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R&Pe and ABÜŠĘ. Read at your own risk. This a sensitive and dark chapter. So be warned.

Parvez (PA) seeing his demise. He was fighting two fronts. One of Indian and the other of Bengali. He swore on his life to protect the nation but he was humiliated beyond words. Being forced to surrender was an embarrassment to him and his nation.

He remembered weakly falling to the ground with his hands up. He was tired from fighting. He had no strength to fight two fronts. He fell to the floor completely and then fell unconscious.

He woke up one time. He was only barely conscious. He opened his eyes a bit to see. Black. Such darkness. He couldn't move either. He must've been tied up and blindfolded. He was too tired to think and quickly fell back into unconsciousness.

He woke up what felt like days later. He was in a damp cell. There wasn't a window of any sort. There was no light in the room. His legs were chained so he couldn't get up or move at all. Ah, this must be what Indian prison is. Quite reasonable for a cell.

The door opened and Parvez finally saw light.

"Your finally awake"

"Indrina (IA)"

"Took a long nice nap didn't you?" She sneered.

"I was unconscious IA, not sleeping" he irritably mumbled.

"Yeah yeah, you needed a nap after what you went through" she snickered.

Parvez frowned at mention of his surrender.

"Oooo, you have no idea how happy I was!" She cheered.


"Well I said came to give you food, bye" she said putting down the food and leaving.

She left the room, closing the door behind her. Leaving Parvez alone in the dark once again. He didn't mind. Anywhere which didn't have Indrina was automatically paradise for him. At least she got him food.

Indrina would always come everyday just to being food, talk about his surrender and then just leave. The process repeated for a while. He was used to it. He likes it when Indrina just left him in peace.

On this particular day, he was tired. He had been up all night thinking.

"Damn, you look like shit" Indrina remarked.

"Thanks for noticing" Parvez snapped at her.

"Ugh fine, I'll just put the food. Go to sleep if your tired shithead" she complained.

She slammed the door as she left the room.

So Parvez decided to take her advice.

It was about 10 am in the morning. Parvez was just simply resting on the cold floor of his cell. He was sleeping peacefully. He was extremely tired of thinking about his embarrassment. But tonight he fell asleep.

The door suddenly creaked open. It was Indrina. She was carefully moving as to not wake up Parvez. Parvez was still sleeping on the floor. She went to go sit down beside him. She seemed to be fixated on him.

She was only looking at him. Looking at him like she was in a trance or was fascinated. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She didn't say or do anything. She simply just watched him rest peacefully.

The next morning Indrina came as usual to give him food.

"Did you sleep?" she asked.

"Yeah I did, better then I expected" Parvez replied

"You should sleep more often" Indrina said.

Parvez stared at her.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Yknow, cuz if you became insomniac, your mom would kill me" Indrina said making an excuse.

"I guess that makes sense..."

So, Parvez tried to sleep as much as he could. On days he would sleep, Indrina would come to watch him sleep. A unhealthy weird obsession she had with him. She always hinted to him to sleep more so she could see him more.

One day, Indrina was doing her usual mesmerization of Parvez. This time she had a greater urge, a one greater then just wanting to watch him. It was an unusual feeling. Without thinking, she impulsively took our her hand.

She then caresses his face with her hand.

Obviously, Parvez noticed.

"I, ehmmm.. Indrina? What are you doing?" He said opening his eyes.

Indrina pulled her hand back.

"I-I wasn't-" but it was too late.

"I saw you, you were staring at me"he said disturbed.

"You touched my face, what were you doing?" He asked baffled.

"I-I'm n-not sure. I just. Wanted to" she said questioning herself.

"Get out"  he demanded.


And so Indrina carefully closed the door. It was a weird but powerful force or thought of hers that wanted her to touch him. It was enduring and hypnotic to her. She wanted to touch him.

For a while, things were awkward between them. Since that incident. Parvez kept his talking with Indrina minimum. He was disturbed by her actions and didn't want to face her.

Indrina hated being ignored. Parvez never seems to do anything to annoy her. And him not doing anything annoys and irritates her to her core. She doesn't care how he feels, he should pay attention to her

Indrina went to go talk to him. It was 1mam

"You there?" She asked as she opened the door.

"Yeah, what do you want? Did you see the time?" She asked condescendingly.

"I did. Why aren't you talking to me?" She pouted.

Parvez didn't answer.

"Answer me"

"Why do you care so much?" He asked.

"I just, don't like it" she stammered.

"Look I don't have time for your crap, leave me be" he growled.

"Not to mention you staring at me I sleep"

Indrina felt angry. Very angry. He was the prisoner, why was he lecturing her about things? He wasn't in charge of this place. She was!

"Excuse you, I own this place. You don't make the rules here" she half yelled at him.

"You have no manners, you don't know any proper way to talk to people" she said.

Then it hit her again. That urge. That same urge she felt before. She wanted him to be punished but in a different way. She had the urge to touch him again. But more fondly. It was a irresistible urge.

"Why are you'd string at the wall?" Parvez said.



Indrina looked at him.

"It's time you learned how to behave"

Before Parvez had time to process what she said, Indrina locked the door. Leaving the both in darkness. Parvez couldn't see her. He didn't know what she was doing.

"What are you doing?.." she asked.

"It's ok, don't worry about it" she said.

Parvez could hear her getting closer.

"What are you doing?" He pressed again.

"I told you not to worry about it" she repeated.

Parvez could feel her on top of him. He could hear her breathing.

"This will hurt"

"What I..."

"W-what are y-you doing?..."

"Indrina I-I don't like this."

"Wh-what are you doing p-please n-no"

"P-please I'm s-sorry, no p-please stop!..."

"It -hurts. N-no. I d-don't want this.."






"Wow, you cried a lot didnt you?"

"Aa... I-I didn't..."

"Come on it wasn't that bad, stop your baby crying"


"Your hunched in a corner like a scared cat, you truly are adorable"

"Stop your crying seriously"

"A MH? Crying?"

"What would your people, your siblings or you mom would think? Your weak"

"I-I'm not, I..I"

"A man getting touched by a women? Cant even defend yourself you pathetic weakling"

"Truly embarrassing"


"And I thought you would like it, don't men always want it?"

"N-no i d-didn't like it. I-I didn't w-want it. I t-told you to stop..."

"Whatever stop your pity party, I'll come back tomorrow too"


"You live under my rule now. You can't beg or demand for anything"

"This is what happens to people who don't know their place in life"

"Now stop your crying before I do it again"


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