Undercover spy (Part 1)

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(Y/n)(M/n)(L/n) was the top spy for the CIA. You had been the top spy for years to come and was congratulated for your bravery and intelligence. It was a dangerous job but you managed. You were loyal only to their own nation and promised to serve it in every way.

One day you were at home, just watching a movie. Your friend and roommate Vickie was raiding the Oreo cabinet. Your friend didn't know anything about your life as a secret agent.   You always told people you work in business overseas sometimes.

"(Y/n)!!!" Vickie whined.

"What is it Vic, it's getting to the good part." You asked.

"We've run outta Oreos!" She complained.

"Ohhh, the world is ending!" You reply sarcastically.

Vickie came and slumped down beside you. Very pouty. She stole your popcorn and started watching the movie.

"Couldn't you get your own!?" You lightly punch your friend.

"Come on it's no big deAl!" She replied.

"Why I-" you began before you got interrupted by your phone ringing.

You glared at your friend before getting up and answering the phone.


"Agent (Y/n) Your assistance is required"

Without skipping a beat you answer:

"Yes of course"

The call then dropped and you started getting ready.

"Heeeyy, where you going?" Vickie called out.

"Work" you simply replied.

"Whaaat?" Vickie said genuinely surprised. "It's so late, why they calling you now?"

"Probably some urgent business" you say as you quickly walk out the house.

"Byeee, don't miss dinner!" She called out.

You get into your car and start driving to your destination. What they could possibly want at this hour? It might be urgent or important if they called.

Some time later

As you enter the building, some other they agents saluted you while rookies looked at you in awe. You were very well known in the agency. The top CIA agent was a high title to hold.

You enter your bosses office and he looked very grim.

"Agent (Y/n)" he said.

"Sir" you said back.

"You might be wondering why we called you at this hour rather then a appropriate time in the morning" he questioned.

"Yes sir"

"Well, we need you to go on another overseas spy mission" he said simply.

'Another one' you thought.

"Specifically, we need you to go undercover in Russia" he explained.

Your eyes widened a little.

"What do I need to do there sir?"

He didn't answer. He took out some files and dropped them on the table. You picked them out and started to read them.

"You need me to spy on-"

"Vladimir Putin" he finished for you.

"He's the Russian President. He's caused a lot of trouble for us and the Western world"

"Hacking presidential elections, propaganda in Europe, and invading countries"

You kept reading about his file. He was a old fellow yet he had so much power in such a vast and big country.

"We need you to go undercover and become close to him so you can get information that might be useful for our Intel."

You firmly nodded.

"Your our best spy. I'm counting on you Agent" he said.

"Yes sir"

"You'll be dropped off in Russia. You'll have a fake identity and you will get into Putin's close circle"

"It'll be dangerous but I know you can do it Agent"

"Whaaaaat?" Vickie said shocked.

"Your going for a business trip, in Russia!?" She asked excitingly.

"Yes Vickie, I've told you 30 times now" you muttered.

"Woaaah." She said amazed.

"Man you always get to go places, Like Turkey, China, England and now Russia!"

"You've mentioned only a handful of places I've been" you say slyly.

"Maybe a cute foreigner will catch you eye~" she said smugly.

"Pfft, don't be ridiculous Vickie it's a business trip" you say laughing.

"Hey, We are both single gals but I want you to be with someone while your alone in a different country" she said.

"I'll find someone eventually" you say.

"Maybe your princes charming is waiting for you on this trip~!"

"Sure Vickie"


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