Finally Meet

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In which a couple who met online and who live on the other side of the world of each other, finally meet in real life. Feat. Third Wheel

Today is the day, she thought, passing in front of her mirror. Today I meet him. We've been together for nearly a year, and I've never met him in real life before but I feel like I've known him my whole life.

She checked the ticking clock above her doorway. 7:35 a.m.
She may be meeting the love of her life but she still had school.

He got out out of the taxi and looked up at the hotel he would be staying in.

It wasn't very big but that's because it was cheap.

But it didn't matter.

As long as he would meet her.

He paid the driver and grabbed his luggage.

He checked his watch 1:49 pm.

He would meet her in an hour in ten minutes.

It was too long a wait.

She looked at the clock for the 50th time today.


The bell was about to ring.

School was about to get out.

She was about to meet him.


She stood up, and raced out the door.

She ran to her locker and quickly put in the combination. She threw the door open and yanked her backpack from of the hook, already shoving her books inside. She grabbed her sweater and slammed the locker shut.

He stood waiting on the sidewalk outside her school. Kids were giving him odd looks. Probably because they had never seen him in their lives.

But he didn't care.

He scanned every face for her.

He checked his watch again.


He glanced back up, and his breath caught in his throat.

She saw him and tears brimmed in her eyes.

She ran as fast as she could, even tripping over her own feet. She didn't notice though. She was so happy, she felt as if she were flying rather than walking.

Through her tears, she could see he was doing the same.

Others would question themselves if it was really him.

But she knew.

Her heart knew.

They collided with such force they both fell to the ground.

Not caring, they kissed. Their first. They were both crying so hard, the tears mixed. It was so deep, so passionate, neither could breathe.

They pulled apart with a gasp.

They stood up, but as soon as they did, he pulled her in for another.

His hands tangled in her hair and her gripping his.

He pulled apart so he could murmur against her lips "I love you".

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she whispered back " I love you, too".

They pulled apart, hands interlocked.

Everyone was looking at them, either shocked or happy. A girl was even crying.

Slowly, they both turned away and walked.

They didn't know where. They couldn't care less where they ended up.

So long as they never left each other.

A/N: Oh my god, I'm crying. This was so emotional I even cried while writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed. Oh. I almost forgot so something.

And the third wheel jumped out from behind the bushes and yelled, "FREAKING FINALLY!"

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