Unlikeliest of Friends

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Pakiza (Pakistan) woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. There was a UN meeting today. Pakiza almost didn't want to go but then Alexander (America) wouldn't be to happy about that. So she begrudgingly got up. She got ready and went to the kitchen to go eat something.

"Hello ma!" Purnoor (Punjab) said.

"Hello dear, why are you up so early?"

"We were hungry.." Khalid (KPK) said quietly.

Pakiza chuckled. "Alright then, do you want biryani?"

"YEAH" they both said.

So all three of them are biryani for breakfast. Delicious. After eating her food, Pakiza said goodbye to her provinces and she left to go to the meeting. The UN building was strictly restricted to countries only. No humans, no states, no counties or any country that isn't recognized as legitimate. The only humans present were the ones guarding the entrance.

When Pakiza walked into the building, it was alot calmer then she expected. Usually, Alexander and Sevastyan (Soviet) were yelling at eachother. Other times, there were disputes between countries because Sevastyan and Alex were having their proxy wars. Nevertheless, Pakiza sat beside Shaheen (Shah Iran).

"Hey Pak! What's up?" Shaheen asked.

"Nothing really, I just ate biryani with two of my provinces" Pak replied.

"Cool. Hey did you hear about that new country?"

Pakiza stared at him. "Shah you have to be more specific, there's alot of new countries"

"The country that overpowered Tai- Sun (Taiwan)"

"Oooohhhh." She said, "You mean Cheng Hao (China)?"

"Yeah yeah! He was supposed to come today."

"Maybe he's late. Werid.. Sevastyan isn't here either."

"IDK mayb-"

And right as Shaheen was about to finish his sentence, Sevastyan came bursting in. There was also another country behind him, who looked suspiciously just like him.

The Allies glared at him. They basically hated him and the whole idea of communism. Pak on he other hand, didn't have that much if a strong opinion on him.

"Why are you late?" UN asked coldly.

"Doesn't matter, everyone I'm here to introduce you to someone!" Sevastyan announced.

Now everyone was intrigued. "Really? Alright then." UN said.

The other country then stepped forward. He looked exactly like Sevastyan, except he had stars instead of a hammer and sickle. He was shorter then him but he was still tall.

"This is Cheng Hao or China. He is my new communist ally." Sevastyan said confidently.

"Hi.." Cheng Hao waved.

All of the countries were horrified. Alexander especially was baffled. Two communist countries allied was bad for him and his allies.

"Alright Cheng Hao, You c-can sit.." UN said, looking around the room.

"You can next to Pakistan or Pakiza" he said pointing to Pak.

Pak was about to protest when Cheng Hao said "Yes sir."

Cheng Hao came and sat beside Pak. Pak was extremely wary of him. She didn't trust him, due to his alliance with Sevastyan. He didn't really say anything at first. But then.

"I know I was already introduced but Hi! I'm Cheng Hao." He said giving her a hand.

Not wanting to be rude, she shook his hand. "Hello to you too, I'm Pakiza Imran."

"Nice! I was hoping to establish diplomatic relations?"

"Of course!" She replied.

They both talked more after this. Pak thought he was a bit different from Sevastyan but she still couldn't be sure. After all, manipulation is a thing..


Another meeting like the usal. But this time it was between Cheng Hao and Indiran (India). It was different because usually Alex and Sevast would be fighting. So Pak was eager to get up. It was a guilty pleasure. She went downstairs to go get a tiny snack. Her provinces weren't awake this time. She quickly grabbed something to eat and ran off.

When she got there, Sevastyan and Alex were already there. Glaring at eachother. Cheng Hao and Indiran weren't there yet. She took her usal seat next to Shaheen.

"Hi Pak! So we got a different drama today, yeah?" He asked excitingly.

"You seem way too over excited about this.." she said.

"Yeah, it's always the same fight! Finally they spiced it up."

"You're a weird person.."

After talking with Shaheen for a bit, Cheng and Indi finally arrived. They were both growling at eachother. Indi aggressively sat down beside Afizeh (Afghanistan). Cheng did same, sitting beside Pak. Pakiza had never seen him so, so angry. He was always calm and quiet. But seeing him fuming was kind of unsettling for her.

"What happened Cheng?" Pakiza asked calmly.

He looked at her, his eyes seemed to soften. "I'm fine Pak. Just a bit.. angitated."

"So you had some fights with Indi didn't you? I can relate, I fight with him as well."

He blinked his yellow eyes, "Oh yeah.. He is kind of annoying." He chuckled at bit.

Pak laughed a bit as well. "Yeah kind of. That's something we could both agree on."

The both laughed. They started talking more and more. It was unusual to bond with someone over the hatred of another. It was considered toxic but somehow it worked.. It started out as just a hatred of Indi but then it developed into something else. A bond more stable then before.

When the two started talking and hanging out more, it was very surprising to some. A communist country, allied with Soviet and a Islamic country, allied with America, becoming friends. It was the most unlikeliest friendship ever. Over the years, they understood and helped eachother. They became the closest of allies. 70 years have passed and still they have remained friends.


Yet again, another meeting. Pak eagerly woke up. All of her provinces we're now teenagers. She made biryani again and served it to all of them. After that she left for the meeting. Things have changed over the years. It's now Alexander and Ruski (Russia) fighting and glaring at eachother. Her and Indiran have been getting along much better. Afizeh though wasn't beside Indi.

She took her seat beside Cheng and they both hugged.

"Hey Pak! How are you doing?" Cheng said smiling.

"I'm great Cheng!"

"Do you want to hang out later?" He asked.

"Alright but don't you have work later?"

"No no it's fine! I'll schedule them later."

"Are you sure? I'm not that important-"

"Hey.." he cut her off. "Stop saying that, you are important. The allies and Alex may not think so but I know you are. You are my best friend and I'll be there for you."

Pak felt like crying. She then hugged him. Some countries around them looked at them weridly but they didn't care.

They had eachother..

Good Lord, did this become a China x Pakistan oneshot? Probably- I most definitely made some mistakes in here and I'm sorry.

Pakistan Zindabad

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