The Isle Siblings + Ireland (My AU)

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The Isle Siblings! The Isle Siblings include England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and to some extent, UK. All of them are boys except for NI. Now I'll tell you Headcannons about these guys!

The oldest Isle sibling, he's a male and his name is Scott. He used to be the Kingdom of Scotland. He fought alot with his brother England.He tried to make colonies of his own but failed and went basically broke because he used nearly all of his money to do that- Eventually, he and England both reunited in 1707. Today,these two argue like crazy. They're like the India and Pakistan of Europe. Britian has to just deal with his brothers fighting while Wales and NI tries to stop them. Scott used to be friends with Ireland because they both suffered alot. He has a very t h I c c Gaelic Scottish accent. He's also very sarcastic and sounds very rude. He also doesn't like it when someone asks why he's wearing a skirt- But he's very nice if your patient with him. He's just very Tsundereish-

Second oldest Isle sibling. He's also a boy and his name is Edward. He was the most powerful one out of his siblings and he ruled over but he abdicated to his brother Britian in 1707 when he and Scott decided to reunite. He's committed alot of brutal atrocities against Scott and his people so he kinda doesn't like him- So that's why they both argue all the time. His rival was France but so dumbfounded when his brother Britian became her closest friend. He's the more proper and sophisticated one, even more so then Britian. He and his brother Brit share quite similar traits like being proper and commiting atrocities in the past. So he likes him alot. Mainly happy and extroverted unlike Scott. He'll be happy to meet you and will be very kind. He feels kinda guilty for his crimes. He also has the  Cockney english accent.

Britian or UK:
I really don't know which place he falls in because I can't pin point Wales or NI age! AHHHHHH- So for simplicity same, he's the third oldest. Don't come after me- He's also male and his name is Benjamin. He took in charge when his brother Edward abdicated for him. After some American Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, Africa Murder, he started his colonial empire. Despite whatever horrible things he did, it was an impressive Empire. Then after WW2, it just kind fell all apart and today he has over 40 step children. Also a proper gentleman but he can get brutal if he wants to. Has become numb to Scott and Edward fighting at 2 in the morning. He cares about them all but they always like him back. Alsonhas the same accent as his brother Edward.

Again, for simplicity sake, he's the fourth oldest. He's male and his name Waylon. I couldn't really pinpoint his existent other then the time he just annexed by his brother Edward. Waylon was just apart of England for along time. But he and his people considered themselves different to the English. Edward also committed some questionable things to him and his people as well. He's mainly forgotten, even on the Benjamin's flag. I mean, you can't exactly fit a dragon in a flag can you? He mainly talks to NI so he doesn't have to deal with Edward and Scott. He does try to stop them sometimes. He's polite and quiet, only talks when he needs to. He has the Welsh English Accent.

Northern Ireland:
The only female, she's the youngest and her name is Nora. She's actually the adopted sister. Her real sibling is Ireland but they partitioned in 1921. Nora was more friendly with Benjamin and wanted to stay with him while Ireland wanted Independence from Benjamin. Eventually it escalated and they both separated their ways. She doesn't really get her see her sibling that much but she occasionally visits them. Very small and sweet and always tries to stop Edward and Scott from fighting. She still sometimes misses her sibling. She has the Ulster English accent.

A Female and her name is Irene. No she isn't related to Benjamin or his siblings but I wanted to include her. She's suffered alot throughout the years. She and Benjamin were united at some point but then she revolted against him. He didn't exactly treat her that well ( *cough cough" The Irish Potato Famine-)  so she fought for independence. Her sister Nora on the other hand wanted to stay with Benjamin. After a lot of fighting, she had to let her go and she herself became independent. She still kind of hates Benjamin and Edward to this day. She was kind of friends with Scott thou- she's sweet and kind, doesn't like being called British or English but overall, she's lovely. She has the t h I c c  Irish accent.

Off topic but it's so annoying when you wanna make Headcannons for some countries but then their history comes flying into your original rules set for your universe and then you to make new ones- So the Isle Siblings are all adults since technically, they are still kinda separate. In a constitutional way of course. They all work together to help their brother Benjamin rule. The reason why Edward abdicated is because he and Scott kept fighting so was seen as unfit for the role of ruling. So instead, they all joined together and rule together. Even though they still kinda hate eachother-

That's it!

Pakistan Zindabad

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