Soviet/Pak relationship headcannon

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So here's how I see Soviet and Pak's relationship. You probably never needed this in your life but here it is anyways :D

WARNING: some topics may be controversial, you may have a different opinion then mine and that's ok. Just don't throw me off K2 because of it-

The Union of The Soviet Socialist Republic and The Islamic Republic of Pakistan. These two officially established bilateral relations on the 1st of May, 1948. Pakiza never really cared too much for Sevastyan (Soviet). She chose to be friends with Alexander (America) but she never exactly trusted either of them. She only chose Alex because she felt that he was far more stable then Sevastyan. Their relationship had many ups and downs, it was never consistent. Sevastyan had a more stable relationship with India and Afghanistan,though he was just using them to counter Pakiza as she was a NATO ally. Sevastyan tried everything he could to get close to her as Pak had great influence over the other Islamic countries but Pak was having none of it.

She never really hated him but she didn't like him either. Her view of him completely changed after the 1971 war. Behrouz (Bangladesh) became independent with the help of Indiran (India) and of course Sevastyan.. She had many mixed emotions after Behrouz became Independent. Alot of negative mixed emotions. She was extremely emotionally unstable and threatened to cut ties with anyone who recognized Bangladesh as a independent state. She would eventually calm down and accept Bangla as a sperate country but she still had anger inside of her.

When Sevastyan invaded Afizeh (Afghanistan) land, Pak saw the perfect opportunity to get back at him for the humiliation he caused her. She took in Afizeh and her refugees out of kindness. Pakiza fought against Sevastyan and she had a major role in breaking up the Soviet Union. She didn't have to fight him at all, she could've stayed neutral. The Soviet Afghan War was a major war that contributed into Soviet's death. Pakiza didn't benefit from it at all. Her relations with Alex went downhill after that, She didn't gain anything economically or heck, no one even gives her credit or even remembers on how she helped in Soviets fall.  She gained absolutely NOTHING.

But the only thing she did gain was personal glory. She made Sevastyan pay on how he humiliated her and made her lose her Brother. She didn't fight Sevastyan to help Alex, she really didn't care about Alex and Sevast's playground games. She indirectly murdered Sevastyan out of pure revenge and hatred...

Well there you go! This how I view these two relationship in countryhumans form.

Pakistan Zindabad

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