xxi. socks

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
TWENTY ONE ━━ socks

ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* ✨🌙💫
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    AFTER SHE HAD MADE UP WITH REMUS, AND AFTER A VERY FRIGHTFUL SCOLDING FROM HER MOTHER upon return home about the dangers of traveling at night and sneaking out without informing them, Annabelle had enjoyed her Christmas break tremendously. Well━she didn't like the fact that when Christmas morning came around and it had been time to unwrap her presents she found a singular gift from a specific boy among them.

    She almost threw it away without looking, but with one pointed look from her mother, she had admitted defeat and opened the present. Of course it was a jest when her eyes laid on advanced Astronomy book, and upon opening it, found the familiar scribble-like handwriting of Sirius Black.

    Her mother had taken one look at the words inside the cover before smiling knowingly at her daughter. Of course Annabelle hadn't seen it, but her father certainly had as he frowned at the book the rest of the morning.

    But now with Christmas break over, it was time to return to Hogwarts once more. And to her absolute happiness, the only incident that morning had been her father stepping on Dot's tail when he was walking down the stairs and taking a tumble down the stairs when the startled kneazle had hissed at him.

     "Dot acted like I just tried to kill him." Cardell was still muttering when they walked towards Platform 9 ¾ that same morning, while simultaneously rubbing his bruising left arm.

    Annabelle sighed pushing the trolley with her trunk and Dot's cat carrier on it where a familiar hiss echoed from, as if the cat was defending his actions.

    "Dad, please, let it go." She muttered with a shake of her head.

    "What." He replied abashed, "I don't see you taking nose dives from the stairs for pleasure."

    "Who says I don't?" Annabelle countered with a raised brow.

    "I do."

     Annabelle grumbled out a reply under her breath before her eyes fell on the wall that would lead her to the Hogwarts express. "I mean, we are the ones running at walls for fun, for merlin's sake!" She shrugged before rushing forward.

    Even after all these years, the sight of the gleaming scarlet train filled her with unsurmountable happiness. A bright smile immediately graced her lips as she watched the large crowd on the platform. From returning students to eager first years ready to return after their first break.

    A hand on her shoulder made her turn back to look at her father. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he look at the Hogwarts Express, most likely reminiscing his own years as a student. "Ready to return sweetheart?"

    "Always." She giggled, bouncing on her feet like a nervous first year would do.

    "Enjoy the rest of the year Belle." Cardell wrapped her in a hug.

    "I'll do my best." She grinned as she rested her head against her father's chest

    "You'll be fine." He assured her, kissing the top of her head.

    Annabelle nodded in his chest before stepping away. She glanced over her shoulder to see students started to fill the train. "I'll miss you." She told him.

     "I'm going to miss you too." He smiled albeit his eyes were already glazed over. "Don't forget to write more often or your mother will have my head and yours."

    "I will, I promise." Annabelle giggled before she went to board the train. Lugging her trunk and cat carrier with her, Annabelle approached the train with a bounce in her step.

    The familiar smell of her second home already infiltrated her senses without being there yet. Manoeuvring around the other students, Annabelle gazed inside multiple compartment to no avail.

    The train whistle echoed, signalling their departure from the station. With a lurch the train started moving, and not one for staying standing on a moving train, Annabelle quickly looked inside the first compartment to her left, where to her luck she spotted a familiar blonde girl sitting with a book propped up in her lap.

    Sliding the door open and poking her head inside she smiled at the girl. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked.

    Daisy smiled, a bright smile on her face. "I don't mind." She invited her in.

    It was silent for a moment as Annabelle settled and stored her trunk before releasing Dot who let out a content purr when he settled on the seat. "So did you enjoy your holiday?" The brunette wondered when she sat down.

    Annabelle watched Daisy grew uncomfortable about the question and Annabelle was curious to why such a simple question made her fidget in her seat. But she didn't implore the girl to explain and instead remained silent.

    "It was okay." Daisy finally managed to say as she shrugged.

    "Mine was nice too." Annabelle grinned before changing the subject. "So did you like my present?" She inquired despite already knowing the answer.

    Daisy nodded pulling said gift out of her bag. "I loved it." She held a brand new book up with the title beauty and the beast.

    "I'm glad you liked it. I though you could use a new one. Your other one looked like it was falling apart." She chuckled.

    Daisy giggle. "I know. But I had it for some time now." She sounded nostalgic.

    Someone knocked on the apartment door making the two girls stop their chatting to look at the person.

    The trolley lady smiled at them. "Anything from the cart dears?"

    Daisy shook her head, even though she was eying the sweets.

    "You're sure?" Annabelle asked.

    Daisy nodded. "I don't have any money on me."

    "Pick something." Annabelle encouraged, her eyes already roaming the cart to decide what to pick.


    "Pick something, my treat." Annabelle smiled.

    Daisy slowly arose from her seat to look at the trolley. "A chocolate frog, please." The blonde asked the trolley lady politely.

    She handed the frog to Daisy before turning to look at Annabelle. "And you dear?"

    "I'd have a Pumpkin pastry please. "

    "There you go." She handed the pastry to Annabelle and in return she handed her the money for the sweets.

    "Thank you." Daisy said after the trolley lady closed the compartment door.

    Annabelle just smiled at Daisy taking a bite from her snack.

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    STEPPING INSIDE THE CASTLE AGAIN, A RUSH OF CONTENTMENT BEFELL OVER ANNABELLE AS SHE LOOKED AT THE FAMILIAR portraits happily welcoming them back or the occasional ghost passing through the walls to greet them. Daisy was still beside her, the same awe displayed on her face as they walked down the hallways that led them to the Great Hall.

    Candles were already lit, illuminating the corridors, and to her great pleasure, Peeves was nowhere to be seen. Probably the work of the Bloody Baron if she thought about it.

    As McGonagall led them around the corner and inside the Great Hall, Annabelle finally spotted a familiar redhead among the sea of students in the front. With a couple of quick words, and the occasional suggestion to a student about making themselves presentable, the Transfiguration professor opened the large wooden doors.

    The Great Hall looked mesmerising as always, with the high ceiling and charm to make them see the sky littered with stars this evening and the lit candles floating above the house tables.

    The staff table was already filled, Headmaster Dumbledore in the centre, happily conversing with Professor Flitwick, who seemed to have had already enjoyed a spiked glass of Pumpkin juice by the sight of his flushed cheeks.

    Within seconds, the students parted to their designated house tables, and bidding Daisy a quick goodbye, Annabelle found her friends already seating at the table.

    "Annabelle!" Marlene was the first to spot her, the blonde bouncing in her seat as she waved at her. "there you are! We thought you'd missed the train or something."

    Annabelle laughed as she sat down next to Lily, the redhead smiling cheerfully. "No. I couldn't find you before the train departed, and I found Daisy in a compartment and stayed with her for the ride."

    "Oh! How was she?" Julia inquired curiously, eyes already flickering to the Hufflepuff table.

    "She was good, a little quiet." She shrugged before turning her head to the teacher's table when Dumbledore cleared his throat to gain their attention.

    "Welcome, welcome!" He spoke the moment the Hall felt silent. "It is good to see all your joyful faces back here in these halls! I hope you had a delightful Christmas break. I certainly did." His voice rose an octave in excitement. "I was gifted an extremely soft pair of socks, I was truly delighted! No one can ever have enough socks you know ━"

    McGonagall cleared her throat, "Right, right. Sorry Professor. " he apologised, "I will not let you wait much longer for the feast, I will want to wish luck to those taking their O.W.L's and N.E.W.T.'s this year, and remind them to study hard!"

    Groans echoed around the hall, and across the table, Julia let her head drop on her crossed arms.

    Dumbledore chuckled, "Now don't forget the Forbidden Forest is still off limits. And I would like to remind everyone always put on your left sock first otherwise bad luck will follow!" he paused, waving his arms and the fears appeared on their table. "Tuck in!"

    Loud chatter immediately filled the Great Hall once more, Dumbledore's strange speech already in the back of their minds as Christmas breaks and worries about exams were exchanged among students.

    Scooping some mashed potatoes on her plate, Annabelle was already engrossed in a conversation with Lily about the new Muggle photo camera she had been gifted with from her parents. "So the pictures don't move right?" Julia cut in.

    Lily hummed in confirmation.

    "That boring." Julia voiced with a shrug, "I mean when you can get moving pictures why want those?"

    "Because my family will be scared half to death of they find a moving picture on the wall when they visit."


    "Anyway ━" Annabelle spoke up again, "won't the future career talks be soon?"

    "Yeah!" Lily nodded enthusiastically, "I spend my break researching all kinds of wizarding jobs, I'm not a hundred precent sure I want to get a job in the magical world yet, but I hope to talk with Professor McGonagall about it soon."

    "You already looked into it?" Julia looked like a dear caught in headlights as she looked at Lily.

    "Of course." Lily stated proudly, "you haven't?"

    "uh...yes of course, of course I have looked at them!" She stuttered, nervous eyes looking anywhere but at Lily.

    "Really?" She raised an eyebrow.


    Lily stared at her.

    "Alright I haven't!"


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