Chapter 8

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{ I'm just gonna... *locks myself in a bunker*}


Spring break was gone in a flash, and soon Gajeel was throwing our stuff into the trunk while I gave mom a hug. "You guys be careful alright?" She asked as she walked me to the car. "Yes ma'am." Gajeel and I said in unison. Mom smiled before giving Gajeel a hard hug. She whispered something in his ear, making the tips of them turn pink as he quickly stood up straight. "Now get going, arnt your friends waiting for you?" Gajeel grunted as he slid into the drivers seat and I giggled, getting in as well. "Later mom, I love you!" I called out the window as Gajeel pulled away from the house.

"Where are we meeting the others again?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "We're all meeting at the lounge before going out for dinner, steak house remember?" Gajeel grinned, "Right, Miras place right? She makes a damn mean steak." I giggled as he groaned, imagining the steak. We made it back to the apartment, I carried Lily in his carrier while Gajeel grabbed our bags. I took a look at the repairs after releasing Lily, who raced through the rooms like he was on crack. Once I was satisfied with how things look I quickly changed into something warmer and went back to Gajeel who was waiting on the couch. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded, tugging my scarf closer.

Gajeel drove us to the student lounge on the other side of campus, and I grinned once I saw Lucy. "Lu!" I called and she grinned, meeting me half way and hugging me. I looked around and saw our only two missing friends were Gray and Bixlow.  "The guys are running a little late but they should be here shortly." Natsu explained as he came up beside Lucy and wrapping an arm around her waist. We sat with the others I'm the warm lounge while we waited, sharing our vacation stories.  Gajeel was bragging how we had wiped the floor with Natsu and Lucy on our games when I noticed Juvia staring. "Juvia?" I asked with a slight frown.

She was staring, nearly gaping at something behind me. "Bout time you made it Gray!" Natsu called and I turned, seeing the dark haired man with the same wide eyed stare as Juvia. I smiled and stood, pulling Juvia to her feet and giving her a small push. "Go on then!" Her pale face immediately turned bright red and she mumbled something in french.  Gray blinked and grinned,  replying to her fluently in french. Juvia stared at him and her face got redder, before suddenly flinging herself at him. We all burst into laughter as Gray fell, holding on to the ecstatic woman. "C'mon now Gray! This is a public place, if your gonna get freaky go elsewhere!" A blue haired man said as he came around the corner. "Bixlow!" Gray shouted, his face slightly pink. Bixlow laughed, even stranger than Gajeels, as he made his way towards us.

As he looked up he halted in his step, his eyes going wide like Juvias and Grays had. "Another one?!" Natsu exclaimed, earning a punch from Lucy. I quickly turned to see Lisanna staring at hin, her face pink and I smiled. "Do you need a shove too?" I asked and she squeeked, quickly standing up and making her way towards Bixlow. We watched as they introduced themselves, Lisanna a stuttering mess, Bixlow grinning and cackling. Juvia was still strangling Gray on the floor, but he didn't seem to care. "Alright! Let's go celebrate the new couples! I'm starving!" Lucy called, heading for the door. After we pried Juvia off of Gray, we all went to our cars, the new couples piling in together.

We reached Miras resturant Food of the Soul and entered, Mira herself was waiting for us. "Hey guys! How was break?" She asked as she led us to a large table. She took our orders and took them to the back where she and her husband Laxus would cook. All through dinner we shared stories, learning more about our new friends. The men decided to have an eating contest in which Gajeel was declared the winner, and after finishing off a dessert of molten lava cake everyone was heading out. Natsu and Lucy were coming over for a movie, Juvia was sticking close to Gray, and Elfman was yelling at Bixlow about being a man for his sister.

As we arrived outside out apartment it began to rain, and Gajeel was turning grouchy. "Relax Gajeel, at least we got home before it started." I said with a soft smile. Ever since the accident he has hated driving in the rain, if he could help it, he would rather walk. Gajeel mearly grumbled as we made our way inside. Lucy had to get something from her place so we had some time before they arrived. I made my way into the kitchen and became quickly aware of one huge problem. We were out of nearly everything. I sighed and wrote a short list of things we would need to last us while Lucy and Natsu were here. Lily brought the need for cat food to my attention as well.

I poked my head into the living room. "Gajeel." I called warily. He grunted, "I need to make a quick run to the store-" "It can wait til tomorrow." I frowned and walked over to him. "Gajeel we are out of everything, including cat food. I won't be gone long, and I'll be careful." Gajeel glared up at me, but it didn't affect me. "I'll be back, ok?" He huffed but nodded and I smiled before grabbing my keys.


I glared at the tv as Levy left. I knew she would be fine, but my nerves were always on edge with the damn rain. A knock at the door startled me out of my grumbling and I trudged forward, yanking it open to reveal Lucy and Natsu. "That was quick." I muttered as ai stood aside for them. "Well I live right next to the resturant." Lucy said with a smile as she flopped on the couch. "Where's Levy?"

"Quick shopping run, she shouldn't be too long." I said, grabbing what drinks we had left out of the fridge. We watched old reruns while we waited, and I began to grow ansi. "She should have been back by now." I grumbled as I pulled out my phone. I nearly dropped it as it started ringing and I frowned at the number. I put the phone to my ear and I didn't even get a word out before she started.

"Gajeel are you alright?! You not hurt are you? Where-" "Mom calm down!" Nearly shouted. I had never heard her so panicked before. "What are you going off about?" I asked once she finally calmed down. "Gajeel where are you?" She asked and I frowned. "Uh at home, why?" She took a deep breath. "Gajeel, I just got a call from the hospital there in Magnolia." I thought my heart was going to stop and I nearly dropped my phone. "Levy was in an accident."

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