iv. potion disasters

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
FOUR━━ potion disasters

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ANNABELLE ROSE HAD ALWAYS BEEN PARTICULARLY FOND OF COLD WEATHER, SOMETHING ABOUT THE FREEZING WINDS AND SNOWFALL HAD MANAGED TO ENREPTURE the girl when she was a mere child staring through the window as autumn turned into winter. She had managed to get a couple more colds out of it than necessary, but playing in the snow had been pure joy for the girl. Especially when her parents would join her, making a snowman or having a snowball fight. Which mainly turned nasty rather quick when the competitive nature of her father came into play.

She had also inherited that trait—which fuelled her to become the best of the best. At what? She wasn't sure yet, but she knew she wanted to do something meaningful with her life. Finding out what that could be was a whole other story.

What she did know was that anything related to Potions was out of the question. And as she listened to Slughorn rattle on about antidotes, almost dozing off from boredom, Lily nudged her forcefully in her side.

"Pay attention." Lily hissed under her breath, green eyes still focusing on Slughorn as he held up a vial  in the air for the students to see.

"Now I am going to pair you all up," Slughorn started as he went to stand behind his desk, rearranging a stack of parchment. "You will be brewing the wit-sharpening potion, which can act as an antidote to...?"

Immediately both Lily Evans and Severus Snape held their hands up high.

"Miss Evans?"

"The wit-sharpening potions helps the drinker think more clearly, so with that in mind it can act as an antidote for the Confundus Charm." Lily explained perfectly.

"That is correct. 5 points to Gryffindor." Slughorn awarded the redhead with a large smile on his face before turning towards the chalkboard to write down the page number of their book.

"Now let's pair you all up." Slughorn clapped his hands together excitedly, but Annabelle didn't share the same enthusiasm as her thoughts had already drifted off again.

"Miss Rose?" Annabelle blinked, sitting up straight as she looked up to see the Potion master look at her quizzically. "You should go sit next to your partner."

"Yes of course." Annabelle stood up, gathering her supplies, "I will go sit next to--erh."

"Mister Black."

"Black, yes—I am going to sit down next to Black." Annabelle confirmed in a begrudged tone.

Slower than necessary, Annabelle made her way towards the table in the back of the class where Sirius sat, wearing his usual smug smile as he studied her with his storm grey eyes.  

"Don't you look happy to see me." Sirius jested as he scooted his chair closer to her when she sat down at the cluttered desk.

"To see you fall down a set of stairs yes." Annabelle countered coldly, scrunching her nose up at the sight of all the spare parchment and half empty ink bottles that took up most of their workplace.

Sirius face contorted into one of mock offence, eyebrow raising comically high as he turned slightly in his seat. "Ouch."

Annabelle just sighed, pushing the parchment away to place her book down, eyes drifting back to the board to look for the page number. "Let's just get this done and over with."

"I'll get the supplies then." Sirius spoke up after a moment of silence as Annabelle read the instructions.

She didn't reply, and the dark haired boy took that as his cue to stand up and gather everything they needed.

Annabelle dragged her hand through her messy hair, not really excited to get started on the potion but nonetheless she heated up the Cauldron in preparation, just in time as Sirius sat back down next to her.

"Add two pieces of Ginger Root." Annabelle read the instruction aloud, as she focused on her cauldron.

Taking in what she said, Sirius carefully cut the root before handing Annabelle the pieces to throw inside the bubbling cauldron.

They two watched as potion turned a bright lime colour after a moment, checking the book if it was the correct colour, and confirming that is was, she looked at the next step.

"Add armadillo bile until potion turns blue." Annabelle instructed and Sirius stood up to carefully add the ingredient, both teens focussing on the cauldron for any changes.

"Are you going to the Quidditch match next Saturday." Sirius wondered, trying to start up a conversation, eyeing her carefully, still overly cautious about any kind of revenge plot she had come up with.

"Yes." Annabelle confirmed, throwing in a couple of Ground Scarab Beetles, unaware that Sirius already threw those in when she had been re-reading the instruction page.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Sirius asked warily, pointing at the orange tinted liquid bubbling furiously.


"That looks like a bomb of death." Sirius inched away from the cauldron while Annabelle turned on her heel to see what the boy was talking about.

"Don't exaggerate—" A loud explosion echoed throughout the dungeon classroom, a foul smelling odour filling up the room.

"Oh that does not look good." Slughorn approached the duo quickly, eyes falling onto Annabelle's appearance. The girl's skin was a slight orange tint, a part of her hair had been desiccated from the explosion, leaving a small scorch mark on the side of her head. "Better go see Madam Pomfrey."

Annabelle sighed, blowing away a loose piece of hair from her eyes, sending a ferocious glare in Sirius' direction who shrunk under her unforgiving gaze. Stomping away, the chestnut haired girl left the classroom.

"Now you've done it." Peter spoke up from the table behind Sirius, a large grin sprawled on his face.

"She didn't look that mad, did she?" Sirius asked unsurely, eyes flickering to his other two friends for confirmation.

"No, she just looked ready to commit murder." Remus replied casually, eyes lifting away from his own cauldron for a second before focussing back on the task at hand.

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AFTER THE DISATEROUS POTION MISHAP, ANNABELLE WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO LEAVE THE HEALING WING WITHING A MATTER OF FIFTEEN MINUTES, as Pomfrey swiftly healed any damage the potion had done, and thank Merlin that she didn't need to return the class knowing the class would be over in ten minutes.

So with that in mind, Annabelle decided to head towards the library for some quiet time, knowing she had a free period anyway. Afterall she dropped Divination as soon as possible, picking Muggle Studies and Care of Magical creatures instead.

The library was mostly empty, only a few students were scattered around with their heads buried in books, (--probably the procrastinators trying their hardest to cram eight hours of work in only one. ) Walking further inside, Annabelle approaches one of the bookcases in the back, a small smile on her face as her eyes glide over their spines and their familiar titles.


Annabelle yelped, shoulders tensing in surprise by the sudden sound of a voice right behind her. She quickly spun around, eyes landed on none other than Sirius and she pursed her lips, a displeasured look on her face.

"Come to annoy me some more?" Annabelle queried, already facing away from him and making her way around him to go sit at one of the empty tables.

Sirius, however did not give up, and speedily followed after her. "Why would you think such thing Anna? You're hurting my feelings." He faked a hurt expression as he sat down across from her.

"Ha-ha." She said flatly before dropping her bookbag on the table with a loud thud. "Can I help you with something?" She asked irritated, retrieving her Charms book.

"Nothing in particular." He shrugged with a smile

"Can you please leave me alone then." She replied flatly.

"Why? Don't you like my presence?" Sirius asked taking a seat in front of her when she sat down.

"No." was all she said opening her book. "I have been in your presence for ten minutes and you try to blow me up, or prank me, or turn my hair green."

Sirius kept staring at her a goofy smile on his face, not all that bothered by her list of grievances.

Annoyed she puffed out some air and closed her book loudly, slamming it back on the table. "Stop staring." She growled narrowing her eyes.

"No." he grinned smugly






"yes-Hey!" Sirius shouted, feeling personally attacked by the trick Annabelle played on him.

Annabelle's eyes widened and Madam Pinch rounded the corner and she sank down her chair in embarrassment.

"Quiet!" she demanded firmly, pushing her glasses further back on the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry." Annabelle mumbled, awkwardly fiddling with the quill on the table. When Madam Pinch walked away Annabelle smacked Sirius arm with her book.

Sirius yelped rubbing his arm. "Merlin's balls, what was that for?"

"For getting us in trouble." She told him crossing her arms.

"I am trouble." He replied proudly, puffing his chest out.

Annabelle clapped him on the back in mock appreciation. "I am so proud of you." She grabbed her bag and attempted to leave the library but Sirius pulled her back by her sleeve of her robes and Annabelle stumbled over her feet.

"What are you doing?" She hissed, stumbling over her own feet before regaining her balance.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused. Head tilted upwards to look at the brunette.

Annabelle raised her brows in a manner that clearly told the boy he should actually know where she was headed. "To class. It starts in like five minutes. So if you would be kind enough to let me go I rather not be late." She rolled her eyes.

Sirius let go and stood up quicker than she could blink, an eager expression forming on his face. "Lead the way." He smiled holding his elbow out for her to take.

Annabelle took one glance at it before pushing his arm away from her, slinging her bag over her shoulder and marching out of the Library to head towards the Transfiguration classroom.

Sirius silently trailed after her, and Annabelle tried her best to ignore the boy as he continually tried to start a conversation(—which clearly remained one-sided). Eyes remaining focused ahead until the Transfiguration classroom came into sight at the end of the fairly deserted corridor.

"Hello Professor." Annabelle greeted McGonagall politely, seeing as she was the first student that arrived (--not counting Sirius who dawdled in seconds after her ) while all the other students taking Divination were probably still walking the long way back.

"Good to see you're still in one piece miss Rose." McGonagall replied, a faint smile on her face as her eyes crinkled.

Annabelle blushed, of course her Head of House would already be aware of the disastrous potion class that had taken place in her first period.

"Me too Professor." She nodded before taking a seat in the front of the classroom, dropping her bag beside her stool and taking out her books, parchment and quill while she waited for either Julia or Lily to arrive, only to watch as Sirius dropped down on the empty seat next to her.

"Erh—what, what are doing?"  She blinked, confusion swirling in her eyes.

"Sitting, isn't it obvious."

"Well yes but—"

"Then what is so hard to understand about it?" He shrugged, placing his own supplies on the wooden desk, thoughtlessly throwing the supplies on it, a stark contrast to her neatly organised desk. "Honestly Anna, you can be so silly sometimes."

Annabelle narrowed her eyes suspicious of the boy's intentions, and it seemed she wasn't the only one when she spotted McGonagall eye them curiously. 

"You always sit with Potter." Annabelle argued.

"Watching me now eh?" Sirius replied cheekily as Annabelle temper only grew hotter.

"It is hard not to notice when you two cause a ruckus in the back, or when Potter constantly tries to get's Lily's attention. The amount of enchanted parchment birds that boy has sent her way is truly disturbing." Annabelle retorted quickly.

"But I like this seat much better." He replied as he scooted his chair closer to her, "I have the perfect view here."

Annabelle groaned slamming her head on the table.

"Be careful. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now."

When Julia walked inside, happily chatting with Lily about her newest Divination predictions and a short spiel about tea leaves, the girl could have never foreseen the sight that was displayed in front of her. Holding out her arm in front of Lily, making the redhead bump into her outstretched arm in confusion, Julia opened and closed her mouth multiple times.

"Julia? What are you doing?"

She looked at Annabelle and then Sirius,  "Am I dreaming?" she asked pinching herself. Julia let out a small yelp startling Annabelle. Her head shot up and she looked at her friend.

"What is this?" Julia asked as she approached the table, Lily following close behind her, the same puzzled expression on her face.

Annabelle shrugged. "A living nightmare." She told her friend.

Julia and Lily looked confused before sitting down at the desk behind them with the seat next to their friend already occupied. Even James, Remus and Peter looked mighty confused by the change of seats as they entered the classroom, exactly on time—Remus looking quite flustered for some unknown reason. It was clear they had no idea what their friend was up to either.

The girls watched from where they sat during transfiguration as Sirius kept talking to their friend and Annabelle buried her head beneath her book, growing in discomfort.

"Is everything alright there, Ms. Rose?" McGonagall asked, pausing her teaching as a loud groan erupted from her throat.

"Everything is just great professor." Annabelle replied sitting straight.

Professor McGonagall pressed her lips in a thin line turning back to the class.

Julia stifled her chuckled but Annabelle heard it. She turned around and glared at her and Julia quickly looked down at her book a small smile on her face.

When class was over Annabelle quickly stuffed her books in her bag and rushed outside pulling a struggling Julia, who was still trying to stuff her parchment in her own bag, with her.

Julia tried to keep up with Annabelle as she rushed to the Common room. Stopping before the portrait Annabelle shouted 'Cauldron cake' and walked inside dragging Julia with her up the stairs.

"I hate him!" Annabelle growled falling down on her bed.

"No, you don't." Julia answered sitting down on her own bed.

"Yes Julia I do. He can't stop talking and annoying me." She groaned sitting up to face the fourteen year old girl.

"No Belle. You guys are meant to be." Julia sighed dreamingly.

"Hold your Hippogriffs! Have you lost your mind Jules." Annabelle's eyes widened.

"I've lost my mind a long time ago, that's why we are friends. But I know you guys are made for each other because I saw it in the tea leaves." Julia told her knowingly, clapping her hands enthusiastically.

"Merlin's beard, Julia divination is a lot of rubbish." Annabelle sighed.

"Just wait Annabelle and when it happens I will be there to say 'I told you so'." Julia grinned.


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WAKING UP THE NEXT MORNING, ANNABELLE HAD MORE ENERGY THAN NORMAL, AS SHE VOLUNTEERINGLY JUMPED out bed, a bright smile on her face. Lily, who also was awake, watched amused when her friend skipped around the room.

"Finally freedom." Annabelle gleefully stated, turning to face her redheaded friend brushing her hair.

Noting that Julia had already left for breakfast she quickly got dressed, rushing around in the adjoined bathroom before tumbling back inside the dormitory "Are you coming?" Annabelle asked her friend.

Lily nodded and followed behind Annabelle.

The girls met up in the Great Hall with Julia and Marlene. Annabelle listened to Marlene when the owls came flying inside the Great Hall, hooting loudly and little first years excitedly talking to one another when they got a gift from their parents.

Seeing Micky, their little brown barn owl flying down, a letter clutched in its beak, Annabelle was quick to make space on the littered table for the clumsy bird to land.

Micky, seeing the landing spot she created, swooped down, landing roughly on the table, and tumbling a little before standing up straight. "Oh Mickey."

Taking the letter from the owl, she patted his head gently before gifting him a small piece of ham. "You go have a rest in the Owlery buddy. I'll come find you later."

Scanning the letter, her father had informed her all about their trip to Romania to visit Joshua, her father's school friend. Peeking up, Annabelle was ready to tell Lily, Marlene and Julia all about it, only to see her redheaded frown as she read a letter of her own.

Those who knew Lily well, knew that the fiery-spirited girl was a master at hiding her feelings behind a well crafted façade, but those who knew her really well could see easily through it.

And now, watching Lily's bashful smile dim, a subtly twitch of her lip, and Annabelle knew that whatever the contents of that letter were, it had effected Lily Evans immensely.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. I see you later." Lily announced, pushing loose strands of hair behind her ears in a rushed motions as she stood up.

"S'good." Julia replied with a nod,  her mouth full of breakfast foods.

"Yeah see you later Lily." Marlene added, eyes still trained on the letter she had received from her own family.

Lily walked outside the Great Hall, in a much more demure way as she merely brushed passed James Potter trying to gain her attention instead of telling the boy off.

A worried flutter went through her body as she watched the redhead disappear around the corner. "I am going to go out too." She announced but the other girls weren't paying attention when Julia told Marlene about how she was going to look for her future husband in France this summer.

Hurrying out of the Great Hall, Annabelle barely managed not to body-smash unsuspecting first years to the ground as she kept her gaze focused ahead, hoping to catch a glimpse of her friend

Annabelle, reached one of the courtyards and as her eyes flickered around the area she spotted Lily sitting on a bench next to the fountain

Taking a second to gather herself, Annabelle took a much needed gulp of air, after running around the castle like a madwoman. Approaching the redhead, she smiled gently at Lily before taking a seat beside her she asked. "Are you okay?"

Lily turned her head and gave Annabelle a weak (--and sad) smile.

"I'm fine." She replied monotonously, keeping her emerald green eyes fixated on the grass covered ground.

Annabelle gave her a look. "Don't lie to me Evans."

Lily sighed turning away. "Okay. I'm not fine." She whispered.

"What's bothering you?" she asked placing her hand on top of Lily's.

"Petunia is what is wrong." Lily fessed up after a beat of silence.

"How so?" Annabelle questioned softly, tilting her head to the side.

"She's just acting cold towards me since I've got my letter and it hurt to know she thinks I'm a freak. We used to be so close" Lily whispered tears forming in her eyes. "And everyone is talking about how great their summer is going to be and I'm sure that when I'm home Petunia is going to be like that again."

"The nerve of that cow!" Annabelle growled. "When I am going to see her she's going to wish she never have said those things."

"It doesn't matter Belle. It is only for the summer, I'll survive." Lily shrugged putting her hands on Annabelle's shoulder pushing her down.

"You sure?" she asked.

Lily nodded in confirmation. "I'll live."

Lily watched as Annabelle looked in deep thought. "What would you say about a trip to Romania?" Annabelle suddenly asked.

Lily looked confused at her friend. "Huh?"

"I said, what you think about a trip to Romania. I could ask my parents if I can take you with us. So you don't have to spend the whole summer with that git." Annabelle smile grew wide, and her voice rose an octave higher in excitement.

"Annabelle I can't ask that from you and your parents." Lily told her, shaking her head feverishly.

"They wouldn't mind, they love you." Annabelle pointed out, not ready to give up on the idea just yet.

"I don't know." Lily trailed off.

"Please." Annabelle begged.

Lily nodded and watched her friends smile grew even wider.

"This is going to be great." Annabelle yelled jumping up from her where she sat, pulling the redhead up with her, making Lily laugh as she stumbled over her own feet and into Annabelle.

"I am going to write a letter right now." Annabelle promised, before rushing off leaving Lily with a big smile on her face.


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