An Unlikely Team

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(Saddle Spiders approach Delta who is out cold. Suddenly a lasso grabs Delta and pulls her towards none other than Holly)

Holly Darlin': [glares at the Saddle Spiders]

(The spiders advance)

Holly Darlin': [she throws a frying pan which makes them stop then they glare at her who whimpers]

(Then she uses her laso-like hair and whips the saddle spider into a predator's mouth, it stares at Holly)

Holly Darlin': [gasps]

(Then it goes back to sleep)

Holly Darlin': [sighs with relief and sees Delta] Oh no! Delta?

(She races to Delta's side and listens for a heartbeat)

Holly Darlin': Hang on Delta!

(So she grabs a sharp stone and some tumbleweed and uses the stone to free Delta and uses the tumbleweed which nips Delta up)

Delta Dawn: [gasps as she wakes up, she sees Holly] Holly, my girl! You are right on time.

Holly Darlin': [rolls her eyes] Like you knew I was comin'.

Delta Dawn: Yes! I figured after the third hour you would figure out that you'd rather get eaten by a Scorpion.

Holly Darlin': And I figured there was no way you could do this by yourself. Guess we were both right.

Delta Dawn: [smiles] All right. Let's do this! Sooner we get to Scorpion Town, sooner we can rescue everybody, and make it home safely. [they head off]

Holly Darlin': Wait, wait, wait. What's your plan?

Delta Dawn: I just told you. To rescue everyone and make it home safely.

Holly Darlin': Delta, That's not a plan, that's a wish list.

Delta Dawn: Oh! I suppose you have a plan.

Holly Darlin': In fact, I sure do. First...

We get to the edge of Scorpion Town without bein' spotted.

Then, we get inside by sneakin' through the old escape tunnels...

Which will then lead us to the old Troll homes right before we get caught,

And suffer a miserable death... at the claws of a horrible, bloodthirsty Scorpion!

Holly Darlin': [pauses] Hold on a second, are you writin' down my plan?

Delta Dawn: Yeah. Almost... done! [she hold it up, and it sprays confetti on Holly]

Holly Darlin': Okay, and rule 1: There will be no more... writin' stuff.


(Later, Delta skips and sings)

Holly Darlin': Do you have to sing?

Delta Dawn: I always sing when I'm in a good mood.

Holly Darlin': Do you have to be in a good mood?

Delta Dawn: Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I'll be with all my friends! [she clasp her hands together] I wonder what they're doin' right now.

Holly Darlin': Oh I don't know, probably being digested.

Delta Dawn: They're alive, Holly. I know it!

Holly Darlin': You don't know anythin', Delta. And I can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. 'Cause it isn't. Bad things happen, and there's nothin' you can do about it.

Delta Dawn: Hey, I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows. But I'd rather go through life thinkin' that it mostly is instead of bein' like you. You don't sing, you don't dance. So uptight all the time! What happened to you?

Holly Darlin': Shhh.

Delta Dawn: A Scorpion?

Holly Darlin': Maybe.

Delta Dawn: [realizes that Holly tricked her] There's no Scorpion, is there? You just said that so I'd stop talkin'.

Holly Darlin': Maybe.

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