Holly Darlin'

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(Everyone starts panting after their song and dance number, until they hear slow clapping)

Holly Darlin': [slowly claps her hands] Unbelievable, everyone. Really, really great. Good job. I could hear y'all from a mile away!

Delta Dawn: [smiles] Good. I was worried we weren't projectin' enough.

Holly Darlin': [scoffs] Delta, if I can hear you, so can the Scorpions.

Growley Pete: Oh, boy.

Hickory: Here we go again.

Cheyenne: Oh, Holly...

Callie: You're always seriously uptight.

Hallie: Warnin' us about the Scorpions.

Holly Darlin': No, I don't.





(And again)



Delta Dawn: Come on! We haven't seen a Scorpion in 22 years. They're not gonna find us.

Holly Darlin': No, they're not goin' to find me, because I'll be in my highly camouflaged... heavily fortified, Scorpion-proof survival cellar.

Delta Dawn: You mean you're not comin' to the hoedown tonight?

Callie & Hallie: But it's going to be the biggest...

Clampers Buttonwillow: The loudest...

Hickory: The craziest hoedown ever!

Holly Darlin': Big?! Loud?! Crazy?! You're just gonna lead the Scorpions right to us!

Growley Pete: Are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to mess up your party?

Delta Dawn: Yes. I think everyone deserves to be happy.

Holly Darlin': I don't do happy.

Delta Dawn: Holly, I know you have peace inside you. You just need our help to find it. [holds out an invitation] What do you say, Holly?

(Holly takes it and crumples it, and then she kicks it whith her hind hooves)

All: [gasp]

Clampers Buttonwillow: Oh my gosh!

Holly Darlin': I wouldn't be caught dead at your hoedown, but you will be. Caught and dead.

Wyatt: Whoa, whoa. Easy, Holly. Easy.

(Wyatt enters his house, he walks up to Holly)

Wyatt: Okay, first of all, mate, thanks for sharin' your safety and protection against the Scorpions, again.

Hickory & Cheyenne: [both snicker]

Wyatt: But Holly, we are livin' in a pretty peaceful time here, in fact, you should lighten up on positivity. Come on try bein' positive, huh?

Holly Darlin': Okay, fine. I'm positive you all are goin' to get eaten.

(The other Trolls look at each other)

Holly Darlin': Someday Delta, when the Scorpions find us... and the survival of every Country Troll is in your hands... I hope the answer is singin', dancin', and doin' hoedowns because that's all you know how to do.

Cheyenne: That is not true! Delta is excellent at rodeos.

Holly Darlin': I can't believe you're gonna be mayor one day. [she marches off]

Wyatt: Don't worry Delta, one day Holly will learn to loosen up.

Delta Dawn: [shrugs] I guess.

Wyatt: You guessed right. Now come on, let's get ready for the hoedown. Who knows? Maybe Holly will change her mind.

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