i. the hat knows best

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
ONE ━━ the hat knows best

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ANNABELLE ROSE HAD NEVER REALLY BEEN A SHY CHILD, RATHER DARING AND PRIDEFUL as she grew up in her little town. The brunette never backed down from anything—but now as she walked along the corridor of full compartments, even she couldn't deny the nerves that were creeping up. She had been one of the last children to enter the glorious Hogwarts Express, which meant that most compartments were already filled with chattering students and jittery first years.

     Holding Dot's cat carrier close to her chest, happy to at least have the familiar presence of her feline companion with her, she slowly peered inside numerous compartments, a crimson blush of embarrassment coating her cheeks every time a group of older students looked at her curiously.

      Annabelle was dreading walking inside a full compartment, especially with the train already on its way to the castle—and kids having made friends already. But it did seem her wishes would finally be granted, when she spotted an almost empty compartment, only one dark skinned girl residing inside.

      Gently knocking on the door, glancing through the window, Annabelle gained the attention of the other first year girl before she carefully slide it open. "Excuse me." She started softly, "All the other compartments are full, do you mind if I sit here?"

     The girl blinked, before a wide smile spread on her face and she excitedly motioned for her to come inside, not even caring that the chocolate frog she had previously opened leaped away through the open space where Annabelle stood.

     "Um, sorry about that." Annabelle croaked, hoping the girl wouldn't get mad about it.

     "It doesn't matter." The girl chirped brightly, "It's the cards I really want."

      Annabelle smiled, relief flooding through her as she sat down across from the unknown girl, "I'm Annabelle Rose, but you can call me Belle for short."

     "Julia Carter." The girl stated enthusiastically, puffing her chest out and sticking her hand out for the girl to shake, nearly poking her eye out, "proud future Gryffindor resident."

      Annabelle chuckled at the girl's antics, "How do you know?"

     "My whole family has been Gryffindors since forever," Julia elaborated proudly, "My brothers were Gryffindor's too, but they already left school."

      "Oh, I don't have any siblings, must be fun to have so many."

      "Merlin no," Julia exaggerated, slumping down in her seat, "It is absolutely rubbish, they are as barbaric as a group of drunk Mountain Trolls. Just yesterday they went and hexed one of our Bludgers to follow me around. Mum had a complete field day, so that was funny, the bruises not so much."

     Annabelle grimaced slightly, before bending down to open up Dot's cat carrier, letting the ginger kneazle out.

     "He is so sweet!" Julia grinned brightly, dark eyes glistering in excitement. "My dad's allergic to them, so we couldn't have one."

      "This is dot," Annabelle introduced the ginger furred cat, picking him up and cradling him in her arms, "We got another one at home, but he's getting a bit too old to run around Hogwarts again."


      "Yeah, my dad got him when he was in his fifth year."

      "Oh whoa, he must be really old then." Julie said surprised, propping her leg up on the cushioned seat.

      "Well kneazles are known to get pretty old." Annabelle explained, casually stroking Dot's soft fur.

    After that short, but memorable introduction, the two girls easily chatted about everything and anything, and it was clear to see that Julia had a tendency to brag about her Gryffindor legacy, even unknowingly as she rambled on about her golden and maroon coloured bedroom or her oldest brother's days as Quidditch royalty amongst his housemates.

     "So what house do you'll think you'd get, or which one do you want?" Julia inquired moments after the trolley lady had left, the dark skinned girl already working on opening the azure coloured packaging of a new chocolate frog.

     Annabelle hummed, a thoughtful expression stitched on her face as she contemplated her options before settling on the most obvious one. "Well, my dad was in Ravenclaw, so it's likely I'll be sorted there too."

     "Aw man." Annabelle looked up curiously to see the girl frown down at something in her hands. "I got Salazar again."

      She perked up at the mention of one the founders of the magical school they were heading towards, "It is still a pretty cool card right? I mean he was one of the four founders?"

      Julia scoffed, "My mum and dad say he was a grade-A asshole." Annabelle blinked at the girl's crude vocabulary. "He was all about blood supremacy, and didn't want any Muggleborn to attend the school and such. My brothers say all the bad wizard and witches are from Slytherin house." 

    "Oh." Annabelle blinked surprised, her father never told her something like that about the green and silver house, even though his side of the family had always been sorted in the serpent house.

     "Yeah, I definitely don't want to end up there, and if I did I can probably expect a howler the next morning." Julia shuddered at the thought before she turned her head the Scottish fields that spread outside, the sun already slowing sinking behind the mountain, the sky a mesmerising mixture of yellow, orange and pink hues.

     It remained quiet after that, the two girls falling into a comfortable silence, and it didn't take long for Annabelle's eyes to slowly flutter shut, the excitement that had been rushing through her tiny body rendering her exhausted for the time being.

     With a loud whistle that echoed through the night sky, Annabelle woke up, a tad bit startled by the sudden noise, even going as far as accidentally pushing a napping Dot from her lap as the Hogwarts express came to an halt at Hogsmeade Station. Excited murmurs and chipper voices started to grow louder in the train corridors, first years eager to catch a glimpse of the magnificent castle, and older students excited for the start-of-term feast.

      The two girls quickly sprung to their feet, remembering the instructions from a passing prefect telling them to leave their trunks inside the train, and to expect them in their dorm room after being sorted later that evening. Including pets, much to Annabelle's dismay.

    The fresh cold evening air filled her lungs as she stepped off of the train, her cheeks coated a soft crimson colour from the sudden shift in temperature. "Now what?" She could hear Julia mumbling under her breath.

    Both girls looked around in attempt of finding a clue as to where they were supposed to go, or even the prefect that had helped them earlier that day, until Annabelle's eyes fell on someone up ahead in the crowd.

     And he was not very hard to miss, towering above everyone, an almost untameable looking beard illuminated by the light of a lantern he held up. "Firs' years' firs' years!" His voice boomed over the loud students, "Over 'ere! Follow me'"

     Quickly the two eleven year olds stumbled after the gigantic man, pushing passed the older students that seemed to be heading in a different direction. "I though my older brother was tall, but he is like a tiny elf next to that man." Julia whispered, eyes comically wide, still fixated on their guide.

     "Mind yer step now, firs' years follow me!" The man guided them, "yeh'll get yer firs' look at Hogwarts soon." The words hadn't even fully left his mouth yet when he led them around a bend and the castle came into view in the distance, lights illuminating from windows, casting a beautiful glow on the Black Lake.

     "No 'ore then four in a boat." The man gestured towards a fleet of small boats floating in the lake close by the shore.

    Julia latched onto Annabelle's robe, pulling the chestnut haired girl with her towards one of the partly empty boats where two other kids were already seated in.

     One of the two boys had long wild black hair and grey eyes and the boy beside him had dark messy brown hair and light brown eyes with glasses perched on his nose.

     Annabelle drowned out their animated conversation, far too enchanted by the sight of the Castle in the distance as it came closer and closer. It was as magnificent as her father had described it and she couldn't take her eyes of it as she stared in awe.

     "Whoa." Julia and Annabelle breathed out at the same time.

     All the students stepped on shore and the man who had introduced himself as Hagrid led them up to the castle. They all walked inside into a corridor and in a small hall. Annabelle eyes were bouncing around all the intriguing things surrounding her, from the moving staircases to the talking painting and occasional ghost passing through one of the walls.

     After some minutes a new professor joined them, tall and stern looking and she introduced herself as professor McGonagall to the nervous looking first years.

     She wore an emerald coloured robe and her lips were pressed in a tight line but her eyes showed kindness, "Welcome to Hogwarts," She welcomed them, "The start-of-term feast will begin shortly, but before you can take your seats in the Great Hall you must be sorted into your houses."

     Annabelle listed with bathed breath, eyes twinkling in excitement.

     "The sorting is a very important part of your time at Hogwarts, while you'll be here, your house will be like your second family. You will have classes with your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend time in you own Common Room."

     She paused, cat-like eyes observing the new group of first years before continuing again, "The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards."

     Annabelle bit the inside of her cheek, thoughts temporarily returning back to Julia's words back on the train.

     "While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points while any rule-breaking will loss house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most house points will be awarded the House Cup, a great honour. Now the ceremony will start shortly."

     "I can't wait." Julia breathed out excitedly, bouncing on the ball of her heel after McGonagall walked away again.

      "Me too." Annabelle echoed, her nerves slowly disappearing.

     After moment Professor McGonagall came back to retrieve the students and led them inside the great hall. Annabelle glanced around, the stone walls were littered with flaming torches and the ceiling was so high she had to crane her neck to admire it completely. Her father had told her about the enchanted ceiling and how it was supposed to show what the actual sky looked like, but nothing could have prepared her for how beautiful it would look in real life. The stars shone brightly, and she even caught a falling star from the corner of her eye. Finally she let her gaze wander out the rest of the Great hall; long tables each one with their own colours. To the far right was a banner with a lion surrounded by red and gold. Beside them was a banner with a badger standing for the Hufflepuff house with yellow and black. In the far left corner were the green and silver colours of the proud Slytherin house with a snake presented on the banner and lastly next to the Slytherin table was a blue and bronze one with an eagle for Ravenclaw.

     In the middle was a table where professors were seated in a long row, looking over the students walking inside for the sorting. Close by was a stool with a hat on it. But what surprised Annabelle the most was when the hat started singing about the 4 houses and their qualities and characteristics.

      Professor McGonagall went to stand beside the hat. "When I call your name you will come forward and be sorted in your house.

     "Amelia Bones." A girl with long brown hair sat down on the stool and was quiet when the hat called out " Hufflepuff." The Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers as the girl went to take a seat

      "Kiara Crowley." "Ravenclaw. "

      "Lily Evans." "Gryffindor."

      "Severus Snape." "Slytherin."

      "Julia Carter." Annabelle watched as the girl made her way up sitting down on the stool nervously. "Gryffindor." The hat wasted no second as it hollered the house of the lions

     "Nickolas Jones." "Ravenclaw."

    "Annabelle Rose." Annabelle took in a deep  breath making her way up. She quietly sat down on the stool and the hat was placed on top of her, covering her eyes.

    "Oh my... a Rose. It was a long time ago I had one of you. Very different from your family I see. But I should of have expected it seeing who you father is. Very loyal—" The hat chuckled" –but not such a hard worker. Hmm... Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. You've got wit but no deep desire to learn. I know what it is going to be." It was silent in her head.


      Annabelle jumped of the stool with a bright smile throwing the hat at the professor and the whole hall erupted in laughter but she soon realized what she did and turned around quickly. "sorry." She mouthed and rushed to her friend with a wide grin and a blush adoring her cheeks.

     In the end a couple more students joined the Gryffindor table. A boy named Remus Lupin, one named peter Pettigrew. Josie Forney and the two boys from the boat; James Potter and Sirius Black.

     But when Sirius was placed in Gryffindor a long silence fell over the room as she saw some people from Slytherin eye him in distaste but it looked like the boy himself was glad to be in Gryffindor with his newfound friends.

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WHEN DINNER WAS FINISHED, THE PREFECTS guided the first years to their common room—which for the Gryffindors was located in the Gryffindor Tower, which sadly meant a lot of stairs, and a lot of vocal complaining from her new friend as she trudged up the steps. Finally they came to the top and the prefects stopped in front of a painting.

"This is the fat lady." He introduced the first years to the women who was watching them from inside her portrait. "The only thing you have to do is tell her the password and she'll let you enter." The prefect explained simply.

"It changes every week and you can find the new password inside the common room." The other prefect spoke up. "This week it is Lemon Drop." She grinned and the portrait swung open to reveal the Common Room.

Annabelle watched everyone go inside and she grinned at Julia before following. Both girls watched their surroundings with wide eyes and huge smiles plastered on their faces. Like on the table in the great hall the colour red and gold stood proud with a lion banner hanging in the middle. It instantly gave Annabelle a comforting feeling, the warm colours and the warm glow coming from the fireplace making it look especially homey. Two couches and a couple of seats were scattered around the circular room while paintings decorated the walls.

The prefect told them which way their dorms were and that if boys tried to climb up the stairs leading to the girls dorm it would turn into a slide. Julia and Annabelle left to their dorm ready to sleep and start their first year at Hogwarts the next day.

The two rushed up the stairs looking around in search of their names engraved in one of the golden plagues. 

Julia's squeals of excitement startled the curly haired girl, "We're in the same room." The dark skinned girl elaborated happily.

Entering their dormitory, the two girls quickly picked to beds next to each other and dragging their trunk, that had been standing beside the door, towards them. "Looks like someone is feeling right at home." Julia pointed out to something in the window seat.

Annabelle laughed as she spotted Dot casually napping.

More chattering girls entered the room, and Julia and Annabelle turned around to see three other girls enter the dorm room.

"I'm Lily," A redheaded girl introduced herself, "This is Dorcas—" She pointed to a curly haired girl, "—and this is Margo." A short raven haired girl waved at them.

"I'm Annabelle," She grinned, and this is Julia." 

And they talked into the late hours of the night, getting to know each other, laughing and sharing all kinds of stories before falling asleep.

The next morning the eleven year old found herself on the ground tangled in her blanket with a snickering Julia next to her bed. Annabelle groaned stuffing her face in her pillow.

"Come on! It is our first day. Get up you old lady." Julia exclaimed clapping her hands together in excitement.

While Julia kept talking about their first day Annabelle pushed her face further in her pillow hoping to drown her newfound friend's voice out.

Julia looked down at her friend and chuckled at her antics before pulling the pillow from her face. "We are going to miss breakfast if you don't hurry." Julia told her.

With a sigh Annabelle sat up blowing some hair out her face. "Alright. Let me take a shower and you can go the great hall already." Annabelle proposed after hearing Julia stomach growl.

Julia blushed hearing her stomach again nodding she walked outside. "See you later!" She shouted on her way out.

Annabelle chuckled making her way in the bathroom, ready to start her adventure at Hogwarts.


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