viii. mcgonagall junior

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
EIGHT━━ mcgonagall junior

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* ✨🌙💫
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     THE END OF THE SUMMER CAME QUICKER THAN ANNABLLE WOULD HAVE LIKED, AS AUGUST SLOWLY TRANSFORMED INTO SEPTEMBER FIRST. She had just returned from Romania a week ago, Lily going home the next day to spend the remainder of her Summer holidays with her own family, while Annabelle enjoyed her last days  sitting in the garden with her own parents, soaking in the last warm rays of sunshine with Dot by her side.

    And while Annabelle always missed her parents dearly, (--Cardell would always argue he missed her more ) she was eager and excited to return to Hogwarts for her fifth year, trying to forget that it also meant partaking in her O.W.L exams.

    She absolutely dreaded those after her father's recount of his own experience with them. Even though Cardell did exceptionally well with them. She guessed there was a Ravenclaw hidden in there somewhere.

    It was almost nine o'clock when she sat up in her bed, still half asleep as she yawed. Wild and unruly hair was strewn around her face, cascading down like a curtain as she tried to brush it out of her face. With one final yawn, Annabelle stood up and made her way to her closet, quickly throwing something on (--seeing as she showered the evening before ) before slowly making her way downstairs.

    To her surprise, it was peaceful downstairs, no blaring smoke alarms or cursing echoed around the house and as she pushed the kitchen door open she found her mother sitting at the table a small plate with a piece of toast on it next to her.

    Lillith looked up from her newspaper to smile at her daughter, eyes flickered over her daughter's towering figure. Annabelle had finally outgrown her mother, which, Annabelle had been quite proud of if she was honest.

     Lillith could almost not believe her little girl was growing up so much. She could still see her sitting at the kitchen table as a little eleven year old, hanging on her father's ever word with bathed breath as he talked about Hogwarts. Now Annabelle was entering her fifth year, the end of Wizarding education coming closer and closer.

    With a soft smile, she pushed the plate next to her forward. "Morning sweetheart." She greeted.

    Annabelle slowly made her way to her mother. "Dad didn't come near it, did he?" She questioned, eying her plate warily.

    "I heard my name" Cardell announced his presence, walking in the room with Annabelle's trunk by his side.

     Annabelle smiled. "You must be hearing things." Annabelle grinned, taking a bite of her toast while her father just gazed between the two woman questionably.

    Cardell looked at his wife, but Lillith only smiled sweetly at him.

    "Women." He muttered under his breath.

    Annabelle collected her trunk from where Cardell had placed it next to the backdoor after she had finished her breakfast before gathering Dot in her arms. The old orange Kneazle purring contently in her arms as he continued to snooze in her arms.

     "We should get going then?" Lillith inquired as she stood up herself to place the dirty plates in the sink to rinse later.

     Cardell nodded in confirmation and Lillith quickly collected the car keys from a small bowl on the kitchen counter.

     Lillith had been quite adamant about going by car after her terrible experience with the Portkey in Romania.

     Walking towards the red Volkswagen Beetle parked in front of the house, Annabelle struggled to balance Dot—who had taken it upon himself to lay down on her shoulder and her heavy trunk. Cardell quickly opened the door and the brunette lifted her trunk up in the back of the car and closed the door again.

    "Come on, "Lillith called out, "We don't want to be late now."

    The father-daughter duo quickly sat down as Lilith started the car up as they started their journey to King Cross Station.

    Time flew by as Annabelle started out of the window, watching the beautiful fields around her hometown turn into the busy streets of London until King Cross station came into view.

    A large smile founds it way on her face as Annabelle stepped outside again while her father retrieved her trunk.

    Taking Dot away from her shoulder, she smiled apologetically to the orange furred Kneazle. "Sorry buddy, but you have to get in now." She opened the cat carrier and almost as if he was displeased by such notion, Dot hissed lowly before begrudgingly entered the enclosed space. "You can go stretch your paws when we get on the train you little drama queen." She muttered as she placed the carrier on top of her trunk her father had placed on one of the trolleys.

    King Cross was already fairly busy, but mostly Wizarding families occupied the different platforms as Annabelle spotted owls and toads in cages being carried by chattering children, or by wizard and witches who still hadn't quite grasped the concept of Muggle fashion.

    Those did get some very questionable looks from the Muggles who were present.

    Coming up to the wall that separated the Muggle world from the Wizarding world, Annabelle smiled brightly—void of the nerves she had felt her first year when she had to brave the brick wall for the first time.

     Now she just laughed as she ran at full speed before platform 9 and ¾ quarters was revealed to her—the Hogwarts express gleaming in all its glory.

    She turned to face her father who had appeared behind her with Lillith next to him with a small frown on his lips. "Dad.." she smiled compassionately . "Don't be sad now."

    "Sorry, I can't help it. It felt like yesterday I dropped you off for your first year. And now I'm doing it for your fourth year." He sniffed pulling his daughter in a hug.

    "Uhm.. dad I'm going in my fifth year not fourth." She clarified with a small giggle. She knew her father had known that, but he was trying to keep her a little girl as long as possible.

     Her father began to cry louder attracting attention to the pair and a crimson coat painted her cheeks in embarrassment. She even spotted a woman with curly—and immaculately styled black hair eye them distastefully. For some reason as she caught the woman's steel gaze, she looked familiar.

     "You're causing a scene." Annabelle whispered as her father rocked them back and forward.

    Her father wiped his eyes and stood straight again facing his daughter. "Sorry about that." He sniffed as Lilith wrapped her arm around her husband's waist to comfort him

     "It's okay dad."

     "You just keep growing up. Every time I turn around you'll be a bit bigger."

     Annabelle laughed. "Watch out dad next time you turn around I'll be in my seventh year!" She joked, she saw her father's eyes widen.

     "Se-seventh. But you said you were in fifth not your sixth year." He shrieked, face becoming just as pale as her mother's had been when they encountered the Ukrainian Ironbelly back in Romania and Joshua had almost been burned to a crisp when he had to—yet again, help Matthew out.

     "Yes dad, I'm in fifth year." Annabelle snorted, finding her father's behaviour quote humorous . "You still have time before I leave the nest." She grinned.

    "You're leaving me!"

    Annabelle glanced around and watched people say goodbye to their parents and board the train. She caught a glimpse of familiar fiery red hair.

     "Don't worry dad." She smiled brightly. "I love you and mum. See you soon." She waved goodbye and went to board the train.

    "Take care!" Cardell shouted after his daughter.

     Aboard the train Annabelle kept her eyes open for her friends when she suddenly was grabbed by the end of her shirt and yanked inside a compartment.

    She turned around and glared at the boys before her eyes landed on Remus. "Remus!" She greeted him enthusiastically pulling him in hug.

    "Hey Belle. Had a nice summer?" He smiled with an equally as bright response.

    "It was amazing." She grinned, "Romania was everything I could have dreamed of!" She mused in a rushed manner as Remus laughed.

    "What no greetings for us, love?" Sirius mocked a hurt expression, breaking apart the conversation Remus and Annabelle were having without them.

    Annabelle glanced at them. "No." she said before glancing at something on Remus his robes.

    "A Prefect!"

    Remus turned red looking down at his robes.

    "Don't you need to be at the Prefect compartment?" She asked curiously. "Lily told me she needed to be there before they train left?"

    James head whipped around to look at Annabelle before turning his eyes to Remus as he lunged at the lanky teen in an attempt to grab his Prefect badge. "Gimme that Moony!"

    Annabelle quickly yanked Remus to the side, the two teens tumbling against the side of the compartment while James head smashed against the window.

     "You were laughing just a moment ago!" Remus jested with glimmering eyes as Peter joined in. "You called him McGonagall Junior!"

     James scowled as he rubbed his sore head directing heated glares at two of his best friends. "Shush."

     "So your sweet little Lilypad is prefect now." Sirius grinned waggling his eyebrows at James who had been muttering under his breath. "Think about all the late and romantic evening stroll her and Remus will have Prongs."

     James groaned, dragging his hands over his face, a strangled noise coming from his throat as he glared at Remus.

     Annabelle did her best to hide her amusement at the exchange she witnessed in front of her before pulling Remus up by the sleeve of his Hogwarts robes. "Now if you will excuse me, Peter, I am going to find my friends and Remus you should join the other prefects." She spoke as the other three Marauders looked up at her even though she was only looking Peter as she spoke before turning on her heel and leaving the compartment with Remus hot on her heels trying to contain his laughter.

    "Oi, what are we, next door neighbours!" Sirius shouted after her.

    Annabelle searched for her friends, after Remus' departure to the front of the train where the Prefect compartment was located. Looking down in a compartment she didn't see anyone walking in her direction, standing straight again she tried to walk again only to smash into someone.

     She backed away to look up at Severus—who also seemed to have gone through a grow spurt as he too towered over her now.

    "Severus." She greeted with a small awkward wave.

     He sneered at her. "Rose." Before pushing her aside to walk away.

     "Nice seeing you!" She shouted after him.

     She sighed, shaking her head before continuing her search as she peeked in numerous compartments to no avail until she reached the end to the train where the trolley lady was conversing with none other than Julia. The dark skinned girl was grinning happily as she munched on some Pumpkin Pastries.

     "Jules!" Annabelle called out when the girl turned to leave again but when she spotted the brunette she waved excitedly at her.

    "Belle!" She quickly embraced her in a tight hug as she swayed them from side to side. "I was beginning to think you actually missed the train."

     Annabelle laughed as they pulled apart and Julia dragged her off the their compartment where Marlene was sitting with her feet propped up, her wand holding her curly blonde hair in a bun whilst reading what seemed to be a muggle novel.

    "Belle! I see you finally made it." The blonde greeted brightly.

    "Wouldn't dream of missing the train—how horrible would that be!" She groaned taking a seat next to Marlene.

    "So, did you see Laurent again?" Annabelle raised an eyebrow in Julia's direction who blushed furiously.

    "We might have kissed." Julia muttered softly—very unlike her normal boisterous voice.

    "Aww..." Marlene cooed as the girl tried to hide behind her dark hair. "Your first kiss how cute."

     Let's just say Julia didn't hear the end of it for the remainder of the trainride.

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     THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL WAS ALMOST OVER ALREADY AS ANNABELLE FOUND HERSELF SITTING IN THE GREENHOUSE EARLY IN THE morning, she could barely keep her eyes open, and the almost suffocating warm air didn't help either. She watched with her head rested on her book as professor Sprout entered the classroom, the small and plump woman greeting her students in a chipper voice. She let out a sigh before glancing at Julia only to see the girl sleeping with her head rested on her books.

     Grinning Annabelle watched the professor write a page number on the board. Looking down at the page she began to read.

     A Bubotuber is a type of magical plant, the visible part of which is said to resemble a large, thick, black slug. This portion of the plant also squirms of its own volition. The surface of a bubotuber is covered in shiny protrusions, which when squeezed yield a thick, yellowish-green pus that has an odour akin to that of gasoline/petrol. Bubotuber pus acts as a treatment for severe acne, but undiluted pus can affect unprotected skin in unintended ways. This suggest that bubotuber pus is topical treatment, but that the actual salve consists of the pus either diluted or mixed with other ingredients

    "Miss Rose." Professor Sprout called out and Annabelle looked up from her book. "If you will be so kind to wake Miss Carter up."

     Annabelle nodded a mischievous grin displayed on her face. "Yes professor."

     Her professor turned around and she grinned down at her friend. She grabbed Julia's book before pulling it from under Julia's head, making her head slam on the table. Julia shrieked falling of her chair by accident.

     The whole classroom fell silent while everyone watched the two. Annabelle looked up at professor Sprout who looked quite displeased and disgruntled. "You did ask me to wake her up, professor. She can sleep like a log that girl." Annabelle explained with a cheeky smile directed towards her groaning friend on the floor.

      After their Herbology class, Annabelle was walking down the hall for lunch and turning a corner, she spotted her friends walking ahead and she was able to hear their last part of the conversation as Lily told them she needed to ask Severus something and said she would meet them later in the Great Hall.

     Annabelle quickly joined Julia and Marlene and together the three girls then made their way over to the already almost full Gryffindor table, ready to get something in their stomachs

     Annabelle watched from her seat as Julia shoved her plate full with food piling it up until the mountain of food threatened to fall over. Taking a seat opposite of Annabelle Julia sat down contently.

     While the three of them chatted Lily finally joined them, but her chipper mood had seemed to vanish in the short period of time she was gone when she sat down with a huff. Julia stopped eating her fork stopping mid-air as she eyed her unsurely.

     "What got your wand in a knot?" Julia asked after a beat of silence.

     Lily glared at her friend." Severus." She stated angrily filling her plate.

     "Hey! That food did nothing wrong!" Julia pointed her fork at Lily as if she had personally attacked her.

     Marlene and Annabelle exchanged concerned glanced before the blonde spoke up, "What did he do?" She asked.

     Lily sighed, resting her head in the palm of her hand while she mindlessly pushed her food around. "It's just the people he hangs out with. Mulciber and Avery."

     "Those Pureblood pricks?" Annabelle asked confused and Lily nodded.

     "I don't understand. Why would he want to hang out with them, I mean you're his best friend and you're a muggleborn?" Annabelle asked confused. "And we all know they erh—"She lowered her voice, "Come from very, very prejudiced families."

     "I know. I overheard them talking about blood purity the other day." Lily sighed glancing at the Slytherin table where Severus was talking to said boys.

     "And you talked about it with him?" Marlene wondered as she looked at her solemn-looking friend in concern.

      Lily nodded." Yes. But he says he doesn't mean it, he just needs other friends in Slytherin he said." Lily stabbed her food angrily.

     "I think there are better Slytherin than that bunch." Marlene stated lifting her fork to point at the Slytherin table.

     Annabelle picking up on her friend's gloomy mood quickly changed the subject. "So what about the Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff game, isn't it soon?" She asked, which made Julia chat happily about the upcoming game.

     Annabelle watched Lily from the corner of her eye to see her frown slowly turn in a smile as she watched Julia talk in rapid speed.


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