⌜ twenty nine ⌟

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you look so in love,❞ the freshman sitting right across him then commented with his face all scrunched. ❝it's disgusting.

jaehyun lifted his head up from having his eyes fixed on his phone just because he's messaging the love of his life, and stuck his tongue out at the younger who's bitter at what he had now. ❝you're just jealous because you haven't made a move yet to sunshine.

first, it's my sunshine.❞ mark corrected, having his chopsticks pointed at the older as if he's threatening him with it. ❝and second, i hate that you're right.

chuckling at how the freshman immediately agreed with him, jaehyun got his eyes back on his phone and replied to the message he had just received from taeyong who's also having their lunch break. he's not being annoying, totally not. worried is the word he'd like to use. that's why he's asking so many questions about him eating yet, what kind of food, who he is with, is he at the cafeteria, and such. definitely not being annoying, just worried.

even mark could notice that smile on his face and he was judging him real hard. he preferred looking at a heartbroken jaehyun because he can tease him as much in that state. although, he didn't mind him being happy like this. it's just— disgusting to see. and because the older was too busy with his phone and who he's chatting with, he didn't notice a thai student making his way to their table that even mark was surprised to see him around.

let me just join you guys,❞ the smaller male invited himself to their table and placed his tray down there, not bothering to wait as to what the two has to say about his presence. ❝my friends went out to eat and i was too late to catch up.

with mark sipping his soda silently, jaehyun just took a short glance at the thai male beside him before giving him a nod and going back in replying to the love of his life's messages. the freshman raised a brow at how the both of them were acting natural as if nothing happened between them, and ten even leaned close to take a sneak peek as to what jaehyun was being busy about in his phone.

is that taeyong?❞ he questioned, having a finger pointed at the male's display picture on his phone.

he's cute, isn't he?❞ the taller male had a wide smile plastered on his face while showing off proudly his wifey's picture. the thai student rolled his eyes and started eating his lunch with grumbles, making jaehyun laugh at his reaction. ❝anyways, how are you with daddy babe?

ten wasn't the only one choking from his food, mark almost gagged at the soda he is drinking, and it's all because of jaehyun and his choice of words. ❝d-daddy babe?

the male laughed with a snort at how they almost lost their lives from choking. he then passed a water bottle to mark who had it worst before turning his head towards the thai male. ❝johnny, that biker.

oh, him.❞ and here comes the headaches. but quickly, ten regained himself with a bright smile upon remembering the deal he had with the biker. ❝well, if he gives me yuta's autograph then we are all good.

the mention of the famous japanese actor made the only freshman tilt his head to the side with his brows being knitted. getting an autograph from a famous actor like him, when is that easy? that is not the only thing that's confusing him,  he was giving the two looks, finding it strange at how they were acting so close even after that has happened to them. both of them laughed at one's joking statement and would time to time eat there lunch, with jaehyun not forgetting to reply to his wifey bean that's now spamming him back with messages.

meanwhile, mark sat there and is silently asking for answers.

he could have sworn that he was always present in every episode of their drama, what did he miss?

mark?❞ the said male snapped back from his thoughts and stared at the thai student that just called him to get his attention. ❝are you not going to eat?

jaehyun has also raised his head up from his phone and stared at the male sitting right across the both of them. ❝is there anything wrong, simba?

still finding the right words to say, mark brought his hand up and pointed a finger at the two. ❝you guys are already close?

that caused for them to stiffen from their places, turning their heads to each other, having their eyes widened and gazes being locked for a couple of seconds, before awkwardly scooting away from each other while letting out excusable coughs. and in doing that, the two worsened their situation by answering in chorus. ❝no..

the freshman squinted his eyes, shoving the fries inside his mouth as he was up for putting them in the hotseat. ❝so, tell me, when did you guys get back together?

f-funny story,❞ ten rubbed his nape, turning to the taller male and is asking help from his eyes.

catching the hint quickly, jaehyun had also stumbled with his words. ❝it's n-not really l-like that.

vigorously nodding his head in agreement, the thai came in to also speak. ❝we, uhm, met these dudes.

one is a kitten,❞ the taller told him.

with the shorter one continuing their story. ❝and the other is obsessed with his bike.

feeling like that was already enough to summarize everything, the both of them went back to sending messages to each other with their eyes before finally concluding it together with their heads snapping to the freshman's direction, startling him with how in sync they are. ❝end of story.

it was a moment of silence on their table for a good while, mark still processing it all inside his head and the two were sweating, thinking that they might have sounded suspicious in their explanation. then, the youngest of the three of them heaved out a sigh as he went to grab the burger on the taller's tray. ❝or, you two could have just told me that you found someone else already and agreed in staying as friends. it isn't that hard, now, is it?

finding their explanation awhile ago quite stupid, jaehyun started shaking his head and went back to putting all his focus on his phone where he's receiving countless of messages from his one and only. the smile of adoration  on his face were making the two males almost gag from their lunch, which he only rolled his eyes at it. ❝at least i'm getting approval in soon being his boyfriend, unlike a certain someone.

that was supposedly dedicated at the two of them, but mostly ten since he had a complicated relationship with the biker. ❝w-well, we are almost there! we're just taking things slow.

mark was about to take another bite of the burger but paused midway when he saw their eyes darting at him. ❝why are you looking at me like that?

no progress with your love?❞ jaehyun raised a brow.

don't you have the hots for lee donghyuck?❞ ten leaned closer towards him with his elbows propping down the table. ❝he's going to join the dance club later, would you want me to send your regards to him?

with a huff and a sulky pout, mark stuffed his mouth with the burger. he was somewhat salty that these two got the love of their lives this easily while he was struggling to even impress his dense sunshine. ❝i can deal with it on my own, okay? i don't need you two's help.

both jaehyun and ten looked at each other, chuckling at how hopeless the younger is acting right now. sure, they won't help it if he doesn't ask for it but if push comes to shove, ten was born ready in being a wedding planner and jaehyun is just a call away in buying suits and already is knowing how he's going to be the best man in the wedding.

just as the three were now casually chatting, the med student suddenly had an idea in mind. no, it's not about his friend's wedding, neither is it even about mark and his fat crush towards donghyuck. it is actually about a certain someone that he planned to surprise later after classes ends. ❝hey, we don't have basketball practice later, right?


it was freezing cold and taeyong wan't wearing any coat with him, neither did he even bother asking to borrow one from jaehyun. he didn't want to look like he as taking him for granted. though, deep inside, he was wishing that he could have at least asked for the sweater he is wearing under his coat this morning. he just really didn't expect for the temperature to be this cold and especially at night when he's waiting in front of the school gates till a certain someone would come and pick him up.

he breathed out heavily and had his hands lifting up and hugging himself, rubbing his palms to his arms in hopes to create heat for himself. seconds after, he checked the time from his phone and was growing nervous at how the younger name was taking time to pick him up. johnny actually insisted to wait with him but taeyong didn't want to burden his friend as he knew that the biker had somewhere else to go. standing still there, he received a message coming from the busy japanese actor about how he is doing right now and if he was already home. as much as it hurt him to lie, he didn't want to worry yuta. and so, he ended up not telling the truth and messaged him that he's already safe at home, laying down comfortably.

the clock was ticking and all he could do was wait. it's not that he isn't patient at all, he can even stand there for the whole night if he had to, but it's his schedule that's making him fidget from his place.

taeyong has to take his pills minutes from now.

sorry, did i make you wait long?

just as he was going to ask himself as to where the younger could be right now, or even make a call and tell him that he will just go home by himself, the person that has been taking over his head for awhile now appeared right in front of him with his signature dimpled smile and his beloved car which he named as kevin.

with  chuckle, taeyong came running towards him and wrapped his arms around his waist, booping their noses real quick that from afar, you will mistake them kissing. the smaller male was being bubbly, looking like nothing was wrong with him at all, which the taller male didn't really worry much except for feeling how freezing cold the older is. removing the coat he is wearing, he let the shorter wear it before opening the door from the car for him. taeyong rolled his eyes at the sweet gesture but got inside nonetheless. jaehyun followed not moments after and started the engine of the car, glancing at older male for a short while with a smile that showed his excitement.

it made taeyong raise a brow at him while the other was starting to drive. ❝what's with that look?

jaehyun shrugged with his cheeks puffed, still containing himself from looking like he's an excited baby. though, it's probably already obvious that he had something on his sleeves. ❝nothing, i'm just really happy to see you.

really?❞ somehow, that sounded like it wasn't the only reason as to why he's looking like that. ❝jung jaehyun.

as if his stern voice can actually scare the said male. instead, it even urged the younger to tease him. ❝really, jung taeyong.

the older won't show it as he was looking away from him but he was blushing madly at how that name sound so perfect, how it rolled beautifully from his tongue, and how ideal it would be if he does really end up being married to him— taeyong started shaking his head aggressively at the thought. he shouldn't be thinking of that, not right now at least. he still has his medicines to worry about and johnny is quite strict with him about this. staring back straight on the road, he had his mouth agape seeing that the car is being maneuvered to the opposite side of the road.

it definitely is not the road to the jung's residence.

hey,❞ fumbling with his fingers, taeyong turned his head to the side and saw how wide the younger's smile is. ❝where are we going?

the taller male could only give him a short glance as he was the one driving, fixing his eyes back on the road to prevent from accidents happening. when he promised himself awhile ago not to show any signs of excitement so he wouldn't be too obvious, he had already broken that promise to himself as he couldn't help it. nonetheless, what's important is that the older male doesn't know what he is up to. ❝that's a secret.

tell him, that's what is going on inside his head. he badly wanted to tell him his state and what he should be limiting himself, but no words can come out from his mouth. thinking about it deeply, his thoughts were jumbled. taeyong nervously sat there while nibbling on to his bottom lip, trying to think of a way on how he'll be able to bring it up to him without breaking his spirits, without wiping that smile on his face.

and just when he finally gathered the courage to do so, ❝jae

we're here!

taeyong flinched at how loud his shout was but quickly softened when he heard the younger chuckle. he once again lost the chance to explain everything to him when jaehyun had immediately got out of the car after it was parked right in front of the gates and had the door from his side being opened by him. the older appreciated it, honestly, but he was having mixed feelings right now. he very well knew that telling him about his condition would be the right thing to do, but he looked so happy that he didn't want to crumple that happiness he had felt right at that moment.

because when jaehyun is happy, it instantly also makes his lips curve up.

they were currently at the younger's university and taeyong was genuinely confused as to what on earth they were doing there. but even though, he still trailed behind him and would hide at one corridor from another if the younger also does that. both of them were checking if there were any security guards around— well, it's just jaehyun doing that as the smaller male is just following from behind looking like a lost puppy. it took him a while to fully get where they were headed to when they had arrived to a locked place.

the university's gymnasium, and the last time taeyong could remember being there was during the younger's match and also the day when he embarrassed himself fully just to give jaehyun the full support and also so that he would be motivated to play the game. recalling it made the older male's cheeks heat up while the other was busy unlocking the gate and getting inside first just to switch the lights on. with mouth wide open, taeyong followed not long after and the place was huge now that it wasn't occupied, and the younger stood in the middle of the court with a ball in hand, smiling so widely at him.

have you ever played sports with your boyfriend before?❞ jaehyun said, the tone of his voice indicating how happy he is.

it's making the older male take consideration and choose him over his health— again.

did he mind? not really, especially when he gets to see him smile and enjoy the time like this. but is this is surely dangerous, not just for themselves if ever they get caught being inside the school campus this late, but also for his condition that he is risking just to see the younger be this happy.

i'm going to repeat it again,❞ taeyong released a chuckle as he got close to him, after putting his bag down the bleachers. he actually had it worn and forgot to leave it at the car, still busy processing the situation inside his head during that time. ❝i never had a boyfriend.

shrugging his shoulder with a smug smile on his face, the younger male started dribbling the ball as he was feeling proud at what he was about to say. ❝glad to be your first, then.

you're so overly confident sometimes.❞ but then again, is jaehyun even wrong though? taeyong rolled his eyes while containing himself from having his lips curve up at how playful the taller male is right at that moment. he then turned around and moved a distance away from him, but is still making sure that he wouldn't be out of the light so the two of them can still see each other.

seeing him moving away made jaehyun frown and puff his cheeks, first making shot before speaking. ❝don't you want to play with me?

he was about to say that he'll just stand there and watch him but it seems like the possibility of saying that will cause the other to not enjoy what he's doing. which is why, taeyong had a crazy idea to suggest. ❝i'm going to cheer for you like how i did the last time.

the player went running to the ball and caught it before it went out of the court. his eyes then darted to the older male that's standing there and smiled at him before dribbling the ball once more and running to the other side of the court, making a dunk shot just to purposely show off his skills to his wifey bean that's clapping his hands right now.

go hubby, go hubby, go hubby hubby bean!❞ that was the same chat that taeyong had screamed during the game, he's even matching it with some body rolls while forming a heart on his chest using his hands.

each minute, jaehyun would score a point but at minutes passes by of the older cheering for him and being genuinely happy for him, he was getting bored of playing by himself. and so, he started to approach the smaller male that is still busy screaming his name and doing the chant over and over again.

go hubby— hey!❞ fortunately for taeyong, he took hold of the ball before it hits his face.

the taller was laughing at his adorable reaction before taking his arm and pulling him inside the court. ❝it's much more fun playing than cheering.

taeyong stared at the ball for a couple of seconds before looking up at the younger who's wiggling his brows, being cocky because he knows that he's going to be better at this since he's a basketball player himself. now, he had the option to decline and just stay at the corner, but what did he do? ❝oh, are you challenging me?

jaehyun got himself to position, bending slightly with arms spread on the side. the smirk on his face never really disappeared even when the male he is with is looking so determined already. ❝bring it on.

frankly speaking, taeyong had no experience or whatsoever in basketball. he'd just watch some matches here and there but he never had really tried playing it, not with this condition of his. but with jaehyun, it seems like he could do anything and almost everything. making an attempt to dribble the ball, he was aiming to look cool like how the younger did awhile ago but to jaehyun's eyes, he was just looking adorable. he's like a baby looking clueless as to how basketball works. and as he was busy cooing at the older, taeyong managed to smoothly go pass by him and chuckle at how surprised the other looked by it.

being competitive as he is, jaehyun turned around and ran towards the smaller male that's now screeching for his life. since he had no choice but to embrace the ball tightly from the most valuable player himself, the younger engulfed him in a back hug and is trying to get the ball from him. even when knowing that he'll lose from him in any way, taeyong still tried to find a small percentage to win. however, that was impossible because of how jaehyun was tickling him from the side and now had the ball slipping from his hands.

that's unfair!❞ the shorter male gasped when the ball is now on the younger's possession.

not like they made rules anyways, so jaehyun decided to cheat that way. when he successfully got the ball from him, he swiftly turned his body and started dribbling the ball to the other side. he was already this near to making a point, wanting to see how the smaller male would react by it, but just when he was already at a position to throw, he heard heavy breathing from behind. being alarm by it, he turned around with wide eyes and saw how taeyong was clutching to his chest and is panting for air.

j-jaehyun..❞ he managed to say but with his weak voice.

dropping the ball and not caring about it anymore, the male being called out went towards him and with panic visible on his face.❝taeyong!

with a hand on his knee to support himself from standing up, the breathless male was bawling his glossy eyes out as he tried to catch for air, looking like he badly needed it. ❝i c-can't..

taeyong, hey, hey,❞ reaching in front of him, jaehyun took hold of one of his hand and started massaging it while he brushed his own to the older's hair. ❝okay, it's alright. calm down, deep breaths. inhale, exhale—

and right at that moment, the taller male felt his heart pumping out from his chest out of panic when taeyong's body came stumbling towards him. lucky for the shorter male, jaehyun was quick to wrap an arm around his waist to keep him up from falling. he was sweating, his head was getting dizzier, his vision was slowly getting blurry, and jaehyun was blank at that moment. he was too overwhelmed to even move a muscle. meanwhile, the older buried his head down on his shoulder before raising it up and having his warm breath ghosting over the taller's ear.

not seconds after, a sly smile was formed in his face. ❝hubby, you fell for it.

giggling happily like a playful kid, taeyong managed to get away from his hold, as it was already loosening the moment when he said that he was just toying with him, and ran towards the ball that's rolling in the middle of the court. he scooped it up and didn't bother to dribbling it anymore, just carrying it around with him as he ran and ran till he was near to the hoop. first attempt of throwing it, failed. second, he threw it too far. third, the distance was too short, so much for the third's time a char. then there comes the four, where taeyong made a deal for himself that if he's not able to make a point then he'll just gladly give the ball back to the younger make that's being undeniably being quite. but, he was too focused in making a point to even know what's going on with jaehyun.

crossing his fingers and biting his bottom lip, taeyong watched as the ball he threw stayed at the hoop for a second until— he made a point. ❝jaehyun, i did it!

he jumped around happily, flailing his arms up in the air, and is letting out incoherent sounds as taeyong was being too happy at the first ever point he had made in basketball in his entire life. this then gave him hope, maybe he'll try soccer next?

look, did you see that? it stayed there for a second then—❞ taeyong widened his eye at how his mini celebration for himself was cut off by a pair of arms pulling him harshly and making him bump to a chest.

just then, the younger male that's letting him be in his warm embrace had his head buried at the crook of his neck. his uneven breaths was hitting his skin and the older just then felt how worried he probably was because of the prank he had done awhile ago.

actually, he was half faking it.

taeyong did have a hard time breathing, but he was still stable enough to play and probably shoot for a point. this is already an achievement in life, even much more greater than being the best in class. though, upon knowing what he had caused to the younger, he is starting to feel guilty.

jaehyun pulled away and now glued their foreheads together, letting the shorter male see how nervous and concerned he really did look. ❝don't scare me like that, please.

while he had his eyes closed tight, taeyong just looked at him with his lips curving down to a deep frown. is he this much of a burden that he could easily make people worry this much about him? much more reasons not to tell him, he didn't want to put the people on the line in caring for him more than themselves. staying quiet, he just decided to listen to the taller male's worried rants.

please, you actually made me worried sick out there.❞ jaehyun started, taking a deep breath in to calm himself down from shouting at the other. ❝taeyong, don't do this again. it'ts not something that should be played. i can't imagine losing you, so, please.

neither can taeyong imagine himself having a life without him.

jaehyun looked so genuine with his words that it reassured him that he's going to be safe in his arms. so far, never has this guy ever treated him badly. in fact, all the younger had done was to impress him, make him enjoy life, make him laugh and smile throughout the day, and treated him like he's the only boy that ever existed. taeyong isn't usually the type to voice out his feelings as everything is still new to him, and heck, this is the first time he is feeling this way.

having his heart fluttering, not because of his illness, but because how jaehyun is causing for it to be it that way,

having his cheeks heat up in simple things like how close their faces were and one inch more, they'll have their lips touching in no time,

his head filled with thoughts about their possible future and how he'll surely be happy and contented with him,

and how it feels like the two of them completes one another. is this what truly love is? because if it really is then there's no doubt for sure. the younger male had already confessed to him the other day when he went to his school and pulled him out just to skip classes with a boyfriend  for the first time. that confession really made taeyong think a lot, maybe also giving him a sleepless night trying to think if he also feels the same.

love, it's quite deep and broad if you ask him. but if this is how jaehyun felt during that time when he confessed his feelings to him, maybe he also feels the same.

maybe, just maybe? the correct term is surely. he surely does feel the same.

jaehyun,❞ his soft voice called out his name, hand being lifted up and settling it behind his nape as he pulled their faces closer than ever. ❝i am so, very much, in love with you too.

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