Part 4 (Caleo)

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Thank you, and Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Rick Riordan until I decide to be creative and create OCs and whatever

Caleo P.O.V

*In Bunker 9*

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!" Screamed-read screeched-Leo who was singing along to some music.

"Leo? Have you finished packing yet?" Calypso asked as she was looking at the list they'd pinned to the pinboard.

"Nope! But I'm working on it Caly!" Leo said while was dancing -which looked like a high/drunk guy trying to do the salsa with a screwdriver- and looking for his portable music player.

"Leo?" Calypso asked once she'd finished packing her last swimsuit, which Piper helped her find. Her green suitcase was rather full at this point, it wasn't very big to begin in the first place though.

"Yeah Calypso?" Leo responded as he added his foldable disco ball to his flame-colored suitcase.

"Umm, 2 things, first, why aren't you placing that into your strange duffle bag?" Calypso started to say as her eyes drifted to the ever-full, neon-rainbow, duffle bag that had the word, "Parrtayy" on it, "and secondly why does one need, 'vacation' or, 'swim outfits?'"

"Well Caly, to answer your first question, that bag is full of inflatables, music players, ad helium, nothing else can actually fit in there. To answer your second question, people today need ummmmm... breaks from work, and they want to travel, most of the time, so they go on what we call mamasita, vacations. We need swimsuits 'cause they're meant to get wet and so you don't have to wear clothes that'll stick to you like a second skin," Leo explained. Leo already knew after taking her off her island, that Calypso+questions was a package deal.

"Leo, did you complete packing your clothes?" Calypso asked looking at Leo's not-so-full suitcase.

"Almost Clay, I just need 3 more pairs of fireproof suspenders por favorcito?" (A/N I have no idea if this is right, if any of you guys speak Spanish, please tell me if this is right. This is supposed to say, "pretty please?) Leo asked Calypso "sweetly."

"I believed you would require some more fire-proof clothes, so I made you a fresh bundle with the help of LouEllen and Hazel," Calypso said, as she summoned the wind spirits she had recently reacquired (A/N Yes, in this story, Calypso has her powers, for all of those who have an opinion, you can tell me, but for now just DeAl WiTh It), and gave Leo the bundle of clothes smiling.

"Thanks, Caly!" Leo exclaimed kissing her on the cheek, but missed and fell," Are you finished packing?" he asked, his voice muffled by the floor (he landed on his face), then he looked up and saw Calypso's full and zipped suitcase, "....oops, i guess you ARE done" Leo muttered, really loudly, as he got up from his... spot... on the floor and added the folded clothes to his suitcase.

"Leo, if you would like to fit more part supplies into your suitcase," This got Calypso Leo's full undivided attention, "a way you could do that is by rolling up your clothes rather than folding them, like this" Calypso knelt down beside Leo and showed him how to properly add clothes into his suitcase.

In a matter of minutes, Leo and Calypso were able to finish packing all of Leo's things and had room to spare.

"Wait! What are those things that cover your eyes so that you can see underwater again Leo? Calypso asked hurriedly and excitedly.

"Are you thinking about goggles Caly?" Leo asked his girlfriend who was lost in a happy thought.

"Yes! Those! Have you added them to your suitcase yet?!" Calypso asked looking around din Leo's suitcase.

"Holy schimole! No, I haven't, let me go get them!" Leo said as he jumped up and ran up the stairs to go get goggles fro one of the rooms.

Once Leo walked, no Leos don't walk they RUN, down the stairs that Calypso and Leon had in the bunker. Leo was carrying 3 packs od 3 goggles, and one snorkel type google. The ones with a long thing attached to it.

"Lovely! Let us put it in the suitcase and close the said suitcase!" Calypso said. Once they finished putting everything away, Leo asked, " Hey Caly? Could you go get your sketchbook and come to the forge so we can design and make that self-watering pot you wanted? You know, the one for the vacay?"

"Of course Repair Boy!" Calypso said, and gave Leo a kiss on the cheek (she didn't miss), but before she ran off to find her sketchbook full of her and Leo's ideas she asked, " Whr=t is a vacay anyways?"

"I'll tell you on the way!" Leo hollered through cupped hands since Calypso was already off looking for her sketchbook.

A/N Thanks for reading my wonderful Greekies! I'm positive that I made some errors, so please tell me. If you have any ides for me to do, tell me in the comments section and I will try my best to use it, but if I am not able to I will PM you the reason why! Thanks and I'll see yall later (comment who you think you know the Youtuber who says that is)

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