Part 9 Airport Pt. 3

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A/N Well would you look at that, I'm updating again! And if you gus are reading this along with the other story, I;m definitely going to make another book. I'm not gonna do that stupid 5 view rule anymore, since I'm Hela bored (sorry Queen Hela) so I'll just update update update. If you gus want a specific thing done in this story, a cool sip, maybe an OC please tell me! And of you gus have any ideas for my other book, tell me aswell! You can tell me in the comments or just PM me! Love you Greekies!

At the airport, 9:00 AM

When Calypso, Jason, Leo and Piper came back to their seats, they found a napping Will, a Nico that was sorting through his MYth-O-Magic cards, an Annabeth reading, a Percy reading over Annabeth's shoulder, and a Frank and Hazel finishing their sub.

"Hey, guys! we got the drinks!" Leo yelled, holding up the drinks they got.

"Shhh!" Nico whispered to Leo as soon as he stopped yapping, "He's asleep," 

 he added gesturing to the sleeping demigod.

"Is it healthy for him to be sleeping this much?" Calypso inquired thinking about how much the ancient greeks slept.

"I don't know, I think so, I mean, WIll stayed up late checking the infirmary, making sure everything would be okay for the next  2 weeks. Then he had to wake up early so he could wake up you folk," Nico explained.

"You guys talkin' 'bout me?" WIll said in his southern drawl, which Nico was delighted to find out thickened when he was sleepy.

"Yes actually, about how crazy your sleep schedule is," Annabeth replied, not even looking up from her book.

"Oh yeah, sorry, yesterday was a long day," Will said, "but is anyone else hungry? I didn't have breakfast, and I don't know if anyone else did." 

"Percy and I didn't have breakfast either.," Annabeth said, closing her book.

"When ill woke me up, I was in Jason's Cabin ad was cuddling with my cornucopia. I got scared and it shot blueberry muffins everywhere," Piper said. She had been leaning on poor Jason to talk to Will.

"She's right," Jason said once Piper sat back down, "my room still has muffins in it even after we ate all we could."

"Leo and I already had breakfast as well. I had to finish off some vegetables before they expired, so I made a spicy salad for us," Calypso said smiling.

"Caly makes some good salad," Leo said happily, "But I'm still the Tofu Taco Chef Master1"

"Yeah, you guys already know Hazel and I got a sandwich," Frank tried to say over everyone talking, luckily, his voice made it.

"Alright," Percy said again, "I think we saw a food court down on the left, right Annabeth?"

"Yeah, let me put my book in Hazel's bag, and we'll go," Annabeth said turning to Hazel for her bag.


WIll, Nico, Percy, and Annabeth all walked towards the food court, and once they got closer, they could smell what they decided was delicious mouth-watering food.

"Oh my gods," Will said, "I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled that.

Now that I think about it, did you even have dinner Will? I don't think I saw ou at the dining Pavillion last night, or Nico for that matter," Annabeth said.

"Yeah, he did, barely though. Even I ate more than him." Nico said rolling his eyes at his overly annoying boyfriend.

" I had a big salad  with chicken," Will defensively, "at least it's healthier than what Nico eats."

"Look!" Percy said pointing to one of the small "restaurants", "they sell rainbow food! I wonder if they have all blue stuff." 

(yes this is true, there is a one pasta place that has rainbow food, it's even organic, the person who makes the rainbow food usually does it by hand too)

"Alright, let's go sit down and then order something, Annabeth said finding a table.


Once the group got situated, they looked to see what everyone ordered. Will git the most food, seeing as he didn't eat breakfast or dinner, he got pink blue and purple spaghetti and meatballs,  a side salad with chicken fingers and rainbow ranch. Nico got rainbow ravioli with rainbow potato chips. Percy got blue chicken legs and blue raspberry sprite. Annabeth got rainbow eggs and toast.

(yes the point of this eas to make y'all hungry sorry, not sorry)

"Wow Will! Yourellty were hungry," Percy said laughing, he was surprised that the small medic that much.

"Whatever Percy, this probably isn't been a balanced meal, jut let me eat in peace," WIll grumbled with a mouth full of food.

"Just ignore him, Percy, he' not going to listen to anyone for the next half hour he eats that," Nico said, without food in his mouth because he knew proper etiquette (sometimes).

"Jow about all of you guys be quiet while we eat," Annabeth snapped, she couldn't think well on an empty stomach after all.

Sorry Annabeth," Nico said after swallowing another bite of ravioli.


A couple (a lot) of minutes later, everyone finished their meals ad Will & Nico were talking a look around the shops, with Percy & Annabeth tagging along.

"Are you guys looking for anything specific?" Annabeth asked, making her way up to the front of the bunch.

"I was looking for something, preferably earbuds of the sort, so I don't have to listen to what Leo and Percy scream about," Nico said from behind Annabeth.

"Alright, I saw a store that sold noise-cancelling headphones that doubled as earmuffs, and they're black," Annabeth said while directing them to that part of the airport, "What about you Will? Looking for anything?"

"Well I was looking for anything to make the trip more comfortable...and a sleeping mask," WIll said, looking at Annabeth with hope in his eyes.

"Oh, that's perfect! The things you're looking for are in the same store as Nico's things. I think Hazel has a wraparound pillow she could give you, and we can get you a sleeping mask at the store. Dam I sound like one of those cheesy shopping ladies that roam about a store asking you if you 'need help'" Annabeth said, arriving at their destination.

"Annabeth? I need something too," Percy asked.

"Yes Percy?," Annabeth asked.

"I need blue hair chalk," Percy said in a mater-of0faculty tone.

"Why would you need blue hair chalk, Percy?" Will asked.

"Becasue it makes my hair blue," Percy said as if it answered every question in the world.

"Alright then," Will said but it came out more like a question than a statement.

"Here we are," Annabeth said, finding the things for  Will and Nico, "Here are your noise-cancelling headphones," Annabeth said handing both of the packages to Nico. "For you Will, here you are," Annabeth said giving will a Bisexual-flag inspired sleeping mask.

"Bisexual colours Annabeth?" Will asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Everyone knows you are obsessed with them Sunshine,"  Nico said rolling his eyes then added, " I'm going to go pay, so if you would please give me those," he snatched the mask out of WIll's hand and took the things to pay.

"You haven't forgotten about my back, have you Annabeth?" Percy asked, tapping Annabwth's shoulder.

"Of course not Seaweed Brain, I know the shop we need to go to, but it's a shop for little girls like Estelle. Are you sure you want to go?" Annabeth asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Yes Wise Girl, I left my hair chalk at home and I want my hair to be blue so yes. I'm going to go to the shop for little girls like my little star," Percy said defending himself, then looked over to see Nico coming to them with Will. "Hey! Will and Nico are coming, let's go tell them where we're going."

"Okay, so  I know ht replace to get the hair chalk for Percy, but I don't know if you two want to come," Annabeth told them.

"Why would we not want to go?" Will asked, stating the obvious.

"Probably because it's a shop for little girls around Percy's little sister's age," Annabeth replied.

"Eh, let's go, we'll be fine. We might even get something for ourselves," Nico said.

"Alright, we're going to the right, Annabeth said while walking right towards the store they needed to go to.


"Here we are, let's go to where the hair chalk is," Annabeth said, walking into the "girly" store.

"Oooooh, Annabeth! I found it!" Percy said, showing her a selection of blue hair chalk.

"Neeks and I want red orange yellow, green, blue, purple, and black hair chalk would ya please?" Will said grinning like a maniac. He had a wonderous idea that he wanted to execute.

"Okay..." Annabeth said sceptically rating an eyebrow, then gave a rainbow tin packet to Will. Said Will was already bouncing with excitement.

"I don't want o know what he's gonna make me do," Nico grumbled as he eyed Will's shining eyes that were directed right at him. If Nico didn't know any better, he would think Will was going to put some un-wanted hair chalk into his hair.

"They have silver hairspray too... oh, that brings back memories," Annabeth said quietly, looking at Percy.

"I know what you're talking about," Percy said, thinking back to when he and Annabeth had to hold up the sky. They had lost Zoe that day, and they each had a strip of grey hair for a while, it grew out later on though. "But we're supposed to be having fun, and silver isn't grey, Let's get the hair chalk and spray and go back to the others," Percy said, brightening up a bit after he had thought of a brilliant idea for Annabeth's har.

"Alright, I'm paying so let's go up to the counter. What's the total?" Annabeth asked looking at the other three, testing their math skills even though she knew the answer already.

"The total is 11 dollars without tax," Nico told Annabeth.

"Alright let's go," Annabeth said, with a 20 dollar bill in hand.

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