Chapter4- 21 days to go

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This chapter is dedicated to hawieb1004 B.A.F. You know how much I love you right?❣❣

August 5 2016

Beep beep beep beep beep beep goes my alarm.

Argh! I better snooze this thing. I'm not done sleeping.

Assalatu khairun minan- naum goes the adhan.

Prayer is better than sleep

I'll just get up, perform wudu, pray and go back to sleep. Yes.

So I got up, performed wudu and prayed and now cannot go back to sleep. Argh! I want to sleep. I didn't even sleep well and you know sleep is never enough. Plus I didn't sleep early yesterday. What? I didn't do anything. I was just instagramming and snapchatting. Darn them. I so badly want to sleep but the sleep doesn't want to come. I've been lying on this bed for Allah knows how long. But I just cannot sleep. Ya Allah. I might just do something worthwhile right now till the sleep decides to come. Where's my phone now?

*scatters the whole bed and finally finds the phone on the floor. Way to go*

12 new notifications on whatsapp

I have like 30 messages from 17 chats. I'll check them later In Shaa Allah. I don't even know what to wear today. Why? Because I have no idea where Aminu is taking me. I hope he's online so I can ask him. Oh thank God he's online.

Me: .

Him: hey

Me: you didn't tell me where we're going. I have no idea what to wear

Him: chillex b.

Him: it's a surprise

Him: and you look pretty in whatever you wear😉 is only me or do you also think that the winking emoji was flirty? I should stop thinking about this

Me: I'll just wear my nighty then

Him: sexy🙌🏽 Can't wait to see you in it

Me: 🙄 get away you!

I can't believe he wants to see me in my nighty. I just can't. As in ehh. I'm just blushing here. But don't tell him. I don't want to imagine anything because it will be crazy.
It's only 6:30 and I have like 7 hours before my date or should I call it a friendly outing with my future boyfriend. I think that will do. Did I forget to mention there's no one at home right now apart from me? And our maid Nafisa. Actually Daddy is on a business trip in Lagos while Maama and my annoying sister travelled to Kano yesterday because Maama's sister who is also my aunt gave birth. I refused to go because I came back from Kano not long ago. Besides I have Aminu to charm (as if I haven't already done that. The note said it all). Since we currently don't have a driver and I cannot drive that well plus I don't have a license and there's no car at home, I'm just happy Aminu is picking me up.

Finally! I will also have a boyfriend like normal girls. I will go on romantic dates and outings. I won't let him go. No way! We'll be the power couple. Forgive my blabbing. I just don't know what to do right now. I'll just sit and imagine things in my head. But before that let me say hi to my diary

Dear diary

You must be wondering why I'm sounding hyper hyper today (as if you can even see me. But who cares right?) Here's why I'M HAPPY. I don't know what is making me happy. Is it the fact that he's into me or is it because I love surprises especially when they come from guys (but you know this is the first one right?).
I think I have an outfit in mind. I know you want to know. I'll tell you. It's a long sleeve maroon flay and plain dress. And I'm wearing a floral scarf with it. I should better start getting ready. You know I take long to get ready when I'm excited about something bah. I know you know. Bye for now

Okay I have worn my dress. I don't even know if I should wear makeup or not. What if he like asks me out and we have to kiss then he doesn't like my lipstick or something? I think a little make up will do.

1 hour later*

Oh Em Geez!! Aminu is here. Thank God I'm ready. It's not even 2pm. Thank God I prayed Zuhr early today.

"You're....." I wanted to say he's early but holy shit! This boy is sooo....

"So where are we going?" I ask hoping to ease the tension. When I opened the door and saw Aminu I couldn't breathe well again. He looked gooder(I know the word doesn't exist. Don't mind me) than he looked the first time I saw him. I wanted to scold him for being early and not coming when he was supposed to but when my boring brown eyes met his brown ones that shine like hazel under the sun, I couldn't say anything. At all. It was like a staring contest and we stood there for like approximately 20 minutes till it started becoming awkward. And tension was building inside me. The atmosphere became hot and my legs suddenly became weak. I looked down, cleared my throat and used the opportunity to see what he wore. He dressed casually. Just a casual shirt (please remind me to collect that shirt later because it is so MUAHH) jeans and palms with a puma snapback( remind me to collect that too). He looked so.. Mouthwatering. I think I forgot to tell you he's like 10 feet taller than me exaggeration! It's like I'm Kevin Hart and he's Dwayne Johnson. But that's sexy right? Short girls and tall guys and not the other way round.

"Did I sweep you off your feet?" He said coming closer. "That's exactly why I came early. So we'll look into each other's eyes till we're tired"

I could smell his strong perfume. (Also remind me to steal his perfumes later. Because I prefer men's perfume)

"Let's go!" I commanded trying to hide my nervousness. Why was I even nervous? "where are we even going?

"I told you. It's a surprise " he said looking at me and smiling. He should just keep that smile forever.

"Eyes on the road" I said trying not to be awkward. I know we're on the road but he's all that I can see. Everything around is just a silhouette and surprisingly, my heart is beating faster than it should. I keep staring. His side view is so...

"I thought you said eyes on the road" he says interrupting my thoughts

"Yes. But I'm not the one driving right? So it doesn't apply to me"

"That's true" and suddenly his words sounded like music to my ears. I want to hear his voice over and over again. I could stay here forever and watch him drive us to wherever you know. What is this boy doing to me? And why am I having these weird thoughts?

You like him dummy

Yeah you like him

You like him so you better act wisely and not do or say something you'll regret

The voices in my head tell me. Oh My Gosh. I think I'm in love. But isn't it too early? Okays. Let's call it a like

You're thinking about early? Do you want to die single? And there are people who fall in love in a day. So you better go for it

Well I don't want to die single. And I'm going to make this.. Whatever is between us work. By the way I cannot believe I'm here smiling to myself like an idiot.

"And we're here" Aminu says opening the door for me. Wait when did he even get down? What is this place? And have I ever told you this boy is an idiot? Because he is. A big time idiot. I can't believe he brought me here. I so hate him right now.

Cliff cliff cliff hanger.....

Okay. This is it. The fourth chapter. Hope you like it. Tried my best. Make sure you vote. And comment. And share. And I'm starting to think the full stops are too much. I'm freaking me out.  I should get going now. Okay. Bye. !


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Lipsdripping 👄👄

I'm out!
But I could just stay here if you want me to

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