In The Beginning

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Once Upon a Time, in a peaceful desert,

In the liveliest cactus lived the most peaceful creatures the world has ever known; the Country Trolls.

(The Country Trolls lived happily inside the cactus)

They loved nothing more to sing, and dance, and do hoedown. Dance, and hoedown, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hoedown, dance... and hoedown, and dance, and sing, and hoedown, and dance and hoedown...

(A Country Troll collapsed in exhaustion)

But then one day, the Trolls were discovered by... a Scorpion!

(A picture of a Scorpion appears)

The Scorpions didn't know how to sing...

(They sing VERY off-key)

..or dance...

(They punch each other)

or even have a hoedown.

(They sting each other with their poisonous tails)

They were the most miserable creatures in all the land.

And once they saw how happy the Country Trolls were...

They wanted some of that happiness of themselves.

(The Country Trolls gasp to see that a Scorpion has eaten a Country Troll)

Eating a Country Troll made them feel so happy... they started a tradition.

(The Country Cactus was set in a cage in the center of the Scorpion Kingdom, Scorpion Town)

Once a year, every year... the Scorpion would gather around the Troll Tree... to taste happiness...

on a holiday they called...



(Wilder, a young Scorpion runs up to his mother, Mayor Dakota)

Young Wilder: Whoo! [both grunt] Good morning, Mommy! Mommy, wake up! Mommy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Mommy! Wake up, Mommy. Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy, wake up! [pokes his mother with his tail]

Dakota: [screams] Wilder! What time is it?

Young Wilder: It's Countryfest!

(Dakota and Wilder burst out from their house)

Dakota: Countryfest! Our one day to be happy.

Young Wilder: Yeah!

(The Scorpions chant for Countryfest as they walk up to the Country Cactus)

Scorpions: [chanting] Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!

(Chef Scorpio rises)

Chef Scorpio: Please give it up for your Keeper of the Country Trolls... your Minister of Happiness... your loyal Chef... [she appears] Me.

(She lights up the BBQ Grill with fire)

Scorpions: Ooh! [gasping, cheering]

Chef Scorpio: This is a very special Countryfest... as there is one amongst us who has never tasted a Country Troll.

Young Wilder: Ooh, me! She is talking about me!

Chef Scorpio: Young Wilder... [Wilder gasps] ...the time has come.

Dakota: It's okay, sweetie. I remember being nervous my first time.

Young Wilder: Okay.

Dakota: That's my boy.

Chef Scorpio: It is my sacred duty... to initiate you in the ways of true happiness.

(She and Wilder enter the Country Cactus so that he can get his first Country Troll)

Chef Scorpio: I have chosen an extra-special Troll, just for you.

Young Wilder: [gasps]

Chef Scorpio: The friendliest, the most peaceful... generous Country Troll of all. And because every mayor deserves a deputy... I give you the one they call Delta Dawn. [Wilder snatches it from Scorpio] Please make me happy, Delta Dawn. [gulps]

Chef Scorpio: What are you feeling?

Young Wilder: [spits "her" out] That one's rotten!

(Scorpio picks up a wooden decoy of "Delta Dawn")

Chef Scorpio: It's fake?

Scorpions: Fake?

Dakota: Fake?!

(Scorpio punches the cactus down, with even more decoys)

Young Wilder: They're gone?

Dakota: Where are they?

Chef Scorpio: Don't worry, ma'am. We'll find them.

(All three of the Scorpion chefs, including Wilder, place their heads on the ground)

Wilder: I think I hear something!


(A young Mayor Courtney Dawn was leading the other Country Trolls)

Courtney Dawn: Go! Go!

(The other Country Trolls are handing them a young Delta to her mother)

Male Country Troll: We got Delta!

Male Country Troll 2: Pass her to me!

Female Country Troll: Here comes Delta!

Male Country Troll 3: Here she is!

Courtney Dawn: Ah! There's my girl.

Young Delta: Mama. [laughs]

Male Country Troll 4: Mayor Courtney Dawn, some of the others can't keep up.

Courtney Dawn: No Troll runs alone!

Female Country Troll 2: Thank you, Mayor Courtney Dawn!

Female Country Troll 3: Thank you, Mayor Courtney Dawn!

Male Country Troll 4: Thank you!

Courtney Dawn: [grunts, she lifts a rock]

Female Country Troll 3: Thank you, Courtney Dawn.

Courtney Dawn: No Troll runs alone!

(Both scream)


(The Scorpions dug up several holes trying to search for the Country Trolls)

Young Wilder: Mommy, where are they?

Dakota: Don't just stand there! Make my son happy!

Chef Scorpio: He will be happy! [punctures a hole with a shovel]

(Irene throws the other Country Trolls out of harm's way, the others gasp)

Male Country Troll: Where is she?

Male Country Troll 2: [he checks the hole] I don't think Mayor Courtney Dawn made it.

(They gasp in fear)

Courtney Dawn: When I say no Troll runs alone... I mean, no Troll runs alone!

(All cheering)

Child: Mayor Courtney Dawn, where's Delta Dawn?

Courtney Dawn: Don't worry. [reveals a young Delta from her hair] She's safe.

Young Delta: No Troll runs alone!

All: Aww!

Irene Dawn: But we'll be a lot safer the further we get from Scorpion Town. Go, go! Hurry!


(In Scorpion Town, the Scorpions banish Chef Scorpio from town)

Dakota: That's right! Take her away! Get her out of my sight! She is hereby banished from Scorpion Town forever.

Chef Scorpio: We can all be happy again. I'll find the Trolls! [getting banished] And shove them down your ungrateful throats.

Young Wilder: [looks at the other Scorpions] But, Mommy... I never got to eat a Country Troll. What's gonna make me happy now?

Dakota: Come here, sweetie. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You will never, ever, ever, ever be happy.

Young Wilder: Never?

Dakota: Ever.

Young Wilder: [frowns]

(Young Hadley sighs)


Courtney Dawn: Here! Right here! This is where we will rebuild our civilization. [all cheering] It has everything we need. Fresh air, clean water... and sweet acoustics.

(She takes out Young Delta and she plays the banjo, making Country music)

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