Intelligence agencies humans??

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Now I don't know what I'm doing- I hope I'm not on ISI's watch list. If they're watching heeeyyyyyy, I'm just doing this fun plz don't come after me- and I'm under 18. So anyways, let's start!

Research and Analysis Wing (RAW):
India's intelligence agency. She's female and her name is Rahini. She was formed a few years after the second Indo Pak war. She had a but of decline in the 70s and 90s because the people were scared she would turn into the KGB of India but she quickly got back up. Her main campaigns were in Afghanistan, China and Pakistan. She along with CIA were wary of China's nuclear power so they decided to do something about it. Her main enemy is of course ISI, especially after the Kargil War since she failed to provide information that could've stopped the war from starting, so she had a burning hatred for ISI. She follows India's command however she can. She has accused of a bombing of a bus which killed Chinese nationals just a few months. She bickers with ISI alot and basically hated how egotistical he is . She's also short tempered and shady..

Inter Services Intelligence (ISI):
Pakistan's intelligence agency. He's male, his name is Isir and for some reason he reminds me of James Bond-
He was formed a year after the first Indo Pak war. He didn't really do much until the Soviet Afghan War, where he helped the Mujahideen fight the Russians. That's when he got recognition and glory for his victory and his ego basically shot through the roof. He also helped Bosnia despite there being an arms embargo. He's probably the shadiest of the angencies because he's been accused along with Pak of helping the um.. Taliman, which I'm pretty sure is true, I wouldn't be surprised-  He always fights with RAW and sometimes with CIA over who's the best intelligence angecy. He respects Pak and only Pak. Basically he's shady and egotistical.. H a w t-

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
America's intelligence agency. She's also female and her name is Sia, like CIA. She was formed in 1947, following the end of WW2. She was formed probably to counter Soviet. Like ISI, she's one of the shadiest of agencies. Probably known for assassinating socialist leaders in Latin America- Whenever there's some kind of issue in a random county or some country is tryna be communist, she's there. She takes care of foreign affairs while her brother FBI takes care of domestic affairs. She likes to annoy her brother alot- She and Isir worked together during the Soviet Afghan war but they're kinda enemies. She was also present during the Korean War, assassinated some leaders and did some other things. Her main rival was KGB back in the cold war. Boss b energy and also shady.

All three of them would protect Pak, Indi and Ame by any means necessary. All three of them are extremely intelligent, ranking as the top agencies. Isir and Sia fight over the #1 spot while Rahini is just trying to improve. The majority of agencies are female strangely- All of them consider the military branches as their children. And uh ye-

Well that's it! I hope I'm not on a watch list-

Pakistan Zindabad

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