⌜ twenty ⌟

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confess to him?

a weak laugh was what johnny can let out as of that moment. he had his index finger circling around the rim of the glass that's half full of alcohol, drowsy eyes staring at the door where the japanese actor had to leave because of his schedule. he hasn't drank even this only glass that yuta had offered him, not planning to do so as he still had to drive home.

he was now left alone there in the booth, having tons to think about inside his head.

confess to him..❞ he voiced out what kept on running inside his head. johnny didn't find it funny at all but he just couldn't help but laugh at how helpless he is.

it's his friend, it's his and taeyong's friend, he should at least support him. at least he knows him, he knows that yuta will never hurt taeyong. in fact, he'd take care of him like no one else can. it's the situation that johnny is doubting. an actor, a famous one, name heard everywhere, falling for taeyong. that's too risky. imagine what would his fans react if they find out that he's going to be in a relationship, with someone as ordinary as taeyong at that. some might be able to accept that but there's always this one group that would put the male's life in danger.

johnny couldn't believe that he'd be saying this but he'd prefer to have taeyong be with jaehyun than risk his life with yuta. there's nothing wrong with the japanese, he's a great man as what everybody thinks he is. what he didn't want to happen is to have the actor choose between taeyong and his career, he didn't want the two to suffer by being together, and he definitely didn't want anything to happen to taeyong.

what should he do?

no idea, he had no idea— taking hold of the empty bottle that the actor had finished, johnny raised it up and was about to motion his arm to throw it but halted a second after. groaning, he slammed the bottle down the table and snatched the half filled glass, drinking it in one gulp.

shutting his eyes tight, the alcohol was burning his throat. he then threw his head back and stared at the ceiling, with his hazy gaze, having neon lights reflecting on it. ❝how the fuck did i get into this mess?

if he thinks about it, would this ever happen if he just got to confess first? if the two of them are now happily together, would taeyong be safe with him?

burying his head on the palm of his hands, he started rubbing his face with an annoyed groan. he stayed in that position for a couple of minutes before standing up and almost stumbling but managed to balance his stance. he made his way to the door as he finally decided to leave the place and have him thinking at home.

being here only gives him an urge to finish a whole bottle.

not even moments after, he finally got himself out of the loud place with booming music and drunk people dancing everywhere. he made sure to greet the security guard though, and also give his goodbyes to the bouncer who helped him find where the japanese actor is. jonny looked fine on the outside but he's totally conflicted inside.

he then caught a glimpse of his motorbike at the parking lot, also catching couple of familiar cars that's still parked there ever since he had arrived at this place. fumbling his hands inside his pockets, he brought out his keys and went to start the motorbike with it. as he inserted the key at in tbe ignition, johnny took his helmet and wore it on, was already twisting his grip.

he was about to make his way out of the parking lot but paused midway hastily with a loud screech coming from the motorbiker's wheel the moment he saw someone crouching down there with his shoulder going up and down.

johnny could feel his heart getting out of chest as he almost ran over someone.

jesus,❞ he removed his helmet and glared at that certain someone who's crying there. ❝kid, if you want to kill yourself, it's much more effective down the road, not here at the parking lot—

he lost the will to speak after seeing that person raise his head up.

sniffling loudly, the person whom johnny addressed as a kid then brought his hand up and tried wiping his tears away. ❝w-why d-did you s-stop?

why did he stop? to avoid any cases. most importantly, why did johnny feel his chest clenching after hearing how broken that voice is? since he greeted him a question, he thought it would be better to also give him a question. ❝what are you doing here?

standing up from the ground, the smaller male looked away with tears still streaming down from his eyes. ❝that's n-none of your b-business.

having the engine of his motorbike stopped, johnny folded his arms across his chest and leaned forward, his eyes still focused on the crying male. ❝well, knowing why i stopped is also none of your business.

the male actually had drank a lot with his friends that dragged him here. but having this conversation with, what he could guess, a biker is already enough to make him sober enough to get irritated at how he's talking like that. he's just curious as to why he stopped when he could have just ran him over. hit and run, that's a thing he could use.

i went out for fresh air.❞ but in the end, he told the biker his purpose of being there. not really his true purpose but it's part of it.

air in the parking lot is not that fresh, but okay.❞ johnny chuckled when he saw the once crying male glare at him with those puffed and swollen eyes. ❝don't wanna catch a case, also don't want to kill someone, that's why i stopped.

talking with him is only making it worse. all he wanted was to calm down and it just so happen that when he ran away from the bar, he broke down by the parking lot. having a conversation with the biker is not part of his plan, neither getting ran over but that would have been fine.

heaving out a sigh, he turned his body around and now had his back facing the biker as he slowly took steps away from him.

hey, where are you going?❞ johnny raised his voice for the smaller male to hear as he's already a distance away from him.

none of your business!❞ the other shouted back, still not stopping from moving away from him.

with a smirk on his face, johnny actually came to a liking in talking to him. he didn't know where it put interest to him, it's probably how adorable he looked when he glared at him despite of his eyes tearing up. ❝then i guess knowing why you and jaehyun broke up is also none of my business!

halting for his tracks, he could then feel his body stiffening at the mention of that name which he's trying to forget. the male then clenched his hands to tight fists as he felt the tears strolling down aggressively once more. heck, he never stopped crying the moment he arrived him. he thought that drowning himself with alcohol could make him forget but he thought wrong.

busy with his painful thoughts about that guy who broke his heart, he didn't even notice who's now driving his way towards him and stopped right next to him. he only got to snap back to his senses when he heard his voice.

so, where are you going?❞ johnny repeated. this time, he was now much more closer to him.

annoyed, it got him to speak out. ❝far away, okay? so far that no one can ever reach me, no one can find me, and no one like you can annoy me!❞ his harsh tone kind of startled the biker, more when he turned to face him with a tint of irritation visible in his expression. ❝so l-leave me alone.

but seems like his want of pushing him away isn't getting to the much more taller male. ❝that sounds like a good idea.

he even got to agree. it made the guy furrow his brows. ❝w-what?

not the leaving you alone part,❞ johnny said while tilting his head to the side, having a smile on his face but it couldn't be seen clearly because of his tinted helmet. ❝you're going far away?

clicking his tongue, the male ruffled his hair as he looked away. he held himself back from screaming at how the biker was getting to his nerves. ❝you don't get it—

what a coincidence!❞ clasping his hands, an excited gasp was heard from johnny. ❝i'm also going there too!

i said—

starting his motorbike back again, he turned his head to face the smaller male that eventually stopped crying because of how he's pissing him off. ❝want a ride?


pouting, ❝it's for free!❞ he did try to convince him.

and it also looked like he going to burst any moment from now. ❝i don't care if it's for free, i'm—

taking his helmet off from his head, johnny purposely ran his hand across his strands of hair while having that seductive expression. well, if lip bites are counted as seductive then that's what he's doing right now. meanwhile, the smaller male stood their with his brows knitted, was he supposed to blush or to be disgusted?

one thing is for sure, this guy is hot— annoying.

not hearing a word from him, a smile curved on johnny's lips as he got to shut him up. ❝come on, brad doesn't mind.

just when he trailed off from his thoughts by just scanning his face, the male raised a brow. ❝who's brad?

does he have a boyfriend or a girlfriend perhaps? why on earth is he here irritating him when he can just drive away and be with his so called brad? and even if he is in a relationship, why does he had to say something about it and rub it in his face that he's single and he's being rejected by his ex?

if you ask johnny, he also had no idea why he just offered this guy a ride. he doesn't even bring his friends with him, let alone this guy whom he almost ran over, who cried his heart out, and who told him to leave because it's not his business. ❝that look screams jealousy— are you thinking that he's my boyfriend?

with cheeks heating up, actually it his face has already being flushed red from the start because of drinking, the male raised his fist up and almost had punched this laughing guy. ❝you know what? fuck you.

he was about to walk away but a hand grabbing his wrist brought him back harshly to his place, surprising him with a helmet being forced to be worn.

hey!❞ he yanked his arm back but only felt the biker tightening his grip.

hop on.❞ johnny had finally removed his hold from his wrist and tapped the seat beside him, wiggling his brows up and down. ❝you don't want to waste a free ride, do you?

being stubborn, the smaller male had his head tilted to the side with his arms crossed. ❝and what if i don't want to?

why did you break up with jaehyun


groaning really loud in annoyance, the male struggled to get up on his motorbike but eventually got to settle himself down right behind the biker who's starting his motorbike. the much more shorter male actually distanced himself from the biker as he didn't want to touch him. johnny noticed it and decided to tease him, obviously wanting for him to hug him from behind.

hold on tight!❞ he shouted, starting off as slow.

what? no— the fuck!❞ a scream was heard from him and the sudden fast pace got him to wrap his arms around the biker's waist. he now had his body sticking behind johnny and had his eyes shut tight at how he's still going fast.

even his heartbeat is pumping fast.

soon later, they were now down the busy road and it surprised the male how johnny was driving smoothly despite of him going faster than ever. it calmed him somehow, finding comfort in his presence. he's a stranger, the smaller male just wanted to remind himself.

but for some reason, he trusted him.

hey,❞ he then spoke, earning a hum from johnny. the male stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before speaking again. ❝can we go far? really far.

with a wide grin, johnny is just glad he couldn't see him. ❝no problem.

johnny made sure to slow down with a purpose of having the male behind him to scan the city with its light post guiding the road. if he gets to say something about it, the night is so pretty. it made the smaller male loosened his grip around the biker's waist and it honestly made the taller raise a brow.

by the way, i'm johnny.❞ the biker then decided to initiate a conversation, not wanting to bore the other out or even put him to sleep. he already knows his name, coming from taeyong who described him, but he just thought it would be a proper way to introduce to each other. ❝you?

clicking his tongue, the guy just wants some peace and quiet during the ride. he's already busy admiring the beautiful nightlife in this city they are in. ❝none of your—

okay then!❞ zooming really fast, it got the male to tighten back his embrace around his waist.

ahh! the fuck, ten, i'm ten!


putting his things inside his bag after getting himself ready to start the day and wearing his uniform on, taeyong paused for a moment that going out of that door will cause him to meet the person who just started to play with his heart. it was saturday when all of that happened, having him to stay in his room the next day. he just went out when he was hungry, grabbing a food and quickly rushing his way back to his shared room with his mother. his mother questioned his actions but he just made out a reason that he's too lazy to go out, she was easy to convince with that.

the reason is that, he didn't want to see jaehyun, not when he ran away from him.

yeah, just like the first time they met and caused trouble, he also ran away from this one.

honestly, after having his ex pinned on to the lockers and kissing the life out of him, he goes out there telling taeyong that he wants to make it all real? never in his life has he heard such bullcrap. maybe he really isn't a nice guy like what he had thought he would be. and there, he actually believed that he is someone worth loving for, considering how much he adored his ex and makes an effort just to get back with him. as much as taeyong wanted to hate him so bad for even bothering to play with his heart, he hated himself more.

why did he even fall in love?

hm?❞ carrying his bag, his brows knitted when he saw a message from his phone. taking it, he quickly went to read it as it was coming from his biker friend. ❝i won't be attending classes today.

that confused taeyong a lot. it may not really look like it, neither does he even acts like it, but johnny excels in his studies. sure, there are some aspects he's poor at but he is above average in more of his grades from different subjects.

johnny is never the type to skip.❞ only typing a short message about how he should take care of himself if ever he's sick, he sent it before dipping his phone inside his slack's pocket. ❝i wonder what could be the reason.

he had already told his mother that he'd be eating outside, probably at the school's cafeteria. it again made the woman wonder why it looked like taeyong was avoiding something— or someone, but she didn't bother questioning him about it. she's actually right, taeyong had no plans in stepping foot inside that kitchen knowing that he will be there.

he didn't want to show up in front of his face.

he's following what johnny said, to stop this.

maybe if he just avoids him then he'd probably forget about this stupid feelings he had for a certain someone—

so, avoiding me?

with a shriek, taeyong jumped back at the voice the moment he opened the door. he placed a hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat getting faster as seconds passed by, but it soon composed down after seeing who came to see him this morning. but remembering what had happened between the two of them caused for his heart rate to quicken, having him to close his eyes and take a deep breath in.

meanwhile, the person standing there had his arms folded across his chest as he had his brow raised. ❝you're quite obvious.

trying to look uninterested, ❝i don't know what you are talking about, jaehyun.❞ he made an attempt to pass by him but the taller male only got to block his way. glaring up at him, taeyong didn't last a second in looking at the younger as he immediately wandered his eyes everywhere but him.

the said male was about to say a word but he was taken aback when the shorter suddenly pushed him away so he could pass. groaning in annoyance, jaehyun held back his urge to roll his eyes as he then decided to just follow him from behind. ❝why are you acting like this?

acting like what?❞ taeyong could hear his footsteps coming close, making him fasten his walk. upon reaching the back door, he didn't waste time to open it and get out of the house.

and to think he wouldn't follow, jaehyun is still trailing from behind. ❝you're ignoring me.

i'm talking to you, i don't know what you mean by ignoring you.❞ the older simply replied, making his way towards the gates and struggled to open it.

but hey, at least it isn't locked.

you didn't get out of your room yesterday, i was waiting for you at the kitchen.❞ exactly, that's that main reason as to why taeyong didn't get out of his room. he didn't have the courage to see him and have this talk with him.

but luck isn't on his side when this guy just had to wait for him by his doorstep, he even almost gave him a heart attack. gosh, it really isn't healthy being with him. taking him this long, taeyong finally got to open the gates and as he was about to leave, he was halted by his tracks when he saw a familiar car parked right in front of the gates.

facing the guy beside him with a look on his face, he only got a shrug from him. ❝i guessed that you'd prefer the back gate so i parked here.

shaking his head, a step to the opposite side was what taeyong did. it's far from his university but as long as it's anywhere but having to go together with the younger male is fine. ❝i'm going alone.

no, you are not.❞ jaehyun knows he had the strength to do so, which is why he grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back close. he also made sure that the two of them would get to lock gazes. ❝you're coming with me, i'm driving you to school.

let go of me.❞ with pants coming out from his mouth as if he was exhausted, taeyong still managed to send a glare at the taller male that's forcing him. not to mention how tight he gripping on to his arm.

but wanting it to be his way, jaehyun had no plans of letting him go. he wanted an explanation as to why the older is acting like this after what had happened that night. ❝did i say something wrong?


were you hurt by what i said? did you not like the idea?❞ the taller male still went on in bombarding him with questions.

whimpering quietly, the smaller male being held back tight from escaping could now feel the lump in his throat. he could feel the tears welling up from his eyes but he knew he had to hold it back as he didn't want anything happening to him. ❝i said, l-let me go.

all i asked for was is this to be real—


recognizing that voice, never in his life has he felt to relieved. both of them turned their heads to its direction and saw a man wearing a cap and mask, waving his hand up in air. the older heard the taller male clicking his tongue, using this opportunity to yank his arm back as the younger was busy glaring at the actor standing there.

i'm going with yuta.

with that, jaehyun was left there as taeyong rushed towards the van where the japanese actor is waiting outside. he didn't dare to look at them as he only had his head lowered down, looking at the cemented ground as if it's the most interesting thing on earth.

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