Chapter 2

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I huffed as I sat on our old leather couch, the fabric squeeking beneath me. The books I brought from the library were set in a pile on the coffee table and I glared at them. I wasn't one for books, Levy was really the only reason I was passing college at all. But this, this was something I had to figure out. I cracked open the first book and began scanning through it.

I skipped through the introduction, I didn't much care how they came around. The clocks are one with our heart and soul. As our time draws nearer, our souls pull us together, it is a deep an powerful feeling. The clocks are always correct, we never meet our soulmates before our time. I snorted. Whats wrong with mine then? I thought before going back to the book. Even after meeting with our soulmate, the pull remains, always telling us where they are. All clocks are invisible except to its owner, only visible when the person allows another to see.

I scrubbed a hand over my frustration, I already know all this! I groaned quietly, jumping slightly when something landed on the open book. Pantherlily looked up at me with his wide eyes before very purposefully meowing at me. "Ah, forgot to feed you didn't I? Your girl even reminded me." Levy always teased me about talking to the furbaby but she had no right, she did the same thing. I stood while picking up the frumpy cat and headed to the kitchen. As I pulled food out of the cabinets I heard the front door open, followed by the usual tired groan. I frowned as I looked at the clock above the sink. "Your early." I called as I set Pantherlily in front of his food dish, where he happily munched away.

"Lucy came in early so I took advantage." Levy said as she came into the kitchen, hopping up onto the counter. "That's like an Olympic sport for you, gihi!" I chuckled ducking away from the flat she hurled at my head. "Your lucky I'm not wearing my boots today!" She shouted as I hurried away from the other shoe, ducking out of the kitchen. "Oi Lily! Control that beast!" I shouted at the cat as I peeked back into the kitchen. "Traitor!" I spat as he rubbed up against Levys cheek with almost a smug look.

"The furbaby loves his mama." She cooed as she scratched the traitorous fur ball behind the ears. I growled slightly but her smile chased it away, it always did. "Tonight's movie night right?" She suddenly asked as she looked up at me. I nodded as I walked back into the kitchen. "Yeah, but I ain't watching The Notebook again!" I snapped. Levy rolled her eyes at me. "It's your turn anyway screws for brains. Go on and pick one, me and Lily will start on popcorn.


I watched with a giggle as Gajeel stomped into the living room before hopping off the counter. I grabbed all the fixings for popcorn, making it just the way we liked it. Air popped with WAY too much melted butter, as if there was such thing as too much butter. "Watch that." I told Lily as I pointed at the popper before hurrying into my room, wanting to change into some warm pajamas. I was able to find some clean sleep pants but was at a loss for a shirt.

I grinned to myself, before creeping out of my room and heading for Gajeels. I could still hear him grumbling in the front room so I knew the coast was clear. "This boy is such a pig," I grumbled as I picked my way over to his dresser, digging around until I pulled a large faded band shirt out. I pulled it on and had to stop myself from taking a large sniff of the cloth. Don't be a weirdo! I told myself before heading back to the kitchen, the popcorn having just finished.

With butter melted and the bowl ready, I set Lily on my shoulder and headed for the living room. Gajeel had finally picked a movie and I had to stifle a snort, "Really? Megamind?" I chuckled. Gajeel snorted as the tips of his ears turned pink but then he frowned. "Damn it woman stop stealing my clothes! Iv lost three shirts to you!" He shouted and I smiled sheepishly. "I need to do laundry." "That doesn't mean you steal my shirts!" I couldn't help but laugh as i plopped onto the couch. I'd never tell him but I loved his shirts, the way they smelled and just how much bigger than me he was. As long as we lived together, I would always steal these damn shirts.

I pulled my legs to my chest so Gajeel could sit before I replaced them, grinning evily as I stuck my toes under his shirt. "Damn it Shrimp, your toes are cold!" He shouted and I laughed as he moved my feet, holding them in place on his lap. Thankfully, the walking heater Lily curled up on his lap, covering my toes. Once we finally settled for the movie, Gajeel half laid behind me but somehow never moved Lily. Flexible bastard. I couldn't help but flush slightly at the thought, as years of reading adult fiction turned it quiet perverse.

I shook my head slightly before looking back to the movie. Near the end I had ended up laying on Gajeels left arm, and I couldn't help but look at the inside of his wrist. I frowned slightly as I thought of his numbers, slowly counting down till he met his one. I unconsciously rubbed my own number, my ugly 0, and had to hold in a sigh. I pushed the thought from my mind as I slowly drifted to sleep, my dreams filled with numbers.

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