Chapter 15

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AN: This is pretty much a filler chapter that I wrote mostly just  because I felt like it, but I still almost cried writing it which probably says a lot about me

"I think Race should go."

The blonde boy in question's head shot up at this, and he gave an accusatory glance at Elmer, who had made the suggestion.

"What are you, crazy? I ain't talking to Pulitzer."

"Why not?"

"I'm not good at that kinda thing."

"I think you're great at it. You're always great at gambling, this is kind of like that." Jojo supplied, and Race hit him in the arm.

"It's not the same."

"Sounds like you's scared." Albert said with a grin.

Race shot to his feet. "I ain't scared! I just... don't think I'm the best choice for this, is all. You should go, if you're so confident, huh?

Katherine was sitting in the middle of the room full of newsboys, watching as they tried to decide which one of them should go talk to her father, but it seemed like what they were actually doing was trying to force the job upon one another. But now it felt like a good time to get involved herself.

"I think they're right, Race."

He stared at her. "What, about making Albert go."

She raised an eyebrow. "I think you should go."

"I already said, I wouldn't be good at it!"

She shook her head. "Jojo had a point. This is going to be a gamble, a negotiation that you're going to need good logic skills for if you're going to make a good deal."

"I ain't logical." Race muttered, as if it were a bad thing.

"No? So every time you play a game of poker and beat everyone else, or know exactly which horse to bet on at the races, it's just pure luck?"

He scoffed. "Luck has nothing to do with it, you've gotta be able to tell what everyone else is thinking all the time, so you can..." He trailed off as he realized that he was proving Katherine's point. "Fine. I'll go."

Katherine grinned. "Good. I'll come by tomorrow to take you to The World, and see if we can't win this strike."


It had been hours since Les or Crutchie had seen Jack and Davey, and it didn't take much to figure out that something different was happening than a normal beating. And in the Refuge, different was never good. In their absence, Les, not being able to stand being alone, climbed down to the bottom bunk next to Crutchie, but neither of them really knew what to say.

Eventually, the younger of the two asked a question that he now knew was pointless to ask, but he asked it anyway. "Are they gonna be okay, Crutchie?"

Then something peculiar happened. Crutchie sighed, and answered truthfully. "I dunno, Les."

Hearing those words out loud did something to Les's perspective on the whole situation. It added just a little bit of hopelessness that hadn't been there before, and he didn't know how to handle it. So he just started crying.

Crutchie silently pulled him into his lap, ignoring the pain it caused him to do so, and just held Les as he cried into his shirt. Crutchie was trying not to cry himself. He didn't know what was going to happen. He'd said it himself, but that didn't keep it from terrifying him.

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