I promise

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October 10th, 2005

Indiran (India) woke up to a irritating headache. It wasn't painful but it was effective enough that he woke up. He groaned in annoyance and begrudgingly got up. It was about 8:30 in the morning, at best he woke up at 11 and at worst it was 3. His provinces were thankfully asleep.

"This damn headache, waking me up from my beauty rest" he thought irritably.

"I'll just make chai and watch TV"

And so, he went downstairs to make his chai. It was cold but not too cold in the early hours of October. The headache was calming down now. Indiran assumed a small jolt happened that caused it.

"Ame's probably getting ready for the Halloween thing he has"

As he just about to finish making his chai, he got a call. Indiran was confused on who was calling him this early. Maybe it was something important? Maybe BRICS? He went to get is phone and was surpised to see it was by Afizeh (Afghanistan).

"What the" he thought confused. He was confused but at the same time a bit happy that someone called him, especially a close friend of his, unlike his other 'friends'.

He answered the phone.

"Hello, Afizeh?"

Indiran! Hi" she said joyfully but a hint of worry was in her voice.

"What happended, are you hurt?" he asked concerned.

"No no no I'm fine Indi" she reassured him. "I just wanted to ask something"

"Yeah?" Indiran asked.

"Did you like.." she paused for a moment.

"Yes? You can tell me Af." he said.

"Did you feel any kind of pain suddenly a few minutes ago?"

Now it was Indiran's turn to pause. Af felt it too? He thought it must've been just a small jolt on his nothern parts. But the jolt was felt all the way to Afizeh. That didn't sound right.

"Yeah I did actually, It was on my head" he responded.

"WOW, I was just asking cause of my paranoia, your'e telling me you felt it too?" Afizeh asked surprised.

"Yeah, it must've been a gaint earthquake."

"But where's it coming from? Mine just lasted for a bit and then it calmed down"

"Same here" Indiran said.

"When did you feel it?" he questioned.

"Around 8:30" she said.

They both stayed silent. Where was it coming from? Two small earthquakes can't just happen at the same time.

"Well then" Afizeh said breaking the silence. "I'll talk to you later Indi"

"Alright, bye Af"


He hung up the phone, leaving Indi to his thoughts. This couldn't be a coincidence, that just dosen't happen. He was finished making his chai and now he was going to his room

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about" he reassured himself.

"I'm sure it was just a coincidence"

"I'm sure"

Just as Indiran was about to sit down and drink his chai, his phone rang again. He decided to ignore it, he wanted to relax in peace. But the phone kept ringing. Whoever this was, they were persistent. It kept on ringing and ringing.

"UGH, FINE" Indiran shouted.

"Can't a guy enjoy his chai in peace?" he mumbled in irritation.

The phone just kept ringing and ringing. Indi thought it must be something important or a very persistent scammer. He lazily picked up the phone. It was surprisingly Germany calling him.

"Hello, Germany?" Indiran asked.

"Oh um, India we need help" he said quickly.

Indi was on full alert.

"Yeah? What's going on?"

"Did you feel a tremor or jolt a while ago?" he asked.

"Yeah I did, what's that got to do with anything?" he asked confused.

"Afghan felt it too" he added.

"Yes well, we need humanitarian help, ASAP" he said sounding concerned.

"Wait wait wait, What the hell is happening?!" he exclaimed.

"That earthquake you and Afghan felt, It was from Pakistan"

Indiran's heart stopped right there. No no no no no no, this can't be happening. If it was felt by him AND Afghan, then that must've been a massive earthquake. Was she ok? He was panicking.

"It happened in her nothren areas, she was apparently staying with Azra (Azad Kashmir) for the Ramadan month"

"The place is almost completely destroyed."

Indiran was quiet the whole time, he didn't know what to say, his mind was racing with the worst possibilities that could've happened.

"WE NEED TO MOVE FAST" he shouted.

"Got it!" Indiran responded.

Indiran was panicking. He immediately drove to his office and get humanitarian help on the way, he asked that some some parts of the LOC be open for help. He himself made a travel to Pakiza (Pakistan). Coming with the rescue team.

14th October, 2005

It had been almost a week since the earthquake first hit. CHs from around the world came to help. The earthquake devested the nothren areas. Entire cities were destroyed, people were dying and Pakiza was nowhere to be found.

The CHs were saving people a lot but they were all trying to find where Pak was. She was perhaps buried under some debris. Her nothren areas of her had the jolt, meaning her head was in a lot of pain, followed by her being seemingly trapped under debris.

"Any luck?" Benjamin (Britain) asked.

Francine (France) sorrowfully shook her head.

"She must be around here somewhere!" Indiran said

"Look, we found Azra two days ago, we're making some progress" Canada said trying to be be hopeful.

"Bu the fact of the matter is, we can't find Pak" Ben said.

The atmosphere was tense. They were trying but they were failing. Indiran turned around to go back to helping some humans. They were badly hurt, it was painful to see. He kept having visions of Pak having the same or possibly even worse damage and pain.

He spent hours helping. By the time he realized, it was almost dark.He had not been sleeping for days. He was too panicked.

"What If never get to see her again?"

"I could never see my twin again."

"My sister"

"Please be ok"

Those lines kept playing over and over again in his head. He was in distress and he wasn't the only one. Cheng Hao (China) was also terrified when he arrived. He looked like he was about to cry. Indi had never seen him so scared.

Chen was the most desperate to search for Pak, patrolling around even in the night. He was in fact still outside at this hour looking for Pakiza. Indi never understood how Pakiza and Chen managed to become friends.

Indiran went to sit down with Cuba.

"You think they'll find her?" Indiran blurted out.

"I'm sure they will. CHs can't die" Cuba simply responded.

Indiran paused for a bit.

"You know, it's a bit weird you were willing to help Pak."

Cuba looked at him.

"Could say the same for you"

Just as Indiran was about to protest, Aussie burst into the area. His face spoke of relief but panic at the same time.


"REALLY?" everyone yelled.

"Yeah, China found her far off and he called to inform he found her" he said sitting down with relief in his eyes.

"Are they bringing her here?" Nada questioned.

"Yeah yeah, he's on his way"

Indiran looked calm but internally he was relieved and overjoyed. His sister was found finally. He was still a bit distressed knowing well that she may be horribly injured but at least they found her.

A while later

As Chen was on his way to bring Pak, Indiran went back to treat more humans. All of them were waiting patiently for Chen's arrival. It was suspenseful, soo much worry. Then at last, it happened.

A figure burst in. It wasn't Chen or any other CH here to help Pak. Instead it was Pak herself. Everyone immediately got up to help her. She was bleeding alot, she flinched whenever she put her left leg down, but she was happy.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, Pak how did you get here dear? Look at the state of you!" Francine said to her. Everyone one trying to get her onto to a hospital bed.

At that moment, Chen burst in.

"OH THERE YOU ARE" he said.

"Hahahaha!" Pak laughed as she proceeded to fall over.

"WOAH, Wtf is wrong with her?!" Alex said panicked.

"She was like that when i found her!" Chen replied.

"She isn't functioning properly."

"I don, hiiii :D" She said waving at Benjamin, who awkwardly waved back.

"Dear me.." Ben said.

Indiran was in panic mode. She was happy but she was in pain. She doesn't act like this, Indi was hyperventilating. What if she's forever hysteric?

"Well we better get her back to normal" Germany said.

"Right" Alex said, still disturbed by Pak's child like attitude.

"Come on dear, we want to help you" Francine said softly.

"no no!" she said slapping Francine's hand away.

Pak then put her arms up, like she wanted to hug something or someone. She was still giggling like a 6 year old. Everyone was confused.

"Fan-TA!" she yelled the ta part.

"She wants..Fanta?" Aussie whispered to Nada. Nada shrugged.

"Fanta Man! :D" she pointed to Indi. she held out her hands again for a hug.

Indi put two and two together. He knelt down to be on the same eye level as Pak, who was currently sitting on the floor. She hugged him first and then Indi hugged back.

Everyone around them were shocked. These bitter rivals, these two known to be the worst enemies, were hugging each other. It was a warm site to see. Some of the CHs were smiling and whispering in awe.

"It hurt Fanta" Pak said still in her cheery mood but her pain could be heard through her voice.

"It's ok, It's ok" he comforted her

"We all want to help, the pain will stop, will you let us help you?"

"If Fanta stay with me" Pak replied in her broken speech.

"I promise I'll be there"

I promise

So yeah- Since the earthquake happened in the north, i imagine that it hurt Pak in the head the most. She couldn't function properly-

p e a c e

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