xvii. hufflepuff in need

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
SEVENTEEN ━━ hufflepuff in need

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     A COUPLE WEEKS WENT BY AS QUICK AS ONE COULD BLINK AND ANNABELLE AND HER FRIENDS HADEN'T SPOKEN to the boys since the horrible prank played on Severus. And it seemed that no one was willing to say sorry or break their vow of silence anytime soon. Although it was mostly Lily and Annabelle who remained unmoved, while their other two friends just stood by them. And sweet Lily had remained sullen the days following her encounter with Severus—the dreadfully mean words spoken by her former friends still haunting her.

     And to add insult to injury, Severus even had the nerve to approach the group of girls later that same weekend in the corridor halls to try and explain himself. All Annabelle could see was the boy making excuses for his actions and trying. (--when isn't he trying to talk over his wrongdoing!)

     And yes, Annabelle knows, she should at least try to listen when someone is apologising, her mother was very adamant about that rule whenever she gotten into an argument with other kids from her old muggle school. She might haven been a little bit (--a lot) hot tempered at a young age.

     But seriously, Snape words didn't even really sounds like an sincere apology—or an apology at all.

      "It didn't mean to call you that Lily, it just slipped out. With the amount of times Mulciber and Avery say it." He had said, with that same sneer on his face he wore daily. Annabelle couldn't understand how Lily ever saw friendship material in him in the first place.

     But luckily, even Lily didn't defend his actions or whisked them away like they had been nothing. The redhead had finally enough and dropped him.

     "Well maybe you should just stay with the lot of them, then."

     The brunette had been quite proud of her shorter friend.

     And while that chapter had been closed, and Lily officially cut ties with the greasy slimeball, it didn't seem they were able to shake the Marauders as easily.

    They had been irrevocably pestering them, well Sirius and James had, Remus and Peter had the decency to look miserably from a distance.

     But every class would involve some sort of pitiful staring and them ignoring after attempt at conversation Sirius and James tried to stir up. Even going as far as pairing up with two Ravenclaw girls during a Defence Against the Dark Arts assignment who rather chatted about Harvey Turner—the sixth year Slytherin boy that commentated the Quidditch matches and his pretty face than having to be anywhere near those two.

     Luckily, the Christmas Holiday was closing in, and became the perfect thing to look forward to during these times and Annabelle couldn't wait to escape the continues building tension that surrounded the two opposing friend groups.

    Annabelle was happy that after the nasty conversation she had with Remus, the boy hadn't tried to stir up another conversation, but still an ugly feeling remained settled in her stomach every time she looked at the tall boy.

    And today was no different as the four girls had gathered in the Great Hall that morning to have breakfast before their classes would start. They had been occupying the left end of the table, the boys when they had come inside the Great Hall had passed them. Peter and Remus holding both Sirius and James back by their robes when they attempted to sit down next to them.

     But it didn't stop them from glances in their direction every other minutes Julia had noted when she caught Peter's gaze again. The timid boy giving her a small smile which she reluctantly returned. The two of them had been taste testing every sweet from Honeydukes, but sadly with their friends at odds, the two had stopped meeting at the kitchens.

   Averting her eyes slightly, she observed Remus has he hunched over the table with slagged shoulders and messy hair, uncombed and still stuck to his forehead. Purple blemishes decorated the skin under his eyes, paired with ragged scars made him look exceptionally more grotesque.

     His sombre expression was glued to his plate, only looking in their direction once before slowly munching on his buttered toast.

     This morning in the Great Hall was no different. Julia sat beside Annabelle trying to ignore the glances they got from the boys.

     Annabelle had informed them about her conversation in the hallways the moment she had returned to the Common Room. And Julia still couldn't quite grasp the fact that the brunette really had cut ties with the boy.

    And it clearly looked like Remus hadn't expected such outcomes either as he remained sulking the weeks following their spat. And the permanent frown displayed on his face broke her heart every time.

     It really looked like the boy hadn't slept in weeks.

      And yes, Julia could understand why both Lily and Annabelle didn't want to have anything to do with bullies, but after the weeks beforehand, where their friend groups had really come together, the dark skinned girl couldn't deny she missed having the boys around.

    Turning her head away from the boy she focused her attention on her meal but suddenly she wasn't hungry anymore and pushed her almost full plate away.

    Annabelle watched confused. "Is something wrong?" She asked, eyes raking over her friends face as if to find a clue.

    Julia gave her a look, crossing her arms over the table.

    "It was just a question. You never leave anything on your plate let alone an almost full one." Annabelle pointed out, gaining the attention of the other two girls who shared worried looks

    Julia sighed shaking her head.

     "You're sure nothing is wrong. Aren't you feeling well. We can take you to Madam Pomfrey?" Lily suggested sweetly, already pushing her book back in her bag.

    "I'm not sick. I'm just not hungry at the moment." Julia snapped, before sighing when she saw their shocked expression. "I didn't mean to snap."

"Sorry." Annabelle put her hands up in defence, but the confusion remained swirling in her eyes.

    Julia sighed. "Sorry it's just.... How long are you going to be mad at them." She discreetly pointed at the four boys moping around. "They look completely miserable, and to be honest I kinda miss having them around."

    Oh. Now Annabelle understood as she dared to glance in the directions of the boys

     "What they did was horrible." Lily turned to look at the said boys. "And I can't stand next to them as friends as long as they do such horrible things."

    Julia looked at Annabelle. "Look at him Belle." She pointed at Remus who could barely stay awake. "He looks miserable since the day you fought."

    Annabelle glanced at Remus from the corner of her eye and she had to agree with her friend. "Listen Juls. This isn't some innocent quarrel. What they did was awful and I'm not just going to forgive them."

    Julia looked at Marlene for some support. "He does look horrible." Marlene said sheepishly.

    Annabelle closed her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath. "Maybe someday. But I don't think I will be able to forgive him anytime soon." Annabelle raised from her seat and went to walk away but Julia stopped her by grabbing the sleeve of her robe.

    "Please think about it. You're not yourself lately and I hate seeing you like this."

    Annabelle slowly nodded before walking away.

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    ANNABELLE HAD HIGH HOPES TO FINISH HER ASTRONOMY HOMEWORK DURING THE TIMES SIRIUS HAD TURORED HER, BUT NOW WITH THE GROUPS AT ODDS, it was hard to find any sense of hope as she stared at the cursed pages of one of the star chart showing some constellation she didn't care about. And the fact that she still had the conversation from that morning running ramped in her head didn't help either.

     In simple words—Annabelle Rose was fucked.

    And dear Merlin was she ready to just tear her parchment to pieces and blame it on Dot the cat at this point. Professor Sinestra would surely believe such a common lie... right?

    Leaning her head on her crossed arms, the brunette closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to gather her thoughts and some Gryffindor trademark courage to finish her essay.

    But when snickering resounded close by, her eyes flew open again, and her warm chocolate brown eyes focused in on a group of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor girls whispering and pointing to something out of her sight.

    Unsure, Annabelle craned her neck to get a glimpse at whatever sight was so amusing only to spot a single silvery blonde girl sitting at one of the Library tables. Her quill feather brushing against her cheek while she rested her head on the other hand. But what caught her attention was the fact that there was a single quill feather stuck in her messy hair—which she was oblivious to and the other onlookers seemed to find highly entertaining.

    Scoffing, Annabelle picked up her stuff, not caring to neatly roll up her parchment, instead choosing to just push it in with the rest of her supplies. As she crossed the room, her eyes send a deadly glare at the group of third year students, whom quickly shut up, wide eyed and cheeks red.

   "Hey blondie." Annabelle sat down across from the Hufflepuff girl who looked up startled. "also sorry for calling you blondie, I actually don't know your name."

    The silvery blonde peered up at her with wide as, scampering around to make herself look more presentable, only to smear ink on her cheek.

    Annabelle chuckled softly, a kind smile on her face as she waited for the younger girl to calm down slightly. "I hope you don't mind me sitting her? I felt quite lonely sitting by myself."

    "Uh—no, I don't mind at all." The girl replied, her voice whimsically soft.

    "Great." Annabelle threw her bag on the table, "I'm Annabelle Rose by the way." She introduced herself.

    "I know—erh well I have heard of you and seen you around the grounds with your friends." The blonde replied. "I'm Daisy." She added, "Sullivan."

    "Nice to meet you Daisy." Annabelle grinned, only to be interrupted by the same group of girls giggle. She could see Daisy tense at the sound and frowned. "Don't mind them Daisy. Girls like that are only jealous."

    "How would you know?" Daisy muttered her smile already turned into a dejected frown.

    "There where these three girls when I attended Muggle primary school." Annabelle started. "My mum insisted I go—you see she's a Muggle. My dad is a pureblood, poor man couldn't even comprehend half of the subjects taught."

    Daisy chuckled softly, as Annabelle rambled on. "But, to keep on track. I of course would show some unintentional magic at the time, it made me look really funny and weird sometimes. Of course it made me easy material to pick on. The amount of times kids started or pointed at me is too many to count."

    "What did you do?"

    "Well..." She muttered sheepishly, "I may have gotten into some fights. I probably wasn't sorted into Gryffindor if I didn't at least have a little bit of a temper."

    "Well I'm just a pushover." She whispered shamefully. "They say Hufflepuff is full of 'em."

    Annabelle frowned, "Well then you haven't seen them during Quidditch matches. I mean you badgers look all nice and cuddly, but dear Merlin, do you have some fire. And when the Badger faces come out." She shuddered at the thought. "I'd run for the hills."

    "Well I guess I'm not even a real Hufflepuff either." The girl said and Annabelle frowned.

     "Why's that?" She titled her head slightly.

    "I don't bite back that easily I rather avoid everything at all costs." Daisy replied.

    "Well the badger face takes some time to master. But I know you'll be alright."

    The silvery blonde didn't say anything else in reply and the brunette settled her gaze on the tattered book next to the Hufflepuff girl. "You believe in happily ever after right?"


    "The fairy-tale book." Annabelle pointed at the teal coloured book. "You escape in stories."

    The girl blushed, pale cheeks tinted in a rich red colour that stood out against her light features. "It's childish, I know."

     Annabelle shook her head. "No, I don't think it is at all."

    "Really?" Daisy hopeful eyes looked at her and she nodded.

    "No not at all. We could all use a little bit more happily ever after." She elaborated easily and the blonde smiles gleefully, already scooting her chair closer to show her the book

    Daisy opened her book to show Annabelle what she was reading at the moment when the snickers erupted again from the table beside them. Daisy stopped talking and glanced at her lap.

    Picking up on the girl's uneasiness from the other girls laughing she looked at Daisy's fairy-tales book. "So what is your favourite?" She asked.

    Daisy looked up from her lap and glanced at the other girls. "huh?"

   "What is your favorite story?" Annabelle asked again.

    A bright smile crept on the girls face as she explained the story Beauty and the Beast. The happy glint in the blonde's eye when she talked about the stories was all it took for Annabelle to walk over towards the still laughing girls.

    Daisy watched confused when Annabelle stood up and walked away. She thought that yet again she scared someone away. But when she heard Annabelle yell at the girls that were laughing at her a smile broke out on her face.

    Daisy watched the girls rush out of the library after Annabelle said something she couldn't hear.

    Annabelle walked back to her and smiled.

   "Thank you." Daisy whispered.

   "No problem. Bunch of baboons those girls." Annabelle waved her off.

   "I wish I could do something like that." Daisy sighed.

     "Of course you can." Annabelle exclaimed.

    "I can't I'm not brave enough to do something like that. I'm not like you Gryffindors."

    "that's right you're not a Gryffindor." Annabelle pointed out and Daisy averted her eyes. "You're a Hufflepuff. A badger. You don't need to be a Gryffindor to stand up for yourself. I'm going to get your badger out Daisy, I promise." Daisy smiled at Annabelle

     "Friends?" Annabelle asked.

    "Friends." Daisy nodded.


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