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{Soo I did a thing. Wifey loves it and said I should post it, so here's the official ending!}


"Sit please Lily," I said patiently as our youngest girl buzzed around the room. "But mommy! We get to go to the beach! For the first time ever!" She squeeled excitedly and i couldn't help but smile. Like Gajeel had promised, we had come to the beach after our fifth child, Gaje,  had been born. He would be six months old tomorrow. "We can't go to the beach if you don't let me finish dressing you." She stopped and pouted before sitting in front of me. I pulled her little yellow sun dress on over her swim suit and tied up her hair. "And don't forget!" Avery piped up from her spot on the hotel bed. "Mom and dad are getting remarried! It's so romantic!" Madeline nodded excitedly in agreement.

Yes, Gajeel and I had decided to renew our vows at the beach. It would be no where near as fancy as our wedding, but the important people would be here. Mom would be showing up shortly to help me with the hellions, and all of our friends had arrived as well. Lucy had even offered to take the kids for the night so me and Gajeel could have a second honeymoon alone. I pat Lily's head once I finished just as someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Avery cried.

The door opened to reveal my mother in a lime green dress, and my children screamed. "GRANDMA!!" The three girls ran for their grandma who laughed as she caught them all. "My girls! Oh your absolutely adorable!" She gushed as she hugged them. "Hey mom." I said with a smile as I pulled myself off the floor, brushing of my white sundress. "Hello sweetie!" She smiled as she released the girls to hug me. "You girls ready?" The girls cheered, running to put on their shoes. "The boys already at the beach?" I asked, picking up Lily as we headed outside. "You are the only ones missing." Mom said with a smile and I giggled.

We walked out of the hotel and down to the beach where part of it was closed for a private function. I could make out our group of friends as well as Gajeel with our sons. I smiled softly at the sight of Gajeel with Gaje on his arms, it always made me warm inside. "Alright girls, you know the drill!" I called as I set Lily down. They squeeled and ran to the waiting group,  and Madeline has already taken her shoes off. Mom and I chuckled as we watched them reach the group.


I grinned widely as my daughters raced towards us, Levy and Mom a bit behind. At the girls arrival everyone made a makeshift aisle and I handed Gaje to Lucy. The girls lined up where bridesmaids would be, while Gideon was my best man. Once everyone was in place, Levy and Mom walked down the aisle everyone made to me and the preacher. Levy looked beautiful, she always did. Her blue locks held in a simple white headband,  a white sundress, her swimsuit strings dangled over her shoulder and simple white sandals on her feet. I felt a bit silly, a simple black T shirt and black swim trunks but Levy said it was perfect. So forget what everyone else said.

I hadn't realized the preacher had started speaking until it was time for our renewed vows. I cleared my throat. "Levy, these past eleven years have been the best of my life. It's all thanks to you, and the beautiful hellions you have gifted me." There was giggling in our group of friends. "Your my forever Levy, and I swear I will fill the rest of your days with joy, and I will hold you when storm clouds cover the sun." I turned to Gideon who held up a small gold ring and took it from him, ruffling his blue hair. I slid the ring onto her finger, and it gently rested against her wedding band.

"Gajeel, you have given me nothing but joy and love for as long as I can remember. We created a beautiful family together, and though we've had our bad days, I wouldn't trade them for the world. I swear to stay by your side until the end of our days and support you in all that you do." She turned to Avery who gave her a thicker golden band which she slipped onto my finger. The preacher finished with a small speech, no i dos this time around. "I now give you, once again, Mr. And Mrs. Redfox. You may kiss your wife." I wasted no time in leaning down and kissing Levys soft lips.

There were happy cheers and our children made sounds of disgust that only made everyone laugh. I pulled away from Levy slightly, grinning down at her. "Gajeel, don't you dare," she warned lowly. I didn't listen before bending down and tossing her over my shoulder, making a break for the waves. Levys scream was lost on the wind as I tossed her into the cold water, following her shortly after. When I surfaced, pushing my hair out of my face,  I could hear laughter from the shore, followed by little splashing feet. I looked around, searching for Levy, and nearly panicking when I didn't see her. It was washed away quickly as I heard a tiny battle cry, and a small weight slammed into me.

I laughed as I tried to get my small wife off my back while she tried to dunk me under. "Gidi! Give me a hand!" I called to my oldest boy. He quickly splashed over to us, but instead of attacking his mother, he latched around my waist and tried to knock out my legs. "Traitor!" I yelled. Before i could reach for him, two more bodies collided into me. I caught sight of mom with Lily before all five of us went under. I surfaced with a loud laugh, making sure all of the kids were up before turning for Levy who was escaping. "Get her!" Our kids screamed and ran for her, tripping a bit in the water. We spent hours enjoying the time with our family and friends, at one point Elfman and Evergreens son yelled about manly sand castles, and the kids abandoned ship.

The sun was setting when we all gathered for a bonfire, roasting hot dogs and making smores. Lily, Neal and the Fullbusters youngest Cain had all fallen asleep, as well as Gaje. Music was playing further down the shore and we all listened. Levy grinned and stood, pulling me to my feet before dancing with the music. I grinned and spun her around, dancing around the fire. The other parents joined us as well as the kids. After dancing for awhile, Levy and I broke away, walking hand in hand down the beach. I pulled her to a stop and pulled her close, resting my chin on her head. "I love you Levy." I said quietly, and I felt her smile against my chest. "I love you too Gajeel." She smiled up at me and I leaned down, kissing her deeply as I held her close.

I don't know what I had done to be so lucky to call Levy my wife. My best friend, my light, the mother of my children and the love of my life. I would never let this woman go, for as long as I lived. We broke apart slowly and Levy was blushing slightly as she looked up at me. "What?" I asked quietly, brushing away some hair that was stiff with sea salt. "I was just thinking... Do you want to have one more baby?" I blinked down at her as she blushed brighter and I grinned. She squeeked as i tossed her onto my shoulder and headed for the hotel room we had booked for the night. One more to add to the family!

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