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       I made several attempts to get someone's attention from the outside world, but I felt trapped in this world of darkness and death.

      The reason for my death is a mystery unsolved with only two clues 'You' and 'Your'.

      Again I ask, "Why...did you..do this...to me?"

      The dark figure responded with another word, "Father."

       He dared mentioning Dad! Terrible memories I longed to forget started to torment me:

      Dad leaving for work as usual, but never coming back. For two days, Dad had been missing. Later that day, on the news, was a terrible car wreck, both fronts of the cars smashed, and two deaths. One of those deaths, was my Dad.

       But he was a good man, always helped charities, played in a band to raise fund-raisers etc. what could he have done?

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