Flower Dream

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[ Warning ] There may be some things in this chapter that could trigger something so please stay safe! ❤️❤️

Small and bad chapter warning as well-

India felt light headed. Where was he? He didn't know. It didn't feel like home or anywhere he's been. He thinks he's lying in his bed but he was wrong. All he could see was black. He was lying on his back. He was crying he didn't know why. He began to slowly began to sit upright.

What is this? He thought to himself. He just saw purple flowers everywhere. Purple Hyacinths specifically. For some reason they were making him sorrowful. He couldn't stop crying, he wanted it to stop. He started getting up but all he could see were more Purple Hyacinths.

Where was he? He thought. Was this a dream? Probably.. he began walking. Everytime he walked through the pretty purple flowers he felt sad. With every step he became sadder. What are these things? He questioned. There was no one for miles. We're was he going? He didn't know..

Suddenly, he saw a figure. Finally! He started walking faster and faster. He was still crying but he found someone to help his sorrow. As he got closer, he could make out their features. He looked to be a girl country with each medium range hair. She was dark green and wore a dress similar to how females in his country would wear.

It was Pakistan..

She had her back turned to him. Indi noticed that where she was standing, Pink roses bloomed around her instead of the Purple Hyacinths. She was his joy, his happiness. His escape from his sorrow. He then started to approach her. But something was wrong.. She began walking away as he got closer.

"Pakiza PAKIZA" he yelled after her but she didn't even look back. What was wrong with her? He noticed that all of the Pink roses around her had disappeared. Instead as she walked away, a trial of Butterfly weeds were left behind. They meant something but he couldn't figure out what.

"Sister SISTER I DON'T U-UNDERSTAND Please don't l-leave!" She stopped but she didn't look back. "Brother we were meant to be separate, please leave me.." Indi was in shock. What did she mean? Did she mean the partition? It seems so. "But why are leaving me like this?"

She didn't answer and she began walking again. India had to think of something. "WAIT Can I Atleast give you something before you leave!?!" That made turn around. For the first time ever, he saw his sister's face. Her white eyes were sparkling. "I want you to have this.."

He handed her a forget me not flower. Pak examined it for bit. She then smelled it. She then proceeded to smile. "Thank you brother.. thank you for your love." He began to walk away, "I will always remember and love you.." As she walked away, Indi felt happier and happier.

He didn't realize it but the Purple Hyacinths started to wither. As they withered, Pink Camellias began to grow. Indi felt happier as he knew that his sister loved him and missed him. Suddenly he heard female voice. He didn't know who it was. And then he began to slowly open his eyes..


"H-huh? What happened?" He stammered.

"Thank God you're ok!" It was Sweden, she looked worried.

"What happened??" He questioned.

"Well you talking in your sleep and you were crying as well. Then you suddenly started smiling. Did you have another nightmare?" He asked.

"Well not really.. It turned out much better then I thought."

She smiled. "Well I'm just your ok Indi.."

"It's ok, I'm ok.."

He thought to himself. What was that dream? Or nightmare or whatever it was. It was werid. It must've been related to my sister leaving or something!

What did it mean?

Ok then-
Now this story is based on flower symbolism. If you want to understand, just look up the symbolism for each flower mentioned. Now meanings of these flowers can different but just look at what thay character is feeling and figure it out! You can write down what you think it's about if you want-

Pakistan Zindabad

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