Afghan situation

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This is gonna get political and controversial, so be warned-

Now as you all know, Afghanistan has been completely overthrown by the Taliman. This was very much expected move but it was still horrible. There's a lot of things I'm gonna discuss so bear with me.  Let's start with the first one!

People don't know who to blame, should they blame Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden? Now for me, the withdrawal was inveitable, the US would've had to leave at some point. They couldn't just stay there forever. Biden didn't really handle the situation the best, he pulled out the troops before negotiating with the Taliman. Probably the US biggest mistake was just invading Afghanistan in the first place.

Secondly, the West has been very suspicious with our country's support for the Taliman. And I won't sugar coat it, we most definitely did help them. The west doesn't seem to understand that the Taliman can't be fully controlled, it's something they legit find so surprising. Trying to destroy and or to control them is literally impossible. They are many things but they're not brainless. We on the other hand, negotiated with them. The reason we get along is because the Taliman are mainly Pastuns and many Pastuns live in Pakistan as well. So the Taliman had many relatives and friends living here. We took that to our advantage. Of course, that doesn't mean we necessarily like them..

The US legit knows our relations with the Taliman but they won't sanction us. It's too risky. Putting economic sanctions would make our country collapse. That would have the risk of nuclear weapons going to terrorist groups. I've seen that India has tried many times to expose our relations but to didn't work. From the very beginning, I was always suspicious on how India was always trying to shoehorn itself into the Afghan negotiation.

Sure, the Taliman are the worst thing for The Afghans but the Americans and the Government weren't exactly doing anything either. Tbh, the Afghan government was just the Taliman but had the label of a government. They didn't really care about the people, Ashraf Ghani is the proof of that.. Negotiating with the Taliman was probably the only thing that's gonna work. We told America over and over again that fighting and using military action against the Taliman will never work.

Now whatever Indian news article may say about us helping the Taliman, it did work. In the end, peace should be brought to Afghanistan. Being in constant war was a nightmare for them. Pakistan only has some influence over the group, not full control. Our country played both sides to come out on top. Let's just hope it was worth it...

Pakistan Zindabad

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