctor has to say.

instead, it has to be her. ❝i'm his mother.

the doctor put up a smile after adjusting his spectacles, motioning his hand to the side. ❝follow me to my office, mrs. lee.

both jaehyun and ten watched the two walk away after exchanging a short introduction between one another, turning a corner until they completely disappeared for their sights. standing there silently, jaehyun's thoughts went back to minutes ago when the shorter male froze at a specific question being asked to him. why can't he just answer it? it probably would be too much to handle, but he was willing to take anything just to know.

ten, what's happening?❞ he has asked him that countless of times already but the other can't seem to give him a direct answer.

jaehyun,❞ not until now. ❝i'm sorry.


"yong, stay with us."

"you're strong, you can do it."

"don't give up on us."

turning around, taeyong let out a gasp when he saw himself down there, unconscious. what hurt him the most was seeing the pain in the thai's eyes, the one helping out in keeping him alive. this should have been one of the many episodes he had, but this looked too serious unlike the other times. usually, he'd escape this kind of situation with just a simple doctor's check up with johnny, or have jaehyun do it daily so he'd know he shouldn't overdo it for the day. but yet, there his body is, being at a risky picture. it made him hear his heart beating so loud and fast,  breaths uneven at how the electrocardiogram is showing signs of him barely surviving, and how he could see the thai male doing his best just to keep him alive.

until, it has came to the point that the straight line rang inside his ears, not believing that it truly happened right in front of his eyes. they were all scattered around, mumbling and shouting some statements in panic, and he could see ten crying as he held his hand. 

"you can't stay, even for jaehyun's sake?"

jolting up from the bed, taeyong placed a hand on his chest and tried to even out his breathing, composing himself down as his eyes scanned the room he in, just realizing that he startled the couple that sat down on the sofa inside the private room he is in and also woke his own mother that's seated down the chair close to his hospital bed. 

wait, mother? taeyong turned to the side and blinked his panicked eyes rapidly. ❝mom, why are you here

he was then greeted with a tight hug coming from her, making him feel warm on the inside, being rest assured that he was safe in his mother's arms. slowly lifting his hands up, he wrapped them around his mother's small figure and rubbed comforting circles behind her back after hearing sniffles coming from her.

he bit down his bottom lip as he knew that sobbing will only worsen things, especially when he can now tell that his own mother is crying. ❝mom, i'm fine, you don't have to cry for me.

pulling away, the son let out a grunt when the woman hit him by the chest lightly. her action mayhaps also surprised the thai male that's in the look out for the patient, but he knew well than to interfere with them. ❝have you gone mad? you don't trust your own mother at all!

this is not what taeyong had expected to happen. ❝listen

no, you listen.❞ messily wiping her tears and blowing from the tissue given to her, she first took a deep breath before finally having the courage to talk to her son. ❝what's the use of my role in being your mother when i can't even take good care of you properly? you have kept this condition from me since then, but i spared you an earful of scolding from it as i know it won't do good, considering your weak heart. but then, you pull this situation on me and make me worry even more? you didn't even tell me that you passed out while hanging out with yuta, that's why you were brought to the hospital!

taeyong closed his eyes, knowing that he deserved this talk. ❝i'm sorry.

you should be, for always keeping your problems all on your own. yong, we are the only ones left, we only have each other, you don't have to shut me away and act like i can't do anything about this. i may not be an expert in anything, but as a mother, i will try my everything for you.❞ no one can blame her for acting like that, she is just overwhelmed at what is happening to her son. he didn't deserve any of this, they didn't deserve to suffer like this. ❝but i'm also sorry, for not being able to be by your side whenever you're in need.

he didn't promise to himself that he won't cry, but he had already made it a mental note not to. ❝i don't want you to worry, you have done enough for me already. mom, i don't want you to worry anymore, i'm a grown man already and

but you're still my baby,❞ she sat back on her seat and placed a hand on the male's face, caressing it very softly. ❝so don't you ever hide this from me, okay? you are my responsibility.

isn't he everyone's responsibility at this point? he hated how he was such a burden. ❝i'm sorry.

you don't have to be sorry.❞ the patient's head then snapped towards the direction of the voice, by the sofa, and saw a small figure walking towards his way with a small smile. ❝how are you feeling?

ten?❞ taeyong's lips quivered as sobs were threatening to come out from his mouth. ❝you stayed.

actually, i had to go home since johnny was whining about needing to sleep in a bed.❞ ten rolled his eyes after outing his boyfriend like that, earning a scoff coming from the taller male by the sofa. ❝but your mom stayed to look after you, and then i came as soon as possible, after doing my own business at home.

to lift up the mood, taeyong peeked to the side and raised a brow at the older. ❝i can't believe you chose sleep over your bestfriend.

but truth to be told, the biker went home just to cry and release his frustrations out, where no one will be able to see him. but he didn't want the younger to feel worse than before, that's why he didn't tell neither anyone his reason in going home instead of staying for the night. ❝i mean, i know my bestfriend is strong enough, so why would he need a knight in shining armor?

that somehow placed a glint of hope in taeyong, making him smile. ❝you ain't wrong, i have a strong bubu!

the mention of his heart, his bubu, made the thai male show a frown for a split second. while it hasn't come noticeable to taeyong, the biker saw it became worried all of a sudden. ten never really mentioned anything about his bestfriend's state. well, he did, but it was only to reassure him that he'll be alright. however, that expression he had made it seem like he was just lyig.

that something is going to happen and he's not allowed to say it.

yong, be careful next time, please?❞ ten warned him, taking a seat down on the little space by the hospital bed. ❝you really have over done it. handling you scared me shitless, but i'm just glad you fought for your life.❞ because honesty, for a minute there, he was already thinking of a good explanation if things went to the other way.

i told you, i have a strong bubu!❞ or he just has a strong will to live, that's it. and even though he knew he wasn't going to last long, he had to stay optimistic for everyone. for his mother, for his bestfriends, and especially for jaehyun. speaking of him, taeyong scanned his eyes inside the room and noticed someone missing.

would looking for him be selfish in his part? it's just that, he expected to see him around. unless, jaehyun was that mad at him.

 fumbling with his fingers, he gathered the courage to ask. ❝where is

god damn, they just can't leave me alone!

their heads whipped towards the direction where the door is at, seeing someone get inside the room, huffing and panting for air. to taeyong's disappointment, it was not the person he was looking for. but nonetheless, he was grateful to have his friends finding time to come over and visit him.

someone's mad.❞ johnny said with a snort, making fun at how the japanese looked.

rolling his eyes, the actor removed his cap and mask just to make a face at the biker who can never live a day without going after his tail. ❝duh, the reporters are chasing me once more on my way here.❞ he complained, ❝it's like train to busan out there.

that joke totally did not butter johnny's eggroll. ❝looks like you're resigning your job as an actor and will be pursuing in being a comedian.

meanwhile, taeyong widened his eyes at the possible reason as to why the japanese actor is in so much burden right now. it's because of him, because of what happened last night, and that scene he had caused at the club. not to mention, his obsessed fans came after him. ❝yuta, i'm sorry.

hm?❞ placing his cap and mask down the table, the actor hummed in an oblivious tone before understanding what he meant. ❝oh, no, it's not about you.

taeyong watched him to his other and greeted her politely with a soft peck on her forehead, that affection is already normal between them. ❝wait, it's not?

nah, sicheng and i came out dating earlier this morning.

johnny almost slid down from the sofa he's at, ten almost fell from the hospital bed he is seating at, taeyong's mother blinked her eyes cluelessly at the sudden revelation (so much for shipping her own son to the actor), and the bestfriend that was guilty was then confused at what he just said. ❝what!?

yeah, yuta should have expected to get that reaction from them. ❝we had no choice, pictures of taeyong and i hanging out were being leaked. the company had to make up an alibi for it real fast before an article about it would be made first— thus having sicheng to admit in public that it was him in the pictures and that we have been dating ever since we starred in our movie together.

while the others were still processing what he just said, the biker scoffed. ❝and they believed in it?

i know, shocking.❞ yuta chuckled, flopping down the sofa and getting comfortable right next to the giant. ❝the guy in the pictures is shorter than me, yet, they fell for it and legit thought that it was sicheng, who's taller than me.

taeyong is not even offended at the fact that he was being called short by his friend, he's too immersed in his thoughts about how the people close to him had to go through trouble just to spare his life from being at risk. ❝yuta, did i ruin something again?

putting a halt to their conversation, the biker and the actor turned to face the patient with concerned evident in their faces. clicking his tongue, johnny elbowed the japanese beside him and is blaming the actor for being so confusing with his feelings. ❝yong, it's alright, you did nothing wrong. yuta was just being a pussy

hey!❞ the actor cuts him off and lightly pushed him to the side.

but that didn't stop the biker from exposing him. ❝in confessing that he fell for sicheng already. and plus, you're doing them a favor by letting the public know ahead of time that they are dating, even when they are still starting it off at that stage.

someone has really grown balls after getting a boyfriend and is not a stuck up about his bike anymore.❞ yuta sprouted, not being able to think of anything that can get back at the biker.

i got taken way ahead of you, bow down to me.❞ johnny said, earning a nudge coming from the actor. but back to being serious, the biker had a question to ask. ❝by the way, how are those so called fans of yours?

bringing this subject up could only made yuta feel the second hand embarrassment and also the anger he felt at how his fans were taking things to another level. ❝the police really can't charge them of anything as no one was injured

you're fucking kidding me, they just kidnapped taeyong and they were the cause of his condition being triggered!❞ the biker can't help but huff in irritation.

i know, i was there to complain, but they really can't do anything because aside from that, they are still teenagers. though, they were given minor punishments and the company is giving them a warning if ever they do something stupid again.❞ if the older was pissed about it, yuta's complaints at the police station was unimaginable. if his manager wasn't just there with him, he would have also gotten himself behind bars.

i-it's alright,❞ taeyong's soft voice then overpowered the two that were arguing right now, lowering his head down and is playing with the hem of the covers. ❝i just hope that they learned their lesson and that they won't do it again next time, it's very dangerous.

you see, yong,❞ johnny first massaged his temples to compose himself down. ❝you're too nice for this cruel world.

the biker was making a point, but yuta had to cut him off with his own fact. ❝and you're too aggressive sometimes.

and you're stupid all the time.❞ the biker retorted, not wanting to lose in their argument.

seems like they just came here to quarrel. instead of stopping them, taeyong can't help but smile at the sight as it has truly been a while since they were complete like this. ❝guys?

the patient didn't get to say a word as the door was once again open and showed the person that taeyong has been wishing to see.

jaehyun..❞ he bit his bottom lip to contain his sob, not wanting to trigger his condition at a time like this. and so, all he did was stare at the most perfect human being he has seen in his entire life, the most precious, and so important in his life. sometimes, he just wonders what he ever did to deserve someone like him.

hearing his name being called out by a soft voice, the male closed the door and gave everyone a smile before placing the fruits he brought with him along the way. after greeting the male's mother, jaehyun went on to sit where ten sat minutes ago before he left to give the space to him. but as soon as he sat down, he noticed the smaller male looking like he was this near bursting to tears. ❝hey, come on, i just got here. i had to go home first since ten was insisting that you wouldn't want to see me look so wrecked.

are you not m-mad?❞ he was starting to sniffle, but did his best to silence down his cries. ❝i was very stubborn, i didn't listen to you, i was selfish with what i want, and i didn't think of my weak state. i bet you are mad right now, and i understand. you can shout at me, scold me, and even be strict with me starting today. i won't mind that at all because i know i deserve it.

taeyong shut his eyes tight and waited for all those to happen. he waited for the male to raise his voice at him, to state his point, to rub it on his face of how stubborn he is, and he was ready to face being scolded by him.

but that didn't happen, making the patient flutter his eyes open just to see the younger sitting there with a small smile and showing off his illegal dimples. ❝jaehyun?

flinching, taeyong felt his tears streaming down from his eyes when the younger leaned forward and glued their foreheads together as he closed his eyes and stayed in that position for a while. what got the patient not hold back his sobs is how jaehyun touched him with his words.

your bubu is so strong, i'm proud, wifey.❞ he said.

because of that, taeyong wasn't able to contain himself in throwing his arms over the younger's shoulder harshly and pulled him in for a tight hug, snuggling on to his shoulder as he tried to quiet down his sobs and toned down his cries. his actions almost gave ten a heart attack, making his two bestfriends coo at the sight, and jaehyun unknowingly got approval from the patient's mother who was watching with a sad smile.

unfortunately, their short moment had to be cut short when a doctor got inside the room and asked to have a private talk with the patient. of course, neither of them went against it and got out of the room slowly, one by one, after giving taeyong encouraging words. jaehyun was the last one to go and to lift the older's mood up, he pampered him with butterfly kisses all over his face, tickling him with it, before settling a soft one on his lips, pouring his love with it.

giving him one last look, jaehyun mouthed a word that encouraged him before closing the door and finally leaving him alone with the doctor. going out, he chuckled at the sight of the actor hiding behind the biker's back to avoid being seen by everyone and probably being interviewed about his relationship towards the chinese actor. yeah, he saw the news, and jaehyun couldn't be more grateful than ever. maybe yuta isn't that bad after all, it's just his childish behavior and jealousy that kicks in whenever he gets close with taeyong.

jaehyun,❞ a woman's voice then snapped him out from his pile of thoughts. ❝can i talk to you for a bit?

nodding his head, the male went to her and trailed from behind as  they walked away from a distance, making sure that it's just them and no one would be able to hear. ❝what is it, mrs. lee?

you really make him happy.

jaehyun still didn't quite catch up as to why she was bringing this up all of a sudden. ❝well, he also makes me happy, he makes me feel complete.

she then let out a bitter chuckle. ❝well, it'll be more complete if you two will give me and your mom the three beans that we ever wanted.

that will never die as a joke for them. but we all know it won't be a joke for too long, one day, and jaehyun is hopeful, it will happen. having a family of his own with taeyong will be the best thing that would happen in his entire life, aside from falling in love with him.

i wish i would be there to see that happening.

the smile on jaehyun's face then dropped at that one single line that had him put to a realization as to why they are talking in the first place. ❝excuse me, mrs. lee?

shaking her head, she remained smiling as not to make it too obvious. ❝it won't matter, right? as long as i also make him happy, it'll be worth it. i might not be able to accompany him on stage when he graduates, i might not be there seeing him walk down the aisle, i might not be there to tease him when you two will go fishing for the first time, i might not be there to see the triplets grow up, and i might not be there to see him be happy throughout his life,❞ she said, tearing up in the middle of her speech. ❝but knowing that he'll be living the most of it is already enough for me.

with his mouth wide agape, jaehyun felt his own world breaking to pieces as he now guessed what is happening, and why ten was keeping it from him from the beginning.

and seeing her smile with tears falling from her eyes is something that he never knew he couldn't bear to see. ❝but jaehyun, i can count on you to be there with him for me, right?

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