xix. homebound

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
NINETEEN━━ homebound

    ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* ✨🌙💫
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

    CARDELL WAS WAITING, ROCKING BACK AND FORTH on his feet. He had his hands tucked in his winter coat, humming excitedly while waiting with the other parents that had gathered on platform 9 and ¾ quarters. It had been packed with Muggle's that morning, eying some rather strangely dressed Wizards and Witches that tried to blend in with the crowd.

    Cardell very much liked the redheaded fellow wearing a flowery poncho over some very shimmering hot red pants with tattered cowboy boots.

    Without Lillith in his life, he himself would probably look just like the oblivious man.

    A high pitched whistle echoed around the platform and the scarlet and black train came into sight, steam floating around it like a large thundercloud.

    Some overexcited children were already handing out of the windows waving at their parents, Cardell had hoped to catch a glimpse of his own daughter, but the girl was not one of the kids that had been waving through the compartment windows.

    The Hogwarts express came to a slow stop and within moment an abundance of children stepped off the train, still chattering happily with one another as they said their goodbyes for the Christmas Holidays. Parents embraced their children and Cardell waited not so patiently for Annabelle to appear. Finally after what seemed like forever (━it was only five minutes ) Annabelle appeared from one of the doors, hauling her trunk with her as she chatted with Lily, Marlene and Julia. The four girls exchanging quick hugs before departing to their own families.

    Cardell tried to gain her attention, waving like a lunatic as Lillith would say, but Annabelle wasn't looking around to spot her family, but instead she was focused on a sweater wearing boy in the distance.

    Remus Lupin looked just as gloomily as his daughter did when the two crossed each other's gaze before both abruptly looking away.

    He watched confused at the sight, mind wandering to that one full moon where she all but demanded Remus was to stay right where he was. She would have gone to bloody war, if anyone even dared to suggest sending the boy home. But now it looked like they had been complete strangers. His immediately thought to the letter Annabelle had send a couple days ago, and worry filled his very being.

    Cardell had truly believed the argument was nothing big, Annabelle had a habit of making mountains out of molehills, but whatever had occurred at Hogwarts seemed to have a lasting effect on their friendship

   When she was frowning in the direction of another boy. Probably Remus he thought. He was concerned after the letter she had sent him. And it looked like nothing had changed since then.

    Annabelle frowned, before her eyes met the concerned ones of her father in the distance and she almost sulkily approached the dark haired man.

    Cardell pulled his daughter in a hug the moment she was in arms reach "Oh sweets." He mumbled in her hair as the girl tightened her grip around her father's waist.

    "Hey dad."

    "Ready to go home sweetheart? Your mother made apple pie, been standing in the kitchen the whole morning. Didn't even let me taste the batter." Cardell said as the two untangled again. He held out his hand, sending the girl a assuring smile that would always cure her worries.

    Grabbing her father's hand in one hand and her trunk in the other the two disappeared from platform 9 ¾ .

    Annabelle breathed the familiar smell of cinnamon and vanilla in and a small smile crept on her lips as she stepped inside the cosy cottage her family owned. The Christmas decorations had been placed around the house, and Annabelle knew there would be an empty Christmas tree waiting inside the living room ready to be decorated by the family of three.

    "Honey we're home!" Cardell announced gleefully, hanging his coat by the door while Annabelle shook her own coat off after she placed her trunk under the cupboard under the stairs.

    "Look at my little girl." Lillith appeared from the kitchen, smiling brightly at her daughter with glistering eyes. "I have missed you so much!"

    "I missed you too mum." Annabelle laughed, before quickly walking forward to embrace her mother tightly.

    "Now come, I have got hot chocolate and Apple pie." Lillith commented guiding her daughter towards the kitchen table━Cardell following quickly after the mother-daughter duo, probably far more eager to eat his wife's delicious homemade pie.

    "How is your year going so far?" Lilith asked after slicing the pie. "In your last letter you seemed a bit dejected."

    Annabelle bit the inside of her cheek looking down at her plate, a spurt of guilt swirling in her stomach.

    "Everything alright, dear?" Her father asked, his fork hovering in mid-air.

    "Schoolwork and lesson are fine it's just..." She trailed off playing with her food.

    "Just what?" Her mother asked concerned seeing a sad look on her daughter's face.

    Annabelle looked up from her plate. "Did you ever had a really bad fight with one of your friends?" She inquired softly.

    "Of course I did." Lillith shook her head. "It was awful. I remember I didn't talk to my friend for months."

    "How did you make up?" Annabelle hopeful eyes gazed into her mother's.

    "We talked it about it."

    Cardell coughed.

    "Alright maybe we were forcefully locked in the same room to talk about it. But the point is in the end we made up."

    "I hope I can make it up." Annabelle frowned.

    "I'm sure you can sweetheart." Lillith reassured her.

    "Now finish your mother's pie, or I will." Cardell threatened her.

⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

    THE NEXT MORNING, ANNABELLE FELT MUCH BETTER AFTER HER CONVERSATION WITH HER PARENTS REGARDING HER FRIENDSHIP TROUBLES, of course, the girl still couldn't find it in herself to pick up a quill and write her friend. She tried, very much so yesterday evening, but every time she even looked at the parchment, Lily's tear riddled face flashed behind her eyes.

     Luckily, today would be much more cheerful, as their annual Christmas tree decoration event had arrived. She had dressed in her favourite fluffy purple sweater that morning and kept her pyjama bottoms on as she descended down the stairs. Her father had already been seated on the living room sofa with the Daily Prophet and an abandoned cup of coffee on the table.

    Lilith, also dressed in her own fluffy sweater was already bringing the boxes of Christmas decoration and ornaments in the living room.

    "Morning sweetheart." Cardell chirped as he turned the page of the Wizarding newspaper. "Slept well I hope?"

    "Yes, very much so."

    "Look." Lillith suddenly spoke up, holding up a terribly painted reindeer figurine. "Your first self-made ornament." The woman cooed as she smiled as if reminiscing.

    "Ah such a beautiful little Flobberworm darling." Cardell jested casually as he peeked over the Wizarding newspaper.

    "It was a reindeer dad." Annabelle spluttered with a slacked jaw, brown eyes flitting between the ornament in her mother's hand and her father's grinning face.

    "Well that is a very sad excuse for a reindeer dear." Cardell tutted playfully.

    "I was five!"

    Annabelle can only narrow her eyes as she stared at her father in disbelief, her mother quietly snickering in the background. The two remained quiet before Annabelle scoffed, jutting her chin up before stalking towards the boxes her mother is still rummaging through.

    "It was a very pretty reindeer sweetheart." Lillith appeased with a sweet smile.

    The brunette just huffs before pulling all kinds of old decorations from the box closest to her. It mostly contains tangled lights and red and silver Christmas balls. Most self-made ornaments could be find taken better care of and carefully wrapped.

    "Look what we have here." Lillith piped up, holding up what looks like a disfigured Santa Clause. "This seems to be your work darling."

    Cardell rose a challenging eyebrow at his wife, daring her to make a joke about his own childhood creation. "What off it Lil?"

    "I wondered what kind of tortured soul this is supposed to be?"

    He looked sheepish as he regarded the old thing, "One conjured up by the imaginative mind of a seven year old?"

    "It seems you both share the same creative talents." Lillith retorted.

    Father and daughter share an offended looks, before both settling their glares on the curly haired woman. "How very nice of you to say darling."

    "Thank you darling." Lillith shakes her head, laughter roaring throughout the house as she stands up to kiss her husband before planting an affectionate kiss on her daughter's head.

    "Now let's get started on this tree."

⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

     SITTING IN HER BEDROOM THE NEXT DAY ANNABELLE FELT VERY MELANCHOLY DESPITE THE FAST APPROACH OF HER favourite holiday. Her grievances remained caused by the same thing; Remus Lupin. While the girl liked to think she was fair and kind, her pride and stubbornness easily outweighed them. She remained conflicted, seeing as she didn't hear from the boy all throughout the Christmas Holiday. And yes she did say that she didn't—couldn't be friends with him (--or the other boys for that matter) but she hadn't thought they would have given up without a fight.

    And she did have her fair share of squabbles with Remus before and normally they would resolve easily with a simple letter or a moment of conversation huddled with hot chocolate and lemon cakes. But now it seemed a line had been crossed, and remained unable to restore.

    She didn't quite know what would have been worse. The silence or the pleading for forgiveness.

    With a loud groan, full of pent up frustration, Annabelle let herself fall back down on her bed, the comforting soft duvet engulfing her frame.

    "Look at you all sad and lonely."

    Annabelle's head rose in surprise, not even hearing that the door had opened.

    "I am sad and lonely." She replied solemnly as she regarded Julia standing in her room. Her brown hair was still littered with snow as was the trunk she was carrying with both hands.

    Annabelle was conflicted to whether or not write a letter to Remus wishing him a Merry Christmas.

    "Well aren't you a sweet little ray of sunshine." Julia jested, running a hand through her hair after she had placed her trunk next to her friend's cluttered desk.

    She gave her friends an apologetic look as she sat back up on her bed. "Sorry. I'm glad you're here." Annabelle patted a spot beside her and Julia wasted no time to sit down next to her.

    "So what got you so sad. You should be happy, Christmas is tomorrow. And we all know you love this holiday."

    Annabelle sighed, eyes flickering to the abandoned letter on her desk and it was as if a light bulb flickered on inside Julia's head. "It is about what happened with the boys, isn't it?" she queried softly.

    Annabelle nodded as she bit her lip anxiously. "We have never had a fight this bad before."

    "Look Belle." Julia turned to grasp her friend's hands in her own. "I don't want to be mean right now, but you did say you didn't want to be friends anymore. That is pretty serious."

    "I know, and in a way it is still true. I can't condone their actions. It would just make me a hypocrite. But I miss him Jules."

    "I know you do honey." Julia smiled sadly.

    "I should apologise. I should fight for friendships that matter right?" Annabelle wondered.

    "Only if you think it's worth it?"

    "I know it is."

    "Well let's get started then." Julia nodded, "What do you have in mind?"

    "Do you per chance have twelve sickles on you?"


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