No! This is not an update

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Hey guys!
So I know I was meant to update since... but I didn't. The thing is I have exams and law exams are 😤😥😩😖😣☹️😦😡😳🤐🤕🤒😾 I'm just in my second year tho😅. But I really really really have to study hard since I transferred and kinda resumed late.
It would've been a different case if I had written chapters somewhere. But no! I just type as the ideas flow so you see if I want to update I'll have to get ideas and think of how to put them down.

There will be an update April. First week of April In Shaa Allah when I'm done with my exams. And I'll have time for wattpad
Right now I just comment and reply comments and if someone updates short chapters I read them. I can't start reading long things when I have constitutional law to read.

Please continue voting and commenting and giving me feedbacks and dming me. I just feel this happiness whenever I open my wattpad and see notifications 🖤🖤.

And yeah one last thing! I need your prayers to pass my exams💝

Then..... I finally told my mom I'm writing a book on wattpad!I'm so proud of me.

Just like Hauwa I'm also counting down. But to my aunt's wedding.
40 days, 11 hours, 0 minute, 20 seconds to go!


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