⌜ twenty two ⌟

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where have you been?

taking the books and manuals he needed for his next three classes from his locker, taeyong slammed it close and startled the taller male that's standing right next to him. the younger had his arms folded across his chest and brow raised as he turned to the guilty looking biker.

having his hand rubbing his nape, the male just gave out a sheepish smile. ❝resting?

sure, as if he'd totally buy that reason. ❝you were gone for the whole day, not even sending me at least one message!❞ if his two friends scolds him for not telling them about his whereabouts then why can't he? taeyong also cares for them as much as the other two does. ❝all you said was you're going to skip, but why would you—

look, i just got tired after yuta had invited me at a bar and i needed to rest!❞ the taller male reasoned out.

still not buying it, taeyong decided to turn his back on him and start walking away. his next class is from another building, which he had to take a walk obviously. groaning at how stubborn his friend can be, the biker trailed from behind as he continued to explain himself. taeyong also has a lot of explaining to do after seeing him getting out of jaehyun's car this morning even when johnny had already warned him not to get too attached.

how drunk were you that you have to skip yesterday?❞ the smaller male then snapped as he stood by the entrance of the building they were in, cutting the biker off from defending himself.

probably not as drunk as yuta who thought that it was a great idea to do a live during that day, letting people see how drunk he was by how he keeps on stumbling with his words. lucky for him, his fans found it cute and kept on teasing him during the whole live. even if the japanese actor kept on denying about it, it was pretty much obvious that he was drunk but his fans found it adorable. also not to mention how he was with a certain chinese actor during that day, it caused the imaginations of their fan to run wild, thinking what they had probably done offcam.

but it's not their story to have it focused on them, and the question is also shot to johnny. ❝very.. drunk?

hm, sure.❞ still not believing it.

truth to be told, he is far from being drunk. he only drank half a glass, he was completely sane the whole time. it's just that, he got busy with a certain someone. ❝i don't get why you're mad at me.

i'm not mad at you.❞ pushing the glass door open, the younger got out of the building they are in with the taller following from behind. soon then, taeyong stopped to turn and face him. his trailed down from the older's tired expression and on his neck, where a faint red mark was shown. ❝what is that?

johnny stiffened from his place, covering a hand over his neck after seeing where his friend is looking at. ❝w-what is what?

the shorter male took hold of the older's wrist and pulled his hand away, widening his eyes as he was knowledgeable enough to recognize what that is. ❝johnny, is that a hickey—

make up!❞ the biker tried cutting him off. ❝o-or, mosquito bites!

but that didn't stop taeyong from interrogating the taller one. ❝you skipped monday just to get laid?

excuse me, but i helped someone.❞ johnny said, taking a step back.

gasping, the shorter male was taking aback by the thoughts he had in mind. ❝by offering your body!?

the two of them were outside, having students roaming around and stopping just to look at them after taeyong's outburst. countless of misunderstandings can be made at what he had just shouted, making johnny bury his face on the palm of his hand with his index finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose.

for taeyong, this was worst than volunteering to help get one's ex back. his friend actually had to give his body just to help someone, what kind of help is that?

i didn't offer my body, okay?❞ he then went to calm the younger down, holding his hand. the biker didn't pay attention to the eyes that were darted to them, taeyong already did his job to shoo the people away by glaring at them.

sure, he didn't give his body. probably just offered his lips for a heated make out session but you don't hear that from him.

closing his eyes, taeyong might have went too far. whatever the older's reason was for not being around, he's not a parent that has to know about it. all he has to be assured is that his friend is safe and nothing bad had happened to him. johnny is still walking, speaking, and even just being himself so that's already enough for him. he may be a bestfriend but that doesn't mean he gets to control his life, know what he does every second of the day, and have the older follow what he says. they are grown ups for god's sake, they can do whatever they want.

i'm sorry.❞ after minutes of the both of them staying silent, taeyong had finally opened his mouth and spoke. ❝i didn't mean to pressure you into telling me.

johnny was about to say something, probably apologize too for making him worry, but the words he had in mind vanished to thin air when he saw the shorter male raising his head up to look at him, having his eyes welling up with tears.

i-it's just that, i w-wanted to tell you everything that h-had happened so far,❞ hearing sniffles from him, the biker immediately raising his hand up and wiped the tears that are streaming down from his eyes using his thumb. ❝but y-you weren't around s-so i didn't know what t-to do.

taeyong,❞ the taller male had then softened his voice, moving close to him and sticking their foreheads as he had his free hand slide down and take the younger's, massaging his palms. ❝don't cry, calm down. i'm not mad nor am i blaming you for anything. you were just worried and i understand. i am also sorry for not being there with you.❞ he first paused for a couple of seconds and let himself hear the shorter's breathing composing down. ❝that's right, breathe in and breathe out.

fortunately for the said male, he handled his emotions quickly before it starts to scatter to places. taeyong got to stop crying and calm his heartbeat down, preventing himself from having another episode that could cause for the biker to panic once again.

alright?❞ johnny first waited for a nod before moving away and now giving the shorter male a small smile. ❝so, mind telling me now?

i-it doesn't matter, i'm fine now.❞ he isn't but he'll be okay if he just keeps his emotions intact, having to control it even at hard times. ❝yuta was there to pick me up yesterday so it's alright.

pick him up yesterday? so skipping the whole day actually caused him to miss a lot. johnny had a question about why the actor would be there to pick him up but remembering what the japanese had said during the bar made him panic for a short second. ❝what did he say? what did the two of you talk about? did you accept his—

what?❞ taeyong furrowed his brows at how the biker was acting, throwing him tons of questions. ❝he just talked about the headache he had when he woke up, also about the chinese actor he's with.

johnny blinked twice in disbelief, finding it strange. ❝no talking about feelings?

well, he saw me with jaehyun and he expressed his hatred for that guy.❞ taeyong didn't want to remember about that certain person but he just can't help but chuckle seeing how the actor is stressing over it.

the mention of the name made johnny's brow twitched, it caught his attention. ❝speaking about him, how has he been treating you?

like shit if he tells the truth. after witnessing the sight of him and his ex, it never did get out of his head. it would just appear out of no where and remind him how hurt he is during that time, also making his chest clench upon remembering it. and when taeyong finally decided to ignore and avoid him at all cost, a particular person just had to force himself back in his life. but telling all those would only cause for the older to worry, having him to muster up a smile and look like nothing went wrong so far. ❝everything is fine.

johnny knows him so well, who is he to fool? ❝taeyong.

look, just like how you don't want to talk about why you were gone yesterday,❞ he then heaved a sigh as he closed his eyes. ❝i also don't want to talk about this.

cupping his face, johnny once more leaned closer. the two locked gazes and the smaller male could see the sincerity with a glint of worry in the older's eyes. ❝just promise me you won't get yourself hurt with this.

the biker stared straight to his eyes and he could see his pupils shaking. he then went to observe the look of his face and seeing how unsure the younger is made him breathe out the longest sigh he can make.

it really can't be help, huh?❞ he saw how taeyong is shaking his head slowly while biting his bottom lip nervously, making him chuckle quietly and pull away to give each other space. ❝what can we do? we can't stop love. just, take good care of yourself.

hugging his books tight, a deep frown was visible in the younger's face. the mood soon then was lifted up when johnny ruffled his hair and pinched his cheeks just to tease him.

okay, sad hours over!❞ the biker declared with a bright smile, also making the shorter male to have his lips slightly curve up. ❝there's still time left, right? i'll go buy banana milk for us, my treat for leaving you alone yesterday.

puffing his cheeks, the younger shook his head as he wanted to politely turn down that offer. ❝you really don't have to.

come on, i insist.❞ and plus, johnny knows that he's internally craving for banana milk as soon as it was mentioned. he then took his wallet out from his pocket and waved it in front of the smaller male, flexing the empty wallet he owned. ❝i'll be back, stay here.

taeyong didn't get the chance to convince him not to since the biker had already ran off back inside the building they were just in minutes ago. being an obedient child he is, he stood there and had his lips pressed to a thin line as he waited patiently for the older male. he scanned his eyes around the campus and noticed some student slacking off while the others were simply hanging out with their friends, some were being alone and studying.

staring at the students out of boredom went on till his eyes settled on the front gates, noticing someone familiar standing there. quite unsure of who it was, taeyong squinted his eyes and started making his way towards the gates. the male standing there was aso having his eyes wandering around as if he's looking for something in specific.

someone tall and owns a motorbike perhaps?

standing a distance not so far away, taeyong almost let out a gasp upon knowing who it was. ❝ten?

hearing his name then caused for the said male to grip tightly on the white shirt he is holding on to, having taeyong squint his eyes at how familiar that white shirt is. he then locked eyes with the person who called him and showed a nervous smile. ❝t-taeyong, right?

he nodded his head. ❝what are you doing here?

well, we were dismissed early.❞ the shorter wanted to slap his forehead at the answer he said, knowing that it wasn't what the older is looking for. ❝h-have you seen j-johnny?

he knows his friend? the last time he remembered, these two never met, aside from that one time he pointed out who ten is just for johnny to know since he was that curious. ❝why?

ten first got a grip on himself, finding it nerve-racking to be facing one of the biker's friends. the two have not yet met properly like this so he could already guess that the taller's friend could already have some bad impressions about him since he's jaehyun's ex. ❝i w-wanted to give back the shirt i borrowed from him.

so that's why he found the shirt quite familiar, it is johnny's. that then made taeyong furrow his brows, why would ten have his shirt? could it be— ❝are you the one he was helping with yesterday?!

the fresh memory from their alone time together then made ten's cheeks turn bright red, looking away as he didn't have the courage to face the male's friend. but then, the other might get a different idea of what they were doing. ❝d-don't take it the wrong w-way! he was just driving me—

a borrowed shirt, that tired expression, the mosquito bite on his neck, this could only mean one thing. ❝he drove you to heaven!?

n-no!❞ by now, everyone was probably looking at them and he had never felt so embarrassed in his life. he's even wearing his school's uniform. ❝he's just a nice guy who took me around the city and gave me a free ride far from here.

ride?❞ nothing seemed to work right inside his head. ❝you rode him!?

his motorbike!❞ burying his flushed face down on to the shirt he is holding, he couldn't help but groan at the conversation they were having. ❝god.

his motorbike?❞ it took taeyong a while to have it processed inside his head, widening his eyes at what was happening. ❝you're kidding, right?

i w-wish i am.❞ ten lowered his head down as he fumbled with his fingers. ❝he's the one who insisted.

this is unbelievable.❞ a laughter of disbelief was heard from taeyong, still not believing that this is happening. ❝you get to ride brad!?

him, a friend for years, doesn't even get sit down on that precious motorbike of his. he'd even use violence to those who get too close with his motorbike. and here comes someone whom neither of them are even close with. heck, taeyong just pointed him out during that basketball game, not seeing the two of them interact.

then he gets to ride brad. what sorcery is this?

brad? no.❞ ten tilted his head to the side with brows furrowed. ❝like i said, he let me hop in his motorbike.

massaging his temples, taeyong squeezed his eyes shut tight as he took a deep breath. ❝brad is his motorbike!

but he told me—❞ the shorter's expression then changed after finally realizing what the biker did. ❝he named his motorbike  brad?

kind of reminding him of a certain someone.

"taeyong— ten?"

a familiar voice caused for the two mentioned males to snap their heads towards its direction, catching the biker they were talking about having banana milks in his hands. standing side by side, the both of them folded their arms across their chest with taeyong hugging his books and ten hugging the shirt he was about to return. an unimpressed expression was seen on their faces, making the taller male that's approaching close to look clueless.

and as he finally arrived in front of them, he first eyed the shorter male who's holding his white shirt. ❝hey, what are you doing here?

the question is,❞ ten stared up at him with his tongue poking his inner cheek. ❝why did you lie?

another question is,❞ taeyong butted in and made the biker look at him. ❝why did you not tell me?

johnny stood there in shock, having the two bombarding him with questions that he didn't know what to answer. but after seconds of analyzing it, he took a step back, having the banana milks as his shield. ❝i can explain—

how dare you lie to me? i thought he was your ex boyfriend!

how dare you not tell me that you got someone to ride brad? the betrayal, johnny!

wait—❞ and before he can defend himself, he already got the two attacking him with taeyong using his books to hit him by his arm and ten having his shirt wrap around his neck, strangling him with it.

may he get out of there alive.


why so grumpy, wifey?❞ jaehyun sat at one of the chairs by the dining table as he watched a small figure washing the dishes with grumbles escaping from his mouth.

it's honestly adorable if you ask him.

putting the plates in order, taeyong now went to wash the bowls and other utensils. ❝so now you decided to come down and eat dinner?

apparently, taeyong ate dinner together with his mother and also the younger's mother. the woman tried calling out for her son, reminding him about the dinner but he didn't bother coming out. she wanted to send taeyong as a weapon for jaehyun to come out of his room but she felt like doing that would only cause some impure activities inside the room, just like how she'd always catch the two. in the end, the three of them ate dinner with taeyong being quiet as ever and both the mothers gossiping either about the neighbors or about the two of them.

even they noticed how they were slowly distancing away, or just taeyong avoiding jaehyun. they may have guessed that they had a fight but they didn't want to meddle with it, knowing that it's normal for couples to have a fight. although, they wished the two would fix their problem and be close again.

they are still waiting for the triplets that they have always wanted.

i was doing homework.❞ jaehyun simply answered, half lying. he was studying for an upcoming test but he's also busy thinking about the plan he had for the night.

hopefully having this to make the two of them closer than before.

clicking his tongue, taeyong rolled his eyes and put the bowls on the rack where he also put the plates. ❝homework my ass.

he still is salty about what had happened ago. johnny had finally come to tell him about how he and ten met since the male was also present there. even though the two haven't talked about being official, he can already sense them ending up with each other.

though, it made him wonder, aren't jaehyun and ten supposed to be together? then why is he with his bestfriend? is he perhaps, cheating on him?

and while the older was busy thinking about the possibilities, jaehyun was also busy in his own way. having his eyes trailing down to his peaches the moment he had made mention of ass, a muffled snort was heard from him. ❝where?

to think that taeyong didn't hear it. the older immediately understood what he meant and he got offended by it to the point he took a spoon out and threatened to stab it to the taller male that's holding back his laugh. ❝i am a scary bean, jaehyun, watch out.

correction, an adorable bean. but saying that might cost him his life so might as well shut up, or say something else. ❝since i'm already here, can you cook dinner for me?

or be his dinner instead.

heat up whatever is there.❞ washing his hands after the dishes, taeyong went to wipe his hands. ❝it's your fault for not joining dinner us a while ago.

you can't blame jaehyun, he's just busy searching for places to go that can be perfect to hang out and get closer to each other. not even giving him a short glance, the older started walking away and was about to take the door that leads him to his shared room with his mother but was stopped by a voice coming from the son that owned this house he is now living in.

phone, taeyong.

short, but it was also enough for the said male to stop. if only he had the money right now then he'd gladly take that stupid phone, throw it away, and buy him a new one so this will just all stop. harshly turning around, taeyong finally got to look at him but with his glare that threw thousands of daggers. ❝i hate you.

with a smirk, jaehyun placed his elbow down on the table and let his chin rest on the palm of his hand as he watched the shorter male take one of the aprons. ❝i know you don't.

he hated that smirk and most importantly, taeyong hated how he's right.

busy starting off with cooking without even asking what the younger would prefer to eat, taeyong didn't even notice himself forgetting to do the tie behind. although, jaehyun had sharp eyes to see it. he got up silently and made sure not to make a noise as not to surprise the older. but frankly speaking, either way, he'd still surprise him.

jaehyun, would prefer it to be spicy or—❞ a yelp came out of the shorter's mouth when he turned around and met a person's chest. he then couldn't hold back a whimper when he felt fingers sensually gliding along his sides. holding a spatula with one hand, he had the other clutching on to the male's shirt. ❝h-hey..

jaehyun had a wide grin plastered on his face as he could see the effect he had on the small figure he is most likely hugging right now. as much as there's already tons of thunders and cockroaches inside his head, he didn't want to tease the older that much as not to get on his bad side.

if you're going to cook, make sure to tie your apron.❞ leaning down on his shoulder, he neared towards the crook of his neck and letting his warm breath ghost over it. ❝and i like it sweet, like you, wifey.

he said that after placing a soft kiss on taeyong's neck.

moving away, jaehyun had a smile with his dimples showing while wiggling his brows up and down. the older just stared at him with lips parted and cheeks all flushed.

it's a surprise that taeyong still manage to survive with all of jaehyun's antics.

meanwhile, right behind the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room.

"are you sure they are inside?"

jaehyun's mother nodded her head, hushing the other woman down by placing a finger on her lips. "he did insist washing the dishes. i also caught my son going out of his room and went to the kitchen."

the shorter mother gasped quietly, covering her mouth dramatically. "what could they be possibly doing?"

"i don't know," jaehyun's mother then succeeded in twisting the door knob open without making a sound. "but we have to see if they are making triplets."

"right, right," and taeyong's mother noddef her head. "our adorable beans."

eyes scanning whatever she could see in that small gap, the woman clicked her tongue and pushed the door slightly more open so she could get a more clearly view of what they are doing. she could have sworn she heard taeyong stutter, that can only mean one thing. the other smaller woman peeked from behind but she didn't mean to lay her hand on the door and push it fully open. jaehyun's mother was taken aback by it and stumbled down as she was just putting all her weight on the floor while taeyong's was just standing there and holding the door knob with her eyes widened.

both the sons that heard the loud thud turned their heads to where it came from and saw their mothers with panicked visible in their faces. taeyong was just by the stove while jaehyun was seated on of the chairs by the dining table.

mom?❞ the two voiced out, snapping the two women from their thoughts.

quickly finding whatever she could do as an alibi, she had had her hands patting the tiled floor as she was already stumbled down there. ❝what is this, a floor?

and taeyong's mother also went to malfunction. ❝oh my, it's a wall!

so much for catching their sons making their adorable three beans.

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